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1、THE INNOVATION STRATEGY OF ENTERPRISE MARKETING IN OUR COUNTRY(From: Jianchun Ke, THE INNOVATION STRATEGY OF ENTERPRISE MARKETING IN OUR COUNTRY. Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Jiangxi, Nanchang, 3300137)The enterprise marketing channel innovation is not only the basis of effectively i

2、ncreased market share and sales,but also the important condition of the success of one enterprise. This paper analyzes some of the traditional marketing channel exist in our country and points out its detects,and pertinently put forward the enterprise marketing channels for domestic enterprise innov

3、ation strategy to provide some reference on the development of nowdays enterprise marketing channel.(Marketing management channel; Innovation strategy)1.IntroductionMarketing channel is one of the most valuable asset of the enterprise, and also be the most variableand greatest asset. It is the path

4、of enterprise products to consumers through transfer . This pathway includes the sales agency set up by the enterprises themselves, agents, distributors, retail, etc. For the product is concerned, it defenitely not increase by themselves,but through the proliferation service,and the way of increasin

5、g the added value of the products;With regards to the enterprise, sales channels have the functions of logistics, cash flow, information flow, the role of business flow, and to complete manufacturer difficulties to achieve tasks.2.The drawbacks of the traditional marketing channelsTraditional sales

6、channels shows the shape of a pyramid, because of its vast system of radiation ability, it played a tremendous role in occupying the market managing. Manufacturers - total dealer -, level 2 wholesalers - level 3 wholesalesr - retailers - consumers, such channel is the traditional and classical chann

7、el rank mode. But, in the environment of oversupplying, and strong competitive market marketing , the traditional channels contains many insurmountable weakness: firstly, the control of the enterprises to the final consumers is limited, the enterprise cannot directly contact with most of the final u

8、sers. Secondly, the enterprise must pay large amount of investment to the control of the distribution system . Distribution system internal channels may caused a distribution system and results in looseness, the enterprise may put in a lot of man power and to engage with the unified management of th

9、e dealers. Thirdly, final users could not get more sale channels. General customers can only buy someting in spectial stores or special outlets. To the customers, they have no chance to connect the enterprise directly,and the confidence of buying and the possibility of knockdown will be certainly af

10、fected.Traditional sales channel has inhibited some enterprises further development, and have to face the problems of high cost . Many enterprises in the shift in changing traditional sales channel have been benefit from the change. As for the center by total dealers,changing into the terminal marke

11、t set to center. And the change of the relationship from dealing with charge to partners The traditional channel relationship is I and you relations, namely each channel members are an independent business entities, pursuing the aim of the maximization of individual interests, even at the expense of

12、 the channel and manufacturers, but now the overall interests of the channel member is to realize his or everyones target joint efforts, the pursuit of double-win (or multi-win). Anyhow, the change of marketing environment requests the correspand enterprise management 3. Marketing channel innovation

13、 strategyPowerful channel needs the enterprise planners to formulate the rational marketing channels in a creative way of thinking, to a long-term development enterprise, it requests more accurately reflecting the objective need of enterprise as well as the market, and let the enterprise to avoid sh

14、ort-sighted of strategic error. No matter how great the past is, how silent the past is, every businessman must be innovative and reform in correspongding with marketing concept, marketing methods, marketing strategy, marketing tool to adapt to the demand of the age of information,thus to obtain the

15、 continued survival and development in the long run.(1) Broaden the pathways on the basis of the original channels.The development of information technology intensifies the environmental uncertainty, with the Internet and the information technology being widely used, the market in space boundary is

16、broken. Meanwhile, with the emerge in endlessly technical transformation speeding up, and the information have prompted the explosive growth of the connection between the various environmental factors,we need to expand more and more than before. Increasing marketing channel is the good method of ref

17、ining the original marketing system to work more effectively. Increaseing marketing channel, is the basis of the original channels, and major in the channel width of actual market situation to seek and develop new channels. The widening access is an unlimited innovation value, and it will be one of

18、the main ways to access innovation in the future. Tje super terminal of new retail called by the media is relying on such such powerful increase whole scale advantages and innovation access control of channel to catch and rob channels. (2) The enterprises which are limited in strengh should improve

19、efficiency and shorten pathways. For the vast majority of companies having limited strength, it is a good choice to shorten the pathways, reduce the channel link, having innovation, reduce cost channel institutions, strengthen the market access to strengthen the development of the communication and

20、improve efficiency, increase consumer to terminal control, thus to achieve enlarge market share. In the method of shortening pathways,the enterprises can not only keep the good adaptability to market changes, but be able to react to the market changes, and gain a competitive advantages. HP is one of

