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1、 本科生毕业论文交际教学法在高中英语口语课堂中的应用The Application of Communicative Language Teaching in the English Oral Classroom of Senior High School The Application of Communicative Language Teaching in the English Oral Classroom of Senior High School BYWu lianyouSupervised by Han YingA Thesis Submitted to College of F

2、oreign Languages Yunnan Agricultural UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn English LanguageMay 2013ContentsAbstract (English)VAbstract (Chinese).VI1. Introduction .11.1 The background of the Communicative Language Teaching.11.2 Purpose of the Paper

3、.12. The Current Situation of senior high school English oral teaching in china. 22.1 lack of natural language environment.22.2 Lack of special oral English teaching.32.3Students lack confidence in speaking English.32.4 Chinese-speaking teaching method .33. The communicative language teaching in the

4、 high school oral English classroom. 43.1 The define of Communicative Language Teaching.53.2 Principles for applying the communicative language teaching in English teaching.63.3 Stages of communicative language teaching.63.4 The application of Communicative Language Teaching in our class.73.4.1Group

5、 work.7 3.4.2 Role-play.84. Some Suggestions for applying Communicative Language Teaching.94.1 Developing Students Critical Thinking94.2 Reform the class teaching mode .104.3 Set up a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere in classroom.104.4 Making a proper communicative test.105. Conclusion.11Reference

6、s.12摘要英语是当今世界上通用的国家语言之一,是世界上使用最广泛的语言,英语教学的目的是培养学生的交际能力。英语四项基本技能之一的口语是非常重要的,口语有助于学生与人交流。然而,过多的关注于高考使高中生的英语远落后于口语的要求,本文考察了目前高中英语口语教学中存在的问题,以及讨论交际教学法在高中英语口语中的应用,并给出相关建议。关键词:交际法;英语口语教学;问题AbstractEnglish is the major world international language, is one of widely used language. In china, the goal of Engl

7、ish teaching is to cultivate students communicative competence. Of the four basic language skills, speaking is very important because it helps students to communicate with each other. However, too much attention paid to the national entrance examination made students in high school fall far behind t

8、he requirement of speaking. This paper examines the problems of current oral English teaching in high school, and discusses the application of communicative language teaching in oral teaching, and gives some suggestions.Key word:Communicative Language Teaching; oral teaching; problem 1. Introduction

9、1.1 The background of the Communicative Language Teaching With the development of economic globalization and china enter into WTO formally ,As we all know that learn English well is important to future development of China, Chinese people learn English in order to speak it , not for taking examinati

10、ons. However, because oral English has not yet been incorporate into the scope of English test so that most of students and their teachers focus on written tests. As a result, large numbers of Chinese students score high in exams but they are unable to speak English fluently. After studying English

11、for several years, students still remain at a loss when they have to express themselves in English. They may remember a great number of words and idioms, but they can not express themselves appropriately in communication. Faced with this situation, English teacher paid more attention to improve stud

12、ents of speaking ability, but how to improve it? Since early 80s of last century, English teachers in China have been trying to improve their teaching and a new teaching approach in their class. It is Communicative Language Teaching. 1.2 Purpose of the Paper Communicative Language Teaching is a very

13、 significant teaching method in English classroom for senior high school students. It can be used to lead in a class, Help most of student to enhance your interest in learning English, to improve students spoken English. it can be a very effective way for an English teacher in teaching process. Scho

14、lars and teachers from both home and abroad have been trying their best to put forward and use those theories which are related to Communicative Language Teaching for quiet a long period of time. At present, oral English has not yet been incorporate into the scope of English test so that most of stu

15、dents and their teachers focus on written tests, in order to get a higher score in the college entrance examination, students in recent years are shouldering heavier burden from various homework and extra training classes. As a result, large numbers of Chinese students score high in exams but they a

16、re unable to speak English fluently. In order to change this situation, ,this paper analyzed the application of communicative Language Teaching in the English classroom of senior high school and gives out a series of effectiveness and methods improving students oral ability.2. The current situation

17、of senior high school English oral teaching in china In the traditional teaching mode, the center is teacher, the contents are grammar, vocabulary and the activities are practice of sentence types and grammar. The students will gradually be trapped by fear and disgust of this kind of teaching method

18、, additionally Oral English has not yet been incorporate into the scope of English test, Teachers pay attention to English knowledge, neglecting the oral English teaching. Most of the students neglect the importance of oral English, when they are preparing for the college entrance examination; the s

19、enior school students pay more attention on written test scores so that spoken English is ignored. Most of students are owed a good grade but they are unable to speak English fluently. The current situations of senior high school English oral teaching in china are as follows:2.1 lack of natural lang

20、uage environmentLanguage learning can hardly do without specific linguistic context. In China, English as a foreign language, it is bound to lacks authentic language environments. Chinese students learn English only to finish schoolwork; they hardly practice English after class. More students in cla

21、ss results in less communions between students and teachers or students and students. No authentic language contexts, to a certain extent, affected improvement of oral teaching. For language learner, learn English is aim to communication. Only create a real English environment, advocating use of rea

22、l language, we can finally achieve the purpose of improve students English expression ability.2.2 Lack of special oral English teaching Due to the effect of examination system, Oral English has not been included in the test range; Many teachers dont pay attention to the training students oral Englis

