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1、物流成本控制研究外文翻译 外文翻译原文Logistics Cost Control Research Material Source:/0. Author: Alan C. McKinnon Abstract: based on the status of Chinas logistics cost is exorbitant, the author expounds the logistics cost control type, currently lack of logistics cost control, this paper discusses a comprehensive lo

2、gistics cost control, supply chain logistics cost of integrated control, based on the information technology logistics cost control strategy, puts forward the main ways of logistics cost control. Keywords: logistics cost; Control strategies; way Along with the development of economic globalization a

3、nd market competition intensifies, logistics management is committed to as low as possible logistics cost, to provide users with a high level of logistics services. Our logistics cost significantly higher than the European and American countries, thus continuously reduce logistics cost, strengthen t

4、he logistics cost control is our objective in the face of a very serious problem, but also urgent need to address the problem. Logistics cost control type enterprise logistics cost control have four types: the whole management process of the logistics cost control - beforehand, course and afterwards

5、 the logistics cost control, the forming process of logistics cost control - supply, production, sales and reverse logistics cost control, logistics service functions cost control, packing, loading/unloading, transportation, warehousing, distribution processing, distribution and believe Coupon proce

6、ssing logistics cost control, logistics cost constitutes the logistics cost control project - cost of raw materials, labor, fuel, poor travelling expenses, office, depreciation, interest charges, entrust logistics fee and other logistics cost control. The logistics cost control shortage At present,

7、the logistics cost control key excessively focused on logistics activity or fastening on logistics functions itself, from logistics operation process compressed cost; Meanwhile, the consignor shall not reduce logistics companies require the logistic service level practitioners healing, which makes t

8、he logistics operation. Analysis of the composition of the logistics cost, it is not hard to find, the logistics cost is not only the logistics operation process itself what happened, but also related to the cost of other factors have close relations, such as social macroscopical logistics system of

9、 perfect degree, public information platform horizontal, the enterprise strategic options, the enterprise marketing strategy, the management level of the enterprise, the enterprise informationization, enterprise standardization construction etc, therefore only from the management process or logistic

10、s activity itself control the logistics cost, it is difficult to radically reduce logistics costs, or cannot improve the efficiency of the whole logistics system, to logistics system optimization, reduce logistics cost purposes. So, in the research the logistics cost control from the macroscopical l

11、ogistics system, and micro logistics system, logistics information technology application comprehensive logistics aspects of cost control analysis. Logistics cost control strategy analysis of Chinas GDP logistics cost about the 16.5 percent, far higher than the European and American countries. Analy

12、ses the main reason for the logistics cost is high, one is our country hasnt a comparatively perfect advanced social logistics system, 2 it is industry logistics system service level is low, third party logistics service level three is low, and the fourth is enterprises informatization level is low.

13、 To radically reduce logistics costs, the need for a comprehensive logistics cost control, supply chain logistics cost control and the integration of information technology based on logistics cost control. 1A comprehensive logistics cost control A comprehensive logistics cost control includes three

14、levels: social logistics cost control, trade logistics cost control, the enterprise logistics system cost control. Social logistics system circulation network is the lifeblood of national economy, the logistics system planning, distribution channels of the rationality of the influence of the logisti

15、cs cost clear is very important. Must be on social logistics system are scientific planning and effective management, the use of advanced logistics technology means to ensure the entire logistics system with high efficiency and low cost of logistics operation and achieve the economic benefit and soc

16、ial benefit. Industry logistics system cost control involving industry logistics cost of systematic control, main content includes: construction common parts warehouse, implement joint distribution; Effective use of various transportation means; Old and new equipment and parts established the common

17、 circulation center; Establish the logistics technology training center, unified training operator and maintenance personnel; The unified industry equipment laws Case, the unified subpoena, unified commodity specification, unified regulations policy, unified tray specifications, showcases and packin

18、g modular, etc. Continue to promote industry logistics systems rationalization, standardization, realize industry logistics system optimization, to logistics cost effective control. Enterprise logistics cost control is the integration of enterprise logistics cost control, such as manufacturing enter

19、prise supply logistics, production, logistics and distribution logistics, reverse logistics comprehensive control of cost. Calling for a consistent with corporate strategy, the logistics strategy of enterprise logistics system design, different functional departments close cooperation, achieve enter

