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1、1. Being a working woman, she has a sense of pride instead of _. A) inferiorityB) prestige C) superiority D) achievement【答案:A】2. The present computers is _ in quality to those we had ten years ago. A) similarB) superior C) unlikeD) inferior【答案:B】3. The high quality and reasonable price make the cust

2、omers have strong _ in their products. A) beliefB) convince C) confidenceD) pride【答案:C】4. More practice can help you to get _ of your shyness in public. A) kickB) odd C) nutD) rid【答案:D】5. Nobody is _ mistakes; and dont be afraid to ask questions about things you dont know. A) aboveB) under C) beyond

3、D) beside【答案:A】6. Not until you began to think in English _ Chinese can you be said to know the language. A) more thanB) but not C) rather thanD) far from【答案:C】7. To forget is natural _; to remember is unnatural and require effort. A) processB) presence C) inclinationD) tendency【答案:A】8. They are goi

4、ng to _ their wedding photos enlarged. A) takeB) have C) bringD) sent【答案:B】9. There is no reason _ me not to believe his honesty. A) ofB) with C) forD) in【答案:C】10. There is no reason for an able man to _ himself that he cant do what another person has done. A) requireB) dissuade C) confuseD) convinc

5、e【答案:D】11. Erase the negative notion and adopt a _ spirit, and you gain the power to be happy in you life. A) positiveB) subjective C) objectiveD) mature【答案:A】12. It was not until he took off his dark glasses _ I realize he was a famous film star. A) asB) that C) thoughD) since【答案:B】13. As a communi

6、cative learner, Max has never felt _ to speak in English. A) reluctantB) ready C) hostileD) willing【答案:A】14. Ken Willing found in a study that language learner can be _ into four “type”. A) groupedB) classified C) representedD) divided【答案:B】15. A good teacher should _ the learning styles and prefere

7、nces of his learners. A) appeal forB) care for C) resort toD) cater for【答案:D】16. It is _that more educators prefer people-oriented education to exam-oriented education. A) unlikelyB) likely C) likewiseD) dislike【答案:B】17. All things can be _ by diligence. It makes the foolish wise, the poor rich and

8、the humble noble. A) overcomeB) destroyed C) conqueredD) manipulated【答案:C】18. _ makes success a certainty, while inconstancy often results in failure. A) contributionB) constancy C) consistence D) preference【答案:B】19. Devotion means to set our heart _ one thing at a time and give up all other thought

9、s. A) atB) for C) onD) about【答案:C】20. Constant dripping of water _ away a stone. A) wearsB) washes C) cutsD) swollens 【答案:A】21.他在语言方面自愧不如他的女朋友。 A) He feels superior in language to his girl friends. B) He feels inferior in language to his girl friends. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B22.他直到40岁时才买得起自己的房子。 A) It

10、 was not until he was 40 that he could afford to buy his own house. B) It was not until he was 40 when he could afford to buy his own house. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A23.春节前,他们打算把房子粉刷一下。 A) Before Spring Festival they are going to have their house painted. B) Before Spring Festival they are going to pai

11、nted their house. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A 24.持之以恒就必定成功。 A) Constancy makes success with certainty. B) Constancy makes success a certainty. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B 25. 养成良好的性格对于我们的今后的工作至关重要。 A) The good character is extreme important to our future work. B) The good character is of extreme importance to

12、 our future work. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B26. Playing computer games _ too much of his studying time. A) spentB) cost C) occupiedD) split 【答案:C】27. Being seriously ill, Ben had to spend all day and night lying _ on his bed. A) smoothB) flat C) evenD) rest【答案:B】28. To _ time, the two strangers began to

13、 talk. A) killB) spend C) takeD) cost【答案:A】29. Their _ in the military service made them to understand each other easily. A) devotionB) participation C) engagementD) involvement【答案:D】30. His world was _ and enlivened (使生动) by all the social activities. A) deepenedB) enlarged C) strengthenedD) broade

14、ned【答案:D】31. Young lovers walk arm in arm _flowers of every color of the rainbow in the park. A) underB) in C) byD) amid【答案:D】32. A fine view of the city skyline can be seen _ the distance. A) inB) for C) atD) with【答案:A】33. The policeman reported the car accident _. A) as ruleB) in detail C) in rout

