人教版新目标七级下册教案及反思《Unit10 Where did you go on vacation》 .doc

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1、人教版新目标七年级下册教案及反思Unit10 Where did you go on vacation? Teaching Design for Section A 1a-Grammar Focus (Unit10 Where did you go on vacation? Go For It Book 2) 教材分析:本单元学习谈论过去所发生的事情继Unit9之后,进一步学习一般过去时的用法;学习规则与不规则动词的过去式;学会谈论节假日的活动;学会以日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感想。Section A 1a-Grammar Focus 围绕Where did + 主语 + go on va

2、cation ? 谈论假日里的活动,并且练习一般疑问句:Did +主语+原形动词+其他?及其回答。学情分析:通过对Unit9的学习,学生已经对一般过去使用有所了解,学习并掌握了一些有关动词过去式的构成,能够运用简单的一般过去时谈论上个周末等过去发生地事情。本单元继续学习一般过去时,从上一单元的谈论过去的周末的活动过度迁移到假日活动,衔接自然,形成拓展,学生更乐于参与话题,易于接受。教学目标(Teaching Aims):1.知识目标:掌握New York City, summer camp, museum, guide, central , didnt, exam, really等词汇.掌握句

3、型:Where did you go on vacation? We went to summer camp. Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.2.能力目标:能运用一般过去时态描述假日活动(过去)。3.情感目标:通过描述假日活动,同学们互相了解假日里的活动,增进彼此了解。 通过听力能力的训练,及听力材料的运用,鼓励学生多听、读英语,乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与小组活动并能和他人愉快合作;帮助学生树立学习英语的自信心,锻炼他们克服困难的意志。 学习策略:利用学生的地域知识及好奇心激发学生的学习热情;利用(多媒体)图片进行

4、直观教学,呈现新词,帮助学生理解记忆;利用Unit9学过的句子结构,通过迁移手段介绍人物的活动,拓展学生的表达能力;利用三组听力练习加深对新知识的理解,进行听力训练;利用单句描述、听力练习、情景对话、角色扮演逐步提升学生的语感和听说能力;通过谈论自己真实的照片综合性地使用语言,培养学生的逻辑表述能力、英语实践能力。 教学重点:1要求掌握以下句式:-Where did you go on vacation?-We went to -Did you go to ?-Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.2要求掌握以下动词及它的过去式:stay(ed), visit(ed), go(we

5、nt).教学难点:难点是本课时所涉及动词的过去式以及在不同句式中动词形式变化的把握。教学方法:任务型教学法、多媒体课件辅助教学法教具:多媒体课件、假日旅行照片、磁带、放音机学生课前准备:自带假日旅行照片、预习板书设计:New York Citysummer campmuseumguide examcentralreally Unit10 Where did you g on vacation? Section A 1a-2c-Where did you go on vacation?-We went to -Did you go to ?-Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.教学

6、过程:Step1 Warming up(热身活动)点评:此热身活动自然能激发学生的兴趣,并能自然导入新课。当然教师在出示名胜古迹的同时最好结合当地学生能够去到的地方借机让学生用英语谈论自己到过的地方就更能起到复习和导入的双重效能。教师活动1. T: Do you like going on trips? Did you go to Mount Meng? What other interesting places did you visit? Now, lets go and enjoy some of them. (老师:你喜欢旅行吗?你去过蒙山吗?(当地的一些名胜)你还参观过哪些名胜?现在

7、, 就让我们一起去欣赏吧。)2. Play the pictures on multi-media and sweet music.(播放课件上的图片及优美音乐。)3. T: Where are we now? Can you tell me in English? Who went there before? Did you go there? How was it?(我们现在到哪了?你能用英语告诉我吗?谁去过?你去过吗?怎么样?)学生活动Go after the teacher to enjoy the beautiful places and try to say them in Eng

8、lish and say something about it, if went there before.(跟随老师一块欣赏名胜并尽量用英语说出所看到的名胜; 如果可能,说说这些名胜。)设计意图This activity provides students a chance to say interesting places that they know or interested in to arouse their enthusiasm and start their knowledge and experiences on vacation.(该热身活动旨在给学生一个七嘴八舌话说旅游胜

9、地的机会以便激发学生的学习热情、激活其相关知识。)Step2 Presentation教师活动1. T: Lets see more pictures. Show the students pictures of New York City/ summer camp/ museum/guide/(taking an )exam, say What city is this? /Whats this? /What are they doing? etc. And then say: Its New York City/Its a museum /Its a summer camp/Shes a

