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1、 中 北 大 学 信 息 商 务 学 院毕业论文开题报告学 生 姓 名:王依沙学 号:10080341X21学 院、系:信息商务学院外语系专 业:英语论 文 题 目:Analysis of Factors Affecting Students Autonomous English Learning影响学生英语自主学习的因素分析指导教师:柴 瑞 琴2014 年 3 月 15 日毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告1结合毕业论文情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,撰写2000字左右的文献综述:Literature Review With scientific and technological developm

2、ent, it is very important for individuals to have the awareness and abilities of autonomous learning. But to enhance the ability of autonomous learning, especially to make the change from the awareness of autonomous learning to learning autonomously is not simply a longitudinal and linear process. M

3、any factors make it extremely complicated. In order to improve the students English autonomous learning ability, this paper is to made a lot of research and wrote this paper. 1. Definitions of Autonomous Learning One of the definitions of autonomy in Collins Cobuild English Dictionary is “the abilit

4、y to make your own decisions about what to do rather than being influenced by someone else or told what to do.” Similarly, Holec (1981), one of the earliest advocates of autonomy in language teaching defines it as the ability to take care of ones own learning. Young(1986) suggests that the fundament

5、al idea in autonomy is that of authoring ones own world without being subjected to the will of others. Dickinson (1995) considers autonomy as both an attitude towards learning and a capacity for independent learning. He elaborates the attitude as responsibility the learner is prepared to take for de

6、cision-making in the learning process. That is, “they can identify, formulate and change goals to suit their own learning needs and interests and are able to use learning strategies and monitor their own learning.”(Dickinson, 1995, p.165). Littlewood (1996) sees autonomy mainly as learners ability a

7、nd willingness to make choices independently and explains that the ability depends on possessing both knowledge about the alternatives from which choices have to be made and necessary skills for carrying out whatever choices seem most appropriate. Willingness depends on having both the motivation an

8、d confidence to take responsibility for the choices required. He emphasizes: “Students willingness to act independently depends on the level of their motivation and confidence; students ability to act independently depends on the level of knowledge and skills.”(Littlewood, 1996, p.427)To all intents

9、 and purposes, the autonomous learner plays an active role in the learning process, generating ideas and availing himself of learning opportunities, rather than simply reacting to various stimuli of the teacher (Boud, 1988; Kohonen, 1992; Knowles, 1975). As we shall see, this line of reasoning opera

10、tes within, and is congruent with, the theory of constructivism. For Rathbone (1971, cited in Candy, 1991), the autonomous learner is a self-activated maker of meaning, an active agent in his own learning process. He is not one to whom things merely happen; he is the one who, by his own volition, ca

11、uses things to happen. Learning is seen as the result of his own self-initiated interaction with the World.2. Characteristics of Autonomous LearningOn the basis of the research mentioned above, we think AL has five characteristics. 1) Initiative. What differs AL from other study ways is that student

12、s study on their own initiative. They set their own goals of English study according to their characteristics. Learner autonomous requires students to have a good ability to study independently likewise the ability to rationally allocate time, feed back the study effect intime and adjust the study b

13、ehavior properly.2) Democracy. During the classroom teaching, the teacher is the organizer, listener, participant an guide of study. The relationship between the teacher and students is harmonious and democratic. Individual personality can get fully development. 3) Effectiveness. The aim of AL is to

14、 coordinate all the factors in study to reach the best result. In another word, AL is a process of taking all measures to make ones study to be optimum. 4)Abundance. To say AL is abundant is to mean that the study materials are rich. So are the ways of study. Students can both study in classrooms an

15、d any place that can be furnished with study materials. 3. Theories on the Nature of Language Learning There have been three basic learning theories in educational circles, behaviorism in the 1950s and 1960s, cognitivism at the end of 1970s and constructivism, which is popular in the west in recent

16、years.1) Behaviorist Learning TheoryBehaviorism is an approach to psychology that has its roots within positivism, and which has had a profound influence on language teaching throughout the world. The founder of modern behaviorism is generally considered to be B. E.Skinner(1957), who constructed a s

17、ystem of principles to account for human behavior in strictly observable terms. He also began with the premise that learning was the result of environmental rather than genetic factors. He also emphasized the importance of reinforcement. Behaviorist theory thus came to explain learning in terms of o

18、perant conditioning: an individual responds to a stimulus by behaving in a particular way.2) Cognitive Learning TheoryThe cognitive theory represented by Slobin, Piaget and Chomsky is intended to accountfor the linguistic knowledge of the child by a more general theory of cognitive development. Dan

19、Isaac Slobin(1979) assumes that language learning should be the conceptual development of the child. Language development is paced by the growth of conceptual and communicative capacities, operating in connection with innate schema of cognition. Cognitive development has great influence on the langu

20、age development, which in turn, will affect conceptual formation. When a child wants to express new concepts, he attempts to restructure his/her language system to accommodate the concepts and develops performance skills to figure out how the new concepts are expressed in adult language. Slobin link

