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1、深圳大运会英语口语 Universiade Theme 大运主题Dialogue 1 P: Whats the theme of Universiade 2011? 2011年大运会的主题是什么?S: Start Here. 从这里开始。P: When will the Universiade begin? 大运会什么时候开始? S: On August 12. 8月12日。Dialogue 2P: Do you know anything about the Universiade? 你了解大运会吗?S: Yes, The Universiade is an International mu

2、lti-sport event, organized for university athletes by the International University Sports Federation (FISU). 大运会是由国际大学生体育联合会为世界大学生运动员主办的一项国际性综合运动会。 P: It is said that the Universiade will be held in Shenzhen. 听说本届大运会将在深圳举行。 S: Yeah, Shenzhen will host the 26th Universiade from the 12th of August til

3、l the 23rd of August. 是的,8月12号到23号,深圳将举办第26届世界大学生运动会。P: We are really looking forward to it. 真期待呀! 深圳大运会英语口语 Public Service 公共服务Dialogue 1P: I left my briefcase here, now it has gone. 我刚才把公文包忘在了这里,现在找不到了。S: Dont worry. You can ask the hotline for help. 别担心。您可以拨打热线电话求助。Dialogue 2P: Excuse me, Can I s

4、tore my luggage at the station?请问,我可以将行李寄存在车站吗?S: Sorry. You cant. 对不起,行李不可以寄存在车站的。Dialogue 3P: Excuse me, my friend has a bad stomachache. 对不起,我的朋友胃疼得很厉害。S: Let me call the Emergency Center. 我来拨打急救中心的电话。P: Does it open now? 急救中心现在还开着吗?S: Yes, it opens round-the-clock. 开着的,它全天24小时服务。深圳大运会英语口语 地铁服务专业

5、词汇龙岗线 Long Gang Line 站台 Platform 换乘站 Transfer Station 当前站 This Station 下一站 Next Station 上一站 Previous Station 开往双龙 To SHUANG LONG 未开通车站 Station not yet in Service 售票 Tickets 补票 Fare Adjustment 单程票 Single Journey Ticket 客户服务中心 Customer Service Center 残疾人设施 Facilities for the Disabled 无障碍设施 Barrier Fre

6、e Facilities 残疾人坡道 Disabled Ramp 入口 Entrance 出口 Exit A出入口 Entrance A 楼梯 Staircase 自动扶梯 Escalator 自动行走梯 Travellator(垂直)电梯 Lift/Elevator卫生间 Toilet婴儿板 Diaper Changing Board 饮用水 Drinking Water 公用电话 Pay Phone 求救按钮 Help Button 垃圾筒 Litter Bin 警卫室 Police Room 残疾人设施 Facilities for the Disabled 轮椅升降台 Wheelcha

7、ir Lifting Platform 失物招领 Lost and Found 走失儿童认领 Lost Child 优先通道 Priority Passage 公告 Public Notice 乘客守则 Regulations for Passengers 图例 Legend 首车时间 First-train Departure Time 末车时间 Last-Train Departure Time 运营服务时间 Operating Hours 运营结束时间 Operation Closing-Time 地点 Location 轨道交通出入口周边区域信息 Information on Stat

8、ion Vicinity轨道交通车站周边区域信息图 Street Map 轨道交通车站站区图 Station Layout Plan 轨道交通运营线路图 Line Map 轨道交通运营线路网络图 Route Map 轨道交通票务信息 Ticket Information 主要道路信息 Major Roads Information 主要公共交通信息 Major-Traffic Information 综合信息 Information 自动售票机 Ticket Vending Machine 自动充值机 Automatic Value-Added Machine 自动查询机 Automatic

9、Inquiry Machine 自动售货机 Automatic Vending Machine 行李寄存 Luggage Storage 行李手推车 Luggage Trolley 自动取款机 Automatic Teller Machine求救专用 Emergency Use Only候车室 Waiting Lounge医疗点 Medical Center 邮箱 Mailbox 付费区 Paid Area 您在此 You Are Here 出租汽车 Taxi 长途汽车 Inter-city Bus 火车站 Railway Station 飞机场 Airport 港口 Port 口岸 Cust

10、oms 停车场 Car Park 自行车停放处 Bicycle Parking 1. Welcome to Shenzhen!欢迎来到深圳!2. Shenzhen is in the south of China. 深圳位于中国的南部。3. Shenzhen is neighboring Hong Kong. 深圳毗邻香港。4. Shenzhen is the first special economic zone in China. 深圳是中国第一个经济特区。5. It is a city of migrants. 深圳是一座移民城市。6. Shenzhen has a population

