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1、口语部分Preparation for Part One (Interview)In the first part of the test, the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested

2、on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.Sequence: 1. Introduction of people concerned2. Marksheets required3. Topics and QuestionsQuestions about

3、 candidates names and hometownsWhats your name?How to spell your name?How do you spell your family name/surname/last name?Where are you from?Would you say its a good place to live in? (why)Do you like living in ? (why)Where would you rather live, or ? (why)Do you think it would be better to live in

4、or ? (why)Do you come from a large family or a small one?Can you tell me a bit about in your family?Questions about candidates identity - work or studyDo you work or are you a student?What do you do?What do you study?Whats your major?What do you like most about your job?What do you like most about y

5、our studies?Questions about Candidates Preference Regarding Their Work or StudyUnit One AWorking with Other People What kinds of people do you most like working/studying with? Why?What do you think are the advantages of working in a team of colleagues? Why?(Is it a good thing to work or study with o

6、ther people? Why/why not?)What sort of skills do you think a manager needs? Why?(What kind of person is a good manager? Why?)peopleCooperate fully with each other;Trust each other;Listen to different points of view;Talk openly and honestly with each other;Offer help when others are under pressure;ad

7、vantagesWork towards a common objective;Everyone makes an equal contribution to the team;The members share information effectively within the team.Team members take on responsibility and be accountable when things go wrong;skillsBe able to discuss roles and allocate them to team members;Be able to h

8、elp individuals develop within the team;Be able to listen to different points of view;Skills and Qualities for WorkWhich specific skills will you need most in your career? Why?(Which skills are most important for your career? Why?)Team workcan work constructively with others on a common taskNegotiat

9、ingdiscussion to achieve mutually satisfactory resolution of contentious issuesDecision makingchoice of the best option from a range of alternativesResolving conflictboth intra-personally and in relationships with othersInfluencingconvincing others of the validity of ones point of viewArguing for an

10、d/or justifying a point of view of course of actionProblem solvingselection and use of appropriate methods to find solutionsAbility to work cross-culturallyboth within and beyond the nationPrioritizingability to rank tasks according to importanceWhat qualities does a good employee need to have? Why?

11、(What should a good employee be like? Why?)Which special qualities do you think a manager need to have? Why?(What kind of people should managers be?)Self awarenessawareness of own strengths and weaknesses, aims and valuesSelf-confidenceconfidence in dealing with the challenges that employment and li

12、fe can throw upIndependenceability to work without supervisionAdaptabilityability to respond positively to changing circumstances and new challengesStress toleranceability to retain effectiveness under pressureWillingness to learncommitment to ongoing learning to meet the needs of employment and lif

13、eInitiativeability to take action unpromptedTo what extent is it important to train people in interpersonal skills? Why/why not?(Can people be trained to work well with other people?)Training people in interpersonal skills is extremely important and should be set as top priority. Most jobs are not p

14、erformed in isolation and the need to interact is often essential. In fact, most failures in the workplace are not due to lack of technical ability, but rather to shortcomings in interpersonal competence. An individual may be a highly skilled worker. However if he or she cannot work well with other

15、employees, chances for success are slim.Unit One BCommunicationWhich method of communication do you like best-letters, phone calls or e-mail? Why? (Do you like communicating with other people by letter, phone or e-mail? Why?)I like to use e-mail to communicate with people in my work and study. E-mai

16、l can be used not only to exchange messages among co-workers and customers but also provide information automatically. You can also set up an autoresponder service that automatically receives a message and sends a document in reply. Replying automatically to e-mail is a great way to save time and mo

17、ney and it is much faster than communicating through snail mail.Do you think methods of communication at work will change in the future? Why?(Do you think people will communicate in different ways at work in the future? Why? Why not?)Of course they will change in the future. The emergence of many ne

18、w technologies will definitely create faster and more convenient communication methods. For example, the Internet will become an even bigger deal in the future than it is today. School children will access all the great works of literature ever written with the click of a mouse. Surgery will be perf

19、ormed via cyberspace. All transactions with the government will be conducted via your personal computer, making bureaucratic line ups a thing of the past. Do you think companies should be able to contact their staff outside working hours? Why or why not?(Is it a good idea for companies to be able to

20、 contact their staff outside working hours? Why/why not?)advantagesMaintaining contact with employees outside working hours can make your employees feel valued and can help develop a close relation between employees and employer. It is a good staff motivation method.Many companies offer flexible wor

21、king hours to their employees, which means some employees can work from home and some employees dont often appear at their workplace. Under such circumstances being able to contact their staff outside working hours will become extremely important to companies.disadvantagesInterrupting employees priv

22、ate lives; making them feel under pressure all the time; producing misunderstanding between employees and employer;Business and the InternetDo you find the internet useful for your work or studies? Why/why not?(Does the internet help you in your work or studies? Why/why not?)The internet is very use

23、ful for my work. I can dial into my corporate network via modem, and download the data I need. I can create the requested document and e-mail it via the internet from my home computer. I dont have to return to the office to use a fax machine. By using wireless network technology Im able to connect a

24、 notebook computer with modem to my cellular phone! I even leave my home computer on-line so I can receive faxes on evenings and weekends. Do you think the internet will become more widely used by companies in the future? Why/ why not?(Will more companies use the internet in the future? Why/why not?

