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1、 安全工程毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献 译文:关于安全评价的几点论述 安全性评价是综合运用安全工效学、安全系统工程等方法对企事业单位员工的安全意识与排故能力、设备的完好性与事故隐患、环境因素的现状及其存在的不安全因素等进行检查、预测和安全性评估 ,以确定企业的危险程度。根据存在隐患的对象和部位 ,针对性地进行整改 ,将事故消灭于萌芽状态 ,防患于未然。这对安全管理具有重要作用。文章以机械加工企业为例来阐明安全性评价的原理和操作方法。其它企业也可按行业特点仿此原理和方法提出自己的评价方案 ,均可收到安全生产的预期效果。 安全评价是对系统的危险性进行定性或定量分析,评价系统发生事故的可能性及严重

2、度。安全评价是安全管理和决策科学化的基础。安全评价的内容包括:安全管理绩效评价,人的行为安全性评价,设备、设施的安全性评价,作业环境安全性评价,化学物品安全性评价等。 本文主要采用固有危险程度的定性定量分析和风险程度的定性定量分析方法。从而得出分析结果,并指出了生产过程中可能出现的危险有害因素,进而提出了相应对策措施,为企业消除事故及安全生产可以提供保障。通过一系列安全评价方法,得出相应的安全评价结果。如运用了美国道化学公司的火灾爆炸指数法对供氧装置和供煤装置进行火灾爆炸危险等级评价,并得出了相应的安全补偿系数,同时也运用预先危险性分析法对厂内常见的伤害事故进行分析,得出了事故潜在危险。一般企


4、诸方面均发挥了重要的作用,安全评价已越来越多地列入各国法规、标准以及国际化组织有关规范的条款中。 1安全评价的地位(1)安全评价已成为工程项目建设中必须进行的一项工作美国重要的工程项目都要进行安全评价。日本劳动省则要求新建、改建的化工厂执行化工装置六阶段安全评价。英国甚至规定新建企业没有安全评价就不得开工。我国将安全评价作为工程项目“三同时”的一项新内容,是使“三同时”工作进一步科学化和制度化的重要举措。1992年,国家技术监督局发布了光气及光气化产品生产装置安全评价通则GBl3548-92强制性国家标准,标准中规定了安全评价的原则和方法。1992年,劳动部发布了光气及光气化产品生产安全规程L

5、D 311-92部颁标准,标准中规定“报批初步设计时,必须附安全和工业卫生评价报告”。1996年10月,劳动部发布了建设项目(工程)劳动安全卫生监察规定,其中规定:“初步设计会审前,必须向劳动行政部门报送建设项目劳动安全卫生预评价报告和初步设计文件含劳动安全卫生专篇和有关的图纸资料。”1998年2月,劳动部发布了建设项目(工程)劳动安全卫生预评价管理办法,对安全评价的具体内容做了详细规定。(2)安全评价是安全管理标准体系中的基础性内容随着工业的发展,质量保证体系及环境保护体系得到人们的认同,ISO 9000系列标准和IS014000系列标准在全世界范围内广泛采用。职业安全卫生管理体系也越来越受

6、到社会的关注,就世界范围看,安全管理体系业已形成。危险辨识、安全评价是做好安全管理的前提,因此,国内外在有关安全管理的标准中几乎无一例外地将安全评价作为一个重要的组成部分:加拿大的责任与关怀将“安全评价”作为“支持实施规程应遵守的合作计划”9项工作内容之一,美国职业安全卫生管理体系、英国标准BS 8800、澳大利亚标准AS 1470也都包括了安全评价的内容;我国的职业安全管理体系试行标准主要由5个要素组成,在“计划”要素中将“危险辨识、安全评价和危险控制计划”作为一项重要内容。(3)安全评价成为控制重大工业事故的重要手段为避免重大工业事故,国际劳工组织于1993年通过了预防重大工业事故公约,其




10、选择出最佳方案,使各个子系统之间达到最佳配合,用最少投资得到最佳的安全效果,从而可以大幅度地减少人员伤亡和设备损坏事故。(4)可以促进各项安全标准制定和可靠性数据积累系统安全评价的核心是要对系统作出定性和定量评价,这就需要有各项安全标准和数据,如许可安全值、故障率、人机工程标准和安全设计标准等。因此,安全评价可以促进各项安全标准的制定和有关可靠性数据的收集、积累,为建立可靠性数据库打下基础。 (5)可以迅速提高安全技术人员的业务水平通过系统安全评价的开发和应用,使安全技术人员学会各种系统分析和评价方法,可以迅速提高安全技术人员、操作人员和管理人员的业务水平和系统分析能力,提高安全技术人员和安全


