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1、英语听力测试题一 Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. He has learned to make sounds like a cat. B. He found food for the womans cat. C. He has become team captain. D. He has attracted the womans attention. 2. A. The woman wants to play golf while the man wants to play tennis. B. The man w

2、ants to play golf while the woman wants to play tennis. C. Both the man and woman suggest playing golf. D. Both the man and woman suggest playing tennis. 3. A. An exciting football match. B. A beautiful scene. C. The mans interest in her. D. The mans inviting her to a football match. 4. A. He must g

3、o and buy gifts. B. He does not like the woman. C. He must prepare for a new lesson tomorrow. D. He must prepare for a makeup exam. 5. A. The woman thinks university education is important while the man does not. B. The man thinks university education is important while the woman does not. C. Both t

4、he man and woman attach importance to university education. D. Both the man and woman attach importance to business experience.Part 2 Compound dictationWhat is happiness? Where do you find it? If you have trouble answering those questions, you are not alone. Philosophers and scientists puzzled (S1)

5、1.over them for ages. Probably you gave many of the same answers. Did you say happiness comes from music or good food or (S2) 2. companionship ? Perhaps you agreed with Chopins (S3) 3. lover when she said, There is only one happiness in life: to love and to be loved. Those are the usual answers, but

6、 they do not constitute a complete (S4) 4. definition of happiness. Happiness may also exist in unlikely places. Anne Frank, a Jewish girl, hid from Nazi soldiers in a small attic for two years. Food was (S5) 5. scarce and the threat of death never far away. Yet she recorded in her (S6) 6. diary fre

7、quent moments of happiness. The (S7) 7.sight of new green leaves on tree tops brought her joy. Lord Nelson, the famous English admiral, found happiness when he was near death with a painful wound. (S8) 8. After he learned he had defeated the enemy fleet, he spoke his last words with a smile:Thank Go

8、d, Ive done my duty. Those stories show that people in a difficult or even painful situation may also feel happy. Conversely, happiness may lead to an unhappy situation. (S9) 9. In a workforce made up entirely of happy people, the competitive edge would soon be lost. On the other hand, mildly negati

9、ve moods bring on the critical and analytical skills that are essential for business prosperity.(S10) 10. It may take centuries before philosophers and scientists can arrive at a clear definition of happiness.Part 3 Short passages/dialogs and blank fillingAnger is a feeling that all children 1. expe

10、rience . Some children live in 2. violent families or communities ; others see 3. too much violence on TV . These can have 4. a powerful effect on how children behave.Since anger is an 5. inevitable part of life, it is important to 6. teach children about it . In todays world, learning to 7. cope wi

11、th anger and frustration in a positive way may be 8. one of the most important lessons your child ever learns .First of all, children should learn to 9. express anger nonviolently : It is normal to feel angry, but it is 10. not acceptable to hurt someone because we are angry . It is also essential f

12、or children to 11. acquire self-calming techniques. When your rage is over, you will begin to 12. think objectively and are much more likely to 13. take a sensible course of action . Finally, many people find if 14they communicate their anger to friends. , they often 15. feel better. Their friends a

13、dvice may help them 16. see the situation in a new perspective and calm their fury. Part 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. What subjects were followed in the study? A. More than 700 subjects averaging over 30 years of age. B. More than 700 subjects averaging over 40 years of age. C. A

14、lmost 600 subjects averaging over 30 years of age. D. Almost 600 subjects averaging over 40 years of age. 2. Which of the following is true, according to the speaker? A. The crises after job loss are as bad as the loss itself. B. The crises after job loss are worse than the loss itself. C. Job loss

15、is worse than the subsequent crises. D. Only after finding another job can one overcome the depression. 3. Which of the following does the speaker mention as the result of unemployment? A. Losing healthcare benefits. B. Less ability to care for a family member with a long illness. C. A heavy pressur

16、e on family relationships. D. All of the above. 4. Which of the following is true of the study participants who found new jobs? A. Their health improved but their emotional functioning was poor. B. Their health worsened but their emotional functioning improved. C. Their health and emotional function