20、prise between the whole logistics system, high efficiency and low costs. 2 Supply chain logistics cost integrated control Supply chain logistics cost is fully integrated control, using the theory and method of supply chain management, supply chain link together every nodal enterprise from the supply

21、 source, final consumption began to source of logistics network planning and logistics activity throughout the supply chain, from channel design activities grasp logistics system, realize the minimum inventory throughout the supply chain, to supply chain logistics optimization. Supply chain logistic

22、s cost control is the integration of enterprise logistics cost control more advanced stage, the effect also will become more prominent 3 Based on the information technology logistics cost control Information technology promoted the development of modern logistics industry and improve the efficiency

23、of the logistics operation, realized the logistics cost effective control. The advantage of using network, informationization, through the entire logistics system, optimize resource integration for social logistics system provides for the carrier, Shared interaction enterprise to provide high qualit

24、y, high level of value-added service, improve the utilization rate of logistics resources, to realize the optimization of logistics system to the whole logistics process works, the low costs Modern communications technology and network technology development and application, make cross-regional time

25、ly information exchange and transmission become possible; Online payment is to become a reality, constructing cross-regional logistics information system, make logistics operation in wide range, and gradually reduce logistics cost. The information technology to the logistics cost control flow of hav

26、e the decisive effect: replaced the parts logistics, shorten the distance of the carriage of goods, reducing the average of the logistics capability of marginal demand and resource demand elasticity, accelerate the mail non-food tendency. With the information technology of wide application in logist

27、ics industry, the logistics information technology economy will be more apparent. The logistics cost systematic control the main way On the regional logistics planning and joint distribution across regions. Logistics infrastructure resources is a national, regional extremely scarce resources, build

28、a national, regional logistics system, need the investment. Even trillions billions At present, various provinces, cities, and local logistics planning the majority in various provinces, cities, and local primarily, lack of regional cooperation. Must break is bounded by administrative regions of the

29、 logistics planning, change the fragmented situation, avoid logistics infrastructure structure and functions, redundant construction coordination agency established logistics planning, related area development and reform commission, transportation department, the railway departments, economic and tr

30、ade commission departments joint participation, actively carry out regional logistics planning or cross regional logistics planning and construction, realizes the area and across the region, forming radiation joint distribution of the whole society and distribution networks. Accelerate industry logi

31、stics standardization construction and logistics integration. Currently existing industry logistics the fundamental problem is the low degree of the industry logistics standardization and diversified management, small, lead to the logistics cost is too high. Logistics standardization including Java

32、commodity packaging, logistics information, seriation, loading and unloading of the barcode operation, transportation, storage ChanYuanHua containers. Should be in accordance with international practice and the national popular standard, regulating the logistics facilities standards formulated relev

33、ant technical logistics facilities and equipment, to industry logistics into standard terms, unified technical standard and technical management standards. To industry logistics system integration, through transforming, optimizing industry logistics system, establish trade logistics center or compre

34、hensive logistics center, make industry logistics to scale the direction of development, thus obtains logistics scale, reduce logistics cost Speed up enterprise informatization construction and social public information system construction. For many enterprise speaking, at present the enterprise sup

35、ply logistics, production, logistics and distribution logistics etc in a relatively independent operation state, the integrated operation level is low, and the main reason is that our country enterprises informatization level is low. Perfect and effective information system is enterprise logistics c

36、ost supply chain logistics cost integration based and key control. The enterprise information process is enterprise management mode innovation process, is a resource driven by demand drive management mode to the process of the management mode changes is fore-and-aft function management, to horizonta

37、l business process management transformation process. No perfect information system, enterprise departments, and each link information became island, there is no enterprise management, the efficiency of the logistics cost of the integration of more no control. Informatization construction is a syste

38、ms engineering, cannot overnight, need enterprise information strategy, informatization execution, information technology, a set of effective implementation plan, and constantly improve information system. Meanwhile, gradually establish social public information system, including road traffic intell

39、igent information system, customs clearance information management system, port maritime information management system, such as industrial information system of public information system. With the improvement of social informatization level, depending on perfect and efficient information system cont

40、inuously improve operation efficiency, reduce logistics in China logistics costs, significantly, the logistics cost will share information brings us the huge economic benefits. Speed up enterprise logistics outsourcing and development of the third party logistics. Enterprise take various forms of lo

