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1、开放英语2复习题第一部分交际用语1 Are you married ?- Yes, I am.2 Are you ready to order ?- Ice cream for me please.3 Are you ready to order?- Yes. Ill have a chicken salad please .4 Are you ready to order?- Yes. Ill have a steak, please .5 Are you ready to order?-Could I have a glass of wine please?6 Can I get you

2、something to drink?- Yes, please. A coca-cola for me .7 Can I help you?- Yes, please .8 Can you remember the doctors telephone number?- Yes. Its 68256129 Could I have a bottle of water, please?-Certainly, madam10 Do you like your job?- Yes. I find it very interesting .11 Have you been to America?- Y

3、es. I went there last year .12 Have you ever tried sailing? - No. Id like to try.13 Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?- Hi, Jack. We had a great time . 14 How about drinking some coffee?- Id prefer to drink some tea . 15 How can I book a cheap hotel?-If I were you, Id phone a travel agent .- Great .

4、16 How was the weather?- It was really nice . 17 I went to a fashion show last night.-What was it like18 Is dinner ready, Carol?- Its nearly ready19 Is there a bank near here?- Yes. There is one just down the road.20 Shall we go to the cinema this evening ?- Id rather stay at home.21 Shall we have s

5、omething to eat before we go?-Good idea .22 Shall we see a film tonight?- Id rather not, Im quite tired .23 Shall we see a movie tonight?- Good idea .24 What are you going to do this evening?- Im going to meet some friends.25 What are you going to do tomorrow morning?-Im playing tennis with some fri

6、ends .26 What did you think of the film?- I thought it was really great .27 What does he look like?- He is tall and thin .28 What time will the next train leave?- At 8.19.29 What would you like to drink, madam?- Can I have a glass of white wine ?30 What would you like to have?- An orange juice, plea

7、se .31 Whats your job ?- Im a journalist.32 When did he go to America ?- Two years ago.33 When did you first come to China?- 10 years ago .34 When did you visit Japan ?- Two years ago.35 Where did you go in China?- I went to Xian and Guilin.36 Why do you come to live in China ?- Because I got a job

8、here.37 Why dont we go to a restaurant?-Great .38 Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?- Yes, thats a good idea .39 Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon.- What did she say?第二部分 词汇与结构1 A car hit her when she was walking acrossthe road.2 A concert will be held in the school hall at 4

9、 pm on Tuesday.3 A: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow?B: No, I havent.4 A: Have you finished your homework?B: No, I havent.5 A: Have you seen the film Life Without Steve?B: No, I havent seen it yet l6 A: Have you sent the fax to the travel agent?B:Yes, I have .7 A: Have you typed th

10、e letter for me?B: Yes, I have.8 A: I didnt have time for lunch today.B: I didnt either .9 A: I havent sat down all day. Must B: You be very tired.10 A: Whatdid you have for breakfast? B: Coffee and toast.11 A: Which picture do you like? B: I think the big one is better.12 A: Would you like to go to

11、 the cinema with me? B: Id rather stay at home.13 A:Have you seen my glasses? B:Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.14 A:Im sorry to have kept you waiting.B:Oh, not at all, I have been here only a few minutes.15 A:Could I see the manager now? B:Im sorry you cant. He has gone to Hong Kong.16 A:W

12、hat a nice day! B:Yes. Lets go camping, shall we ?17 A:Where does Mark get his hair cut? B: He cuts it himself .18 A:Have you had your breakfast?B:No, I havent had it yet . 19 A:How about another piece of chicken, Sally?B: No, thanks. It was delici0ts, but Um really full. 20 A:I havent eaten all day

13、.B:You must be very hungry.21 A:Thank you for lending me your dictionary.B: Youre welcome. But could you give it back to me tomorrow?22 A:Who is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.23 After they finished playing football, they went for a drink in a pub.24 An application form will

14、 be sent to you on request25 As she was reading the newspaper, Granny fell asleep.26 Be careful! Dont cut yourself with the knife.27 Can Mary express herself in Chinese?28 Could you please tell us what kind of work in which you have got experience?29 Could you tell me how to improve my English?30 Da

15、 Uan is east Of Beiing,on thecoast31 Did you get Up early this morning?32 Do you know the people who came here this morning?33 Dont disturb him. He is writing a letter now.34 Have you ever seen a tiger?35 He asked the waiter for a glass of water.36 He bought two books.So did I. 37 He failed in spite

