七级英语上册《Unit 7 Shopping》检测题(含详解)(新版)牛津译林版.doc

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1、Unit 7 Shopping检测题(时间:60分钟;满分:100分)一、听力部分(每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题 本部分共有10个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。1. Which one is the most expensive? A. The album. B. The wallet. C. The pencil. 2. Whats the present from the womans sister? A. The hair clip. B. The pen. C. The b

2、ook. 3. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A mobile phone. B. A telephone. C. A radio. 4. What does Lily like doing when she is free? A. Playing the piano. B. Playing volleyball. C. Playing tennis.5. How much are the two sweaters? A.15 yuan. B.100 yuan. C. 50 yuan.6. Where will the girl go

3、this afternoon? A. A toy shop. B. A flower shop. C. A bookshop.7. Where are they now ? A. In a hospital. B. In a hotel. C. In a shop.8. What will the two speakers buy at last? A. A book. B. An album. C. A sticker.9. Whats the womans job? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A saleswoman.10. Where is the ci

4、nema? A. On the first floor. B. On the top floor. C. On the third floor.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。 听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。11. What does the man want to buy? A. A computer. B. A desk. C. A television.12. Whats the discount of the computers over ther

5、e? A. 13%. B. 30%. C. 40%. 听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。13. What does the woman want to return? A. A shirt. B. A skirt. C. A T-shirt.14. What size does the man wear now? A. Size 40. B. Size 41. C. Size 42.15. What happens at last? A. The man buys another shirt. B. The girl gives another shirt to the man. C. The

6、 man gets his money back. 听短文,回答第1620小题。16. Where does Yang Ping go on Saturday morning? A. She goes to the park. B. She goes to the supermarket. C. She goes to the shopping mall.17. Why does Yang Ping go there? A. Because she wants to buy a present for her sister. B. Because she wants to buy a new

7、dress for herself. C. Because she wants to buy something to eat.18. What does Yang Ping buy? A. A scarf. B. A skirt. C. A dress.19. How much does Yang Ping pay for the thing? A. 150 yuan. B. 500 yuan. C. 550 yuan.20. What does Yang Pings sister think of the clothes? A. She likes it very much. B. She

8、 doesnt like the colour. C. She doesnt like its style. 二、单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分)21. does this dress cost? A. How much B. What C. How many D. Which22. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new . A. trousers B. oneC. it D. pair23. Are you free today? I want you to go shopping with me. A. Have a good tim

9、e! B.OK! Lets go. C. You go there. D. I will not go with you.24. What do you think you can buy your grandpa? A. to B. asC. of D. for25. My cousin usually all day in watching TV at home on Sunday. A. cost B. costsC. spend D. spends26. Its easy for my grandfather a model plane. A. making B. to make C.

10、 make D. makes27. There some bread, a glass of orange and some eggs in the fridge. A. be B. is C. are D. has28. You can of books in the library. A. look different kind B. look different kinds C. read different kind D. read different kinds29. This dress is . Can I ? A. enough cheap; try on itB. cheap

11、 enough; try on it C. enough cheap; try it on D. cheap enough; try it on 30. This wallet is too expensive. Can I see one? A. another B. otherC. the other D. each三、完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Mrs Green is going shopping in a new shopping mall. She is going to buy 31 .She is looking for it. Now she is in a ver

12、y big clothes shop.She is looking 32 one of the sweaters in the shop. And there is a young man 33 near her. Mrs Green wants to try 34 the sweater. So she asks the young man,“Excuse me,are you going to serve(接待) 35 ?I want a sweater.”The young man is 36 and says,“Im sorry. I 37 serve you.”Mrs Green s

13、ays,“Of course,you can. Thats 38 .”The young man says,“It is not my job. I want 39 ,too.”Mrs Green feels very 40 .31. A. a dress B. a pair of shoes C. trousers D. a sweater32. A. on B. / C. at D. to33. A. asking B. singing C. standing D. dancing34. A. for B. / C. in D. on35. A. you B. me C. I D. us3

14、6. A. happy B. surprised(惊讶的) C. pleased(高兴的) D. afraid(害怕的)37. A. dont B. do C. can D. cant38. A. nice of you B. you must do C. your job D. you please39. A. a sweater B. a T-shirt C. a shirt D. trousers40. A. happy B. angry(生气的) C. sorry D. sad(伤心的)四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分)AMost people, especially girls

