1、IELTS Speaking Module Flow Chart雅思口语考试流程Part 1 第一部分Introduction & Interview(彼此介绍并谈论一般性话题)Total time总时间: 4 5 minutesOn Entering the Test RoomWaiting out at the door“Do you have a mobile on you?” Psychological suggestionBefore you start: The examiner will say the following statement before he starts t
2、he speaking test. The tape recorder will be turned on at this point. “This is the speaking module for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)conducted on the 4th of July, 2009 in DALIAN. The candidate is Liu Haibo. Candidate number 000007. And the interviewer is Steven Gerrard.”1.
3、Introduction questions You will be asked 4 standard questions “Good morning/afternoon. My name is Steven Gerrard. Can you tell me your full name please?”Answer: My full name is My family name is and my given name is“What shall I call you?”“Can you tell me where youre from?”“Can I see your identifica
4、tion, please?”Answer: Here you are./ Here you go.2. Topic 1 You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic“Now, in the first part, Id like to ask you some questions about yourself. Lets talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?”3. Topic 2 You will be asked 3-4 questions based on
5、 this topic“Lets talk about (a new topic)4. Topic 3 You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic“Lets move on to the topic of (a new topic)Part 2 第二部分Individual Long Turn(个人表述)Total time总时间: 3 4 minutes1. Preparation Time You are given 1 minute to prepareIn Part 2, the examiner starts by sayi
6、ng. “Now, Im going to give you a topic, and Id like you to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes. Before you talk, youll have 1 minute to think about what youre going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?“Heres your paper and a pencil for making notes. And heres your topic. (The
7、 examiner hands you the cue card at this point). Id like you to describe .2. Speaking Time You have to speak for 1 to 2 minutes“All right. Remember you have 1 to 2 minutes for this, so dont worry if I stop you. Ill tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?”3. Follow-up Maybe,
8、 the examiner will ask 1 to 2 extra questionsPart 3 第三部分2-way Discussion(深入交谈)Total time总时间: 4 - 5 minutes1. You will be asked between 5 to 12 questions which are related to Part 2s topicExaminers instructions during the Speaking Test In Part 3, the examiner starts by saying “Weve been talking about
9、 (Part 2s topic) and Id like to discuss with you 1 or 2 more general questions related to this. Lets talk about first of all,.Finally! The end!“Ok, thank you very much. Thats the end of the speaking test.”雅思口语评分标准雅思口语评分标准分为四大部分,分别为:f,v,g,pf:即fluency,指口语流畅度。如果在考官问题的时候,可以很流畅地回答,期间没有明显停顿,或没有明显思考的停顿的话(如
10、果用时间计算的话,大概5秒吧),在f这个部分,应该有6分。v:即vocabulary,指说口语时所用到的词汇。在这部分,不需要很难很深奥的词汇,应该尽量使用自己熟悉,简单和会使用的词汇,以避免犯错。g:即grammar,语法。出现少量语法错误时很难避免的,如果意识到了,可以自我纠正。但是,一但语法错得比较多(占4成左右),那么得分少于6分了。主要要注意的语法是:he/she,一般过去时和一般现在时单三。p:即pronunciation,就是你的口语发音了。现行的口试评分中,对于发音的评分,考官根据9级发音评分量表给出2分、4分、6分、8分四种评分结果。IELTS Speaking Band D
11、escriptors 评分标准Fluency and coherenceLexical resourceGrammatical range and accuracyPronunciation99l speaks fluently with only rare repetition or self-correction; any hesitation is content-related rather than to find words or grammarl speaks coherently with fully appropriate cohesive featuresl develop
12、s topics fully and appropriatelyl uses vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all topics l uses idiomatic language naturally and accuratelyl ses a full range of structures naturally and appropriatelyl produces consistently accurate structures apart from slips characteristic of native spea
13、ker speech88l speaks fluently with only occasional repetition or self-correction; hesitation is usually content-related and only rarely to search for languagel develops topics coherently and appropriatelyl uses a wide vocabulary resource readily and flexibly to convey precise meaningl uses less comm
14、on and idiomatic vocabulary skillfully with occasional inaccuraciesl uses paraphrase effectively as requiredl uses a wide range of structures flexiblyl produces a majority of error-free sentences with only very occasional inappropriacies or basic/non-systematic errorsl is easy to understand througho
15、ut, with L1 accent having minimal effect on intelligibilityl uses a wide range of phonological features to convey meaning effectively77l speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherencel uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibilityl may demonstrate language-
16、related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correctionl uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topicsl uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation with some inappropriate choicesl uses paraphrase effectivelyl use
17、s a range of complex structures with some flexibilityl frequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist66l is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or hesitationl uses a range of connectives and
18、discourse markers but not always appropriatelyl has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and make meaning clear in spite of inappropriaciesl generally paraphrases successfullyl uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibilityl may make frequent mistakes with
19、complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problemsl can be understood throughout, though mispronunciation may occasionally cause momentary strain for the listener55l usually maintains flow of speech but uses repetition, self-correction and/or slow speech to keep goingl may over-use
20、 certain connectives and discourse markersl produces simple speech fluently, but more complex communication causes fluency problemsl manages to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics but uses vocabulary with limited flexibilityl attempts to use paraphrase but with mixed successl produces basic se
21、ntence forms with reasonable accuracyl uses a limited range of more complex structures, but these usually contain errors and may cause some comprehension problems44l cannot respond without noticeable pauses and may speak slowly, with frequent repetition and self-correctionl links basic sentences but
22、 with repetitious use of simple connectives and some breakdowns in coherencel is able to talk about familiar topics but can only convey basic meaning on unfamiliar topics and makes frequent errors in word choicel rarely attempts paraphrasel produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple sente
23、nces but subordinate structures are rarel errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstandingl produces some acceptable features of English pronunciation but overall control is limited and there can be severe strain for the listener33l speaks with long pausesl has limited ability to link simple sen
24、tencesl gives only simple responses and is frequently unable to convey basic messagel uses simple vocabulary to convey personal informationl has insufficient vocabulary for less familiar topicsl attempts basic sentence forms but with limited success, or relies on apparently memorized utterancesl mak
25、es numerous errors except in memorized expressions22l pauses lengthily before most wordsl little communication possiblel only produces isolated words or memorized utterancesl cannot produce basic sentence formsl speech is often unintelligible11l no communication possible; no rateable language常见问题:Do
26、 I have to sound positive or optimistic? Or do I have to present completely original creative or unconventional answers?Answers: Its not what you say but how you say it.Incorrect: interesting content Amusing or funny answersBody languageAppearance or dressShould I equate big words with higher scores
27、?Answers: It is not necessary to use big, awe-inspiring words and convoluted sentences.Will templates work?Answer: It depends.For example:Interviewer: how do you think of the idea that we should protect wild animals and send them all into zoos?Candidate: Humm, that is a very good question. Let me th
28、ink about it(several seconds later) Ah! Sir, I finally found a good answer to your question. But I am not sure if I understood your question correctly So, could you please say that question again?Interviewer: How can we use online collections of past test questions wisely?Answer: It is good that we
29、have the source to prepare for the oral part of the IELTS , but a fly in the ointment is there is too many questions in the collections. Am I supposed to butter up the examiner?Answer: Are you really up to anything the interviewer may be interested in?What should I do when I cant fully understand a question?Answer: I beg your pardon?Excuse me?Sorry, I zoned out.Sorry, I didnt quite catch the question. Could you ask it again?I am sorry I missed that one. Could you repeat it?Could you please rephrase your question?Well, my best guess would be