16、 of all his efforts.38 He has just gone out.39 He is a doctor, so is his wife. 40 He is a good friend of ours .41 He is really good man, isnt he?42 He said he hadnt got enough money.43 He said that he would try his best to help me.44 He stopped watching TV when the dinner was ready.45 He used to wor

17、k very hard when he was young.46 He used to shout at me when I was a child.47 He was interviewed by different people in the company. .48 He was taken to the hospital after the accident49 He went out with his friends last weekend. 50 Her article is the best in her class.51 His grandfather is very hea

18、lthy. He neither, drinks nor smokes.52 I play table tennis quite well, but I havent had time to play since the New Year.53 I didnt buy the book because I didnt have any money on me.54 I didnt go anywhere in the summer.55 I dont know how to explain it.56 I dont know where the key is, but I suppose I

19、could have left it at home.57 I have been 1iving here foralmost 20 years58 I have no idea where the cat went. She could have gone anywhere.59 I have no idea who st01e his walletIt could have been anyone60 I saw him reading a book in his office when everyone was looking for him.61 I was on my way to

20、school when I saw the accident.62 I was walking along the street when he shouted at me.63 I was watching TV when _ the telephone rang. 64 Ive always enjoyed. swimming65 Im going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have anything special in mind?66 Im tired. I havent got enough energy (精力)to go to the

21、 gym today.67 Ive always enjoyed swimming .68 If I were you, I would buy a house at the seaside.69 If it rains tomorrow, well go to the cinema.70 If I dont have to work late on Friday, I might go dancing with friends.71 If I had a lot of money, I would buy a boat. 72 In spite of the rain, they went

22、to work as usual.73 Is it difficult to learn to doTai Chi?74 Is the supermarket on the right or left?75 Its quite fine today. Would you like to play basketball with me?76 Its very easy to clean up the room. Anyone can do it.77 Iv e lived in Chongqing for twenty years.78 Jack used to take a walk afte

23、r supper when the weather was fine. 79 John didnt turn up until the meeting finished. 80 John didnt turn up until the meeting had finished.81 John enjoys jogging while his brother prefers to go skiing.82 l beganto learn French when he was 11.83 Learning English well isnt easy but I like it very much

24、.84 Lets go to the Great Wall by bike, shall we ?85 March the 8th is Womens Day.86 Mary said she had been to all over the world.87 Mary told Little Tom not to spend all the money.88 Mary would like to buy the handbag, which is very beautiful but also rather expensive.89 Marys father is very pleased

25、with her.90 Mike offered to help and so did John.91 Mother told Little Tom not to spend all the money.92 My aunt was angry with her family and went away by herself .93 My brother who lives in America is visiting next week.94 My father told me about his trip to Xin Jiang.95 My parents have never been

26、 to the Great Wall. 96 My plant died. I should have watered (浇水)it.97 Neither her mother nor she was at home when the thief came in.98 Neitherof her brothers came to the wedding. They dont like her new husband.99 Nice weather, isnt it ?100 On her way to the office, she stopped to buy a newspaper. 10

27、1 Sally is looking for a new job. She has been bored with her job as a secretary.102 Shall we fix a“me for our next meeting?103 She didnt answer my phone call yesterday.104 She can hardly wait to hear the news, can she ?105 She goes jogging every morning.106 She told the children not to make a noise

28、.107 She wentto town last week.108 She will have the curtain(窗帘) Changed beforetheguestscome109 She wont leave_ until _ her friends come back. 110 Shirley was writing a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it.111 Someone stole his camera while he is lying On the beach1

29、12 Sorry, Im not free this evening.Im havingdinner with Mike.113 Stop ! That fire is dangerous.114 Table tennis is the most popular sport in this country.115 Tell her Ill pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.116 The baby is named aher the nurse who was looking after her117 The book was rather expens

30、ive, but I bought it anyway .118 The boys got up very late this morning. They watched too much TV last night.120 The buses, which were full of people, couldnt go very fast.121 The child speaks fluent French.122 The children are enjoying themselves at the party.123 The film was so boring that I fell

