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5、能力的卫生保健机构,所以耗费了很长一段时间。此外,同样的调查表明66的死者是在死前最近的24小时丧身的。减小这种事故的死亡率是完全可能的,可通过采用一些病人可更好地进行院前护理、监测的方法和策略。疗养监测也可解决病人突发情况,重点就在于医院对重点护理组的病人进行持续的监控,同时把监控信息随时随地传给能够胜任的医生。这样,负责的医生就的24小时掌握病人情况,即使不在场时也可通过先进的无线电通信手段提供重要的咨询,换句话说,视频监控是完全可行的。方法远程医疗系统的发展趋势由上所述,本论文的研究范围是设计并实现一个综合的医疗系统,该系统可以处理不同距离医疗系统的需要,尤其表现在以下几方面:l 给救护

6、车,乡村卫生所(或其他偏远的卫生机构)和航海的轮船提供紧急医疗措施l 实现对重点护理病人的监测提供家庭护理,尤其是那些遭受慢性或永久性疾病的人(像心脏病),换句话说,我们研究的多功能系统由两个主要部分组成:a. 远程医疗单元(它可以是手提式电脑或其它)基本单元或医生单元(它也可是手提式电脑或其它,一般都位于中心医院里面图一描述了系统的总体体系机构,系统的每个不同的应用即远程医疗单元位于病人所在处,而基本单元(或是叫医生单元)即接收和监测病人的生理信号及肖像处。远程医疗装置负责收集病人的资料(生理信号和肖像),然后自动把检测到的信号传送到基本单元。基本单元由一组用户指令软件组成,运用这套指令可以



9、生理信号和病人的肖像,而医生单元负责接收和显示输入数据。两个场所间的信息流(分层描述)如图二所示。a) 远程医疗单元远程医疗单元主要包括四个模块,生理信号获得模块,负责接收生理信号;数码相机模块负责捕获图像;处理部件大多是私人计算机;通讯模块(GSM、卫星或光学地面模拟器)。所收集的病人生理信号(然后传送到基本单元)主要有:l 心电图,由病人所用的监视器决定l 心跳率l 无入侵血压l 入侵血压l 体温l 肺活量所使用的计算机由远程应用的类型决定(远程医疗单元所发挥的作用),如表一所示,a)要求系统自动化,形状小的,一台像东芝,100ct的笔记本电脑即可,较轻便的机器装置如图3所示。b)要求半自

10、动,大小不限的,采用典型的奔腾处理机即可。c)而那些不要求自动化,轻便及大小的,一般的台式机即可选用。远程医疗单元的控制是完全自动化的。远程医疗单元用户要做的仅仅是把生理信号检测器连接到病人,然后打开计算机。计算机将自动连接到基本单元。尽管基本单元几乎控制了系统的所有操作,远程医疗单元用户仍需掌握一部分操作指令,这样当系统处于偏远卫生所或轮船上时,两个地方的人就可对话了。b) 基本单元(或医生单元)基本单元主要由一台接有调制解调器的精密计算机组成,它的作用主要是负责数据交换。另外,基本单元的计算机还负责显示远程医疗单元的输入信号。当一个专家使用医院以外的基本单元时,比如在重病特别护理病房,由图


12、够一直与病人进行交谈。该单元可完全控制远程医疗部分。医生可以发送所有可能的命令来获取图像和生理信号,图6显示了一个典型的生理信号接收窗口(持续操作)。当系统操作图像模块时,医生可以在图像上加些注解,然后把加注解后的图像发送到远程医疗端,远程医疗端的用户也可以把接收到的信息再加上注解,然后反馈回基本单元处。当系统操作生理信号模块时(如图6所示),对重要生理信号的传输方法有两种,连续传输、储存和转送传输的方法。采用什么方法取决于所传输的心电图的波形通道和无线通路的数据传输率。持续操作时,基本端用户可以向远程医疗监测端发送指令对波形进行测量,如血压;用户也可暂停输入心电图。c) 技术约束可行性生理信

13、号传输不仅是生理信号,监测的信息像警铃或监测到的状况也需从远程医疗端传输到基本端 ,ECG波形和SPO2或CO2波形(若可获得)是连续的传输信号。对所有的监测器,ECG数据以10bits/样品或12bits/样品进行采样,采样率是200样品/s,所以对一个ECG通道相当于是2000bits/s或2400bits/s.SPO2或CO2 波形是以10bits/样品取样,取样率是100样品/s,所以一个通道就是1000bits/s。最新监测数据是以1次/s进行刷新,所以传输少量数据大约可以达到200bits/s,系统使用的所有监测器可以提供收集到的信号的数字输出量。图像传输远程医疗端数码相机所能捕获


