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1、YibinUniversity本科生毕业论文题 目 在翻译目的论指导下英语介词的汉译研究院 别 外国语学院_ 专 业 英语_学生姓名 _ 学 号 110405034 班级 2011 级 5 班 指导教师 职称 讲师_ 教务处制表 年 月 日作者名:居中,三号字;拼音斜体,汉字正体。Study on the Translation Strategies of English Prepositions Based on Skopos Theory套话:三号字,斜体;居中;断行的位置;单位与时间:三号字正体;An Essay Submitted as a Partial Requirement fo

2、rthe Degree of B. A. in EnglishSchool of Foreign Languages YibinUniversityMay, 201在翻译目的论指导下英语介词的汉译研究摘要:英语是一种介词的语言,英语介词使用频率高,搭配能力强,含义灵活,因此在翻译中是比较难以处理的一种词类。在翻译时需要从其基本含义出发,密切联系上下文灵活处理。翻译目的论以人类行为理论为指导,把翻译置于人类行为理论的范畴研究。目的论论者认为翻译是有明确的目的和意图,在译者的作用下,以原文文本为基础的跨文化的人类交际活动。目的论以文本目的为翻译过程的第一准则,认为翻译是一种有目的的活动,目的决定了

3、译者需要采用何种翻译策略和方法。因此,不难看出翻译目的论与英语介词的翻译有着千丝万缕的联系,目的论的提出无疑为英语介词的汉译提供了可靠的指导。本文拟从目的论的角度对英语介词的汉译策略进行探讨,希望能在一定程度上证明目的论对英语介词翻译的实用性。关键词:英语介词;翻译;目的论Study on the Translation Strategies of English Prepositions Based on Skopos TheoryAbstractEnglish is a language of English prepositions which are used frequently.

4、With flexible meanings and usages, thus they are difficult to deal with in translation. When translating them, we need to proceed from its basic meaning, in close contact with the context of flexible processing. Skopos Theory regards human behavior theory as the instruction, and put translation a st

5、udy of under it.The Skopos theory professors view that translation,in the role of the translator, is a cross-cultural human communication activities with clear purpose and intention based on the original text. Skopos Theory takes text purpose as the first criteria in the process of translation and h

6、olds that translation is a purposeful activity, which determines what translation strategies and methods the translator needs.ItThe emergence of Skopos theory undoubtedly provided reliable guidance for the translation of English prepositions. This paper is going to discuss the translation strategies

7、 of English prepositions from the perspective of Skopos Theory, and hopes to demonstrate the applicability of Skopos theory guiding the translation of English prepositions in a certain extent.key words: English prepositions; translation; Skopos theoryAcknowledgmentsMy deepest gratitude goes first an

8、d foremost to Professor , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to the pr

9、ofessors and teachers at the Department of English, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problemsduring the difficult course o

10、f the thesis.Content摘要iAbstractiiAcknowledgmentsiii. Introduction- 1 -. A Brief Review of Skopos Theory- 2 -A The Development of Skopos Theory- 3 -B. The Concept of Skopos Theory- 4 -1. The Definition of Skopos Theory- 4 -2. Three Rules of Skopos Theory- 6 -3. The Applicability of Skopos Theory of T

11、ranslation of English Prepositions- 7 -C. Remarks on skopos theory- 8 -. A Brief Review of English Prepositions- 11 -A. The Concept of English Prepositions- 11 -B. The Features of English Prepositions- 11 -C. The Applicability of Skopos Theory of Translation of English Prepositions- 12 - The Transla

12、tion Strategies of English Prepositions in the Light of Skopos Theory- 14 -A. Necessary Addition of Words- 14 -B. Necessary Omission of Words- 16 -C. Mutual Transformation of Affirmative and Negative Expression- 18 -D. Translation of Division- 19 -E. Conversion of Parts of Speech- 21 -1. Convert Pre

13、positions into Connectives- 21 -2. Convert Prepositions into Adjectives and Adverbs- 22 -3. Convert Prepositions into Verbs- 22 -V. Conclusion- 26 -Works Cited- 27 -.IntroductionAs times pass, with Chinas entering to WTO, Chinese and English seem to be equally important in the world, so the mutual t