21、 the earliest multinational companies in China, in order to promote its dealers business, management ability, HP company created dealers university. The agencys establishment shows that HP has long been paying attention to shorten the growth of construction and access to shorten the pathways, innova

22、te all the management ideas for the center channel, comprehensively promotes its dealers business management ability, thus to make dealers and HP company grow and make progress all together.(3) Establish the reverse channels between enterprise and distributors. In order to guarantee the rapid and ef

23、fective information communication, we need to grasp the dynamic marketing on time, not only pay attention to the information being one-way transmission, but also to reverse transfer.The innovative way of establishing good relation of the enterprises and distributors in such reverse channel innovativ

24、e methods, maintain the flexibility of the system, and the accessibility of information transfer also avoids the enterprise organization being rigid, keeping a sensitive response to the market changes using such important means. One area company of Gree electric appliances sales company emerged from

25、 the original model, in order to realize the market channel in long-term stability of equilibrium and good controlling, gree electric appliances adopted a kind of method that seemingly middled: gree reverse channel creation, grees such kind of practice, making channel power more stable in the channe

26、l system, and achieve long-term stability of good controling.(4) Discomposite the channel function to recombine . Channel function decomposition and newly combination ways is of channel members in the channel structure improvement and innovative basic method. Turn the batch of transformed into the d

27、istribution business, transforming into elevator operators, and limit functions by using dealers, new concept for business channel function decomposition, combination channel creation, thereby enhancing the enterprise marketing function. Nanjing suning appliance group created this businessman suppor

28、t the manufacturers during off-season and the manufacturers pay back to the businessman in good season is a typical case committed to build good relationship between manufacturers and businessman in channel function decomposition. This successful mode enlightened us, the construction of marketing ch

29、annels should be start from the function of the enterprises and innovative dealing methods. Manufacturer relations was originally a intricate and whole one , rather than two separate interest subjects. For enterprise, it is not only enterprise trading distributor objects, enterprise goods, but also

30、being the developmental strategic partner, helping enterprises distributors and make the enterprise gain greater market marketing advantages.(5) Product decomposition and combination channels. Product decomposition in the combination of channel is in the channel system refering the channel of produc

31、t to have the internalization of system of good decomposition and combination of measures. This system is actually a real unity, unity the interests of the members to agree with long-term trend, being stable and balanced to channel members in product innovation and decompose combination to maintain

32、a high level of consensus and seeking common development and long-term benefit maximization, the optimal choice goes and becomes principles. Product decomposition of channel system combined innovation establishment and maintain huge investment, and general enterprise can burden such situations, the

33、enterprise can avoid facing interdisciplinary management limited rationality problem. For lower inputs are concerned, this is an excellent choice. In this system, the enterprise product decomposition and combination of interest is consistent and almost the same, the goal is the same, all enterprises

34、 are in pursuit of the whole system of profit maximization in the premise of self-interest maximization. So everyone likes to maintain product channel of decomposition and product channel combination, make it in the channel, the distribution in equilibrium, to reach the relative stability and long-t

35、erm.(6)The manufacturers use the dealer channel. Manufacturer dealers using the shell of the agencys ,taking the custody channels of management method, refers to point out that manufacturers of the channel setting up by dealers path from the outside in a loose to close way , to establishe trade rela

36、tions in the distributors chooseing the appropriate partnership, constructing the relatively shallow layers of partnership, and then gradually deep into the development partnership of a natural selection and development of the basic process. Costody management begs the the disadvantages of marketing

37、 channel aroused by the agencies, absorbs the operating advantages , as it once pushed it produced a good practical effects, and becomes a magic key of the business enterprise with no doubt.论我国企业市场营销渠道创新策略企业市场营销渠道创新是有效地提高市场占有率和销售业绩的基础,也是企业成功的重要条件。对我国企业传统的市场营销渠道进行了分析 ,指出其弊端 ,并有针对性地提出了企业市场营销渠道的创新策略 ,为

38、国内企业市场营的发展提供一些参考。(市场营销渠道;创新策略)1 引言营销渠道是企业最重要的资产之一 ,同时也是变数最大的资产。它是企业把产品向消费者转移的过程中所经过的路径。这个路径包括企业自己设立的销售机构、代理商、经销商、零售店等。对产品来说,它不对产品本身进行增殖,而是通过服务,增加产品的附加价值;对企业来说,销售渠道起到物流、资金流、信息流、 商流的作用,完成厂家很难完成的任务。2 传统营销渠道的弊端传统的销售渠道呈金字塔式的体制,因其广大的辐射能力,为厂家产品占领市场发挥出了巨大的作用。厂家总经销商二级批发商三级批发商 零售店消费者,此种渠道层级可谓传统销售渠道中的经典模式。但是,在