15、持连续而又快速的信息传输(如表二所示)。通过无线通讯传输实际所能达到的数据传输率从来不会超过理论值,而实际数据传输率取决于系统使用的地区和时间。传输生理信号有两种方法实时传输,连续地将信号从客户端传输到家服务器;储存和转发传输,信号提前获得并储存在客户端,然后作为文件传输给服务器。采取什么方法主要取决于所使用的无线电通讯的最大数据传输率和不同情况下生理信号监测器的数字输出量。最后的结果是 多功能 电子医疗系统,是一个能在不同的应用领域中被采用的灵活的体系结构,该系统已通过了很多医疗设备和无线通信设备的试验。本论文所针对的对象是乡村卫生所、救护车或航海的轮船。数据传输使用的是TCP/IP网络协议

16、,网络传输数据使用TCP/IP协议简单且容易,又具有高带宽、低误码率。要传输n字节的数据块,使用TCP/IP协议,需在报头另加55字节。在传输少量数据的情况下,这加额外增加大量数据(例如,当传输10 字节时,网络将自动增加至65字节)。当传输的数据流大小大于最大允许的传输单元时,这个数据流将分裂成几个较小的数据包,每个包都和允许的最大传输单元一样大,而达到目的地时,所有分裂的包将会重新连接;如果其中分裂的任何一个包丢失,将会引起严重错误。考虑到数据传输的上述两种情况,尤其是那种低带宽、高差错率的网络(像GSM移动网络和卫星连接)。采用一种充分利用带宽的方法,使传输的数据要么充分大,要么充分小。

17、为了测量使用GSM网络时TCP/IP的执行,对不同大小的数据块进行测试,该测试使用的是GSM调制解调器,NOKIA2.0电话卡。进行试验时,选择了从71到479字节的数据包,数据包的大小与发送的数据率成正比,发送时使用串口RS232 。数据包的大小依次有7.字节。由上所述,图8是对数据传输的测量。我们对要选择的数据块大小的要求是:不给传输数据加过长的报头,不会引起数据传输的分块,不会给信号的传输引起很大的时延。经多方面考虑,我们选择的数据块大小是431字节。结论我们已经开发了适于远程医疗应用的医疗产品,该装置使用GSM移动电话

18、连接,卫星连接或POTS连接,允许收集和传输生理信号、病人的肖像,具有双向视频功能。在接收数据和与专家交谈时,允许用户在可自由模式下操作,这种先进的人为控制界面提高了系统的功能性。为了在日常健康预防中介绍该系统,通过使用一个可控制的医疗协议系统已被临床试验。目前,该系统已经在两个不同国家,希腊和塞浦路斯安装且正在使用。据现在的发展情形可以看出系统很有前景,所以为满足未来需求,激励着我们不断发展和提高该系统。Multi-purpose HealthCare Telemedicine Systems with mobile communication link supportE Kyriacou*

19、1,2, S Pavlopoulos1, A Berler1, M Neophytou1, A Bourka1,A Georgoulas1, A Anagnostaki1, D Karayiannis3, C Schizas2, C Pattichis2,A Andreou2 and D Koutsouris1abstractThe provision of effective emergency telemedicine and home monitoring solutions are the major fields of interest discussed in this study

20、. Ambulances, Rural Health Centers (RHC) or other remote health location such as Ships navigating in wide seas are common examples of possible emergency sites, while critical care telemetry and telemedicine home follow-ups are important issues of telemonitoring. In order to support the above differe

21、nt growing application fields we created a combined real-time and store and forward facility that consists of a base unit and a telemedicine (mobile) unit. This integrated system: can be used when handling emergency cases in ambulances, RHC or ships by using a mobile telemedicine unit at the emergen

22、cy site and a base unit at the hospital-experts site, enhances intensive health care provision by giving a mobile base unit to the ICU doctor while the telemedicine unit remains at the ICU patient site and enables home telemonitoring, by installing the telemedicine unit at the patients home while th

23、e base unit remains at the physicians office or hospital. The system allows the transmission of vital biosignals (312 lead ECG, SPO2, NIBP, IBP, Temp) and still images of the patient. The transmission is performed through GSM mobile telecommunication network, through satellite links (where GSM is no

24、t available) or through Plain Old Telephony Systems (POTS) where available. Using this device a specialist doctor can telematically move to the patients site and instruct unspecialized personnel when handling an emergency or telemonitoring case. Due to the need of storing and archiving of all data i

25、nterchanged during the telemedicine sessions, we have equipped the consultation site with a multimedia database able to store and manage the data collected by the system. The performance of the system has been technically tested over several telecommunication means; in addition the system has been c

26、linically validated in three different countries using a standardized medical protocol.BackgroundTelemedicine is defined as the delivery of health care and sharing of medical knowledge over a distance using telecommunication means. Thus, the aim of Telemedicine is to provide expert-based health care

27、 to understaffed remote sites and to provide advanced emergency care through modern telecommunication and information technologies. The concept of Telemedicine was introduced about 30 years ago through the use of nowadays-common technologies like telephone and facsimile machines. Today, Telemedicine

28、 systems are supported by State of the Art Technologies like Interactive video, high resolution monitors, high speed computer networks and switching systems, and telecommunications superhighways including fiber optics, satellites and cellular telephony 1.The availability of prompt and expert medical