14、ransformation of the two languagesis becoming a more and more important task for us. Here one language transform into other is called the mutual translation. In English, the number of English preposition is not large, but the constitution prepositional phrases in English can be seen here and there.T

15、hey are versatile and with flexible position; play an important role in a sentence. So, it is very important for the correct translation of English prepositions,worthy of further research and analysis. However, the English prepositions flexible characteristichas brought a huge challenge to the trans

16、lator. In this case, the translation of English prepositions must jump out the principle of simple language equivalence model and seek new development. The emergence of Skopos theory undoubtedly provides effective guidance for the translation of English prepositions. Skopos Theorytakestextpurpose as

17、 the firstcriteriain the process of translationandholds that translation is apurposeful activity,whichdetermines what translationstrategies and methods the translatorneeds, namely purposeful determinism. Therefore, if the translator can skilled grasp the purpose of translation and the translation me

18、thod, it can translate high quality version. In view of this,this paper is going to discuss thetranslationstrategiesof English prepositionsfrom theperspective of Skopos Theory, for the hope to help the translator better understand the features and functions of English prepositions, and provides guid

19、ance for translators in the Chinese translation of English prepositions, also hope to demonstrate theapplicability ofSkopostheory guiding the translation of Englishprepositionsina certain extent. A Brief Review of Skopos TheoryThroughout the history of translation, people were constantly showing del

20、iberation and exploration over many problems in translation, thus formulated different translation theories and study schools, various translation theories competing and exhibiting, provided new perspective for translation studies. From the beginning of the mid twentieth Century, western studies on

21、translation theory has made great breakthrough. Theorists begin to interpret translation phenomena from point of views of hermeneutics, deconstruction, post colonialism, feminism, discourse right, aesthetics of reception, and reader response theory, etc. leading the emergence of manipulation, polysy

22、stem and functionalist and other fractions. Among them, the fundamental theory of functional translation theory is Skopos theory. (Tang 159) The immediate background of skopos theory is action theory. Before, translation had been seen mainly as a code-switching procedure. With the pragmatic turn bot

23、h in linguistics (leading to a pragmatics-based text theory) and literary theory (leading to reception aesthetics) as well as in communication theory in mind, Vermeer and the other skopos scholars, started to view translation as a purposeful intercultural communicative activity between individuals i

24、nstead of something that is done to a text by a translator. “The social background was the growing need for professional translators and interpreters not only in industry and commerce but also in the international organizations established after World War II.”(Bian 44) As a core theory of functional

25、ist, it is a new translation theory developed by a German translator and critic, Han Vermeer. This theory basically belongs to the external studies on translation, it focuses on the choice of purposes during the process of translation,so on doubt can compensate for the lack of traditional translatio

26、n theory study, thus adding a new research perspective for the exploration to interdisciplinary translation.A The Development of Skopos TheoryEmerge in an endless stream of Chinese and foreign translation theories, most of which take translation as linguistic behavior, the study focused on the langu

27、age itself. For example: the idea of German Leipzig school: translation is a pure language semantic behavior, taking sentence as a unit, independent of special text, writer, wood and context. In 1972 Katharina first proposed the function models of translation, but she still made linguistic as the ke

28、y point the translation. (Li 113) Skopos theory developed from the functionalist translation theory in the 1970s in German. The main contributors are Katharina Reiss, Hans Vermeer, Justa Holz Manttari and Christiane Nord. The first stage: “Reiss published Possibilities and Limitations in Translation

29、 Criticism, in which the prototype of the functionalist theory in translation was firstly mentioned.” (Wang, Zhao 360) On one hand, while she is still adhere to the original text as the center of the equivalence theory; on the other hand, she think one should evaluate a text based on the relationshi

30、p between both the original text and the version , and points out that “the ideal version should be equal to the original text from the conceptual content, language forms and communicative function, she named this translation comprehensive communicative translation.The second stage: Vermeer, student