11、 of over 10 million people. 深圳拥有上千万人口。7. Many young people have settled down here. 很多年轻人来此定居。8. Shenzhens GDP is in the leading place in China. 深圳市的人均国内生产总值位居国内城市前列。9. Shennan Blvd is the busiest street. 深南大道是深圳最繁忙的街道。10. Bougainvillea is the city flower. 勒杜鹃是深圳的市花。11. Shenzhen has many tourist attr

12、actions. 深圳有许多旅游景点。12. Here we are at Dameisha beach. 我们现在所处的就是大梅沙海岸。13. You can enjoy many water activities. 你可以享受水上活动。14. Now were standing at the foot of Lotus Hill. 现在我们就站在莲花山脚下。15. Diwang Tower is the tallest building in Shenzhen. 地王大厦是深圳最高的建筑。16. If you like shopping, the Mix City and Coco Par

13、k are good choices. 如果你喜欢购物,万象城或购物公园是不错的选择。17. Huaqiangbei is the NO.1 electronics market in Shenzhen. 华强北是深圳主要的电子市场。18. Shenzhen Library is the biggest public library in Shenzhen. 深圳图书馆是深圳最大的公共图书馆。19. Shenzhen Concert Hall is a modern and professional concert hall. 深圳音乐厅是一座现代化的专业音乐厅。20. Have you ev

14、er attended SZ Hi-tech Fair? 你参加过深圳高交会吗?21. What do you think of Shenzhen? 你对深圳的印象如何?22. I love Shenzhen. 我热爱深圳。23. Is this your first time visiting Shenzhen? 这是你第一次来深圳吗?24. Call me Xiao Xu. 叫我小徐好了。25. Please have a seat. 请坐。26. May I have your name, please? 请问您尊姓大名?27. Do you speak any Chinese? 你会说

15、中文吗?28. Im the supervisor here. 我就是这里的负责人。29. May I help you? 请问需要办理什么?30. Please read these directions. 请阅读这些说明。31. Please sign here. 请在此签名。32. We are open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 33. Here is my name card. Keep in touch. 这是我的名片,保持联系。34. Attention, please. 请注意。35. Go ahead

16、, please. 请继续。36. Here we are. 我们到了。37. Wait a minute. 等一会儿。38. Ill do my best. 我将尽力而为。39. Long time no see. 好久不见。40. So far so good. 到目前为止还好。41. Congratulations! 恭喜!42. Please take a seat. 请坐。43. Pardon?请再说一遍。44. Me too. 我也是。45. Good question. 问得好。46. My pleasure. 我很荣幸。47. Say cheese. 笑一笑!48. Whos

17、calling, please? 请问你是谁?49. Mr. Chen is not in now. 陈先生现在不在。50. Do you have an appointment? 您预约了吗?51. Im sorry, hes in a meeting. 抱歉,他在开会。52. Hes still not available. 他还是没空。53. May I leave a message? 我可以留言吗?54.Would you like to leave a message? 你要留口信吗?55. Which hotel are you staying at? 你住在哪家酒店?56. L

18、et me show you around. 让我带你四处看看。57. I d like to make a brief introduction. 我简单给你介绍一下。58. Here you are. 你到了。59.Wait a moment. 等一会儿。 60. Help yourself. 请随便用。61. Its for you. 这个是给你的。62. Its rush hour. 现在是高峰时间。63. Its a date. 一言为定。64. You first. 您先请。67. Good luck! 祝你好运!68. Do you like Cantonese cuisine?

19、 你喜欢粤菜吗?69. Cantonese cuisine is famous for soup. 粤菜以汤闻名70. Our slogan for the Universiade is Start Here. 我们的大运会口号是从这里开始。71. Happy U is our emblem. 我们的会徽是欢乐的U。72. Our mascot is UU, a smiling face. 我们的吉祥物是UU,一张笑脸。73. Which sports do you like best? 你最喜欢什么运动?74. I like the sporting events best.我最喜欢体育项目

20、。75. The football game will be held at 9 a.m. 这场足球赛上午九点开始。76. Lets go to the gym. 我们去体育馆吧。77. Lets go to watch the gymnastics competition. 我们去看体操比赛吧。78. Have you got the ticket for the swimming events? 你有游泳比赛的票吗?79. What is the most popular sport in your country? 你们国家最盛行的体育运动是什么?80. Congratulations!