17、ing were both poor. D. Both their health and emotional functioning improved. 5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. How to find new jobs. B. How to overcome depression after job loss. C. Long-lasting depression from job loss. D. Depression from undesirable reemployment

18、Part 5 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. Why didnt the man sleep a wink last night? A. He was so excites about the big project. B. The woman no longer loved him. C. The boss exerted great pressure on him. D. All of the above. 2. Why does the man want to talk to the woman? A. Because he

19、wants to relieve his anxiety. B. Because the woman is experienced in finding a way out. C. Because he wants to resume friendship with her. D. Because he wants to comfort the woman. 3. What does the man think will happen if he asks for an extension of one week? A. The boss will demote him to a lower

20、position. B. The boss will fire him. C. The boss will allow him to take his time. D. The boss will give him an assistant. 4. What does the woman imply when she finally says, The only thing we have to fear is fear itself? A. There are too many worrying things. B. There is nothing to worry about. C. I

21、f you are not afraid, you can finish the task in time. D. Even if you have great courage, you cannot finish the task in time. 5. What is the dialog mainly concerned with? A. A mans collapse under pressure. B. Pressure from an approaching deadline. C. A woman stronger willpower. D. Ways to persuade a

22、 boss.Part 6 Long dialogs and True/False questions1. Those who concealed their anger or quickly became irritable were 50 percent more likely than the average person to have an early heart attack. T F 2. The study involved over 1,000 subjects who were followed for an average of 36 years. T F 3. The q

23、uestionnaire collected information on how the subjects reacted to pressure or stress. T F 4. By age 76, nearly two thirds of those who were classified as most angry had developed cardiovascular disease at an average age of 56. T F 5. Carson concludes that the most important thing angry young men can

24、 do is to go to a quiet room to calm themselves down. T F测试二Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. Beautiful. B. Beautiful and intelligent. C. Intelligent and kind. D. Beautiful, intelligent and kind. 2. A. The man is positive and the woman is negative. B. The woman is positive and

25、the man is negative. C. Both the man and woman are critical. D. Both the man and woman admire it. 3. A. An ugly duckling. B. A traditional beauty. C. A beauty in a special way. D. A plain Jane. 4. A. Steve is better-looking than his girlfriend. B. Steves girlfriend is better-looking than he is. C. T

26、hough Steve is plain-looking, his girlfriend loves him. D. Though Steves girlfriend is plain-looking, he loves her. 5. A. She wants to look younger. B. She wants to look better even than a movie actress. C. She wants to look like a movie actress in one of the mans photos. D. She wants to look like t

27、he movie actress in her photos.Part 2 Compound dictationA 20-year-old Australian model and dancer won the Miss Universe title in a two-hour beauty (S1) 1. contest watched by television viewers around the world.Jennifer Hawkins, a 5-foot-11 blonde with blue eyes, was chosen from eighty beauty (S2) 2.

28、 queens. Miss U.S.A., Shandi Finnessey, was awarded second place.Hawkins received the crown from (S3) 3. outgoing Miss Universe, Amelia Vega, and then walked the length of the stage to the (S4) 4. cheers of the crowd. Several times she reached up to touch her crown, as if to remind herself she had a

29、ctually won the (S5) 5. title .Besides modeling and dancing, Hawkins also organizes a dance team that (S6) 6. tours Australia. Her interests include surfing, camping and watching ballet.Before the contest began, Cuban-American singer Gloria Estefan, who (S7) 7. performed at the Miss Universe finals,

30、 defended beauty contests from critics who insist such events treat women merely as playthings. She said, “(S8) 8. A beautiful woman has very great powers to convince, and we have seen many misses who have done a great job.” Despite Estevans support, many people question the value of beauty contests

31、. (S9) 9. Womens Liberation organizations in the United States regularly demonstrate in protest outside Miss America and Miss World contests. Conservative religious groups in India forced such contests to move from Calcutta when they threatened bombings. (S10) 10. All the same, some Australians were

32、 hoping the two-hour show would draw world attention tothe beauty of their country and attract tourists. They hope Australia is going to shine for what it is, an unforgettable place.Part 3 Short passages/dialogs and blank fillingBrazils buxom supermodel Gisele Bundchen has set a 1. good example for

