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1、人教版新目标九年级英语上学期期末试题(附答案) 九 年 级 英 语 本试卷分第I卷 (选择题) 和第II卷 (非选择题) 两部分。第I卷1至8页;第II卷9至12页。共120分,考试时间100分钟。请考生们掌握好时间,答题时要做到自信、沉着、认真思考。 第 I 卷 (选择题 共55分)注意事项:请将代表选择题答案的字母代号填入第II卷中的答题表格中。一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分) (一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。请看第一组的四幅图片,听三个句子,完成第1至第3小题。 A B C D1. 2. 3. 请看第二组的四幅图片,听三个句子,完成第4至第6小题。 A B

2、 C D4. 5. 6. (二) 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。7. A. too tiring B. too touristy C. too expensive D. too hot8. A. a Chinese man B. for many things C. about a thousand years ago. D. in the 1870s9. A. computer museum B. history museum C. science museum D. childrens museum10. A. go to parties. B. to pl

3、ay computer C. to have a pet. D. to watch TV. 11. A. She would invent a kind of new medicine B. She would call the police C. She would help people who cant see D. She would go to Hawaii12. A. Bob B. Amy C. both Bob and Amy D. Neither Bob nor Amy13. A. Hemingways B. Marys C. Janes little brothers D.

4、Janes (三) 听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。14. John went to work in a post office before he finished his high school.15. John liked his work.16. John sends letters by driving his car.17. The big dog ran fast to him because he wanted to make John leave.18.The big d

5、og came to pick up the letter for its host.19.The dog was a clerk in a post office.20.The dog was clever.请考生们翻到第9页,先找到第五大题的A) 部分。你们将有 5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案。21.Excuse me, could you tell me _B_ a book about music? Sure. They are on the second floor.A. where can I buy B. where I can buy C.

6、when I can buy D when I can buy22. could you please _B_ us Marys telephone number?A. to give B. give C. giving D. to giving 23. I dont have a partner to practice English_C_. Why not _ an English language club?A. to; join B. with; to join C. with; join D. from; join24. We can deal _B_ our problems by

7、 _ them as challenges.A. with; regard B. with; regarding C. for; thinking D. for; think25. My hometown has changed a lot. It is _B_longer what it used _. A. not; to. B. not; to be C. no; to be D. no, to26. What _A_ you do if you _ me? A. would; were B. will; were C. would; are D. will; are27. Singin

8、g the song will help you_B_ when you feel stressed out. A. set up B. cheer up C. put up D. think up28. Salt _C_ in East and South China. A. produce B. is produce C. is produced D. produced29. What _D_ your bike yesterday? It didnt work.A. was happened in B. happened in C. was happened to D. happened

9、 to30. By the time I got to school, I realized that I _D_ my pen at home.A. have forgotten B. have left C. had forgotten D. had left31. I was late today because alarm clock didnt _B_ .A. run off B. go off C. give out D. give up32.Soft colors like pink and light blue make people _C_, so they spend mo

10、re time _their meals. A. relax; eat B. relaxed; ate C. relaxed; eating D. relaxing; eating33. Can you come and play football with me? C_. I have a lot of homework to do. A. Excuse me B. Id like to C. Im afraid not D. Its a pleasure34. I _ riding my bike_A_ taking buses to school. A. prefer; to B. pr

11、efer; rather than C. would like; to D. would rather; than35.The earth will become worse and worse _D_ we do something to stop her from being polluted. A. if B. even if C. when D. unless三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。I went back to China as soon as school was over at the end of June. And I returned

12、to Canada on August 17th. 更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http:/wWw.lSpjy.cOm 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册Its 36 to go back to China this summer, because of the A(H1N1) flu. Everybody seemed to be 37 . the easiest thing for us to do was to wear masks(口罩) on the plane, as my mom suggested. However, it was not 38 to wear a mask fo

13、r ten hours. I decided to put the masks into my bag 39 wearing them. Everything seemed OK 40 the flight. I saw only five people wear masks all the time. When we arrived in Beijing, some 41 came into the plane and took our temperature. Fortunately, 42 had a fever. Therefore, I was able to get home on

