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1、办公室英语Clarifying personal dataA: All right, Mr. Winston. Let me just clarify this information: your date of birth is May 15, 1942? And your social security number is 542-31-2156?B: Thats right, miss. Do you need anything else?A: I just need to know your street address, Mr. Winston.B: Its 2453 Bay Ave

2、nue. The zip code is 20143.Helping out a customerA: Let me just add these numbers up for you, and I should be able to give you an answer.B: Thanks. Im sorry to give you so much trouble.A: Its no trouble at all, Ms. Liu. Im glad to help here. This should be the correct figure, 5,322 units at 53 cents

3、 per unit.B: That sounds right. Could you jot that down for me? Thanks.Receiving a compliment letterA: MaryAnn, this is a letter from Mr. Smith. He worked with you last month.B: I remember. What does he have to say?A: Well, he just wanted to tell me what a good job youre doing, and to keep up the go

4、od work!B: That was really sweet of him!A list of complaintsA: This is my list of complaints, Andrew. I would appreciate it if you would look over them.B: Certainly, Ms. Parker. Thank you for coming directly to me. You can count on me to act on these.A: Well. Ive used your firm for several years and

5、 Ive generally been pleased. Its just the last few months that Ive had problems.B: Well, I will definitely do what I can to solve these problems, and improve our service.A compliment after serviceA: Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms. Cozwell?B: No, thanks. Thatll do it for today, Joe. I do

6、nt know how you keep all this stuff straight!A: Well, thats my job, Ms. Cozwell.B: And, you do it very well! Thanks again for the help!Impressive feedbackA: Good afternoon. Paul Lands speaking.B: Mr. Lands? Its Roberta Myers calling. Ive got to thank you for the work you did on that newspaper ad. It

7、 was a great piece of work.A: Im glad you liked it, Ms. Myers.B: I loved it! Ill definitely have more work for you in the future!Asking about a refundA: Excuse me, but I thought I was supposed to receive a check for $2,500 for merchandise I returned to your company.B: Im sorry, sir. Could you tell m

8、e your name and the products you purchased? Ill see what I can find out.A: Yes. My name is Greg Wilson and I returned a laptop computer with a modem to you about a month and a half ago.B: Just one moment, please, Mr. Wilson. Ill check in our files. Where did you purchase the laptop?A good office spa

9、ce designA: Richard? Its Marie Sinclair over at the design studio. How are you?B: Just fine, Ms. Sinclair. Is there anything I can do for you?A: Youve done it already! Im so pleased with the plans you created for my new office space. Everybody in the office is excited.B: Im glad youre pleased! I tho

10、ught they suited your office layout.Unable to answer a customerA: Excuse me? Are you listening to me?B: Yes, sir. I understand why youre upset, sir.A: Well then, do something about it!B: I am very sorry, sir. But, at the moment, there is really nothing I can do. As soon as my supervisor comes in, I

11、will contact you.A successful restaurant ADA: Linda? Its Michael Davenport. Your office handled the advertising for my new restaurant: “The Steak House”.B: I remember, Mr. Davenport. I did most of the design work. Are there any problems?A: None at all, except where to put all the people! Weve been p

12、acked ever since those ads came out.B: Thats wonderful! Save a seat for me!After helping a customerA: Well, I hope that answers your questions, Mr. Gardiner. Heres your printout.B: Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your assistance.A: Youre very welcome, Mr. Gardiner. Im glad I was able to help. (能帮助

13、您我很高兴.)Please call if you have any more questions.B: I will. Thanks again!An angry new customerA: If I had known Id get service like this, I would have gone somewhere else!B: Im sorry, sir. Could you tell me what the problem is, please?A: Lets start with the fact that no one has responded to my call

14、s or letters for the past three weeks!B: I do apologize, sir. I hope I can help you. Would you tell me what you have been trying to find out?Praise for winning a case 官司胜诉A: Good morning. Beck and Beck legal Services. May I help you?B: Phyllis? Is that you? Its Craig Masters.A: Mr. Masters! Hello. H

15、ow are you?B: Im doing just great. I won my case and I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work!Explaining a delayA: When are you going to give me the prototype you promised?B: I apologize for the delay, Mr. Parker. We have been waiting on a piece from one of our factories. We should be able

16、to have it completed by next week.A: All right. But, I hope it wont take any logger than that!B: I dont expect it too, Mr. Parker. I appreciate your understanding.Discussing an ADs musicA: What were you thinking when you came up with this jingle? It doesnt have anything to do with my product!B: We f

17、elt that it was on target, Mr. Baker. But, obviously, if youre not pleased, we can rework the song.A: Youre going to have to. This ones out of the question!B: Fine, Mr. Baker. Well get working on that right away.An irate customerA: If I have to wait one more minute, Im going to take my business some

18、where else I have been waiting to see Mr. Barkley for nearly 25 minutes!B: Im very sorry, Ms. Ferguson. Mr. Barkley was called away to an emergency meeting. He should be back any moment.A: I wish you had let me know that earlier! I could have rescheduled my appointment!B: Youre right, Ms. Ferguson.