12、危险的建设项目; 大量生产或使用工级、级危害程度的职业性接触毒物的建设项目;大量生产或使用石棉粉料或含有10以上的游离二氧化硅粉料的建设项目;劳动行政部门确认的其他危险、危害因素大的建设项目。(2)安全验收评价安全验收评价是在建设项目竣工、试运行正常后,通过对建设项目的设施、设备、装置实际运行状况及管理状况的安全评价,查找该建设项目投产后存在的危险、有害因素,确定其程度并提出合理可行的安全对策措施及建议。(3)安全现状评价安全现状评价也称在役装置安全评价,是针对某一个生产经营单位(企业)总体或局部的生产经营活动的安全现状进行安全评价,查找其存在的危险、有害因素并确定其程度,提出:合理可行的安全

13、对策措施及建议。 (4)专项安全评价 专项安全评价是针对某一项活动或场所,以及一个特定的行业、产品、生产方式、生产工艺或生产装置等存在的危险、有害因素进行的安全评价,查找其存在的危险、有害因素,确定其程度并提出合理可行的安全对策措施及建议。如2002年国家安全生产监督管理局开展的危险化学品专项安全评价。 2根据评价量化程度分类 (1)定性评价 定性评价主要是根据经验对生产系统的工艺、设备、环境、人员、管理等方面的安全状况进行定性的判断。定性评价时不对危险性进行定量化处理,只作定性比较。定性评价使用系统工程方法将系统进行分解,依靠评价人员的观察分析能力,借助于有关法规、标准、规范、经验和判断能力

14、进行评价。属于这类评价方法的有安全检查表(Safety Check List,英文缩写SCL)、预先危险性分析(Preliminary Hazard Analysis,英文缩写PHA)、故障类型和影响分析(FailureMode Effects Analysis,英文缩写FMEA)、危险和可操作性研究(HazardandOperabilitySmdy英文缩写HAZOP)等方法。这类方法的特点是简单、容易掌握、便于操作、评价过程及结果直观,可以清楚地表达出设备、设施或系统的当前状况,目前在国内外企业安全管理工作中被广泛使用。其缺点是:评价结果不能量化;评价结果取决于评价人员的经验,含有相当高的经



17、难,因此至今未能取得很大进展。随着模糊概率理论的进一步发展,概率风险评价方法的缺陷将会得到一定程度的克服。由于使用概率风险评价方法需要取得组成系统各零部件和子系统发生故障的概率数据,目前在民用工业系统中,这类数据的积累还很不充分,是使用这一方法的根本性障碍。指数评价方法 指数评价方法有美国道(DOW)化学公司的火灾、爆炸危险指数(F&E1)评价法、英国帝国化学公司(ICI)蒙德(Mond)分部火灾、爆炸、毒性指标评价法、日本劳动省化工厂安全评价六阶段法、我国的化工厂危险程度分级方法等安全评价方法。指数法的采用使结构复杂的系统和用概率难以表述其危险性的单元进行评价时有了一个可行的方法,这类方法操




21、类危险源的分布情况和安全管理状态,以便重点加强控制。原文:Some Opinions about Safety Evaluation Evaluation of safety is one that by comprehensire safe ergonomics, systematic project of safety, we examine and forecast the safety awareness of the staff members and their ability to clear stoppage, the conditions of equipments and

22、the hidden peril,the present conditions of the enviroment,and the existing unsafe factors,so as to determine the degree of danger of an enterprise. According to the factors which way cause danger, we take necessary measures so as to prevent the accident before it takes place. Safety assessment is to

23、 risk of system with qualitative and quantitative analysis, and evaluation system of the accident possibility and severity. Safety assessment is safety management and decision-making scientific basis. Safety evaluation content includes: safety management performance evaluation, the persons behavior

24、safety evaluation, equipment, facilities, and the safety evaluation of operational environment safety evaluation, chemicals safety evaluation, etc. This paper mainly USES the inherent risk degree of qualitative and quantitative analysis and qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk degree method

25、.Through a series of safety evaluation methods and the corresponding safety evaluation results. If use the word of fire and explosion chemical companies to oxygen index method for coal and device of fire and explosion danger level evaluation, and the corresponding safety coefficient of compensation,

26、 also used in advance within the risk analyzedof common accident is analysised, and the accident potential danger.General business or other units in the set up, or running for safety evaluation is required. The main purpose is based on the production or the case of the proposed project, the safety e

27、valuation by the appropriate agency for evaluation of division-site inspections for safety deficiencies, and gives corrective measures required by the business for rectification, to achieve safe production purposes. Evaluate the situation according to business division safety evaluation report prepa

