小学英语试题Happy English.doc

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《小学英语试题Happy English.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语试题Happy English.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、小学英语试题Happy EnglishHappy English(马上就要等级考试了,一定要加油呀!) Class_ Grade_等级_ 一、补充句子,并抄写一遍,看谁写得好,之抄写英语句子)1.-When do you_? 你什么时候晨练? _. -I usually _. 我通常在7:30晨练。 _.2.-When do you _? 你什么时候有英语课? _. - I usually _ at 9:00 in the morning.我通常在早上9:00有英语课。_3.-What do you do _?周末你都干什么?_.-I often _.Sometimes I _.我经常探望外祖

2、父母,有时弹钢琴。_4.-_ do you like _? 你最喜欢哪个季节?_ -I like _ best. Its always _. 我最喜欢秋天。天气总是晴朗且凉爽的。_5.-Whats your _? 你最喜欢哪个季节? _ -My_ season is _. 我最喜欢春天。_.6. -What would you _ to do? 你喜欢干什么? _ -Id like to _我喜欢堆雪人和滑冰。_7.-_ do you like _?你为什么喜欢冬天?_ -Because I can _,_and _因为我可以在雪地里玩,滑冰和睡很长一段时间。_8.-What _ Zips _

3、 season? 松鼠最喜欢的季节是什么? _ -Summer/ Zips favourite season is _. 松鼠最喜欢的季节是夏天。 _9.-When is your _? 你的生日是什么时候? _ -My _ is in _.我的生日在十月。_10.-Is your _ in_,too? 你的生日也在二月么? _ -Yes,it is.No,it isnt. It is _. 是的,它是/不,它在五月。 _11.-When is Uncle Bills birthday? 贝尔叔叔的生日在什么时候? _ -Its in September./His birthday is in

4、 September.它在九月。 _12.-When is Aunt Alices birthday? 艾利斯阿姨的生日在什么时候? _-_ birthday is in June./Its in June. 她的生日在六月。 _13.-_ has a birthday in _?/Whose birthday is in November? -Me. 谁的生日在十一月。 _14.-Whats the _?什么日期?_ -Its March 12th.三月十二。_15.-Is her birthday_? 她的生日在七月么? _ -Yes,it is./No,it isnt.是的它是/不,它不

5、是。_16.-_she/he _?她/他有一台电脑?_ -No,she/he doesnt. 不,她/他没有。_17.-What are you _? 你正在干什么?_ -Im talking to you我正在和你说话。_18.-Do you want to _ the Childrens Center?你想去儿童活动中心么? -Sure._19.-What is your grandpa doing? 你的爷爷正在干什么? -Hes _.他正在写信。_ -What is Grandpa doing?(没有修饰词)爷爷正在干什么? _ 20.-Hows everybody doing? 每个

6、人都好么?_ -Just fine. 都好。_21.-What about the baby _ ?What is it/she/he doing?象宝宝呢?它/他/她正在干?_-Its running ./She/Hes. 它/他/她正在。_ 22.-What are they doing? 他们/它们/她们正在干什么?_ -Theyre _. 他们正在吸水。_23.-What are the tigers doing? 老虎正在干什么?_ -Theyre _. 他们正在游泳。_24.- -I often _ _ _.(发电子邮件)待添加的隐藏文字内容1Zhang Peng often_ _

7、 _.(发电子邮件)-Is your sister_ _ _?(发电子邮件) -I _am_ _ _ _.(发电子邮件) -Grandpa_is_ _ _ _.(发电子邮件)二、连词成句。1. has,who,birthday,October, a, in?_.2.a, you, there,for, call,is_.3.go, Sometimes,I,hiking, the,on,weekend_.4.kitchen, the, in,cooking, is,dinner,father_.5.best, which, you, do, season,like_?三、重新排列下面的句子,组成

8、新的对话。( )Hello. ( )Hello. This is Miss Zhang. ( )Thank you. ( )Mom,theres a call for you. ( )Sure. Please hold on. Shes cooking dinner. ( ) Can I speak to your mom,please?四、对答如流,把序号填入题前的括号内。(5分)( )1.What is your favorite season? A.I can climb mountains.( )2.Whats the weather like in spring? B.Its sum

9、mer now.( )3.What can you do in winter? C. My favorite season is fall.( )4.Which season do you like best? D.Its windy and warm.( )5.What season is it now? E. I like spring best.五、打(X )My name is Tim. Im a student in Class Two, Grade Five. I am twelve. Now let me tell you something about my family.My

10、 father is a doctor. He is writing an e-mail in the study.My mother a is a teacher in a middle school. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.What am I doing? I am doing my homework, today is Friday, We have a lot of homework to do. after homework, I will play the piano.I like playing the piano very much.( ) 1、Tim is a student in Class Five, Grade Two.( )2、Tims father is a doctor. He is writing an e-mail .( )3、Tims mother is a teacher. She is washing clothes.( )4、Tim is playing the piano. ( )5、Tim likes playing the piano.


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