19、I didnt anticipate how long it would take Mr. Barkley. Let me see if I can reach him.A disappointed clientA: Im really disappointed in the quality of your work, Ms. Patrick. I expected a better standard.B: I am very sorry you feel that way, Mr. Garth. I realize that weve started off badly, but I thi

20、nk youll be pleased with the refinished work.A: Well, it certainly couldnt be worse than what youve been showing me!B: I think youll be satisfied with the quality of these designs, Mr. Garth. Would you like to go over to my office and take a look?Put on hold for too long 等候太久A: Do not put me on hold

21、 again, please!B: Im very sorry, madam. The phones have been ringing off the hock.A: Excuse me, but thats not my problem! I was just put on hold for the fourth time!B: I do apologize, madam. How may I help you?Explaining to a customerA: I dont understand this, Ms. Walker. When exactly are you going

22、to finish this job?B: Well, it will probably take another few weeks, Mr. Brooks. I realize it appears simple enough, but there is a lot of red tape to wade through.A: Fair enough, but Im still a bit unclear about the details. Could you go over the main points with me again?B: Id be glad to, Mr. Broo

23、ks. Why dont you come into my office?Handling a problemA: What? Youve lost the plans? How did that happen?B: I am terribly sorry, Mr. Richardson. We sent the plans by express mail to our branch in shanghai, but they appear to have gotten lost.A: What are you doing about it?B: We are tracking the doc

24、uments at the moment, and we have people working around the clock copying the plansWith a very upset customerA: This is the last time Im using your company. I have never seen so much disorganization!B: I do apologize, Mr. Kane. There is really no excuse for this. But I assure you this will not happe

25、n again! We have spoken to the salespeople involved.A: Thats not good enough! I just dont trust your company to take care of business in an orderly fashion.B: You have every right to be upset, Mr. Kane, but I do hope youll reconsider.With an angry clientA: Look! Ive had enough! If you cant get this

26、straightened out, Im going to a different firm!B: I understand why youre angry, Mr. Grant, and believe me, we are doing everything in our power to work this out.A: Well, obviously, what youre doing is not good enough!B: If you could just give us a few more days, we should be able to get this problem

27、 ironed out.Visiting a customerA: Good morning, Ms. Dunlop. My names Vance Fremont. Im the customer relations officer for Walker Medical Services.B: Good morning, Mr. Fremont. Is there something I can do for you?A: We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company, and to ask if youve ha

28、d any problems so far.B: No, I havent had any problems at all. Ive been very pleased with your service, thank you.With an impatient customerA: Excuse me, miss?B: Yes, sir? How may I help you?A: I arrived here at 8:30 this morning, and Ive been waiting since then for service! I need to place an order

29、!B: I apologize for the delay, sir. Please have a seat here. Ill take your order.With an angry customerA: I need to speak with a manager!B: Im sorry, sir. But all of our managers are busy at the moment. Would you please have a seat in the waiting room?A: I dont want to wait here all day! Ive got thi

30、ngs to do!B: I understand, sir. I will let you know as soon as a manager is able to talk with you.Visiting a customerA: Good morning, Ms. Dunlop. My names Vance Fremont. Im the customer relations officer for Walker Medical Services.B: Good morning, Mr. Fremont. Is there something I can do for you?A:

31、 We just wanted to come by and thank you for using our company, and to ask if youve had any problems so far.B: No, I havent had any problems at all. Ive been very pleased with your service, thank you.With an impatient customerA: Excuse me, miss?B: Yes, sir? How may I help you?A: I arrived here at 8:

32、30 this morning, and Ive been waiting since then for service! I need to place an order!B: I apologize for the delay, sir. Please have a seat here. Ill take your order.Re-issuing a statementA: Good morning. My names Albert Moss. I wonder if you could help me.B: Certainly, sir. Please have a seat. Wha

33、t may I do for you?A: Id like to verify how much money I have on account with you. I cant seem to find my last statement.B: Thats no problem, sir. I can issue you a new statement. May I have your account number, please?Positive feedbackA: I really appreciate your calling to tell me about this proble