21、 Youve broken the world record. 祝贺你打破了世界纪录!口语 大运用语必备口语句型. Greetings问候常用语 1. Good morning. 早上好。2. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识您/你。3. My name is / I am 我的名字叫 / 我是4. May I ask your name? 请问你叫什么名字?5. Where are you from?你是哪里人?6. How are you? 你好吗?7. Fine. Thank you.很好。谢谢。8. Hope you enjoy your stay here!祝你在这里过

22、得愉快! 9. Have a nice day!祝你愉快! (告别时用)10. See you. 再见。 Asking for Directions 问路常用口语 11. Excuse me, where is the toilet / restroom?请问,厕所 / 洗手间在哪儿?12. How can I get to the subway station? 去地铁站怎么走?13. Go straight. 直走。14. Turn left/ right. 左 / 右转。15. Walk across the road. 穿过马路。(the underpass / footbridge)

23、. (地下通道/人行天桥) 16. Its (not) far. (不) 远。17. Its a five- minute walk. 走路五分钟。18. It is on Tiyu Xilu. 在体育西路。(on the fifth floor) (五楼)(on your left/ right) (你的左边/右边)19. It is opposite (to) the bank. 在银行对面。20. Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。 Transportation 交通 21. Which bus goes to Beijing Lu? 哪路车去北京路?(Which

24、 subway line) (几号地铁线)Bus 544/ Line 1 goes there. 544路公车/一号线去那儿。22. Which bus/ line should I take to Tee Mall? 要乘哪路车/几号线去天河城?23. Take bus 245 / Line 1. 坐245路公车/一号线。24. You have to change lines. 你得换乘。25. Please change to Line 1 at Gongyuanqian.请在公园前转一号线。26. What is the next stop? 下站是哪个站?27. Sir / Mada

25、m, where would you like to go? 先生/女士,您要去哪儿?28. Its about a ten-minute drive.大概十分钟车程。29. Theres a traffic jam. 有点堵车。30. Sorry, Im changing shift now. 对不起,我正赶去交班。. At the Restaurant 餐馆就餐 31. How many in your party? 请问几位?(Two / Four / Five)(两位/ 四位/ 五位)32. This way, please. 这边请。33. Heres the menu. 这是菜谱。

26、34. What would you like to have? 你们想吃些什么?35. Our specials are 我们的特色菜有36. I am a vegetarian / Buddhist. 我是素食者/佛教徒。37. I dont eat meat / pork / beef / seafood.我不吃(肉/猪肉/牛肉/海鲜)。38. Enjoy your meal! 请慢用!39. Cheers! To our friendship! 干杯!为我们的友谊干杯!(the Asian Games / world peace) (亚运会 / 世界和平)(your success /

27、 your health) (你的成功 / 你的健康)40. Check, please. 劳驾,结账。. Shopping 购 物 41. May I help you? 您要买什么? 42. I would like a Tang-style suit. 我想买一件唐装。(No, thank you. Im just looking.) (不用,谢谢。我只是随便看看。)43. What color/size/style do you want? 您要什么颜色/尺寸/款式的?44. May I try it on? 我能试试么?45. The fitting room / cashier i

28、s over there. 试衣间/ 收银台在那儿。46. It fits you very well. 这件很适合您。47. All right. Ill take it. 好吧。我买这件了。48. Any discount? 有打折吗?20% (Twenty percent) off. 打八折。49. Do you take credit cards? 你们这可以用信用卡吗?(travelers cheques ) (旅行支票)50. Heres your change. 这是找您的钱。51. Thank you for coming! 谢谢光临!. Weather and Time天气和

29、时间52. Whats the date today / tomorrow? 今天 / 明天几号?53. What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?54. It will be hot. / It wont be hot. 天气会很热。/ 天气不会很热。55 Its going to rain. 要下雨了。(Its windy / rainy.) (在刮风 / 下雨。)56. When and where shall we meet? 我们什么时候见面?在哪儿见呢?57. 8:30 (Eight thirty) tomorrow mornin

30、g. 明早八点半。58. Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?59. What time is it? 几点了?60. Sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉让你久等了。61. The event starts at ten oclock. 比赛十点开始。. Sports 体育运动 62What sport do you play? 你喜欢玩哪种体育运动?63. I play football/ table tennis/ badminton 我喜欢踢足球/ 打乒乓球/打羽毛球I practice Taiji / karate 我打太极拳/ 练空手道64D

31、o you like swimming? 你喜欢游泳吗?Yes, very much. 是的,很喜欢。Not really. 不太喜欢。I like watching it. 我喜欢看(游泳比赛)。65Whos playing? 参加比赛的是哪个队?66. Who are you cheering for? 你支持哪个队?67Who do you think will win? 你觉得哪个队会赢?68Go! Go !/ Come on! 加油!/ 加油!69Great ! 好!Nice shot! 好球!70What is the score? 现在比分多少 / 几比几了?What was h

