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1、Lesson 1-2I. Listen and Draw 1. 2. 3.II. Listen and Choose. ( ) 1. A. Lets go to school. B. Lets play a game. ( ) 2. A. Good morning. Annie. B. Good afternoon. Annie. ( ) 3. A. Whats this ? B. Whats that ? ( ) 4. A. A monkey. B. A panda. ( ) 5. A. Glad to meet you. B. Nice to see you.III. Look, Read

2、,Write “YES” or “NO”. ( ) 1. Its a tiger._ ( ) 2. Its a rabbit._ ( ) 3. Its a monkey._IV. Look and Write the letters. c _ t d _ g V. Connect. RABBIT pnd MONKEY t aig TIGER rbit PANDA mkiLesson 3-4I. Listen and Number. II. Listen and Connect.III. Write the letters and Match.1. p _ g4. t _ g _ r2. l _

3、 _ n5. m _ n k _ y3. c _ w6. c _ tIV. Read and Number. ( ) Thats OK. ( ) Its a panda. ( ) Whats that in English ? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Excuse me. Linda. Whats this in English. ( ) Its a dog.V. Look, Tick or Cross.then find the mistakes. 1. Donald Duck 2. Mickey Mouse 3. Monkey King dnld da:k miki maus

4、 mnki kin ( ) ( ) ( )Lesson 5-6I. Listen and Draw. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. Listen,Tick or Cross. ( ) 1. Dad. Shall we go to the zoo ? ( ) 2. Its a fox. ( ) 3. Whats that in English? ( ) 4. It has a long nose. ( ) 5. Clever boy !III. Read and Choose the anwser. ( ) 1. A: Whats this in English? B: _ A. Its an

5、 elephant.B. Im Billy. ( ) 2. A: Are you a monkey ? B: _ A. Great.B. Yes. ( ) 3. A: Mom. Shall we go to the zoo ? B: _ A. Im fine. B. Sure! Lets go.IV. Look and Write the words. _ _ _V. Match. Ab k De b Fa f Cd e Bf Ec d Unit 1 (Lesson 1-6)Part 1. Listening. 50%I. Listen and Choose the anwser. 8% 1.

6、 A. kt B. k eit 2. A. get B. let 3. A. ht B. kp 4. A. kait B. kt 5. A. fit B. di:t 6. A. bi: B. bi 7. A. b:d B. d 8. A. k: B. g:II. Listen and Draw or . 8% 1. 2. 3. 4. III Listen and Arrange the numbers. 12% 1. 2. 1 2 3 1 2 3 3. 4. 1 2 3 1 2 3 IV. Listen and find “Whats missing?” then circle it. 12%

7、1. 3.2. 4.V. Listen ,Tick or Cross. 10%( ) 1. Its an elephant. ( ) 2. It has red eyes. ( ) 3. It has a long tail. ( ) 4. It has short ears. ( ) 5. It has a long neck.Part II. Writing 40%I. Look and Arrange the letters into a right word. 8% 1. 2. 3. 4. b bi t r ai n l oo c wi a rg e f f II. Connect.

8、10% Good morning.Its a duck. Nice to see you.All right. Lets go to school.Sure! Lets go. Whats this in English?Nice to see you, too. Shall we go to the zoo?Morning!III. Find ,Match and Connect. 12%PANDA Monkey King TIGER Donald Duck Mickey MouseIV. Choose the answer. 10% ( ) 1. “这个用英语怎么说?” A. Whats

9、that in English ?B. Whats this in English ? ( ) 2. “不用谢。” A. Youre welcome.B. Youre right. ( ) 3. “让我们去学校吧!” A. Lets go to school !B. Lets go to the zoo ! ( ) 4. “聪明的女孩!” A. Clever boy !B. Clever girl ! ( ) 5. “好可爱呀!” A. How long !B. How lovely !Part III. Speaking 10%I. 说出本单元的动物(15个)3% II. 认读单词表中的词句

10、3%III. 说出本单元内所学的音标4%Lesson 7-8I Listen ,Draw and Color .1. 2. 3. 4.II. Listen and Draw or . ( ) 1. Its a red cat. ( ) 2. Its a blue giraffe. ( ) 3. Its a yellow bear. ( ) 4. Its a green pig.III. Listen and Write “YES” or “NO”. 1. k i:t _2. l i:d _ 3. meg _ 4. net _ 5. m _6. pen _7. ki _ 8. nek _IV.