23、h, for the sake of finish the teaching objectives and cope with all kinds of usual test, Almost each lesson is used to explain the text, work the exercises, and they focus on vocabulary, sentence patterns and grammar explain, Ignoring the students oral English training. As a result, large numbers of

24、 Chinese students are score high but are unable to speak English fluently. After studying English for several years, students still remain at a loss when they have to express themselves in English. They may remember a great number of words and idioms, and read simple of English article ,but they can

25、 not use them appropriately in communication. After having learned English for many years, many Chinese students cannot speak affluent English yet, only dumb English”.2.3 Students lack confidence in speaking EnglishBecause English foundation of the student is weak, students are insufficient vocabula

26、ry, poor at grammatical patterns, while Oral communication is oral, flexible, communicative, error of openness, which leads to Students lack confidence in speaking English. Some students think that learn oral English is so difficult that they give up many opportunities to practice English. Some stud

27、ents are worried about the errors, or of be criticizing, or losing face, so they are afraid of speaking English. 2.4 Chinese-speaking teaching method In the past few years, Students spend lots of time in learning the phonetic, read the new words and recite the text in the first place, to studying an

28、d improve the pronunciation and intonation. Some students study standard spoken English with the tape recorder; finally, some students still cant speak fluent English. Besides, some of the English teacher stressed the accuracy of spoken English, and correct the mistakes whenever they made, they let

29、the student practice the sentence pattern repeatedly. As a result, it strengthen the students psychological anxiety, students are interest in speaking English is weakened.3. The communicative language teaching in the high school oral English classroomFaced with this situation, Communicative language

30、 teaching is a good way to solve these problems. Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate communication. The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life. The real-life simulations change from day to day. Students motivation

31、 to learn comes from their desire to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics. 3.1 The define of Communicative Language TeachingCommunicative Language Teaching (CLT) also called Communicative Approach or Functional Approach, originated from the changes in British language teaching trad

32、ition dating back from the late 1960s. English linguist of Wilkins is the founder of Communicative Language Teaching, Representative also English language educator Alexander and Widdowson. Communicative Language Teaching theory is based on functional linguistics and social linguistics. Stemming from

33、 the socio-cognitive perspectives of the socio-linguistic theory, it aims to make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and develop procedures for the teaching of the four skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication (Richards and Rodgers, 1986). The Com

34、municative Language Teaching aims to helping students use the target language a variety of contexts. It primary focus is to help learners create meaning rather than help them in develop perfect grammar or acquire native-like pronunciation. This means that successfully learning a foreign language is

35、assessed in terms of how learners have developed their communicative competence. Since the concept “communicative competence” was first introduced by Hymens in the mid-1960s, many researchers have helped develop theories and practices of Communicative. In Hymens view, language was considered as a so

36、cial and cognitive phenomenon; syntax and language forms were understood not as autonomous, a contextual structures, but rather as meaning resources used in particular conventional ways and develop through social interaction and assimilation of others speech. Therefore, speakers of a language have t

37、o have more rather grammatical competence in order to be able to communicate effectively in a language; they also need to know how language is used by members of a speech community to accomplish their purposes (Hymes, 1968). Based on this theory, Canal and Swain (1980) later extend the “Communicativ

38、e competence” into four dimensions. In Canal and swain, “Communicative competence” was understood as the underlying systems of knowledge and skill required for communication. From this perspective, what language teachers need to teach is no longer just linguistic competence but also socio-linguistic

39、 competence, discourse competence and strategic competence. Communicative language Teaching is not a single and fixed teaching model; the core content is “using language to learn” and “learning to use language”. To sum up, the Communicative Language Teaching emphasizes that one of the most important

40、 functions of language is communication; therefore, the aim of learning a language is to acquire the competence to conduct effective communication in the target language. Meanwhile, the structure and the function of the target language should be equally treated.3.2 Principles for applying the commun

41、icative language teaching in English teachingAmong the numerous principles of communicative language teaching, there are two pieces of principles, which are more important in Chinas English teaching.First, Create more realistic situation. The current teaching methods dont emphasize the real world si

42、tuation and fail to cultivate students spontaneity. Artificial conventions and mechanical question-and-answer sequences fall short of the flexible, spontaneous kind of communicative interaction required for performing a task with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Such classroom te

43、aching forces learners to talk about things that are not of their own choosing and not based on their actual needs. Second, the class should be students-centered. Communicative approach makes learners to be themselves and requires the classroom instructor to play a secondary role, trying to keep foc

44、us on the students not on him and encouraging students to communicate among themselves. The teacher should allow full scope for his students spontaneous learning process and give more opportunities for the students to talk, perform and express their own ideas. In this way, the students will no longe

45、r feel inferior. Gradually, they will form a positive attitude toward English studying. The role and relationship between the teacher and students are fixed by the students-centered principle. It is to say that the students are the main part in communication, while the teacher helps the students to

46、communicate.3.3 Three stages of communicative language teachingCommunicative language teaching is a good way to improve the students ability of speaking, and it is thought highly by more and more people. Communicative teaching is a very complex process. The teacher can divide the students learning into three stages:In the first stage, the teacher is a sort of information - he selects material to be learned and presents it so that the students can understand it and remember it as


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