14、 time.However, everything went wrong after I got home. I became sick, with a sore throat and a fever because I had not 43 my moms words. Luckily, I just had a common 44 . while I was sick in bed, I thought that if I had listened to my mom at first, I 45 would have never caught the cold.Its always wi

15、se to listen to your moms suggestions.36. A. difficult B. impossible C. easy D. important37. A. happy B. nervous C. excited D. sad38. A. necessary B. healthy C. unfair D. comfortable39. A. thanks for B. instead of C. because of D. except for40. A. before B. by C. after D. during41. A. policemen B. d

16、octors C. engineers D. reporters42. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody43. A. followed B. heard C. known D. understood44. A. stomachache B. toothache C. cold D. headache45. A. differently B. particularly C. usually D. probably四、阅读理解(一) 阅读短文,完成4655小题。(共10小题,计10分) AThis is the VOA Special En

17、glish Agriculture Report. One of the sweetest gifts of nature is a red, ripe strawberry. There are three basic kinds of strawberries: June bearing, ever bearing and day neutrals. June bearing are ready in the spring, so they are also called spring bearing. But gardeners will not get a crop during th

18、e first spring after planting. Ever bearing , when planted after the last winter freeze, will produce fruit during spring or early summer. A second or sometimes third crop will be ready in late summer. Day neutrals produce fruit throughout the summer months.The University of Illinois Urban Extension

19、 says ever bearers and day neutrals are especially good for home gardens. Plant strawberries in the spring as soon as the soil is dry enough. Try to plant late in the day or on a cloudy day. The soil should cover just the roots and not the crown on top of the plant. Runners will appear in a few week

20、s.Strawberries grown in containers(容器) need a soil depth of about twenty-five to thirty centimeters. Be sure the container has holes in the bottom.Strawberries grow well in loamy soil(沃土) that lets water pass through easily. Carl Wilson at the Colorado State University Extension suggests mixing abou

21、t three to five percent organic(有机的) material into the soil. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。46.The strawberry is a kind of fruit with red color and sweet taste.47. June bearing is usually planted in winter of last year.48.strawberries can grow both in gardens and in containers.49. the right ti

22、me to plant strawberries is on a wet day.50. strawberries only produce fruit once.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 BBritains smallest school was closed down because its only pupil failed to turn up for class, a famous British newspaper reported in May. The newspaper said the six-year-old girls parents were unhappy wi

23、th a teacher who just got the new job to teach the only pupil.The school had been closed for the last nine months after its former (前任的) teacher retired(退休)and the only other pupil moved on to a secondary school. The new teacher, Ms Puckey, was to start teaching the girl and reopen the school. But t

24、he girls mother is keeping her daughter at home. “I was not pleased with the new teacher,” the mother said, “I had told the old teacher as far back as last September that if Ms Puckey got the job, my children would not be going to school.” The school lies on an island off the northeast coast of Scot

25、land. Although there was only one pupil, the school is very good in many ways and has a headmaster, three computers, a television and an art room as well as a school house with three bedrooms.51. The reading is about_.A. the smallest school that was closed downB. the only pupil in the smallest schoo

26、lC. the new teacher and her teachingD. the old teacher who just retired52. “turn up” in the reading means_.A. pass an exam B. go to schoolC. pay money D. hand in homework53. From the reading we can know that the school_.A. is too far for the students B. does not have enough teachersC. does not have

27、many pupilsD. is new but small54. Before the school was closed down_.A. the girls mother wanted to teach her daughter at homeB. the only pupil had to move to a secondary schoolC. a famous newspaper had written something about itD. the girls mother had a talk to the former teacher55. The reading does

28、nt say but we can infer (推断) that_.A. the girls mother had only one childB. the new teacher was not kind to the girlC. the old teacher was fit to teach the girlD. the parents were unhappy with the school(二) 阅读对话,完成第II卷第五大题的6165小题。 CA: Hi, Peter. Glad to meet you.A: I was not used to the food there.