21、s language acquisition with conceptual development of the child but points out that language development lags behind the cognitive development. There are two major pacesetters to language development involved with the poles of function and form. (1) On the functional level, development is paced by t

22、he growth of conceptual and communicative capacities operating in conjunction with innate schema of cognition. (2) On the formal level, development is paced by the growth of perceptual and information-processing capacities,operating in conjunction with innate schema of grammar (Slobin, 1986).Jean Pi

23、aget(1930) study proved that the differences in thought between children and adults are of quality rather than of quantity. According to Piaget, language ability never develops earlier than cognitive ability, human being has two organizations: one is functional invariant, which determines how man an

24、d his environment react mutually and how man learn from environment; the other is cognitive structure, which is the outcome of mutual reaction between functional invariants and environment. Chomsky(1965) thinks that children learn their native language very quickly and with little effort. This is be

25、cause children had a knowledge study system when they were born. This knowledge system was embodied in “language acquisition mechanism”. Language is an abstract, complicated system, having irregular and ambiguous phenomenon. But when children were born, and their intelligence and body didnt develop

26、well, they could master native language. Chomsky feels that children have a genetic mechanism. On the other hand, children in different places learn their first language in different environments. However, they follow more or less the same stages in their linguistic development.3)Constructivist Lear

27、ning TheoryThe constructivist theorys objective is to understand how to make learners think and learn more productively. This theory emphasizes discovery-based learning and brings out learnerspersonal experiences and interpretations. System flexibility and encouraging “active” user inputs and partic

28、ipation are some of the key mechanisms. Ernst von Glasersfeld(1995), the “father of constructivism”, believes that education has two main purposes: to empower learners to think for themselves, and to promote in the next generation ways of thinking and acting that are deemed important by the present

29、generation.4) Social Interactionist Learning TheoryVygotsky (1978), believed that childrens language is enhanced by learning that occurs through social interactions. “Learning awakens variety of development processes that are able to operate only when the child is interacting with people in his envi

30、ronment and in collaboration with his peers. Once these processes are internalized, they become part of the childs independent development achievement.” (Vygotsky,1978,p.143). Vygotsky emphasized the importance of interacting with people: not just speech, but signs and symbols as well. It is by mean

31、s of language that culture is transmitted, thinking develops and learning occurs. Any unit of study should be presented in all its complexity, rather than skills and knowledge being presented in isolation. Vygotsky also focused on the use of language in all its aspects as a tool in both bringing mea

32、ning to and obtaining meaning from learning activities. Moreover, he pointed out the advantages of collaborative work set at a level just beyond the learners current level of competence.Bibliography:Boud, D. (1988). Developing Student Autonomy in Learning. New York: Kogan Press. Chomsky. (1965). Asp

33、ects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: MIT Press.Dan Isaac Slobin. (1979). Psycholinguistics. Scott: Foresman. Dickinson&Leslie.( 1995). Autonomy and Motivation: A Literature Review. System, 165-174. Holec, H. (1981). Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Jean Piag

34、et (1930). The childs conception of physical causality. London: Kegan Paul.Knowles, M. S. (1975). Self-directed Learning. New York: Association Press. Littlewood, W. (1996). Autonomy: autonomy and a framework. System, 21-25.Rathbone. (1971). Open Education: The Informal Classroom. New York: Citation

35、 Press.Skinner, B. F. (1957). Verbal Behavior . New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.Vygotsky, L. S.(1978). Mind in Society . USA: Harvard University Press.陈东红. 关于高中生英语自主学习能力的调查与分析J. 广西梧州师范高等专科 学校学报, 2004(6): 12-18.程晓堂. 论自主学习J. 学科教育,1999 (9): 32-39.高一虹,赵媛,程英,周燕.中国大学生本科英语学习动机类型J.现代外 语,2003(1):16-19. 庞维国

36、. 自主学习-学与教的原理和策略M. 上海: 华东师范大学出版社, 2003. 彭金定. 大学英语教学中的“学习者自主”问题研究J. 外语界, 2002(3): 15-19.王初明. 中国学生的外语学习模式J. 外语教学与研究, 1989(4): 17-23.吴一安,刘润清.中国英语本科学生素质调查报告J.外语教学与研 究, 1991(1): 11-15. 毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段(途径):Research Questions:1.What general attitudes do students hold toward students au

37、tonomy in EFLat present?2. What are the factors that affect the students autonomous learning?3. How to improve students English autonomous learning?Research Methodology:1. Literature method: the researcher gets valuable information by reading books, journals and some papers from internet to make an

38、overall study on previous researches. 2. Interviews: an interview is conducted to get more detailed, explicit information about autonomous learning. 3. Questionnaire: a questionnaire is adopted to get the information about the students attitude towards English learning. 毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告指导教师意见: 指导教师: 年 月 日所在系审查意见: 系主任: 年 月 日附件:参考文献注释格式参考论文课上过的文本规范!


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