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1、二級英語測試(1)(45 minutes)一.單項填空從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,並在答題紙上將該項涂黑.1. They were _to go out for a picnic.A. well-preparing B. well-prepared C. good-prepared D. well-prepare2. He is a gifted musician and often play _ flute at home.A.a B.the C. D.an3. How _within such a short period of time?A.this all

2、can be done B. all can this be done B. all this can be done D.can all this be done4. He asked me to give him some meat _credit.A. by B.on C.for D.in5. The murderer _to life imprisonment.A. sentenced B.judged C.was sentenced D.was judged6. Whatever happens,we must carry the revolution_.A.on B.out C.t

3、hrough D.though 7._he is only a child. You should not be so strict with him. A.But B.After all C.Whatever D.above all8.It began to rain and so I _ her my umbrella. A.offered B.showed C.ordered D.took9.Soon the boy _ asleep and his mother went out. A.fell B.moved C.entered D.offered10.Mary seems _ a

4、great deal of progress. A.to make B.to have made C.making D.having made二.完形填空 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中選出能填入相應空白處的最佳選項,並在答題紙上將該項涂黑. The universities are schools of education, and schools of research. But the primary reason 11 12 existence is not 13 either in the mere knowledge 14 to the student

5、s 15 in the mere opportunities for research afforded to the members of the faculty. The justification for a university is 16 it preserves the 17 between knowledge and the zest of life,by 18 the young and the old in the 19 consideration of learning. The university imparts information,but it imparts i

6、t imaginatively.At least,this is the function 20 it should perform for society.A university which fails in this respect has no reason for existence. This atmosphere of excitement, arising from imaginative consideration,transforms knowledge. A fact is no longer a bare fact:itis invested with all its

7、possibilities. It is no longer a burden on the memory it is energizing as the poet of our dreams,and as the architect of our purposes. Imagination is not to be divorced from the facts:It is a way of illuminating the facts.It works by eliciting the general principles which apply to the facts,as they

8、exist ,and then by an intellectual survey of alternative possibilities which are consistent with those principles.It enables men to construct an intellectual vision of a new world ,and it preserves the zest of life by the suggustion of satisfying purposes. 11. A.as B.with C.for D.of 12. A.it B.its C

9、.them D.their 13. A.it find B.to be found C.finding D.founded 14. A.conveying B.conveyed C.being conveyed D.to convey 15. A.or B.and C.as D.like 16. A.as B.what C.which D.that 17. A.attachment B.connection C.tradition D.fame 18. A.advocating B.forcing C.imposing D.uniting 19. A.imaginary B.imaginabl

10、e C.imaginative D.imagining 20. A.what B.as C.how D.which 三.閱讀理解A Picasso,the famous Spanish painter,was born in 1881.His father was an art tracher.Picasso began to paint very early.He was admitted to the Royal Academy of Art at the age of 15.After 1900,he spent much time in Paris,living there to 19

11、47,then he moved to the south of France. Throughout his career,Picasso moved from style(風格) to style with ease.He practised sculpture(雕塑) .illustrated(加插圖表) books and also showed great interest in pottery design(陶瓷設計) and other fields of art. Picasso produced a great number of drawings in his life.

12、No later artist of the school of Paris has replaced him in international influence(影響). Picasso is generally considered to be the foremost(最重要的) figure in the 20th century French art. His paintings are now exhibited in leading European and American Galleries. 21.The main idea of the passage is_. A.P

13、icasso is considered to be the foremost figure in the 20th century French art. B.Picasso is a famous Spanish painter C.Picasso spent much time in Paris,living there from 1940 to 1947. D.Picassos life and art. 22.According to the writer,Picasso was _this century. A.more important than any other Frenc

14、h artist in international influence. B.more important than any other Spainsih artist in international influence. C.the most important figure in Spain. D. the most important figure in France. 23.Picasso moved from style to style with ease. It means_. A.he did not like only one style. B.he changed his