15、like shopping.My name is Linda. Shopping is one of my pastimes. My classmates and I go shopping when we finish our homework on Sunday. I like shopping, not because I want to buy something, but because I want to know what the new products there are in the markets. Most of the time, I just do window s

16、hopping.Some new department stores recently opened in east Taipei. It is a piece of good news for shoppers like me.41. Who likes shopping most according to the passage?A. Boys. B. Girls. C. Old people. D. Children.42. When do Linda and her classmates go shopping?A. On Weekdays. B. Every afternoon. C

17、. On Sunday. D. After school.43. Where are these newly opened department stores?A. In east Taipei. B. In south Taipei. C. In west Taipei. D. In north Taipei.44. Why does Linda like shopping?A. Because she can buy many beautiful things.B. Because she can play with her classmates.C. Because she can ea

18、t a lot of delicious food.D. Because she wants to know the new products.45. What does the underlined word ”pastimes” mean in Chinese?A.逛街 B.消遣,娱乐 C.吃饭 D. 作业BMum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman. Then he sees the old woman

19、s bag is open. There is ten yuan in it. He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isnt there now! Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a thief(小偷). He decides(决定)to take back the money from the old womans bag. So he carefully puts his hand into the old womans bag,takes the money and says nothi

20、ng. Suddenly(突然地)the old woman shouts,“Where is my money? I cant find it. There is a thief in the bus.” Little Tom feels strange(奇怪的). Then he sees his own ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now,“Am I a thief ?”46. is sitting beside little Tom. A. A young woman B. An old woma

21、n C.A young man D. An old man47. Little Tom sees in the old womans bag. A. a wallet B. a packet C. ten yuan D. ten dollars48. Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a . A. thief B. teacher C. rich woman D. poor woman49. Little Tom sees ten yuan under his seat. A. his own B.the old woman s C. the t

22、hief s D.the driver s50. Which of the following is right? A. Little Tom is a bad boy. B. Little Tom often steals(偷)things. C. Mum gives little Tom twenty yuan. D. Little Tom makes a mistake(错误).五、填空(每小题1分,满分10分)A.根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。51. The shoes are not large or small. They f me very well.52. This T-

23、shirt m my blue jeans very well.53. This basketball is very (昂贵的).54. My cousin has (足够的)time to watch TV every day.55. We can go to a (超市)to buy some food for the birthday party.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。56. There are some children (run) on the playground.57. Bettys birthday is coming. We will buy (she) a pre

24、sent.58. See you (late), Daniel.59. These students are from different (country).60. He wants (visit) his parents on Saturday.六、句型转换(每小题2分,满分10 分)61. There is a shoe shop near my home.(改为复数句子) There near my home.62. There are some people in the park.(改为一般疑问句) people in the park?63. A lot of restauran

25、ts are on the top floor.(改为同义句) restaurants on the top floor.64. There is a cat over there.(改为否定句) There over there.65. I spend 5 yuan on the sticker.(改为同义句) The sticker me 5 yuan.七、书面表达(满分15分) 根据提示写一篇关于一个新的购物中心的短文。提示:1.在我们学校附近有个新的购物中心。它紧挨着汽车站,很容易找到。 2.它有很多服装店,女孩儿们很喜欢。但是为男孩儿们开的商店不多,只有一家体育店, 我认为需要更多。

26、 3.在最顶层有很多餐馆。在那里,你可以吃到各种各样的食物。其中我喜欢的是四川食物。 4.商场是一个相当有趣的去处,也是一个会见朋友的好地方。要求:1. 书写认真,语句通顺。 2. 词数:7080。_Unit 7 Shopping检测题听力原文及参考答案第一部分 听对话,回答问题本部分共有10个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。1. M: How much are they?W: The album is 20 yuan. The wallet is 200 yuan. The book is 30 yua

27、n.2. M: The hair clip is so beautiful! W: Thank you! My sister bought it for me as a present.3. W: Dad, there is something wrong with my mobile phone. I want to buy a new one.M: You can use mine.4. M: Do you know Lilys hobby?W: She likes playing tennis when she is free.5. M: Why did you buy two swea

28、ters? W: There was a discount on them. Each of them was only 50 yuan. 6. M: Millies birthday is coming. What will you buy for her? W: I want to buy her a teddy bear. I know she likes teddy bears very much.I am going to buy one this afternoon.7. M: How much are two bottles of juice and a packet of ch

29、ips? W: 33 yuan, please.8. M: The sticker is cheap, but its not nice. W: We can buy that album. Its good.9. W: What can I do for you? M: I want to buy a cap for my son.10. M: There are five floors in this shopping mall. Where is the cinema? W: Oh, its on the fifth floor.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题你将听到两段对话和一篇短文