31、asleep in the cinema.124 The gifts he brought from Britain were sent out last week.125 The house was made of wood.126 The police arrived quickly, but it was too late. 127 There wasnt anybody in the house when she got home.128 They decided to leave next Friday.129 They named the island after its disc

32、overer.130 They decided to leave next Friday.131 This idea hit me when I woke up this morning.132 This jacket is not big enough for me. I need a bigger size.133 This morning I had my finger cut when I was preparing breakfast.134 This red bicycle is his and that blue one is Toms .135 Tianjin is a two

33、-hour journey fromBeijing.136 Today is too busy. Lets discuss it some time next week.137 Tom helped her mother with the cooking.138 Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. I want to buy something special for her.139 We built the house ourselves . Nobody helped us.140 We enjoy swimming very much, because it

34、 is good to our health.141 We havent seen such a beautiful film for the past four years .142 We used to ride bicycles to go to work.143 Were going on holiday in the autumn this year.144 Were going to either to France or Spain next year.145 When I saw him, I asked, him for some money.146 Wheres today

35、s newspaper?147 Which of these books are yours?148 With his help, you will have nothing to worry about.149 You can remember what you do if you keep a diary .150 You should be more patient with your children.151 You wont get better if you dont give up smoking.152 Youd better have your hair cut before

36、 going to your friends wedding.153 Youd better stop talking . Were listening to the news.154 Youre driving too fast , slow down! 第三部分 阅读理解:选择1 25 years later, Mike still islate as in the past .2 As boys both of them liked riding bicycles .3 Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel if they arrive bef

37、ore 7.4 Doctors asked him to stop working after he had a stroke.5 Guests can make tea in their room.6 He was easy to get angry when he came home.7 How has Shanghai changed according to Xiaoyan? There are more buildings and cars.8 How many miles will the letter-writer travel to go to and come back fr

38、om Cornwall? C. 1000 miles.9 Is it possible that Xiaoyan can buy her own flat? Why? Yes. Because shes got a higher pay.10 Mary will get to the hotel before 6 pm .11 Mike now lives in London .12 Mikegot up late every morning.13 My grandfather used to work very hard .14 People are not allowed to smoke

39、 in the guesthouse.15 The guesthouse is near to the city center.16 The guesthouse is peaceful and quiet .17 The owner of the guesthouse is/are Ron and Ann .18 They walked 5 miles back home because they were drunk .19 Theyll load the van after Dave has picked it up .20 Theyll stay at the hotel on Fri

40、day night.21 Theyll stay in a hotel for one night .22 What does nose to the grindstone mean here? It means working very hard.23 What does the letter-writer want to do at Christmas? He wants to visit his parents who live quite far away24 What does Vicky advise the letter-writer to do? To apologize to

41、 his boss for what he has done.25 What does Vicky think the letter-writers boss will do after he hears the explanation (解释)? He will probably be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday.26 What is Xiaoyans family doing for her? They let Xiaoyan live with them.27 What will happen to Fran

42、cos flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out? It will be rented to other people.28 What will Tim probably do next month? He will probably come and talk about ICT with Xiaoyans colleagues.29 What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon? To talk about what happened to them recently.3

43、0 When he died, he was a happy man .31 When I was a child, I was afraid of him .32 When will Xiaoyan leave England? 10 days later.33 Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out? She will stay in her friends place.34 Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase? She has got more things than she came with.35 W

44、hy doesnt the letter-writer get on well with his boss? His boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about him.阅读理解 判断1 A lot of American adults go to summer schools now because they had little education before. Wrong.2 Charlotte came from a rich family. Doesnt say 3 Charlotte stop

45、ped teaching because she did not like it. Wrong4 Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France.Right.5 He started making puppets when he was eight. Wrong6 Linda was experienced in radio and television work. Wrong.7 Linda was late for the interview because she got up too late. Doesn

46、t say.8 Linda was surprised she could get the job. Right.9 Linda went into Wilsons office by herself. Wrong.10 Mr Black thought his wife needed the things written on the paper. . Right.11 Mr Black usually does the shopping for the family. . Doesnt say.12 Mr John Smith usually spends his holidays outside the country. Right.13 Mr John Smith was paid by his company to go to the summer school. Doesnt say.14 Mr Spinney has got a lot of money playing the part of Big Bird. Doesnt say.15 Mr Spinney is an actor. Right.16 Mrs Black took the piece of paper with her to the p


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