34、m, Mr. Roberts.B: I know I can count on you, Pat. You always have a way of getting things done!A: Well, thanks for your vote of confidence, Mr. Roberts, I hope I can come through for you!B: I have no doubt. Thanks!Uncertain about an answerA: Ms. McPherson? Im afraid Im not sure on that. Is there a n

35、umber where you can be reached?B: Yes, 532-4121. How soon can you get back to me?A: I should be able to get this information for you by this afternoon. Ill call you as soon as I know.B: All right. Please leave a message with my secretary if Im not in.Product upgradeA: So, you would like to know how

36、much it would cost to upgrade your current system, is that correct?B: Yeah, thats right. Id also like to know how much extra equipment Id have to purchase.A: All right, maam. Let me do some calculations. Could you wait a moment, please?B: Sure. No problem.Complaining to the bossA: I realize that you

37、re very busy man, Mr. Emory, and Im sorry to take up your time.B: I dont mind at all, Ms. Walker. Just tell me how I can help.A: Well, you know Ive been dealing with your company for a long time, and Im really disappointed by the service recently.B: I am very sorry to hear that, Ms. Walker. Please t

38、ell me about it.Tracking down an orderA: Excuse me, Im sorry to trouble you. My name is Susan Ransom, and I have placed several orders with you company.B: Yes, Mr. Ransom? This is Karl Miller. How may I help you?A: Well, I wonder if you could track an order I placed with you last month. It hasnt arr

39、ived yet.B: Certainly, Ms. Ransom. Do you have an order number?Checking an accountA: Hi, this is Ralph Simmons. With whom am I speaking?B: This is Paula Blake, Mr. Simmons. How can I help you?A: Im hoping you can sort a few things out for me. Could you pull up my account?B: Certainly, sir. Just tell

40、 me your account number please.A job well doneA: Good morning. Phyllis Seymour speaking.B: Hi, Ms. Seymour? Its Allan Parker. Ive been waiting to call you and thank you for all your help last week.A: Thank you very much, Mr. Parker. But, that is my job.B: Well, I want to let your boss know that shed

41、 better hold on to you! Youre a hard worker!An angry customerA: I am very sorry to hear that youve been having so many problems, sir.B: Well, sorry isnt good enough! What can you do to help me?A: Well, to begin with, Id like to ask you a few questions if I may?B: Fine, whatever it takes to get this

42、straightened out!Birthday party invitationA: Melissa? Id like to invite you to my wifes birthday party.B: Thanks, Frank. Id love to come. When is it?A: Her birthday is on the 9th. Were going to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and then maybe go out dancing.B: Sounds like fun. You can count me in

43、! Just give me directions to the restaurant.A newly received awardA: Philip, I was really glad to hear about your award. Congratulations!B: Thanks, Denise. Actually, I was really surprised. I mean, there were a lot of qualified people out there.A: Sure. But the work you did was really exceptional! Y

44、ou definitely deserved it!B: Thanks a lot. I expect to see your name nominated pretty soon, too. Youve been doing some great work!Talking about a new petA: Jack! Do you want to see a picture of my new puppy?B: Sure. I thought people only showed off pictures of their new babies, not new pets!A: Well,

45、 this is my new baby. Hes just as much trouble. Thats for sure! But, hes a lot of fun!B: I see what you mean. Hes really cute. How old is he?Talking about appearanceA: Hi, Ellen. That outfit looks terrific!B: Thanks, Jim. I didnt think guys paid attention to stuff like that.A: No, we just dont usual

46、ly admit it!B: Well, thanks for the compliment anyway!Offering a cup of teaA: How are you, Kim? I havent seen you around for a few days.B: Oh, I was out sick most of last week. Im still not completely over it. Youd better not get too close!A: Im sorry to hear about that. Why dont you join me for a h

47、ot cup of tea? Itll be good for you!B: Sure, why not? I could use a rest.Inviting for cup of coffeeA: John! Wait a second! I was just heading downstairs for a cup of coffee. You want to come? Ive got some good news!B: Sure. Let me just grab my wallet. You certainly do look happy this morning.A: I am

48、. Dont worry about getting your wallet. Its my treat.B: This is a first! You must have won the lottery.Chatting about a new restaurantA: Hi, Alex. How are you doing?B: Just fine, Karen. Im just taking a breather from all this paper work!A: I know the feeling. Im calling to let you know about this new Italian place I found. Its right around the corner.B: Ill have to try it. You know how I am about Italian food! Whats the name?Chatting with a newly wedA: Hi, Sandy. Do you have a minute?B: Yes


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