30、,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。M: Can I help you?W: Yes, I need to buy a computer.M: Well, we have great discounts for students. If you buy one of the computers over there, you can have a 30% discount.W: Wow. That sounds great. 听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。W: Sir, what ca

31、n I do for you?M: Hi, Miss, I want to return this shirt.W: Whats the matter with it?M: Its the wrong size. I wear size 42, but its a size 40.W: I remember now. Your wife bought it yesterday. She wanted size 41, but we didnt have it. She then took the smaller size.M: She didnt know that I now wear si

32、ze 42. Could you change it for me?W: But we dont have a size 42, either. Ill get the money for you.M: OK.听一篇短文,回答第1620小题。 On Saturday morning, Yang Ping goes to the supermarket. She wants to buy something for her sister because today is her sisters birthday. She walks around the supermarket and sees

33、 a pink dress. It is really beautiful. Yang Ping thinks her sister will like it because she likes pink and usually wears pink clothes. The dress is very expensive and it cost 500 yuan, but Yang Ping buys it. When she goes home and shows her sister the pink dress, her sister becomes very happy. Yang

34、Ping is also very happy. 15 BAACB 610 ACBCB 1115 ABACC 1620 BACBA21. A 提问价格用how much,故答案选A。22. D 表示 “一条裤子”应该说 a pair of trousers,故答案选D。23. B 考查交际用语。选项B表示接受邀请,符合语境,故答案选B。24. D buy sth. for sb.意为“为某人买某物”,故答案选D。25. D 考查cost和spend的辨析。二者都有“花费”的含义,但是用法不同。cost的主语是物,而spend的主语是人。本题的主语是人,即my cousin,因此应选spend。

35、又因为主语是第三人称,因此谓语也要用第三人称单数形式。故答案选D。26. B It is +形容词+for/of sb.+to do sth.是一个固定句型,故答案选B。27. B 考查there be 句型的用法。在there be 句型中,be动词的形式要与后面的主语保持一致,并且遵循“就近原则”。因为bread是不可数名词,所以be动词要用单数形式is。故答案选B。28. D read books 意为“读书”,different kinds of 意为“各种不同种类的”,故答案选D。29. D enough意为“足够的,充分的”,修饰形容词时,形容词要前置。try on 意为“试穿”,

36、代词必须放在try和on的中间。故答案选D。30. A another意为“又一,另一”,符合题意。故答案选A。31. D 由第五句“她正在看其中一件毛衣”知,她要买毛衣。32. C look at意为“看”。句意:她在看其中一件毛衣。33. C 句意:有一个年轻人站在她旁边。34. D try on意为 “试穿”。35. B serve为动词,后接代词的宾格形式。句意:“劳驾,你可以为我服务吗?”36. B 由下文可知年轻人感到很惊讶,故选B。37. D 句意:对不起,我不能为你服务。38. C 由下文“Its not my job.”可推知格林夫人说“那是你的工作”。39. A 由空后的“

37、too”可推知年轻人也要买毛衣。40. C 格林夫人把他误认为是服务员,并要求他服务,因此知道真相后,应该感到非常“抱歉”。41. B 由第一段Most people, especially girls like shopping.可知,最喜欢购物的是女孩。42. C 由第二段第三句My classmates and I go shopping when we finish our homework on Sunday.可知,Linda和她同学星期天去购物。43. A 由第三段第一句Some new department stores recently opened in east Taipe

38、i.可知,新商店开在east Taipei。44. D 由第二段倒数第二句I like shopping ,not because I want to buy something, but because I want to know what the new products there are in the markets.可知,Linda喜欢购物的原因并不是想买东西,而是想了解新的商品。45. B 逛街对于很多人来说是一种消遣和娱乐,因此答案选B。46. B 由短文第三句He gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman.可知答案应

39、该选B。47. C 由短文第五句There is ten yuan in it.可知答案。48. A 由短文第八句Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a thief(小偷).可知答案。49. A 由短文倒数第二句Then he sees his own ten yuan under his seat.可知,那10元钱应该是汤姆自己的。50. D 小汤姆误认为别人是小偷,结果自己成了“小偷”,他犯了一个错误。51. fit 52. matches 53. expensive 54. enough 55. supermarket56. running 57. her 58. later 59. countries 60. to visit61. are some shoe shops 62. Are there


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