11、Translation.1. two red cows _5. 一根绿色的狗 _ 2. eight blue monkeys _6. 一只黄色的猫 _3. ten yellow ducks _7. 一只红色的熊 _4. five green lions _8. 一只蓝色的兔子 _V. Number.( ) Sure !( ) Cool ! What color ?( ) Hi , LiuGang. I have a robot.( ) Can I have a look ?( ) Red.( ) Hi, Billy.Lesson 9-10I. Listen and Choose the ans

12、wer. 1. A. kpB. kp2. A. b:l B. p:l 3.A. biB. bei 4. A.rpB. red5.A. baik B. keik 6.A. bedB. bdII. Listen ,Number and Color.purple black pink white red yellowIII. Number.V. Arrange the words into a sentence. ( ) Look! Blue and yellow.1. robot new a have I. ( ) Hi.Bob.I have a new kite. _ ( ) Really?Wh

13、at color is it?2. is color What it ? ( ) Red and green.Beautiful! _ ( ) What color is it ?3. your is What book color ? ( ) I have a kite,too._IV. Read and Connect.一辆红色的小汽车a white bag 一个绿色的书包a pink balloon 一个粉红色的气球a red duck 一本白色的书a yellow car 一只黄色的鸭子a green bookLesson 11-12I. Listen and Color.1. 2.

14、II. Listen and choose the answer. ( ) 1. A. purpleB. green ( ) 2. A. ballB. balloon ( ) 3. A. carB. kite ( ) 4. A. hatB. cat ( ) 5. A. bedB. legIII. Choose the right answer for each question. A. I like orange.B. Thank you.C. See you.D. A car, please. ( 1 ) Can I help you ? _ ( 2 ) Goodbye! _ ( 3 ) H

15、ere you are. _ ( 4 ) What color do you like ? _IV. Translation. 1. Is it brown ?_ 2. May I have a look ?_ 3. What color is it ?_ 4. I like pink._ Unit 2 (Lesson 7-12)Part 1. Listening. 50%I. Listen and color. 10%1. 2. 3. 4. 5.II. Listen and match ,then color it. 10%GREENBROWNORANGEPURPLEIII. Listen

16、and choose. 15%( )1.A. a red penB. a blue pen( )2.A. a green tigerB. a brown tiger( )3.A. a white elephantB. a yellow elephant( )4.A. a black and white catB. a brown and blue cat( ) 5. A. pink eyesB. purple earsIV. Play chess with your partner. (use red and green) 15% Part II. Writing 40%I. Choose t

17、he answer. 10% ( ) 1. Look _ my book.A. inB. onC. at ( )2.What _ is it ?-Its red.A. colorB. numberC. name ( )3.It is _ elephant.A. oneB. anC. a ( )4.What color _your bag ?A. isB. areC. am ( )5.Thank you very much.-_.A. All right.B. Not at all.C. Here you are.II. Choose the word into the dialogue. 10

18、%1. See you.2. yellow3. doll4. Can5. very much6. like7. Here you are.8. Youre welcome.A: _ I help you ?B: A _, please.A: What color do you _?B: I like _.A: OK. _.B: Thank you _.A: _.B: Goodbye.A: _III. Read and write the word.10%1. Can I help you ?-A b_ ( 球 ), please.2. I like o _( 橙色 ).3. Is it p _

19、 ( 紫色 )?4. May I have a l _ ( 看 )?5. I have a new h _ ( 帽子 ).IV. Choose the answer. 5%1.( )真的吗?A. Guess!B. Really ?2.( )我能帮你吗?A. Can I help you ?B. Can I have a look ?3.( )不客气.A. Not at all.B. All right.4.( )你喜欢什么颜色?A. What color is it ?B. What color do you like ?5.( )我有一个机器人.A. I like a robot.B. I