25、)Yes, I think so. Information sharing will become extremely important to companies in the future. In order to gain information ASAP, company will more widely use the internet which can provide a comprehensive range of information on marketing, transporting, suppliers, staff training, technical assis

26、tance and support. Do you think the internet is an effective channel for marketing a companys products? Why /why not?(is the internet a good place for advertising products? Why/why not?)Do you think other forms of advertising will continue to be more important than the internet? Why/why not?(Will ot

27、her forms of advertising be mort important than the internet in future? Why/why not?)By exploiting the amazing power of the internet, your on-line advertisement is able to reach hundreds of thousands of people and perhaps even millions around the world.On-line advertising is simple and quick process

28、 for your target customers. Just a few clicks of a button is all it takes. And that simplicity means your target customers are more likely to come back again and again!Unit Two AEntertaining Business ClientsDo you enjoy eating in restaurants? Why/why not?(Do you like eating in restaurants? Why/why n

29、ot?)What type of restaurant would you take business visitors to? Why?(What type of restaurant is best for business visitors? Why?)AtmosphereRestaurants are always magnificently decorated and enveloped in elegant and peaceful surroundings; Multi-functionalFamous restaurants always have a complete ser

30、vice of accommodation, catering, entertainment, bodybuilding and business and convention facilities, which will definitely suit the needs of businessmen and business travelers. Comfort and staff attentivenessRestaurants well-trained staff provide all guests with their first-class service they need f

31、or a pleasant and cozy stay at the restaurants. The guests are ensured to feel at home while staying at restaurants and when they leave, they will bring with them many happy memories.What kinds of entertainment do you think are most suitable for foreign business clients? Why/ why not?(What kinks of

32、things do you think foreign business people like to see or do?)Unit Two BSponsoring Popular Event or Personalities of Famous PeopleAre you influenced by company logos when you choose services or products? Why/why not?(is the image of company important when you decide what to buy? Why /why not?)What

33、kinds of popular events or personalities do you think companies should involve in sponsoring? Why?(What kind of people or events should companies support? Why?)Do you think sponsoring sports events or personalities is the most effective form of advertising? Why/why not?(Is supporting sports events o

34、r people a good way to advertise? Why/why not?)Do you think companies will make more use of sponsorship in the future as a way of advertising? Why/why not?(Do you think that in the future more companies will support sports events or people to advertise products? Why /why not?)advantagescreating and

35、reinforcing existing brand images; supporting the launch of new products;being used to associate brands with aspirant and successfulcharacteristics;being designed to be covert and subliminalThe effect of sponsorship equates that of advertising;eventsFormula One International; Big boat sailing; Baske

36、tball; Football; Ice hockey; Horse jumping; Unit Three AUnit Three BUnit Four AAdvertisingAre you influenced by advertisements when you choose a product or service? Why?(Do advertisements help you to decide what to buy? Why/why not) Do you think there should be a limit on the amount of advertising o

37、n TV? Why or why not?(Do you think theres too much advertising on television? Why/why not?)AdvantagesGiving target customers direct impression of the products and thus shortening their selection process;Giving target customers specific information and details about products for them to select and co

38、mpare and thus making their purchasing more convenient;DisadvantagesToo much information on the same kind of products makes it difficult for customers to make decision;Dishonest or distracting information misleads customers and makes them suffer a financial loss.Unit Four BCompany CelebrationsWhat e

39、vents do you usually celebrate in your family? Why/why not?(Do you celebrate any special days in your family? And how?)What kinds of occasions do you think companies ought to celebrate? Why?(Which events should companies celebrate? Why?)How important is it to involve all staff in company celebration

40、s? Why?(Is it important to include all staff in company celebrations? Why?)Companys anniversaries /Companys success in operations /Companys relocationMaking use of the celebration to advertise or promote companys products or services /Making use of the celebration to expand companys brand names and

41、fame and to gain more publicity;Companys introduction of new employees /Important holidays or festivalsMaking use of the celebration to improve the relations among employees/between different departments/employees and employers/ Making use of the celebration to accelerate or reinforce the form of co

42、rporate culture and to produce a harmonious environment in the company;Unit Five AThe WorkplaceIs it important to you what type of building you work? Why/why not?(Is the place where you work/study important to you? Why/why not?)P61 its not what you are, its where you are.What kinds of facilities do

43、you think should be available in an office building? Why?(What kinds of facilities would you like to have in an office building? Why?)Do you think companies should provide sports facilities for their staff?(Should companies have sports facilities for their staff? Why/why not?)Do you think people wor

44、k better in an office alone or sharing with other people? Why?(Is it better to work alone in an office with other people? Why?advantagesCost-effective; saving actual expenses;being able to bring each member work and collaborate on projects;allowing for enhanced communications among individuals;emplo

45、yees being able to enjoy a close working relationship;disadvantagesHaving to tolerant differences and separate personal relations;employees being unable to concentrate on work or tasks due to constant interruptions or trifles;violating the privacy and other rights of individual employees or ethics o

46、f their profession;Unit Five BWork and HomeWhich would you rather live in-a house or an apartment? Why?(Would you prefer to live in a house or an apartment?)Are there any advantages in working from home rather than an office? Why or why not?(Is it better for people to do their work at home or in an

47、office?)advantagesFor employeesLess travel and exposure to accidents to and from work. Less interruption by fellow employees.A lot of people can get more done working at home than in their employers office.Cuts car expenses and less upkeep needed for car.For the self-employed or home-based businessW

48、hen you start a home-based business you do not create additional expenses like day care, meals, parking, dry cleaning, gasoline, etc. So you get to keep every penny that you earn.The tax advantages of a home-based business are literally unbelievable. A home-based business has a different set of rules then any other


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