15、ineD) on end【答案:B】34. As Jack portrayed the landscape with _ words, we could see it in our minds eye. A) creativeB) inventive C) descriptiveD) conclusive【答案:C】35. Life without passion would be _. A) doubtfulB) inevitable C) melodious D) unbearable【答案:D】36. As he looked out of the window, an idea sud

16、denly _ to him. A) occurredB) came C) happenedD) fell【答案:A】37. We are supposed to _ nothing but dreams. A) rely onB) work at C) live forD) engage in【答案C】38. Many people felt _ to help the victims after being told the earthquake. A) encouragedB) ready C) compelledD) willing【答案:C】39. A college student

17、 should never put his study _ to take the social activities. A) awayB) aside C) besideD) beyond【答案:B】40. In the U.S., there are some limits on what you can ask or expect _ a friend. A) withB) of C) toD) for【答案:B】41. In China, a true relationship is thought to be a friendship that may _ through chang

18、es in the lives of the friends. A) endureB) remain C) continueD) entail【答案:A】42. The _ change in economic circumstances in China has brought about many job opportunities and life improvement. A) frequentB) significant C) indispensibleD) sufficient【答案:B】43. The sex discrimination goes _ the principle

19、 of equality. A) forB) on C) againstD) to【答案:C】44. His speech has made a deep _ on all the audience. A) expressionB) impression C) inspirationD) intention【答案:B】45. Really friendly people respect everyone _. A) at the same timeB) at all times C) at timesD) at a time【答案:B】46.我们在任何情况下都应该设身处地为他人着想。A) We

20、 should put ourselves in others shoes in all situation.B) We should put ourselves in others clothes in all situation. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A47.这所房子经受住了暴风雨的袭击。A) The house supported the storm.B) The house survived the storm. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B48.我的学生经常提到友谊这个话题。A) My students frequently raise the

21、topic of friendship.B) My students frequently rise the topic of friendship. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A49.两天前我去看望他,不料听人说他一周前已出国了。A) Two days ago I went to see him, quickly to learn that he had gone abroad a week before.B) Two days ago I went to see him, only to learn that he had gone abroad a week before

22、. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B50.这位老人从没有想到他能得到范曾大师的画作。A) It had never occurred to the old man that he could get a painting by Master Fan Zeng.B) It had never happened to the old man that he could get a painting by Master Fan Zeng. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A51. The eyes are one of the most _ instruments of bod

23、y language. A) expressiveB) impressive C) passiveD) active【答案:A】52. I couldnt _ how the teacher could be so sharp to read my mind in class. A) bring outB) figure out C) lay outD) work out【答案:B】53. A shy person has _ making and keeping eye contact. A) troubleB) talent C) skillD) block【答案:A】54. Your l

24、ack of interest in English may _ against you in the future. A) goB) work C) turnD) fight【答案:B】55. Scientists opinions differ _ cloning human beings. A) from toB) aside from C) as toD) such as【答案:C】56. We are _ of our gestures and body movements 99% of time. A) bewareB) bare C) unawareD) mere【答案:C】57

25、. They waited _ the light on overnight. A) tillB) under C) forD) with【答案:D】58. Body language serves a _ of purposes. A) variationB) various C) varietyD) varying【答案:C】59. We need laws to_ the social order. A) conductB) control C) observeD) regulate【答案:D】60. Body language sometimes helps make the comm

26、unication easy and _. A) effectiveB) sufficient C) efficientD) illusive 【答案:A】61. Observation shows that a truly bilingual person switches his body Language at the same time _ he switches languages. A) asB) if C) as ifD) until【答案:A】62. He needed to buy a new tie that _ his new suit. A) goes afterB)

27、goes with C) follows upD) competes with【答案:B】63. Mrs. Black became a/an _ at making desserts. A) cookB) doctor C) expertD) researcher【答案:C】64. You are required to _ your name at the end of this form. A) formB) fill C) spellD) sign【答案:D】65. Teaching young children is a big _. A) attractionB) affectio

28、n C) challengeD) luggage 【答案:C】66. The boss insisted that he _all the work before dinner. A) finishB) finished C) finishingD) finishes【答案:A】67. Some people tend to be _ of the new technology. A) volunteerB) destroy C) suspiciousD) controlled【答案:C】68. Too much stress will work _ you physically and me