20、have a robot.V. Match. 5%ROBOTkite peint PAINTdollrubtBALLOONrobot kait KITEpaint dl DOLLballoonblu:nPart III. Speaking 10%1.说出十种颜色.3%_2.与老师对话.3%3.译: 4%我有一个球. 你的汽车是什么颜色 ?Lesson 13-14I. Listen and write the letters.1.w _ term _ l _n 2.b _ n _ n _3._r _ n g _II. Listen and draw .1.2.3.III. Choose the

21、sentence into the dialogue.1)A: _.2)A: ( Knocking )B: Come in, please.B: _A: Hello , Xiao Hui.A: Its me.B: _.B: (Opening the door)A: _.A: Hi, Dongdong.B: Fine, thanks. _.B: _. Nice to see you.A: Thank you.A: _.B: _.1. Come in , please.2. Nice to see you, too.3. Who is it ?4. Oh, its you. Bob.1. How

22、are you ?2. May I come in ?3. Have a big apple.4. Hello, Billy.IV. Read and write the word, then match.1. pe _桃子橘子4. pl _2. rind_苹果梨5.bnn _3. pi: t_西瓜香蕉6.wtmeln_Lesson 15-16I. Listen and number.keikk ukkukibredti: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )II. Listen and write the letters and Chinese.1. c _k _2.w_ t _r3.t

23、_ _ _4. br _ _ d5. c _ _ k _es6. c _ k _ _III. Tick or Cross.( ) 1. cakebag( )2. tea see( )3. some home( )4. good foot( )5. can apple( )6. seat breadIV. Number.( )How are you ?( )Is Billy in ?( )Yes, who is it ?( )Its Liu Gang.( )Hi, LiuGang. Come in, please.( )Thank you.( )Very well, thanks. Have s

24、ome bread.V. Connect.Im hungry.A peach.Have a seat, please.Sure.Can I have some water?Thank you.Whats missing?Have some cakes.Lesson 17-18I. Listen, write the letters and draw it._c e c r _ _ m c _ n d _ e sc h _ c _ l _ t e sII. Connect.For me ?这是给你的.What a big cake !生日快乐!Its for you.是给我的吗?How beau

25、tiful !好漂亮!Happy birthday to you !好大的一个蛋糕啊!III. Translation.1. May I come in ?_2. Come in , please._3. Who is it ?_4. Here you are ._5. How are you?_IV. Choose the answer.A: May I come in ?1. Thank you .B: _, please.2. LindaA: Hello, _. How are you ?3. Have some coffee.B: _, thanks. _.4. come inA: _

26、. 5. FineUnit 3 (Lesson 13-18)Part 1. Listening. 40%I. Listen and draw ,then color it. 10%1. 2. 3. 4. 5.II. Listen and write the word ,then connect it. 10%1. _ 2. _3. _4. _ 5. _III. Listen , tick or cross. 10%( )1. I like a red orange.( )2.Have some tea, please.( )3.Its a Donald Duck.( )4.I have a p

27、ig.( )5.It has a long neck.IV. Listen and choose the right one. 10%1.A. dogB. Bob2.A. Mickey MouseB. Monkey King 3.A. catB. kite4.A. bearB. pear5.A. elephantB. telephone6.A. a balloonB. a ball7.A. ballB. doll8.A. watermelonB. chocolates9.A. candiesB. cookies10.A. cokeB. cakePart II. Writing 50%I. Ch

28、oose the different one. 10%( )1.A. ice-creamB. cokeC. car( )2.A. whiteB. waterC. pink( )3.A. handB. legC. three( )4.A. breadB. rabbitC. cake( )5.A. blueB. monkeyC. cowII. Write the letters into the word, then translate it. 10%1. _nglish 2. g _ r _ffe3. t _ g _ r 4. z _ _ _ _ _5. r _ b _ t6. h _ t7.

29、_in_ow8. b _ n _ n _ _ _ _ _III. Make a dialogue. 10%A: _Li Ming. Whats that _?1. How lovely !B: Its a pig.2. Excuse me.A: _ is it ?3. What colorB: Its _.4. in EnglishA: _.5. pinkIV. Match. 10%Whats that ?Thank you.Shall we go to school ?I like blue and purple.Thank you.Sure. Lets go.What color do you like ?Its a rabbit.Have a seat !


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