10、guide/Theyre taking an examwhen the students can not answer.(向学生展示于新词相关的图片,并向学生发问,当学生不会回答时可帮助学生回答。)2. Get the students to repeat the new words and expressions after you .(让学生跟着你重复新词。)3. Get students practice reading in pairs.(让学生两人一组练习读。)4. Check up reading.(检查朗读。)学生活动1. Focus attention on the pictu

11、res and try to answer teachers questions.(注意看图片并努力回答老师的问题。)2. Repeat the new words after the teacher.(跟读新词。)3. Practice reading in pairs.(两人一组练习读。)4. Read the new words and expressions to the class.(读给同学们听。)设计意图This activity introduces the new vocabulary using real pictures by object teaching .Its h

12、elpful for students to understand and remember them.(该活动旨在利用图片进行直观教学,呈现新词,帮助学生理解记忆。)点评:此活动利用直观的图片来呈现新的单词和词组,有利于学生记忆。但纯粹的直观教学单词还不够,还应结合其音、义来加以内化,才能更利于学生掌握词形,最后达到音形义全面掌握。Step3 1a教师活动1. Using multi-media , show students similar pictures to 1a separately and tell them each picture shows something a pers

13、on did last weekend, then ask the students to talk about the pictures like this: T: What did the girl do last weekends? Ss: She went to the mountains.Give help as needed.( 通过多媒体向学生分别展示与1a中类似的图片,让学生谈论图片中的活动。)2. Then ask students to look at the pictures in 1a and match each phrase with one of the pict

14、ures. Say, Write the letter of each picture next to the name of the activity. Point out the sample answer.(然后让学生看1a 中的图片并与相应短语匹配。)3. Check the answers.(核对答案。)学生活动1.Talk about activities in the pictures using what did he/she do last weekend?(利用上一单元所学的句型what did he/she do last weekend?谈论图片中的活动)2. Look

15、 at the pictures and match the activities with the pictures.(看图并匹配。)设计意图This activity naturally introduces the names of activities done by some persons last weekend, using the structures learned in Unit 9, like What did he/she do last weekend?(该项活动利用Unit9学过的句子结构,通过迁移手段介绍图片中人物的活动。 )点评:教师在完成Step2 Pres

16、entation后,接着进行这个活动,即完成教材中的1a,其教学目的就是复习刚刚学到的单词和词汇,应该说不是很困难。更深层次的活动应该是让学生利用这些词汇和情境进行小组活动,训练口语表达能力。Step4 1b教师活动1. Ask students to listen and number the people 1-5 in the picture. Play the recording twice. Before playing say, There are three conversations. The people talk about what they did on vacation

17、. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the white boxes in the picture. Please write only five numbers.(让学生听并对图片中人物编号;放两遍录音。在播放录音前,先向学生介绍录音内容:There are three conversations . The people talk about what they did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in

18、 the white boxes in the picture. Please write only five numbers .)2. Check the answers.(核对答案。)4. Get students to repeat after the tape.(让学生跟读录音。)学生活动1. Describe the peoples activities in whole sentences.(用完整句子描述图片中人物的活动。)2. Listen and number.(听并编号。)3. Check the answers.(核对答案。)设计意图This activity provi

19、des practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Get students to read after the tape to correct their wrong pronunciations,to practice good intonations . (该活动旨在练习对所学目的语在对话中的理解及对Where did + 主语+ 动词原形? 的初步理解;让学生跟读录音,以便纠正发音,练习语音语调,增强语感,为后面交际作铺垫。)点评:学生听两遍完成1b的听力配对区别人物是很简单的任务,听完后要

20、是让学生跟读一遍听力材料,体验标准的英语就更利于学生的听说能力的培养。Step5 1c教师活动1. Go through the example conversation together the class.(和学生一块通一遍对话举例。)2. Get the students practice the example conversation repeatedly: read after the teacher/boys &girls/(让学生反复操练对话举例,跟读/男女生读/)3. Then have students work in pairs .As they talk, move a

21、round the room and check on their progress.(Offer language or pronunciationAssistance as needed.)(两人小组练习,必要时提供语言、语音帮助。)4. Check up(检查).学生活动1. Go through the example conversation with the teacher;(和老师一块通一遍对话举例。)2. Practice the example conversation repeatedly;(反复练习对话举例。)3. Work in pairs making new con

22、versations.(两人一组练习新对话。)设计意图This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. ( 该活动为学生提供有指导的口头练习,进一步熟悉句子结构。)点评:该活动中,学生个人探究、同伴互助、小组合作和师生合作进行得很充分,而且学生的参与度高,有利于学生掌握基本教学内容。Step6 2a 教师活动1. Point to the three peoples names and read the names to the class. Point to the three vacation ac

