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1、Lesson 8Conversation 1-5 C D B B A 6-10 C D B C B11-15 A C B D A 1. M: My chemistry prject is in trouble. My partner and I have totally different ideas about how to proceed. W: You shold try to meet each other halfway. Q: What does the woman suggest?2. M: Whats the matter? Youve been sitting there f

2、or ages just staring into space. W: I told the Brownigns Id send them a postcard. Now I dont know what to say. Q: What is the woman doing?3. M: Ive noticed that you get leters from Canada from time to time. Would you mind saving the stamps for me? My sister collects them. W: My roommates already ask

3、ed for them. Q: What will the woman probably do?4. M: Next, shouldnt we get a telephone installed in the hall? W: Fixing the shower pipe is far more important. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?5. M: I hope I wont oversleep. Ive simply got to catch the first flight to New York. W: If I were

4、you, Id request a wake-up call from the hotel reception. Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?6. M: You know some TV channels have been rerunning a lotof comedies from the sixties. What do you think of those old shows? W: So-so, but the new ones arent so great either. Q: What is the mans opin

5、ion on the new TV comedies?7. M: I heard that Park Electronics is going to be holding interviews on campus next week. W: Yeah. What day? Id like to talk to them and drop off my resume. Q: What does the woman want to do?8. M: I knew Laurie played the piano, but I didnt know she played the guitar. W:

6、Neither did i. It seems she just picked it up on her own over the summer. Q: What does the woman mean?9. M: Its so mild today, wanna go for a bike ride after your last class? W: When is the latest time we could start? My last class is a chem. Lab and it often runs late. Q: What is likely to happen t

7、o the woman?10. W: Arent you leaving tomorrow on vacation? All packed and ready to go? M: Not quite. I still have to stop by the drugstore and get my allergy prescrioption refilled. Q: What does the man have to do for the vacation?11. W: The floor is awfully wet. What happened? M: No sooner had I go

8、tten into the shower than the phone rang. Q: What was the man doing when the phone rang?12. M: Mary, did you drop off the rollf of film for developing? W: No. I got Susan to do it. Q: What happened to the roll of film?13. M: Could you please tell me where to find running shoes? W: Yeah. They are on

9、the second floor, in sporting goods. Q: Where was this conversation probably taking place?14. M: That leaky faucet is starting to get to me. W: What should we do about it? Q: What does the woman want to know?15. M: Hello. Id like two seats for the evening show. W: Sorry, but the performance is alrea

10、dy sold out. Would you be interested in something later this week? Q: What does the woman imply?Passage 1i. 1-5 C A C D A ii. 1-5 F T T F F Young people in the United States have a wide variety of interests apart from their school work. As children, both boys and girls play many of the same games. T

11、hey swim, play baseball and basketball, go boating and camping, and have fun in many kinds of sports and outdoor activities. Many youth organizations give young people a chance to develop and broaden ttieir interests, and to gain experience in working with others. Among these groups are the Boy Scou

12、ts, which serves more than four million boys, the Girl Scouts, with nearly three million girls, and the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, with over one million participants. These and other groups are guide by adults who volunteer their services. Civic. cultural and religious groups also sponsor spec

13、ial programs for young people. In farm areas, boys and girls learn to work together in agriculture, homemaking and citizenship activities. They compete for prizes in raising farm animals and growing crops. Secondary schools offer students a wide variety of activities to develop talents and skills. T

14、here are clubs for photography, music, theater, art, stamp collecting, natural science and debating. Often schools have orchestras, bands and singing groups as well as a variety of competitive sports for both boys and girls. Most schools and colleges have some form of student government with electio

15、ns to choose class representatives. These elected officers speak for their fellow students at student council meeting with teachers and schaof officials. They also organize social activities and take part in such community projects as fund raising for charity. Many young people hold part-time jobs a

16、fter school hours. Thousands earn money by delivering newspapers or helping look after young children in private homes. Later, when they go to college, many youths continue to work part-time at a variety of jobs to help pay their expenses. For several weeks during the summer vacation, about five mil

17、lion school-age children go to camps where they get plenty of recreational activities and learn various skills. There are more than 10,000 camps operated by private citizens and organizations. College students often workas counselors at these camps.Passage 2i. 1-5 C D A D B Most worthwhile careers r

18、equire some kind of special training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an occupation should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, however, most people make several job choices during their working lives, partly because of economic and industrial changes and partly

19、 to improve their positions. The one perfect job does not exist. Young people should therefore enter into a broad flexible training program that will fit them for a field of work rather than for a single job. Unfortunately many young people, knowing little about the job market or themselves for that

20、 matter, choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss basis. Some drift from job to job. Others stick to work which they neither like nor suit. One common mistake is choosing an occupation for its real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students - or their parents - choose a professional field, di

21、sregarding both the relatively small proportion of workers in the profession and the extremely high educational and personal requirements.The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a white-collar job is not a good reason for choosing it as a lifes work. Moreover, these occupations are not alwa

22、ys well paid. Since a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the majority of young poeople should give serious consideration to these fields. Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants out of life and how hard he is willing to work

23、 to get it. Some people desires social prestige, others intellectual satisfaction. Some want security, others are willing to take risks for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its rewards. Passage 3In Bill Gates book for high school and college graduates, there is a l

24、ist of 8 things they did not learn in school. Listen and decide if you find them useful for your future. The 8 things are:1. Life is not fair, get used to it.2. The world wont care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.3. You wi

25、ll not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You wont be a vice president with a car or a phone, until you earn both.4. lf you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He or she doesnt have tenure.5. If you mess up, its not your parents fault, so dont whine about yo