40、商为中心,变为终端市场建设为中心。由于渠道的缩短,厂商和经销商都把终端客户的决胜把握在手里为渠道发展的重点。再如由交易型关系向伙伴型关系转变。传统的渠道关系是“我”和“你”的关系,即每一个渠道成员都是一个独立的经营实体,以追求个体利益最大化为目标,甚至不惜牺牲渠道和厂商的整体利益,现在渠道成员为实现自己或大家的目标共同努力,追求双赢(或多赢)。总之,营销环境的变化要求企业的经营必须做出相应调整。3 营销渠道创新策略强大的渠道需要企业策划者制定出合理的营销渠道创新思路,它对一个寻求长远发展的企业来说,能更准确地反映企业长远发展的客观需要,使企业避免目光短浅所导致的战略性误区。无论过去多么辉煌,无


42、要方法之一。被媒体称为超级终端的新型零售就是凭借强大的增加通路整体规模优势和创新渠道开始抢夺渠道的控权。(2)实力有限的企业应提高效率,缩短通路。对于绝大多数实力有限的企业而言,缩短通路,减少渠道环 ,创新渠道机构,减少通路费用,加强市场的开发力度,提高对消费者的沟通效率,增强对终端控制力,从而达到扩大市场份额,这是一个不错的选择。在缩短通路的方法下,企业不仅可以保持对市场变化的良好适应性,而且能够比竞争对手更快的对市场变化做出反应,获得竞争优势。惠普公司是最早进入中国的跨国企业之一,为了提升其经销商的业务、管理能力,HP公司创建了“经销商大学” 。该机构的设立是HP一直关注缩短通路的成长与建

43、设、 一切以缩短通路,创新渠道为中心的管理理念,全面提升其经销商的业务管理能力,使经销商和 HP共同成长、 进步。(3)在企业与分销商之间建立逆向渠道。为了保证快速有效的信息沟通 ,及时把握市场动态 ,注重的不仅是信息可以单向传递 , 而且也能逆向传递。 在企业与分销商之间建立这种逆向渠道创新方法 ,保持了渠道系统的灵活性 ,而且通畅的信息传递也避免了企业组织的僵化 ,保持了对市场变化有灵敏反应能力的重要手段。格力电器的某区域销售公司脱胎于原来的大户制市场模式 ,为了实现渠道的长期稳定均衡和良好的控制性 ,格力电器采取了一种看起来似乎是折衷的变革办法:格力逆向渠道创新 ,格力的这种做法 ,使渠

44、道权力在渠道系统中实现长期的稳定 ,从而实现了对渠道的良好控制。(4)渠道职能分解,重新组合。渠道职能分解,组合创新的方法是渠道成员进行渠道结构改进与创新的基本方法。既把一批改造成配送商、把一批改造成仓储商、有限职能经销商,运用“经代商”新概念进行渠道职能分解,组合渠道创新,从而增强了企业市场营销的功能。南京苏宁电器集团创建的这种“商家淡季支持厂家,厂家旺季回报商家”的新模式便是致力于建立厂商双方渠道职能分解,组合创新典型案例。这个模式给我们的启示是,营销渠道的构建应该从企业的职能分解,组合创新思想开始。厂商关系本来就是一个唇齿相依的整体,而不是被割裂的两个利益主体。对企业来说,分销商不仅仅是


46、,这是绝佳的选择。在这个系统中,企业产品分解与组合的利益是一致的,目标是同一的,所有企业追求的是整个系统利益最大化前提下的各自利益最大化。因而大家共同维护产品渠道的分解和产品渠道的组合,使得它在渠道中的分布处于均衡状态,而且这种均衡有相对的稳定性和长期性。(6)厂家借用经销商渠道。厂家借经销商“壳”,实行“托管”经营渠道方法,是指厂家借经销商渠道建立的路径由外而内、从松散到紧密,对于已经建立了交易关系的分销商中选择合适的伙伴,构建较浅层次的伙伴关系,再逐步深入发展合作关系的一个自然的选择和发展的基本过程。“托管经营” 回避了市场营销渠道中经销商的素质缺陷,吸收托管经营的优点,一经推出就产生了良好的实践效果,并成为很多企业秘而不宣的经营法宝。指导教师意见指导教师签字:年 月 日


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