23、tivities and ask a student to read the activities to the class.(指着三个人名并向学生读出,然后指向三项假期活动并让一学生读出。)2. Teacher: This is a recording about three peoples vacations. Please match the people with the places they went to on vacation.(老师向学生介绍对话背景及要求:There are three conversations. The people talk about what th

24、ey did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the white boxes in the picture. Please write only five numbers .)3. Play the recoding once.(播放一遍录音。)4. Check the answers and get students to under line the key expressions in listening materials.(核对答案并让学生在听力原文中画出关键语句。)学生活动

25、1. Go through the chart in 2a.(过一遍2a中的表格。)2. Listen, match the person with the places.(听录音,并把人物和地点匹配。)3. Check the answers.(核对答案。)设计意图This activity provides practice in understanding the key structures in spoken conversation, eg. Where did you go on vacation? I went to/stayed (at)(该活动意图旨在练习学生对口语对话中重

26、点语句的听解,即:Where did you go on vacation ? I went to/stayed (at)点评:这个活动共三个短对话,且句式相似。在完成这个匹配活动后,让学生找出关键句和关键短语,既有利于培养学生良好的听力习惯也有利于下一个活动的进行。Step7 2b教师活动1. Call attention to the chart. Ask a student to read through the names and activities listed.(让学生看着表格,并让一学生通读表中名字及活动。)2. Teacher: Now listen to the recor

27、ding again. This time, please listen to the conversations and put a check-mark in the “Yes, I did.” or “No, I didnt.” blank after each activity.(老师提出听解要求)3. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.(第一次放录音,学生只听。)4. Play the recording again. Ask students to put checkmarks in the correc

28、t blanks.(放第二遍录音,让学生在正确的位置打上勾号。)5. Check the answers like this: Did ? (通过问答核对答案。如:Did ?)学生活动1. Go through the names and activities listed.(过一遍表中的人名和活动。)2. Listen and put checkmarks in the correct blanks.(听录音并在正确位置打勾号。)3. Check the answers.(核对答案。)设计意图This activity provides listening practice using th

29、e target language. (该项活动为学生提供听力练习,并为下一活动提供材料,作好铺垫。)点评:这个活动是上一个活动的延伸,有了上一个活动的支撑,学生很容易完成这个活动,此时应趁热打铁,进行有意义句型操练。Step8 2c教师活动1. Teacher: Get into groups of three. One of you will be Nancy, one will be Kevin, and one will be Julie. Ask each other about the vacations. You can talk about the activities fro

30、m the chart in 2b or about any other activities you like.(表中的信息,让学生进行三人组分角色练习。)2. As students talk, move around the room, monitoring the conversations and offering help as needed.(在教室内巡视,必要时给予学生指导帮助。)3. A competition: Have groups of students present their conversations to the class.(小竞赛:让几组学生在同些们面前做

31、对话表演。)学生活动1. Work in groups(小组练习)2. Take part in a competition.(对话表演比赛。)设计意图This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.(该项活动为学生提供有指导的口头练习, 为下面的语言的实际运用作进一步的充分准备。)点评:教师为学生提供了充足的时间和空间进行口语训练,目的是让学生熟练掌握这些语言表达,效果会是较好的,但注意学生如是掌握较好的情况下不易在此耗时过多,因为这个语言项目不是太难。应迅速转入语言训练。Step9 Talk abo

32、ut your vacation教师活动1. Tell students to take out their own tour photos taken on vacation. If possible, they may use more expressions like(让学生拿出他们的旅行照片,进行对话练习,如果可能它们可运用更多如下语句) : Where did you go on vacation?When did you go?Who went with you?Did you?How was your vacation?3. Move around the room and of

33、fer help as needed.(教室内巡视,必要时给予帮助。)4. Ask several pairs or groups to act out their conversations before class.5. Writing - A Tour Diary6. Correct the possible mistakes in their writing.学生活动1. Talk about their tour photos with their partners freely.(和同伴就他们自己的照片自由交际。)2. Acting.3. Write a tour diary.设计

34、意图This activity provides students a real context to talk their own vacation freely using some related expressions learnt so far.(该项活动提供给学生一个真实的语境运用所学的相关的语句稀有的谈论他们的假期活动,把语言知识转变为语言能力。)点评:教师设计这个活动可以和一定的语言知识训练结合,达到兼顾听说读写的目的。Step10 Grammar Focus/ Summary教师活动Help students sum up the grammar learned in thi

35、s class by questions like this(通过向学生作如下提问的方式帮助学生总结本节课的语法): T: What did we talk about today?Ss: Activities on vacation.T: Right, How do we say “你去哪儿度假了?”in English?Ss:Where did you go on vacation?T: How about “你去中心公园了吗”?Ss: Did you go to Central Park?T: How to answer it?Ss: Yes, I did OR No, I didnt.