33、young girls in the country. Brazil has become the capital of 2. plastic surgery in per-capita terms , surpassing the 3. former champion , the United States, in 2000.The industrys success is due in part to the fact that 4. plastic surgery is a status symbol . In Brazil plastic surgery symbolizes that

34、 5. you are modern and up-to-date . It also shows 6. you have money to spend .Even former beauty queens who 7. had to meet more rigorous standards in their time have accepted the 8. new standards that are more relaxed . Martha Rocha told the local media, If the contest permits, I think 9. girls shou

35、ld have plastic surgery. As a matter of fact, that way 10. anybody can participate. They just have to 11. correct whatever isnt pretty. Part 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions1. Why does Pamela want to have plastic surgery? A. To become a movie actress. B. To become an anchorwoman. C. To

36、 become a fashion model. D. To find a white-collar job. 2. What surgery has Pamela had? A. Enlarging her breasts. B. Removing wrinkles from her neck. C. Making her face thinner. D. Making her nose tip more pointed. 3. What did Pamela think about beauty and character? A. Beauty is as important as a n

37、oble character. B. Beauty is more important than a noble character. C. Beauty is less important than a noble character. D. Beauty and a noble character are less important than ability. 4. How do Pamelas parents and boyfriend react to her plastic surgery? A. Her boyfriend is against it while parents

38、are for it. B. Her boyfriend is for it while her parents opinion is unknown. C. Both her parents and boyfriend are for it. D. Both her parents and boyfriend are against it. 5. How long would her new looks last, according to Dr. Carson? A. One to two years. B. A few years. C. Nearly a decade. D. Unpr

39、edictable.Part 5 Short passages and multiple-choice questions1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. More Attention to Ones Skin Than Ones Figure. B. Benefits from Skincare. C. Seeking Expert Advice on Skincare. D. Seeking Expert Advice on Beauty Contests. 2. What probl

40、em does the woman have? A. She has smallpox. B. She has oily skin. C. She has a lot of wrinkles. D. She has crows feet around her eyes. 3. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Wash her face with lukewarm water. B. Pat her face dry with a clean towel. C. Pat a cream onto her face. D. All of t

41、he above. 4. What is the use of the cream? A. To wipe out dirt and oil. B. To remove wrinkles. C. To tighten the skin. D. All of the above. 5. What does the man suggest finally? A. To get a facelift every four to six months. B. To get a facelift every four to six years. C. To get a facial every four

42、 to six months D. To get a farcical every four to six weeks.Part 6 Long dialogs and True/False questions1. At the beginning the man wants to have his hair styled. T F 2. The woman beautician tries to offer the man the complete service. T F 3. The man asks for a mirror because he suspects too much ha

43、ir has been cut off. T F 4. Finally the man has short, yellow hair. T F 5. Now that the man has a fashionable hair style, he will go to the job interview with confidence. T F测试三Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. He asks the woman to call Mr. Owen. B. He asks the woman to call Mr

44、. Woods. C. He asks that Mr. Woods call Mr. Owen. D. He asks that Mr. Owen call Mr. Woods. 2. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 3. A. He is a self-made successful businessman. B. He inherited a large fortune. C. He is a successful young tradesman. D. He will hand his company over to his son. 4. A.

45、The mans father promoted the woman. B. The woman promoted the man. C. The mans father has been promoted to the head office. D. The mans father owns the company. 5. A. The companies John has worked in are not large enough. B. Johns work experience is not long enough. C. John should be rewarded for hi

46、s long service. D. John learned little in each job, and long service means nothing today.Part 2 Compound dictationThe West End of London maintained its top spot as the worlds most (S1) expensive1. office location last year as occupancy costs (S2) declined2. globally due to the uncertain economic cli

47、mate. West End offices (S3) averaged 3. $16,682 per employee workstation (个人的工作区) last year, (S4) compared 4. with $15,700 for second-ranked Paris, a leading real estate consultancy (S5) agency5. said in its seventh annual Global Office Occupancy Costs survey.The basis of the survey has changed to workstations, from (S6) floor6. area previously, to give a clearer picture of (S7) accommodation 7. costs. During the economic downturn last year,


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