29、 care can meaningfully improve health care services at understaffed rural or remote areas. The provision of effective emergency Telemedicine and home monitoring solutions are the major fields of interest discussed in this study. There are a wide variety of examples where those fields are crucial. Ne

30、vertheless, Ambulances, Rural Health Centers (RHC) and Ships navigating in wide seas are common examples of possible emergency sites, while critical care telemetry and Telemedicine home follow-ups are important issues of telemonitoring. In emergency cases where immediate medical treatment is the iss

31、ue, recent studies conclude that early and specialized pre-hospital patient management contributes to the patients survival 2. Especially in cases of serious head injuries, spinal cord or internal organs trauma, the way the incidents are treated and transported is crucial for the future well being o

32、f the patients.A quick look to past car accident statistics points out clearly the issue: During 1997, 6753500 incidents were reported in the United States 3 from which about 42000 people lost their lives, 2182660 drivers and 1125890 passengers were injured. In Europe during the same period 50000 pe

33、ople died resulting of car crash injuries and about half a million were severely injured. Furthermore, studies completed in 1997 in Greece 4, a country with the worlds third highest death rate due to car crashes, show that 77,4 % of the 2500 fatal injuries in accidents were injured far away from any

34、 competent healthcare institution, thus resulting in long response times. In addition, the same studies reported that 66% of deceased people passed away during the first 24 hours.The reduction of all those high death rates is definitely achievable through strategies and measures, which improve acces

35、s to care, administration of pre-hospital care and patient monitoring techniques.Critical care telemetry is another case of handling emergency situations. The main point is to monitor continuously intensive care units (ICU) patients at a hospital and at the same time to display all telemetry informa

36、tion to the competent doctors anywhere, anytime 14. In this pattern, the responsible doctor can be informed about the patients condition at a 24-hour basis and provide vital consulting even if hes not physically present. This is feasible through advanced telecommunications means or in other words vi

37、a Telemedicine.MethodsTrends and needs of Telemedicine systemsAs mentioned above, scope of this study was to design and implement an integrated Telemedicine system, able to handle different Telemedicine needs especially in the fields of: Emergency health care provision in ambulances, Rural Hospital

38、Centers (or any other remote located health center) and navigating Ships Intensive care patients monitoring Home telecare, especially for patients suffering from chronic and /or permanent diseases (like heart disease).In other words we determined a Multi-purpose system consisting of two major parts:

39、 a) Telemedicine unit (which can be portable or not portable depending on the case) and b) Base unit or doctors unit (which can be portable or not portable depending on the case and usually located at a Central Hospital).Figure 1 describes the overall system architecture. In each different applicati

40、on the Telemedicine unit is located at the patients site, whereas the base unit (or doctors unit) is located at the place where the signals and images of the patient are sent and monitored. The Telemedicine device is responsible to collect data (biosignals and images) from the patient and automatica

41、lly transmit them to the base unit. The base unit is comprised of a set of user-friendly software modules, which can receive data from the Telemedicine device, transmit information back to it and store important data in a local database. The system has several different applications (with small chan

42、ges each time), according to the current healthcare provision nature and needs.Before the systems technical implementation, an overview of the current trends and needs in the aforementioned Telemedicine applications was made, so that the different requirements are taken into account during design an

43、d development, thus ensuring maximum applicability and usability of the final system in distinct environments and situations. Table 1 provides the results of this overview, which was done towards a predefined list of criteria that usually influence a Telemedicine application implementation (cost, po

44、rtability, autonomy, weight and size of Telemedicine device, type and quality of PC and camera, communication means used). Besides the above, the Telemedicine applications can be examined towards other criteria, like for example security needs, transmission type (continuos, store & forward) needs, E

45、CG leads required (3 or 12 leads), etc. These last are examined in more detail in the next paragraph, where the overall technical description of the system is provided.System design and technical implementationAs mentioned above, the system consists of two separate modules (Figure 1): a) the unit lo

46、cated at the patients site called Telemedicine unit and b) the unit located at doctors site called Base Unit. The Doctor might be using the system either in an Emergency case or when monitoring a patient from a remote place.The design and implementation of the system was based on a detailed user req

47、uirements analysis, as well as the corresponding system functional specifications. The study was mainly based on the experience of Telemedicine projects named AMBULANCE 22 and Emergency 112 33 where functional prototypes of a device with emergency Telemedicine functionalities was built and extensive

48、ly evaluated. Through these project we had phased the need to implement a telemedicine device, which would facilitate a flexible architecture and could be used in several emergency or monitoring cases that have simiral needs of information transmition.The Telemedicine unit is responsible for collect

49、ing and transmitting biosignals and still images of the patients from the incident place to the Doctors location while the Doctors unit is responsible for receiving and displaying incoming data. The information flow (using a layered description) between the two sites can be seen in Figure 2.a) Telemedicine UnitThe Telemedicine unit mainly consists of four modules, the biosignal


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