深圳市新版初中英语七级下unit2 travelling around the world单元测试题.doc

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1、深圳市初中英语七年级下Unit2 Travelling around the world单元测试题笔试部分(80分)I词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单词,补全句子。(每小题0.5分,共5分)1. We are going to_ (法国) to spend our holidays.2. On October l st, a lot of people buy_ (旗帜) to put them on their cars.3. He makes_ (葡萄酒) by using grapes at home every autumn.4. We walked up the_ (台阶) and r

2、ang the door bell.5. - Whats the_ (日期) today? - Its February 9th.Its my fathers birthday.6. After each student answered Im here, the teacher t _by their names.7. It is p _to send people into space now.8. - Where does Tom come from? - He comes from the S _of China a modern city, Shenzhen.9. - She loo

3、ks beautiful and she is very kind.- She must be p _in your eyes.10. - The T _of Pisa leans to one side. - Yeah. It is said that it will be safe for at least 300 years.II. 句子:根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)11.你更喜欢住哪种房子? What kind of house would you_ _ _ in?12.伦敦是英国的首都。 London is _ _ _ England.13. 在这家百货商

4、店你可以买到各式各样的东西。 In _ _ _ you can buy all kinds of things.14.要是我们每星期存点钱,就可以去度假了。 If we save some money each week, we can_ _ _.15很多人来这个美丽的城市观光。 Many people come to _ _in this beautiful city.III单项选择。(每小题1分,共1 5分)A)从下面每小题的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项。( ) 16. There are some excellent stories in the magazin

5、e.A. very short B. very good C. very important D. very long( ) 17. Beijing lies in the north of China.A. puts B. keeps C. turns D. is( ) 18. Its a lovely sunny day. Why dont we drive to the coast? A. place close to the sea B. place far away from the sea C. place near the school D. place next to a fo

6、rest( ) 19. The movie finishes at 10:30 am. A. moves around B. lasts for a long time C. sells out D. comes to the end( ) 20. The place is famous for its food and people. A. is surprised at B. is happy for C. is well-known for D. is different from B)从下面每小题的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 21. - Mom, Im

7、 so _that I dont think I can climb to the sixth floor. - Dont worry. We can take a_ up there.A. excited; step B. excited; lift C. tired; step D. tired; lift( ) 22. She spent her winter holidays around _.She went to England, Italy and Germany.A. Europe B. Asia C. South Africa D. America( ) 23. - Tina

8、, youre writing an e-mail again. Who is the _ this time? - A girl of my age in America. Im writing to _ her about my holiday plan.A. receiver; speak B. sender; speak C. receiver; tell D. sender; tell ( ) 24. - I said “Good morning to him, but he didnt give me the same _. - Maybe he didnt hear that.

9、A. sound B. greeting C. pattern D. report( ) 25. - Do you have the Children Hospitals _? -Yes. Its 3 West St, Oxford. A. telephone B. address C. field D. land( ) 26. -What is Hangzhou_? - The West Lake. A. famous for B. famous as C. interested in D. good at ( ) 27. -Does Jane_ any brothers? - No. _s

10、he has two sisters. A. has; But B. has; So C. have; So D. have; But ( ) 28. - _ go swimming with us tomorrow? - Thats a great idea! A. How about B. Why dont C. Why not D. What about ( ) 29. The little dog is so cute, _ I like it very much. A. so B. but C. or D. because( ) 30. Not only my father but

11、also my mother _watching football matches now. A. liked B. likes C. like D. will likeIV完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Maggies grandfather went to Edinburgh with her. They went there by _31_.It took them about half an hour to get there. The bus _32_and Maggie and her grandpa we

12、nt down the steps. “Can we go _33_ now? she asked. Grandpa said, Yes. They walked a block or two up to Princes Street. On one side of the street there were shops. They went into some shops and _ 34_ a new doll for Maggie. Maggie felt _35_, and she couldnt walk. So they took a bus up to Edinburgh Cas

13、tle. They _36_ on the second floor, looking down at everything below them. Soon they got to Edinburgh Castle. Maggies grandfather took her _37_ and they walked up. They stood at the top and looked down. Maggie climbed on Mons Meg. They went into St. Margarets Chapel and Maggie _38_the glass. She enj