15、 style without difficulty C.he not only liked sculpture,but also pottery design. D.He showed great interest in other fields of art. 24.His paintings are now exhibited in leading European and American Galleries,because_. A.he was a Spanish artist B.he was a French artist C.he was famous in French art

16、. D.he produced a great many wonderful drawings in different styles.B Mr.Evans lived in Florida and had a company there. Some computers were made in his company.He was kind to his empleyees(僱員) and often had a joke with them.They liked him very much and worked hard.So he paid them a lot. The man had

17、 a lot of work to do and usually went to bed late at night.His friends advised him to do some sports.He thought he was strong and didnt agree with them.But one day he fell in a faint(暈倒) while he was working in his office.He was sent to a hospital at once and the doctors examined him carefully.They

18、found something was wrong with his heart and he had to be in hospital. Several months later he returned home and told his son to manage the company. Once his daughter wanted to travel in Australia.The old man decided to go there with her. As he went to the country for the first time,he was intereste

19、d in all.He played well,had a good sleep and visited some places of interest.And one day they went to visit a farm.It was big and beautiful.Cow and sheep could be seen everywhere. Pionting to a cow,Mr.Ivans asked,”Whats this?” “Havent you seen a cow?”the guide asked in surprise. “Cow?”Mr.Ivans said

20、with a smile.”A cow in our country is five times(倍) as big as it!” Having heard this ,all the visitors began to laugh.After a while he saw a kangaroo(袋鼠) and asked again,”Whats that?” “Its flea(跳蚤),sir”answered the guide. 25.The employees worked hard because_. A.Mr.Evans was kind to them. B.Mr.Evans

21、 had a company C.Mr.Evans often had a joke with them. D.They liked to use computers 26.Mr.Evans fele in a faint because_. A.he was very busy B.he went to bed late C.he didnt get up on time in the morning D.he had got a heart disease. 27.Mr.Evans was interested in all because_. A.he hadnt been in Aus

22、tralia before. B.He had never left his hometown before. C.He had to be a traveller D.He hoped to live in the country. 28.Which of the following is true? A.There werent any cows in Florida B.Mr.Evans had a joke with the guide. C.Mr.Evans hadnt seen any cows before. D.The cows in Florida were much big

23、ger than those in Australia.五.書面表達. 一些外賓到你校參觀,並決定參加你班的英語晚會,會上由你致詞表示歡迎,並介紹班級情況. 為此, 請你寫一篇簡短的發言稿.內容要點如下: 1.表示歡迎; 2.介紹班級情況,如男女生人數、籍貫、年齡、興趣等; 3.介紹你班學習科目及學習情況; 4.介紹晚會的主要節目; 5.祝願的話. 注意: 1.致詞須包括所有內容要點,但不要逐條譯成英語; 2.字數100左右.二級英語測試1答題紙 姓名: _ 應聘部門:_ 應聘職位:_ 分數:_ (總分100分,合格為60分) (注意:每道題只能涂黑一個選項,否則答題無效;例: A B C D


25、BCD21ABCD2ABCD12ABCD22ABCD3ABCD13ABCD23ABCD4ABCD14ABCD24ABCD5ABCD15ABCD25ABCD6ABCD16ABCD26ABCD7ABCD17ABCD27ABCD8ABCD18ABCD28ABCD9ABCD19ABCD10ABCD20ABCD書面表達32分One possible version: Welcome to our class and welcome to our evening party.First of all,let me say a few words about our class.There are 50 s

26、tudents in our class26 of us are boys and 24 are girls. Most of us are from Beijing. We are mostly at the same ageabout 17. Some go in for sports,and some are interested in reading. We have six subjects in all, including English, Chinese and Mathematics. All of us like to study English and we usually spend a lot of time on it. In our program tonight, there will be a short play, group singing and so on. I hope you will enjoy them and have a good time .Thank you.


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