31、 of Rice, inherited some of Reiss ideas, and at the same time also broke the equivalence theory in traditional translation theory; based on the theory of behavior, with the purposeful rule as the first law of translation, she created the Skopos theory. The purpose of Skopos theory refers to the comm

32、unicative purpose of the translation, and has something to do with the translation recipient, text environment and the target functions and other factors. (Wang 144) According to Vermeers point of view, the core meaning and the supreme law of the theory is purposeful principle, that is to say the pu

33、rposes of translation activities mostly determines the translation activity process, a direct result of which is to produce a target language that can achieve the expected function. In other words, the purpose of translation largely determines the translation strategies and methods. (Huang 73) The t

34、hird stage: Mantari made a further study based on Vermeers foundation, drawing on communication and behavior theory, she put forward the theory of translational action theory, pointed out that translation is a complex behavior to achieve for special purpose. The object of study of Mantaris translati

35、on theory covers all forms of intercultural transfer, and she proposed to distinguish translation and translation behavior. Translation behavior refers to a process that conveys information for the realization of conversion design for the trans-culture and cross-language information; and translation

36、 is just a text form of cultural transformation activities, it is the specific operation of translation behavior. In addition, she also emphasized the behavior of translation process, the role of participants, and the occurrence environment in translation plays a important role in translation practi

37、ce. (Wang 144) The fourth stage: In 1989, Nord bring the function and fidelity principle in the functionalist translation theory. He described the internal and external factors of the analysis of text in translation that need to be considered, and how to lay down translation strategies that satisfy

38、the purpose of translation based on the function of the source language, so that made the Functionalist Skopos theory is scientific and as a guide. B. The Concept of Skopos Theory Here I discuss three aspects of skopos theory: the definition of skopos theory, three rules of skopos theory, and the ap

39、plicability of skopos theory of translation of English prepositions.1. The Definition of Skopos TheoryMost of the domestic scholars put the Skopos Theory and functionalism theory as the same theory, and use them abusively without distinction. In fact, Skopos school and functionalism school is not th

40、e same in specific meaning, which Nord had done to distinguish: functionalism is a broad term for various theories of study text and the function of translation (Chen 49)Skopos theory was firstly advanced by Hans Vermeer, a German theorist of translation. “It was the first time to dissertate the bas

41、ic principles and rules of skopos theory and the relationships among these principles and rules in A Framework for a General. The theory of translation was published by Vermeer in 1978.” (Dang 135) “Skopos is a Greek word for purpose. Skopos theory is a kind of translation theory that applies the no

42、tion of Skopos to translation.” (Du 507) Skopos Theory regards human behavior theory as the instruction, and put translation a study of under it. The Skopos theory professors view that translation, in the role of the translator, is a cross-cultural human communication activities with clear purpose a

43、nd intention based on the original text. Translation is a interactive activities with intention. The intention first refers to the aim to change the existing situation, at least let those who due to language barriers having difficulty in communicating achieve the communicative activities; secondly,

44、refers to the more strict nature intention in communication, for instance, provides the content of source language expressed by the author to the target language receiver. According to that theory, the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (Skopos) of the overall transla

45、tional action. There possibly are three kinds of purpose in the field of translation: (1) The general purpose aimed at by the translator in the translation process (perhaps to earn a living); (2) The communicative purpose aimed at by the target teat in the target situation (perhaps to instruct the r

46、eader);(3) The purpose aimed at by a particular translation strategy or procedure (for example, to translate literally in order to show the structural particularities of the source language). (Du 507) For this line of thought, translation cannot be considered a one- to- one transfer between language

47、s.” In Vermeer s approach, translation is a form of translational action based on a source text, which may consist of verbal and/or nonverbal elements.” Vermeer explained that any action has an aim or purpose, for translation is considered as one of human actions, it should have its own aim or purpo

48、se. So he called his theory translation Skopos theory, which means this is a theory of purposeful action.2. Three Rules of Skopos Theory As the most important theory of functionalism, skopos theory has its own distinctive characteristics. “Three rules are put forward to govern and guide the translational action: skopos rule, coherence rule and fi


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