26、ur mistakes, learn from them.6. Your school may have done away wrth winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; theyll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesnt bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.7. Life

27、 is not divided into semesters. You dont get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.8. Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.Part D1. influential 2. independence 3. meas

28、urement 4. inspired5. achievement 6. millionaires 7. lifetime 8. are willing to 9. sympathy 10. spiritual 11. estates 12. enduring13. positive 14. freedom 15. capacity 16. blessings17. open 18. self-discipline 19. security 20. benefitLesson 9Conversation 1-5 B C A D C 6-10 C D D B B11-15 C C C D C 1

29、. W: That famous violinist star “prefessor” I was talking about is going to be the soloist in next weeks concert. M: Great! I dont want to miss it. Where can we get tickets? Q: What will the speakers probably do?2. W: I think Ill take my mother to that French restaurant on the Main Street for her bi

30、rthday. M: I hope its not any time soon. Theyre usually booked up weeks in advance. Q: What does the man mean?3. M: You know. I have been watering my plants regularly, but they are still not doing well in my new dorm-room. W: Maybe instead of keeping them in the corner, you should put them directly

31、in front of the window. Q: How can the plants do well according to the woman?4. W: Ive got a headache. Sick in bed, Ive read most of those magazines twice. M: Well, if itll help, Ill run to the store and get you some new ones. Q: ?What will the man probably do?5. M: Is there a candy machine in the b

32、uilding? W: Aha, its down the hall on your left, but it has an “out-of-order” sign on it. Q: What information can you get about the machine?6. W: Thats a pretty thick book. Are you sure Erica would want to plough through that? M: Are you kidding? She wukk be through it in two days. Q: What does the

33、man imply about Erica?7. M: Could I look at your bus-schedule? I dont want to drive to work tomorrow because its snowing. W: Youll be better off calling the terminal. Its been a long time since Ive used my schedule, and Im sure its out of date. Q: Why does the woman suggest the man call the terminal

34、?8. M: Come on, Sue. I know you have a new camera, but you just took a picture of a car. W: No, no. Look behind the car! Q: What does the woman mean?9. W: Im going to Chicato on business. And somebody said you were the right person to talk to about what I can do there for fun. M: You bet I am. I hop

35、e youve got at least a month. Q: What can be inferred from the mans words?10. W: Hi, Henry. Its Betty from the apartment next door. Im in school right now. and I realize I forgot my keys at home. Could you ask the building manager to put the extra set in my mailbox? M: I dont think that is secure en

36、ough. I can just drop by your class later. Q: What will the man probably do?11. W: Professor Nelson, could you please turn up the temperature in here? Im having trouble concentrating. M: Yeah. I understand, but I dont control the thermostat. Tell you what. Ill talk to the janitor about it after clas

37、s. In the meantime, I suggest you put on a sweater if you brought one. Q: Which of the following choices I true according to the conversation?12. W: Ive just found out the creative writing class is full. Now I have to wait another whole year to get in. M: Why dont you check back after the first week

38、? Somebody might drop out. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?13. M: Do you have hot water in your dorm? We havent had any for three days, and I hate cold showers. W: Oh, sounds miserable. Since the gyms usually open, why dont you just go over there till they fix the problem? Q: What does the

39、 woman suggest the man do?14. W: With a cold that bad, I think its pretty foolish not to see a doctor. M: Dont worry. Itll pass in a few days. Q: What does the man mean?15. W: Professor, have you graded my term paper yet? M: To tell you the truth, Ive been tied up in committee meetings all week. Q:

40、What can be inferred about the paper?Passage 1i. 1-5 B D C A D ii. 1-5 F T T F F English food has a bad name abroad. This is most probably because foreigners in England often have to eat in more common restaurants, where it is necessary to prepare food rapidly in large quantities. Of course the food

41、 isnt very delicious, though quite nourishing. It is rather dull and not always attractively served. Moreover, the Englishman eating in a cheap or medium price restaurant is usually in a hurry - at least at lunch - and a meal eaten in a leisurely manner in pleasant surroundings is always far more en

42、joyable than a meal taken hurriedly in a business-like atmosphere. In general, it is possible to get an adequate meal at a reasonable price; in fact, such a meal may be less expensive than similar food abroad. For those with more money, there are expensive restaurants for them to spend money in. In

43、many countries, breakfast is a snack rather than a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal. Some people have porridge to begin with. If porridge is prepared from coarse oatmeal, it is a tasty, cheap, and nourishing dish, especially when eaten with milk or cream, and sugar or salt.

44、 Then comes a substantial, usually cooked, course such as eggs, sausages and bacon. Afterwards comes toast, with butter and jam, and perhaps some fruit. Tea or coffee is drunk with the meal. Many English people now have a full breakfast only on Sunday morning. The traditional English meal is based o

45、n plain, simply-cooked food. British beefsteak is the best and is accompanied by roast potatoes. English lamb chops, best when grilled, make a very tasty dish, particularly when eaten with fresh spring peas, and new potatoes. English pork is good, but English veal is sometimes disappointing. As for

46、fish, Dover soles are a good dish. So are British trout and salmon. Unfortunately, they are not cheapr Apple pie is a favorite dessert, and many types of English puddings are an excellent ending to a meal, especially in winter.Passage 2i. 1-5 B C D A D ii. 1-5 F T F T T What is American food? At fir

47、st you might think the answer is as easy as pie. To many people, American food means hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken and pizza. If you have a sweet mouth, you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies. lts true that Americans do eat those things. But are those the only kind of foods you can find in America? Except for Thanksgiving turkey, its hard to find a typically American food. The United States is a land of immigrants. So Americans eat food from many different countries. When people moved to Ame


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