29、ntally. A) contributionB) constancy C) consistence D) preference【答案:D】69. The use of gesture can _ our verbal communication. A) actualizeB) modify C) replaceD) beautify【答案:B】70. The theory of relativity has been _ accepted. A) swiftlyB) popularly C) extremelyD) universally【答案:D】71.在线学习这门课并没有多么难。A) I

30、t is not so difficult learning the course on line.B) It is not so difficult to learn the course on line. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B72.至于阅读数目, 老师答应给我们一个清单。A) To the reading books, the teacher promised to give us a list for reference.B) As to the reading books, the teacher promised to give us a list for r

31、eference. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B73.他平躺在床上,两眼直盯着天花板。A) He was lying flat on the bed, with his eyes staring into the ceiling.B) He was lying flat on the bed, with his eyes stared into the ceiling. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A74.需要注意的是被面试者和面试者都一样都会使用身体语言。A) Note that body language applies not only to the int

32、erviewer but also to the interviewee.B) Note that body language applied not only to the interviewer but also to the interviewee. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A75.她是一位杰出的艺术家,长着一双楚楚动人的大眼睛。A) She is an outstanding artist of a pair of big and expressive eyes.B) She is an outstanding artist, with a pair of big a

33、nd expressive eyes. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B 76. His books _ almost all his study (书房). A) occupyB) take C) makeD) achieve【答案:A】77. _ I am, its useful to know foreign languages(不管你从事什么工作). A) WheneverB) Whatever C) whereverD) However【答案:B】78. Not only do Americans import sports, but they export sports

34、 fever, _. A) as usualB) in general C) as wellD) in detail【答案:C】79. Did the TV film Li Xiao-long _ your expectation? A) stand up toB) look up to C) hold up toD) live up to【答案:D】80. Many a wife _ a sports fan after retirement. A) becomesB) became C) becomeD) have become【答案:A】81. Many young people _ i

35、n the net-chatting. A) soak B) revel C) bask D) addict【答案:B】82. In summer, tourists _ to the beach to swim. A) crowdB) step C) flockD) tend【答案:C】83. During the 28th Olympic Games, quite a few Chinese people watched the games at home, _ to the TV set A) paintedB) glued C) addictedD) faced 【答案:B】84. S

36、ports in America _ the international heritage of the people who play. A) conveyB) grant C) representD) worship【答案:C】85. The names of American superstars like basketball great Michael Jordan have become _ words the world over. A) housewifeB) house-made C) houseworkD) household【答案:D】86. In fact, sport

37、s and games can be _ great value, especially to people who work with their brains. A) ofB) with C) forD) as【答案:A】87. Playing table tennis is what I do at times _ I am not working for amusement. A) asB) when C) thatD) after【答案:B】88. Team games allow the player to _all out for his team and not for him

38、self on the sports field. A) goB) put C) getD) let【答案:A】89. Gail was lying in the sun, _ and happy. A) relaxB) relaxed C) relaxesD) relaxing【答案:B】90. _ the lighting of Olympic flame the games begin-the Olympic spirit kept alive. A) forB) from C) withD) without【答案:C】91. States at war with each other

39、would end _ for the duration of the Olympic Games. A) friendshipB) envy C) dishonestyD) hostility【答案:D】92. In the _ of all the students, she gave a speech to advocate a green earth. A) nameB) honor C) termD) sake【答案:A】93. All the citizen should respect and _ by the law of his country. A) conformB) o

40、bserve C) abideD) watch【答案:C】94. It is hoped that the Olympic spirit of peace and friendship between all the peoples of the world will continue for many centuries _. A) at lastB) to come C) to goD) on end【答案:B】95. One athlete from the host games country takes an oath at the Opening Ceremony on _of a

41、ll the competing athletes. A) conditionB) ground C) occasionD) behalf【答案:D】96.这是一段令人终生难忘的太空之旅。A) It is a space travel to remember for ever.B) What is a space travel to remember for ever. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:A97.体育运动对性格的塑造也很有益处。A) Sports and games are also very useful for character build.B) Sports and games are also very useful for character building. 答题: A. B. C. D. 参考答案:B98.学生们从书本上所学到的东西不可能像由实践中所学


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