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1、国内雅思口语压分是真的吗 因为国内关于雅思考试压分的声音越来越多,很多考生不得不转战考场,将考试的战场搬向海外,远赴泰国,缅甸越南考雅思,下面就和大家分享雅思口语压分,欢迎阅读!雅思口语压分?最近放暑假,很多考生在这段时间急着考雅思,但是我周围一起的雅思考生都发现写作以及口语方面的分数不如自己的预期甚至相差较大,这时候许多烤鸭们犹豫是否要花1400元复议成绩还是放弃复议专心准备下一次考试,在这里就我个人经历想分享给小伙伴们。我是在今年7月第一次考的雅思考试,由于没有通过,故而又报考了一场考试。遗憾的是,两次考试虽然总分都够6.5然后却偏偏都口语都卡在了5.5。于是我和家里商量了下决定了成绩复议






7、压分”情况不严重。首先不管是否有压分的现象,考生都应该把雅思备考作放在首位,准备好了再去参加雅思考试,换个城市考雅思,只不过是换个考点,成绩还是要通过自己的努力才能得来。如果真的是靠实力考雅思受到不公平的压分,那就勇敢的去复议。如果真的是实力不足,考生也不要灰心,再接再厉,总会有好的结果。2020年9-12月雅思口语part1答案解析:Shopping1. Do you like shopping?Not really. I find shopping a bit of a drag to be honest. I dont like going round stores and shops

8、looking at clothes and things. I much prefer to look at things casually on my phone and order things online, but even then I dont really enjoy it much. Im not someone who gets much pleasure from shopping really.2. How often do you go shopping?About once every couple of weeks, I think. Of course, to

9、buy food, I will go to the supermarket or a market about once a week, but thats just to buy some essentials but clothes shopping or shopping for pleasure, I dont do that often. Yes, about once a fortnight Id say, on average.3. Is price important to you when you buy something?It totally depends on wh

10、at I want to buy! I usually compare prices of the same items I want to buy, online, then choose the best value item. Theres a lot of sales at certain times of year online in China too, like the now-famous 11-11 day, and things like this.4. Do old people and young people have different shopping habit

11、s?Most definitely. Older people usually just buy essentials like food and domestic items, but younger people are often into fashion and trends, so they enjoy buying clothes, accessories and sometimes famous brand names that are on sale in the high streets or online. Younger people are also more friv

12、olous with money, it seems, so they indulge in the latest fashions without thinking so much about their longer-term value.2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:有用的一本书Describe a book you read that you found useful.You should say:What it isWhen and where you read itWhy you think it is usefulAnd explain how you fee

13、l about this bookA book I found exceedingly useful in my studies was quite a boring book actually, I have to say. It was a book on English grammar, by a man called Michael Swan, a famous grammarian. It was given to me by a foreign teacher at university. Its a hugely useful book, as it is organized a

14、nd laid out in quite a logical way, quite different to other grammar books Ive seen. Its really easy to find what you want in it, and the explanations and examples are incredibly clear. I used it a lot when I was writing essays, actually, because I was often unsure how to use certain aspects of Engl

15、ish grammar, or in doubt if I was using them correctly. For example, the use of “would” to be “used to” is something that used to confuse me, so I remember looking up “would” in the index of the book and finding numerous examples of the usage, not just the conditional usage, but its usage in terms o

16、f meaning “used to”, or “usually” in the past tense. From the examples in the book I quickly grasped the difference in the different uses of “would” in the English language. This is just one example of many times Ive used this book to check or clarify English language use in my studies. I feel very

17、happy that my teacher gave me this book as a leaving present when I moved on to another year, and it has helped me immensely. Ive often lent it to classmates and colleagues and they always say that its the best grammar book theyve seen. Its not cheap to buy though, so I try to look after it and make

18、 sure that whoever I lend it to, gives it me back!Part31. What kind of books do young people like to read nowadays?Young people tend to read a lot of adventure stories I think. Well, it really depends on the age, really. Im talking about teenagers. I think teenagers like the more modern adventure he

19、roes like the characters in Marvel comics and films. There are quite a few stories of this nature which are popular. Harry Potter has become internationally hugely famous too, and a lot of young people, young people of all ages in fact, have got really into Harry Potter, both in the original English

20、 language versions and also in the Chinese translations. Id say these probably are the most popular books for young people today. They capture all the elements young people like: adventure, school drama, magic and fantasy!2. Some people believe that if children read more books, they may become more

21、successful in the future. Whats your opinion?I think that reading is definitely good for young people as it not only expands their vocabulary in their own language and in a foreign language theyre studying, but also helps to improve their understanding of people, human interactions, relationships an

22、d situations in daily life. Reading is something that also helps to focus the mind, improve concentration and self-discipline, and so there are a combination of reasons why I think that reading could contribute to people becoming more successful in the long-term.3. Whats the value of museums?Museums

23、 are useful to a degree, I think. It really depends. They can be incredibly boring too. I think that if you visit a museum with a group or class from school and you have some tasks to accompany the visit, things to look out for, things to read and do little projects on, then they can be useful and e

24、ducational. However, if you just walk around a museum aimlessly looking at artefacts and relics, it can be quite tedious, especially if you have no idea what youre looking at or dont have a guide or cant be bothered to read a bit about what youre seeing. I think the greatest value in museums is when

25、 they are designed to be interesting, have interactive exhibits and make learning about history fun and entertaining.4. Should museums be replaced by the Internet?Absolutely not. We cannot do everything in our lives online. That actually kills our focus and imagination. Museums are physical spaces t

26、hat we can walk around with other people, and see things directly, not just on a screen. I would always promote the improvement of museums and not the replacement of them with online versions. Its important that we keep real artefacts and relics from the history of the world in museums, also to pres

27、erve them. And letting the general public go in and see these on display is a lot more meaningful than simply putting these things on show online. However advanced society becomes, seeing a famous or important historical object in real life is much more interesting than seeing it in the form of a photo or video on a website.口语压分是真的吗雅思


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