32、is / her place? 他/她排名第几了?71We won! 我们赢了!We won the gold medal! 我们得金牌了!(silver/ bronze)(银 / 铜)72Congratulations! 祝贺你!73That was a great / boring event!这场比赛太棒了/ 真没劲 !What a great event! 比赛太精彩了! Seeing a Doctor 就 医 74. Whats the matter? 你怎么了?/ 你哪里不舒服?75. I am sick. 我病了。76. I feel nauseous/ dizzy. 我觉得反胃

33、/头昏。77. Where does it hurt? (It hurts here.) 哪里疼?(这里疼。)My ear / hand / leg hurts. 我的耳朵/手/ 腿疼。78. Ive got a cold. 我感冒了。I have a fever/ toothache / stomachache. 我发烧了/牙疼/ 胃疼.I have diarrhea. 我拉肚子。79. How long have you been like this? 像这样有多久了?80. Its (not) serious. (不)严重。81. Are you allergic to penicill

34、in? 你对青霉素过敏吗?82. Take this medicine three times a day. 一天服三次。83. Drink more water. Get some rest. 多喝水。多休息。84. Youll be better soon. 你会很快好起来。 Sightseeing 游览 85. its a nice day. 天气真好。86. What can I see in Shenzhen? 深圳有什么景点?87. The Museum of the Western Han Dynasty(Mauseum of the Nanyue King is worth v

35、isiting. )西汉南越王博物馆值得看看。88. You can take a night cruise on the Pearl River.你可以乘船夜游珠江。89. How much is the entrance fee? 门票是多少?90. How many tickets do you want? 你需要几张票?91. Enjoy your time! 玩得开心!92. Beautiful! / Great!太美了!/ 太棒了!93. Would you take a picture of me?你能帮我照张相吗?(May I take a picture of you?) (

36、我可以给你照张相吗?)(May I take a picture here?) (我可以在这里照相吗?)94. Please mind your belongings.请看管好随身物品。Please mind your head. 小心碰头。Please mind your step. 小心地滑。/小心台阶。/ 当心脚下。Saying Goodbye告别 95. Hope to see you again. 希望能再次见到你。96. Have a good trip! 旅途愉快! / 一路顺风!97. Keep in touch! 保持联系!98. Call me or e-mail me.

37、给我打电话或发电子邮件。99. Take care. 多保重。100. Come to Shenzhen again! 希望你再来深圳!Essential Phrases必备短语Hello. 你好。See you. / Bye. 再见。/ 拜拜。Thank you. 谢谢。Youre welcome. 不用谢。Yes. / No. 是。/ 不是。Pardon? 请原谅,能再说一次吗?Sorry. 对不起。I (dont) know. 我(不)知道。I see. / I dont understand. 我明白。/ 我不明白。No problem. 没关系。/ 没问题。One moment, p

38、lease. 请稍等。After you. 您先请。Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?Excuse me. 请问, / 抱歉,借过一下。/抱歉, 离开一下(中途离席时用)。Emergencies 紧急意外Watch out! 小心!Help! 救命!Stop! 停!Thief ! 有贼啊!Fire! 着火了!Call the police! 叫警察来!Call a doctor! 叫医生来!Call an ambulance! 快叫救护车!Its an emergency. 有紧急意外。Im lost. 我迷路了。礼仪用语100句深圳大运会英语口语 深圳大运礼仪用语100句大耳朵小水

39、晶 I. Good Wishes 祝愿用语 1. Good Luck!祝你顺利(祝你好运)! 2. All the best!祝你万事如意! 3. Have a good trip! 旅途愉快! 4. Wish you a success!祝你成功! 5. Have a good day! 祝你今天开心! 6. I hope to see you soon.我希望不久见到你。 7. Congratulations! 祝贺(你)!恭喜! 8. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 9. I wish you the best of health! 祝你身体健康! 10. Long live

40、 our friendship! 愿我们友谊长存! II. Asking for and offering help请求提供帮助 11. Could you help me? 你能帮助我吗? 12. Would you please do me a favor? 能帮我个忙吗? 13. Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗? 14. What can I do for you? 您需要什么帮助? 15. Can(May)I help you? 我可以帮你吗? 16. Let me help you. 我来帮助你。 17. Its very kind of you! 你真是太好啦! III. Asking the Way 问路 18. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to t


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