36、 学生活动Useful ExpressionsAsk the students to sum up the grammar directed by the teacher(让学生在老师引导下总结语法。):Our Title Today1.Where 引导的特殊疑问句Where did +主语+go on vacation?2.一般疑问句-Did +主语+动词原形?-Yes, I /we/he/she/they did. OR: No, I /we/he/she/they didnt. Activities on vacation 设计意图By this activity, the teache

37、r help students to sum up the grammar and relate “Activities on vacation(Title)” with “Expressions(Structures)”(通过这项活动,老师帮助学生总结语法并帮助学生建立起“谈论假期活动(话题)”与“语句(语言结构)”之间的练习,从而帮助学生提高交际能力。)点评:本节课进行到尾声阶段,教师和学生针对本节课的教学内容和活动对重点的语言项目进行总结是必要的。特别是帮助学生建立起“谈论假期活动(话题)”与“语句(语言结构)”之间的练习,是教师对教材整合的灵活处理。但应通过这一环节,帮助学生自己发现的

38、规律比教师讲解的规律印象更深刻,理解更透彻,留给学生更多思考的空间,使本节课的新知识得到内化。Step11 Exercises 按要求改写下列句子。1. We went to Yunmeng Lake last week. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _you _ last week?2. My family had a party yesterday. ( 改为一般疑问句) _ your family _ a party yesterday?3. Tina cleaned her bedroom yesterday._ _Tina _ yesterday?4.He watches CCTV n

39、ews every day.( 用yesterday改写句子)He _ CCTV news yesterday. 设计意图:通过练习进一步巩固语法知识。Step12 Homework:1. Review1a-2c,and correct the mistakes in your tour diary correct and make it smoother;2. Preview 3a-4.教学总评:总体上说,本节课的教学目标清晰,教学重点突破到位,教学难点处理灵活,基本实现了教学目标,根据学情利用多媒体教学辅助手段调动学生的学习兴趣,取得了较好的教学效果。成功之处主要表现在以下几个方面:1、教

40、师的教学活动设计真实,体现语言运用,引导学生在体验感知、实践运用中学习。如:利用学生的地域知识、爱旅游、好奇心进行热身活动,切入话题,极大的调动了学生的参与热情;2、情景化和语境化教学创设,体现语言实际应用。利用多媒体漂亮的图片,直观形象、高效率地呈现单词,能调动学生的多种感官,有效的促进了学生的理解记忆;3、本节课是上一单元的延续,因此,由what did you do last weekend ?向Where did you go on vacation ? 过渡迁移很自然,学生接受起来也很容易,效果很好;4、师生之间、学生之间互动充分,注重语言能力培养,通过角色表演比赛,不但大大刺激了学

41、生的积极性,而且还培养了学生的合作意识、竞争意识;5、整个教学尊重获取知识、形成能力的自然生成过程,通过由词、短语、单句、听力理解、情景对话、角色表演到实物交际的层层推进,学生的语言知识、语言能力得到了逐步提升,效果较好;教学建议:1. 课前应充分检查学生课前准备得是否充分(比如自带假日旅行照片这个任务是适合所有的学生去完成)。2. 课堂教学应当情景化,但要真实,最好是结合学生生活实际来设计情景;而且情景不宜过多,还要提高情景的利用率。3. 各环节都要注意增加学生的参与面,最大限度的调动学生的积极性,减少教师的多余指令和不清晰指令。4. 初中的语法教学和词汇学习要常识、常态、常规、常用,除了语境化(在语境当中出现、语境当中训练、语境当中掌握),还要有适度,要有清晰的规则。.教学活动设计要考虑八要素:围绕教学目标、培养语言技能、活动的层次性、注意选择材料、活动的参与者、活动的层次、活动的变化形式、活动的评价方式和评价手段,围绕这些来提高课堂教学活动的实效性,本节课还会有更大的发挥余地。.在学生合作学习、自主探究时,教师都要善于调节课堂节奏和气氛,既要有让学生在活动时有思维的时间还要有思维的空间,在课堂里的学习张弛有度。(点评教师:蒙阴县教育局教研室 苏兰国)


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