Report on the strategy of how soundblaster can improve on their successthe consultancy 商务英语论文.doc

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《Report on the strategy of how soundblaster can improve on their successthe consultancy 商务英语论文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Report on the strategy of how soundblaster can improve on their successthe consultancy 商务英语论文.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Reportonthestrategyofhowsoundblastercanimproveontheirsuccessbytheconsultancy Introduction:This report is based on the current status of the band, analyzing the bands problems, which made the appropriate strategies to address these issues, and in order to help the band to enhance their visibility and

2、 record sales by attracting more fans, developing a clear goal to make them sucessfulFinding:The album 2001,soundblaster I in which Soundblaster band released has sold 3.5 million copies.The CD issued in 2003 achieved good results, up to 5.1 million copies .Since the albums hot, so the band was enco

3、uraged, they immediately followed the next year and released their new album, but the situation seems to be not optimistic, after the new album, so many fans felt disappointed, so this album only sales of 3.1million copies, the sale of this album was lower than the previous two.This result gave the

4、band a great shock soon, so the band in the next three years, they summed up the experience of the first two albums.At the same time,they planed to issue the third album they also carefully thought the reasons for the issue of defeat, after preparing the bands finally album,they were ready with thei

5、r most fully believed record talk to the world backing to peoples attention in 2007, they attempted to album again to attract peoples attention, but this time the situation was a more tragic. This album was extremely disappointed fans once again, the sales of the album is just 2.9million copies. Fac

6、ing this result, the band was undoubtedly bear a more heavy blow once again, this time they have clearly recognize that the way they relying on can not solve the problem that the sales have been declined all the time. 1、 The bands style is too old, the singers dress style is outdated, so that people

7、 feel they seem to stay in 2003. And the style and route of the band are did not cater to consumers seeking fashionable consumer psychology, so the band could not attract new fans.2、 In the public media star rating system, the band had only one star, indicating that the low popularity of the band.Re

8、commendationsNowthebankareplanningtorecordandlaunchanewCD.According to the problem the band currently order to enable the bands popularity and visibility, helping them to succeed, wesuggestthatthecompanycouldworkhardonsomeaspecttoapprovetheband.Asanexpertinbandmanagement,wesuggestthefollowi

9、ngpossibilitesfordevelopingtheband:1.Heshoulddefineacleartargetforsoundblaster,he should know that a manager who dont set career goals will miss opportunities 2.He must help the band to change their old brand route because it would hinder the development of the band, only developing a new brand for

10、the band, meeting the trend of the times, and modernize the bands logo, so the band has a new re-logo is a way to develop the bands brand.As an expert in market research companies should research and develope needs and expectations of customers, so we give the following suggestions:1. On the one han

11、d, the Groups research market could find out what music did the customer like to and then designate the focus groups. On the other hand, companies can prepare some questions and online interview, finding out the way of songs which people in the past like 2. The research team also found some new venu

12、es for research, such as to find smaller young trendy nightclub or universities releasing their interviews or questionnaires to find out what kind of music is a favorite of young peopleAs a product placement specialist, he developed the how to attract new fans to the band, we recommend the following

13、 possibilities :1.Using advertising.The band should devise something be able to representative of the band like personalized T-shirts or other things, and distributed free or preferences of young trendy nightclub or universities.2.They should rely on some powerful media to help the band to attract m

14、ore fans. Such as cooperating with Hollywood filmmakers, so the band appeared in a new movie, because Hollywood has a great influence, it has fans all over the world .3.Another way is to let more people know about the band, the placement should make full use of the Internet, they should put some ads

15、 on the site, including some information, such as free download new songs Conclusion: Well reviewed with the band Soundblasters background, reasons for falling sales, the band members future plans .we conclude: The band Soundblaster once has an excellent background for the bright future. Today the b

16、ands problems are temporary and they could be solved without rather big cost options as learn their competitor why they become so hot now and well known all over the world by its special rhythms and try the utmost to meet their core fans and do something to appear to their fans new fans.I suggest to

17、 the band at first learn the new music style and add the new elements to their songs ,than launch much many marketing campaign for increase sales of their new CD.Finance special research about compus market to find potential consumer and fans and appropriate solutions for the future of the band.The

18、future of the band depends on finding new markets and new customers, and new songs. Of course it is not easy,it has a lot of work to do. But if the band will not pay much hard work, it couldnt obtain the real success. Introduction这篇报告的目的是根据乐队目前的现状,分析乐队目前存在的问题,从而提出相应策略来解决这些问题,并以此来帮助乐队提升他们的受知名度和唱片销量,吸



21、2、在社会大众媒体的五星制评分中,乐队仅得了一颗星,说明乐队的受欢迎度低Recommendations现在乐队准备再发新唱片,为了能使乐队提升人气及知名度,从而帮助其取得成功,根据乐队目前面临的问题,我们建议公司应该在一下几个方面重点提升乐队的能力1、作为以品牌管理专家,我们建议从以下方面发展乐队:* 公司应该制定一个明确的目标,明确乐队的发展路线,用以帮助知道他们每一步该如何走。他应该知道一个不懂得制定事业目标的经理将会错失很多发展的机会* 他必须帮助乐队改变他们现在走的老旧品牌路线,因为这只会阻碍乐队的发展,只有为乐队开发新的品牌,才能迎合时代潮流,将乐队的标志现代化,使乐队重新拥有一个全

22、新的标志开发乐队的重要途径2、作为一个专家在市场研究公司,应该做的是研究和发展客户的需求和希望,所以我们给出以下建议:* 一方面,集团的市场研究应该找出是什么音乐客户喜欢的,来划定重点人群。* 另一方面,公司可以准备一些问题采访和在线问答,由这种方式找出哪些是人们过去喜欢的歌曲,那些是他们现在喜欢的。* 研究小组还可以找到一些新的场地进行研究,如到找较小的时髦的夜总会的年轻人或高等学校进行访谈或释放他们的问卷调查,以找出什么样的音乐是年轻人最喜欢的。3、 作为一个产品置入专家,他该怎么发展乐队从而吸引新的歌迷,我们建议以下可能性的作法。* 采用广告宣传,乐队应该设计一些可以代表乐队的东西,如个

23、性化的T恤衫或其他东西,并发给喜好自由的年轻人或时髦的夜总会或高等学校。* 他们应该依靠一些有实力的媒体帮助乐队吸引更多的球迷。如与好莱坞电影制作人合作,让乐队出现在一部新电影中,因为好莱坞有很大影响力,它在世界各地都有影迷客户。* 另一种方式是让更多人认识乐队,在植入式广告应该充分利用互联网,他们应该放一些广告在网站,包括一些信息,比如像免费下载新的歌曲Conclusion我们分析了乐队的背景,销量下滑的原因之后,乐队成员的以后的计划,我们总结为:乐队曾有一个辉煌的过去和一个明亮的未来,目前乐队的问题是暂时的,在认识到他们的竞争对手通过用自己独特的音乐旋律和风格来迎合他们的粉丝而成为世界著名的乐队这一现象之后,他们的问题将会迎刃而解。我建议乐队首先应学习新的音乐风格,在歌曲中增加新的旋律,然后做一些市场演出来增加新唱片的销量,乐队未来的发展取决于与发现新的市场和新的消费者,当然这并不是很简单的事情,这将要做很多工作。但是如果乐队不付出充足的努力,那这个乐队就无法获得成功


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