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1、History of Water SupplyMans search for pure water began in prehistoric times. Much of his earliest activity is subject to speculation. Some individuals might have led water where they wanted it through trenches dug in the earth, a hollow log was perhaps used as the first water pipe. Thousands of yea

2、rs must have passed before our more recent ancestors learned to build cities and enjoy the convenience of water pipes to the home and drains for water-carried wastes. Our earliest archeological records of central water supply and wastewater disposal date back about 5000 years, to Nippur of Sumeria.

3、In the ruins of Nippur there is an arched drain with the stones set in full voussoir position, each stone being a wedge tapering downward into place. Water was drawn from wells and cisterns.An extensive system of drainage conveyed the wastes from the palaces and residential districts of the city. Th

4、e earliest recorded knowledge of water treatment is in the Sanskrit medical lore and Egyptian Wall inscri ptions. Sanskrit writings dating about 2000 B.C. tell how to purify foul water by boiling in copper vessels,exposing to sunlight, filtering through charcoal, and cooling in an earthen vessel. Th

5、e earliest known apparatus for clarifying liquids was pictureed on Egyptian walls in the fifteenth and thirteenth centuries B.C. The first picture represents the siphoning of either water of settled wine. A second picture shows the use of wick siphons in an Egyptian kitchen. The first engineering re

6、port on water supply and treatment was made in A.D. 98 by Sextus Julius Frontinus, water-commissioner of Rome. He produced two books on the water supply of Rome. In these he described a settling reservoir at the head of one of the aqueducts. His writings were first translated into English by the not

7、ed hydraulic engineer Clemens Herschel in 1899. In the eight century A.D. an Arabian alchemist,Geber,wrote a rather specialized treatise on distillation that included various stills for water and other liquids. The English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon wrote of his experiments on the purification of

8、 water by filtration, boiling, distillation and clarification by coagulation. This was published in 1627, one year after his death. Bacon also noted that clarifying water trends to improve health and increase the pleasure of the eye.The first known illutrated descri ption of sand filters was publish

9、ed in 1685 by Luc Antonio Porzio, an Italian physician. He wrote a book on conserving the health of soldier in camps, based on his experience in the Austro-Turkish War. This was probably the earliest published work on mass sanitation.He described and illustrated the use of sand filters and sedimenta

10、tion. Porzio also stated that his filtration was the same as by those who built the wells in the Palace of the Doges in Venice and in the palace of Cardinal Sachett,at Rome. The oldest known archeological examples of water filtration are in Venice and the colonies she occupied. The ornate heads on t

11、he cisterns bear dates,but it is not known when the filters were placed.Venice,Built on a Series of islands, depended on catching and storing rainwater for its principal freshwater supply for over 1300 years. Cisterns were built and many were connected in stone-grated catch basins and then filtered

12、through sand into cisterns. A comprehensive article on the water supply of Venice appeared in the Practical Mechanics Journal in 1863.The land area of Venice was 12.85 acres and the average yearly rainfall was 32 inches(in). Nearly all of this rainfall was collected in 177 public and 1900 private ci

13、sterns. These cisterns provided a daily average supply of about 4.2 gallons per capita per day(gpcd).This low consumption was due in part to the absence of sewers, the practice of washing clothes in the lagoon,and the universal drinking of wine. These cisterns continued to be the principal water sup

14、ply of Venice until about the sixteenth century. Many experiments were conducted in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in England,France Germany,and Russia.Henry Darcy patented filters in france and England in 1865 and anticipated all aspects of the American rapid sand filter except coagulatin.

15、He appears to be the first to apply the law of hydraulics to filter design. The first filter to supply water to a whole town was completed at Paisley,Scotland,in 1804,but this water was carted to consumers. In Glasgow, Scotland,in 1807 filtered water was piped to consumers. In the United States litt

16、le attention was given to water treatment until after the Civil War. Turbidity was not as urgent a problem as in Europe. The first filters were of the slow sand type,similar to British design. About 1890 rapid sand filters were developed in the United States and coagulants were introduced to increas

17、e their efficency. These filters soon evolved to our present rapid sand filters with slight modification.历史上的水供应人类对纯净水的搜寻开始于史前时代。大多数他们的行动都是推测。一些人可能会导致水在他们希望通过在地上挖战壕,一个中空的木头或许是作为第一个水管道。数千年前,必须通过我们最近的祖先学会建造城市,享有便利的水管道和渠道输水废物的家。我们最早的考古记录中的供水和废水处理日期后约5000年,在尼普尔的苏美尔。在尼普尔遗址有弧形的流失与宝石设置充分的“楔”的位置,每个石是一个楔形向下逐

18、渐变细到地方。水是从威尔斯和蓄水池。广泛的系统排水传达废物从宫殿和住宅区的城市翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试支持中英、中日在线互译 最早记载了解水处理在梵语医学知识和埃及墙壁冲。梵文著作年代大约在公元前2000年告诉如何净化污浊的水煮沸在铜器,暴露于阳光中,通过过滤和冷却的木炭,在瓦器里。已知最早的仪器澄清液体埃及在第十五和第十三世纪公元前的第一张图片是将水的解决酒。另一个画面显示使用灯芯虹吸管在埃及的厨房第一次报告在水供应和处理是在公元98年由尤利乌斯成water-commissioner塞克斯,罗马。他制作的书籍在罗马供水。在这些他描述了一个解决水库位于头部的一个水道。他的著作




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