28、red by the Work Safety Supervision Bureau for approval after examination and approval procedures as a business for a variety of important information.Safety assessment into the safety pre-evaluation (before the establishment of the project), safety evaluation and safety inspection evaluation of the

29、status quo. Products or by-products in which dangerous chemicals have to pre-evaluation and acceptance evaluation.The main purpose of safety evaluation is to help companies identify security deficiencies, provide security services, and approval by the local safety supervision bureau to obtain legal

30、procedures.Safety evaluation in prevent, reduce accidents, reduce disaster losses and the cause of the accident analysis of various aspects play an important role in safety evaluation has been increasingly included in national legislation, standards, and relevant norms of international organizations

31、 terms. 1. The status of safety assessment (1) The safety assessment has become a construction project, a work must be carried out U.S. projects have important safety evaluation. Japans Labor requires new construction, renovation of the chemical implementation of six stages of chemical plant safety

32、assessment. Britain and even that new enterprises may not start on the safety assessment. China will secure the project evaluation as the three simultaneous A new element is to make the three simultaneous further scientific work and an important measure of institutionalization. In 1992, the Bureau o

33、f Technical Supervision issued a light gas and light gasification plant safety evaluation of products General GBl3548 - 92 mandatory national standard, the standard set forth in the safety assessment principles and methods. In 1992, the Ministry of Labor issued the light-gasification product gas and

34、 safety regulations LD 311 - 92 ministerial standard, the standard provides that the preliminary design approval must be accompanied by safety and industrial hygiene evaluation report . In October 1996, the Ministry of Labor issued a construction project (engineering) work safety and health supervis

35、ion requirement, which states: joint hearing before the preliminary design must be submitted to the administrative department of labor occupational safety and health pre-construction project evaluation report and preliminary design documents including the Labor Safety and Health of special articles,

36、 and the related drawings. In February 1998, the Ministry of Labor issued a construction project (engineering) work safety and health management practices pre-assessment of the safety assessment of the specific content of a detailed requirements. (2) Safety evaluation of safety management standards

37、in the basic content With industrial development, quality assurance system and environmental system to get peoples identity, ISO 9000 series of standards and IS014000 series of standards widely adopted worldwide. Occupational safety and health management system has also been increasing attention on

38、a world scale, and safety management system has taken shape. Hazard identification, safety assessment is the premise of good safety management, therefore, at international standards on safety management safety evaluation almost without exception, as an important part: Canadas Responsible Care will,

39、Safety Assessment as a support the implementation of procedures to be followed Partnership one of nine work, the U.S. Occupational Safety and health management system, British Standard BS 8800, Australian Standard AS 1470 also includes a safety evaluation of content; Chinas Occupational Safety Manag

40、ement system trial standard mainly consists of five elements, in the plan element will be hazard identification, safety assessment and hazard control plan as an important component. (3) Safety evaluation of becoming an important means of major industrial accidents To prevent major industrial acciden

41、ts, the ILO in 1993 adopted the Convention on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents, which requires employers to submit security report, security report the contents of the first one is the identification and analysis of risk and the accident risk assessment, including consideration of possib

42、le interactions between various substances. ILO published in 1988, Major Incident Control Practical Handbook will be security assessment as the business managers duties and provides a number of safety assessment method; 1991 afternoon publication of the prevention of major industrial accidents in th

43、e risk analysis is a separate chapter. In 1992 the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations issued by the federal highly hazardous chemical process safety management shall be completed within five years, risk assessment, and later on has been completed to the dangerous level as

44、sessment re-confirmation. EPA released the Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions also have to conduct risk analysis and evaluation provisions. European Community in 1996, the 1982 Seveso directive has been modified, the revised Directive (96/82/EC major accident hazards of hazardous substances con

45、trol) requires the Member States in the enterprise security management system should be involved identification, evaluation of major hazards - amendments to implement the normal operation or abnormal operation caused significant risk to the system identification methods to evaluate the possibility o

46、f significant risk and severity. 2. The role of safety assessment (1) can make the system effective in reducing accidents and occupational hazards Predict, prevent the occurrence of accidents and occupational hazards, is the central task of modern safety management. Safety evaluation system, the sys

47、tem can identify the weak links and can lead to accidents occurring conditions and occupational hazards, through systematic analysis of accidents and also to find the real cause of occupational hazards, in particular, can find out the unanticipated Easy neglected risk factors and occupational hazard

48、s, and through quantitative analysis, forecasting the occurrence of accidents and occupational hazards and the possibility of the seriousness of the consequences, which can take the appropriate countermeasures to prevent and control the occurrence of accidents and occupational hazards. (2) can carry out safety management system Modern industry is characterized by large, continuous and automated, the increasing complexity of the production process, all aspects and proce


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