29、B: Did you have any trouble there?C: Where have you been these years?D: when did you start school?E: How is your school?F: How often do you go to school?B: Glad to meet you ,too.A: _(61)B: Ive been in Britain and studying English there.A: _(62)B: Its nice. It has only 200 students.A: That is very sm

30、all. Isnt very young?B: Yes, it is less than 3 years old.A: _(63)B: Yes, at first I couldnt understand what others said and_(64) A: Oh, then _(65)B: At 9:00. (三) 阅读短文,完成第II卷第五大题的6670小题。(每小题2分,计10分)DWelcome to London, one of the most exciting cities in the world. There are lots of things to see and t

31、o do in London.SightseeingThere are many beautiful old buildings and monuments in London. See Big Ben and the House of Parliament, which stand on the River Thames near Westminster Abbey. Go Down the river to the Tower of London, and visit St Pauls Cathedral.ShoppingGo to Oxford Street, where there a

32、re several large department stores, or to Knightsbridge, the home of Harrods. If you like small shops, there is an attractive shopping center in Covent Garden. And London has over 100 street markets.Theaters London is well-known for its many theaters. Try and get tickets for the National Theater, a

33、modern building containing three theaters on the south bank of the Thames.MusicIf you like classical music, go to a concert at the Royal Albert Hall or the Royal Festival Hall. You can hear excellent Jazz at Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club. RestaurantsLondon has many excellent restaurants serving food from

34、almost every country in the world. Go to Charlotte Street, and take your pick from Italian, French, Chinese, Indian, Greek, etc. Sometimes its hard to find an English restaurant.20122013学年度上学期学业水平检测 九 年 级 英 语 题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分请将第一至三大题答案填入以下表格内。一听力测试(共20小题,计20分)题号1234567891011121314151617181920答案二单项选择(

35、共15小题,计15分)题号212223242526272829303132333435答案三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)题号36373839404142434445答案四、阅读理解(共10小题,计10分)题号46474849505152535455答案第卷(非选择题 共65分)注意事项: 第卷共4页,请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。得分评卷人五、听写、补全对话与阅读表达(共20分)A)听写。听对话,根据对话内容,完成下面的表格,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你们有15秒钟的时间阅读表格内容。(共5小题,计5分) Holiday PlansMary how longwill have

36、 a (56)_ holiday.what to do decided to go (57)_.when is going to leave (58)_wherewill go to one of the(59) _.Peterwill stay at home and maybe he will see famous (60)_ perform in the city.B)补全对话。阅读第I卷第四大题C篇对话,从方框内选出适当的句子完成对话,有一项多余。(共5小题,计5分)答案:61. _ 62._ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _C)阅读表达。阅读第I卷第四大题D篇短文,根据短文内容完成

37、下列各小题。(共5小题,计10分)66. Give this passage a proper title (给这段文章一个恰当的标题): _67. Where do Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament stand? _68. What building contains three theaters in London? _69. what kind of restaurants is sometimes hard to be find in London? _70.将划线的句子译成汉语。 _得分评卷人六、词形转换(共5小题,计5分)用括号内所给单词的适

38、当形式填空。必要时可加助动词或情态动词71. His illness is even _(bad) than I thought it would be.72. Youd better not _stay_( stay) up too late tonight, because youll have to take a test tomorrow.73. Edison had more than one thousand _inventions_(invent) during his lifetime.74. The workers in the factory is made _to wor

39、k_ (work)16 hours every day.75. Jims sister and her husband are a happy couple. When did they get _married_(marry).得分评卷人七、句型转换(共5小题,计15分)按括号内要求,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词。76. I used to have long curly hair.(改为疑问句) _did_ you _have_ to have long curly hair?77. Few people understood what he said at the meeting.(改为

40、反义疑问句) Few people understood what he said at the meeting._did_ _they_?78. He didnt know what to do at that time.(改为同义句) He didnt know _what_ he _should_ do at that time.79. He lives in a beautiful house. It has eight rooms and a garden.(合并为一句) He lives in a beautiful house _that_ _has_ eight rooms a

41、nd a garden.80. We use pens to write.(改为同义句) Pens _are_ _used_ _for_ _writing_.81. Mr. King is so busy that he cant go to the concert. (改为简单句)Mr. King is _ _ _ go to the concert.得分评卷人八、完成句子(每空1分,计10分)根据汉语提示完成下列句子82. We have to _COME_ _UP_ _WITH_(想出) some new ideas to solve the environment problems.83. The police found the lost car _BY_ _ACCIDINT_(偶然地).84. Watching the new TV play Yimeng_reminded_ _me_ _of_(使我想起)my hom


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