41、gistics outsourcing is effective to reduce logistics cost, improve enterprise core competitive power in an effective way. Many European countries that logistics outsourcing of enterprise success, logistics outsourcing for enterprises to focus on the limited resources, accelerating the development of

42、 core business enterprise restructuring, realizing the scale benefits. To speed up the development of the third party logistics enterprise logistics socialization and specialization, is the request, is the basic way to reduce logistics costs. Most American enterprise using third-party logistics serv

43、ice, some segments of the logistics cost can reduce 62%, service level 62 percent, core business could concentrate 56%, funds can reduce 48%. At present our country foreign capital enterprise, joint venture enterprises using the first. Tripartite logistics higher proportion of general enterprise coa

44、stal areas, higher proportion of inland, it also from one aspect shows that Chinas logistics cost high reason. Therefore, accelerating enterprise logistics enterprises is, externalizing especially small and medium enterprises to reduce logistics cost inevitably choice, and develop the third party lo

45、gistics will play a crucial role.译文物流成本控制研究 资料来源:中国期刊网作者:艾伦C?麦金农摘要:针对我国物流成本过高的状况,作者阐述了物流成本控制的类型、目前物流成本控制的不足,论述了全面的物流成本控制、供应链物流成本的一体化控制、基于信息技术的物流成本控制策略,提出了物流成本控制的主要途径。关键词:物流成本;控制策略;途径 随着经济全球化的发展和市场竞争的加剧,物流管理致力于尽可能低的物流成本、为用户提供高水平的物流服务。我国物流成本明显高于欧美国家,因此不断降低物流成本、加强物流成本控制是我们客观面对的一个十分严峻的问题,也是迫切需要解决的问题。物流成

46、本控制的类型企业物流成本控制有四种类型:整个经营过程的物流成本控制?事前、事中和事后的物流成本控制,形成过程的物流成本控制?供应、生产、销售和逆向物流的物流成本控制,物流服务的功能成本控制?包装、装卸搬运、运输、仓储、流通加工、配送、信息处理等物流成本控制,物流成本构成项目的物流成本控制?材料费、人工费、燃油费、差旅费、办公费、折旧费、利息费、委托物流费及其他物流成本的控制。 1.物流成本控制的不足 目前,物流成本控制的重点过分集中于物流活动或物流功能本身,一味强调从物流运作过程压缩成本;同时,货主企业要求物流从业者不得降低物流服务水平,这使得物流经营勉为其难。分析物流成本的构成,不难发现,物


48、社会物流系统,二是行业物流系统的服务水平低,三是第三方物流服务水平低,四是企业的信息化水平低。要从根本上降低物流成本,必须进行全面的物流成本控制、供应链物流成本一体化控制和基于信息技术的物流成本控制。 1全面的物流成本控制 全面的物流成本控制包括三个层面:社会物流成本控制、行业物流成本控制、企业物流系统成本控制。社会物流系统(流通网络)是国民经济的命脉,物流系统规划、分布的合理性,流通渠道的畅通对物流成本的影响至关重要。必须对社会物流系统进行科学规划和有效管理,采用先进的物流技术手段,保证整个物流系统高效率、低成本运行,实现物流的经济效益和社会效益。行业物流系统成本控制涉及行业物流成本的系统化

49、控制,主要内容包括:建设共同的零部件仓库、实施共同配送;有效利用各种运输手段;建立新旧设备及零部件的共同流通中心;建立物流技术培训中心,统一培训操作人员和维修人员;统一行业设备的规格,采用统一传票、统一商品规格、统一法规政策、统一托盘规格、陈列柜和包装模数化等。不断推进行业物流系统的合理化、标准化,实现行业物流系统优化,达到物流成本的有效控制。企业物流成本控制是对企业物流成本的一体化控制,例如对制造企业的供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、逆向物流的成本进行综合控制。要求制定与企业战略相一致的物流战略,进行企业物流系统设计,不同职能部门之间密切合作,达到企业整个物流系统的高效率和低成本运作。 2供应链物流成本一体化控制 供应链物流成本一体化控制,在于充分运用供应链管理的理论与方法,将供应链各节点企业联结起来,把从供应源开始到最终消费源的物流活动物流网络规划和渠道设计,从整个供应链系统把握物流的各项活动,实现整个供应链的最低库存,达到供应链整体物流最优化。供应链物流成本一体化控制是企业物流成


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