14、oyed touching it. Two hours .went away _39_.Grandpa looked at his _40_.Oh, dear. It is nine oclock. We have to go.”( ) 31. A. car B. bus C. plane D. foot( ) 32. A. started B. stopped C. ran D. hurried( ) 33. A. fishing B. skating C. shopping D. Swimming( ) 34. A. left B. lost C. sold D. bought( ) 35

15、. A. tired B. sad C. happy D. bored( ) 36. A. returned B. sat C. completed D. provided( ) 37. A. hand B. 1eg C. hair D. foot( ) 38. A. loved B. hated C. broke D. dropped( ) 39. A. usually B. hardly C. actually D. quickly ( ) 40. A. face B. coat C. watch D. shoesV.阅读理解. (共25分)A) 阅读T列短文,从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳

16、选项。(每小题 1分,共 15分)AOnce Bear had a long tail. It was very proud and it was not friendly to other animals.My tail is the most beautiful in the world, said Bear.Fox looked at Bear. I will play a trick on Bear, he thought.It was a cold winter day, but Fox went down to the lake. He made a hole in the ice

17、. He caught a big fish through the hole. Bear walked by and saw Fox. What are you doing, Fox? he asked.I am catching my dinner, Fox answered.I am hungry too, said Bear. I will catch a fish for my dinner. Bear started to reach(伸出) down into the hole.Oh, no, not like that! shouted Fox. You have to use

18、 your tail.Bear sat down by the hole. He put his tail into the cold water below the ice. Bear waited and waited. At last he felt something touching his tail. He pulled and pulled and his tail broke off. That is why today bears have short tails.( ) 41. When did the story happen?A. In spring. B. In su

19、mmer C. In autumn. D. In winter.( ) 42. What does the underlined word “below” mean?A. Onto. B. Above. C. Over. D. Under.( ) 43. Which of the following is the correct order? Fox went to the lake. Bears tail broke off. Fox caught a fish. Bear puts its tail into the water, ( ) 44. We can know from the

20、passage that Bear was_. A. cheerful and lucky B. smart and patient C. silly and not kind D. rude and quiet ( ) 45. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. The bad Fox. B. Why do bears have short tails today? C. How to catch fish in winter? D. How does Bear use its tail?BCanada i

21、s the second largest country in the world. Canadas biggest bay (海湾) is HudsonBay. Canadas longest river is McKenzie River in the Northwest. The highest mountain inCanada is the Mount Logan.Tourist attractions(旅游胜地) for kids in CanadaNiagara Falls: One of Canadas biggest tourist attractions, they cam

22、e into being in the last Ice Age. Quebec City: It is the first city in Canada. The old town was founded in 1608. You can see the castle buildings of the 17th and 18th century.Vancouver: It is in the West of the country and is famous for outdoor sports. Do you know that the Winter Olympics in 2010 to

23、ok place in Vancouver?( ) 46. Which of the following is the best title for the first paragraph? A. Canadas longest river, B. The life of Canada. C. The highest mountain in Canada.D. The ge60graphyofCanada,( ) 47. Which of the following is TRUE about Quebec City? A. It was founded in 1610. B. It is a

24、n old town. C. It has the longest river. D. It has the tallest buildings. ( ) 48. What is Vancouver known for? A. Castle buildings. B. The Summer Olympics in 2010. C. Beautiful sights. D. Outdoor sports. ( ) 49. Which tourist attraction came into being in the last Ice Age? A. Quebec City. B. Vancouv

25、er. C. Niagara Falls. D. McKenzie River.( ) 50. The writer wrote the two passages to _. A. make us know the river in Canada B. tell us something about Canada C. tell us something about the Olympics D. make us know the castle buildings in CanadaCIn 1900 people didnt travel very fast or very far. Ther

26、e was no plane. And only a few people had cars. And the car cost a lot and each worker made all the parts of the car by himself. Almost everyone traveled by train. Then, in 1903, two things happened in America that changed the way we travel. Firstly, two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, invented

27、 (发明) the plane. Their first plane only flew for 12 seconds! Then, Henry Ford set up a car factory. He wanted to make cheaper cars. The cars were all of the same design. The doors were the same on all cars, so it was easy to make many cars. By 1913 Fords car workers cooperated (合作) to make a car. Ea

28、ch worker did one small job on lots of cars over and over. The job was easier to learn and the cars were made faster. Ford only made his cars in one color - black, because this helped to make them cheaper. Then, America was full of black cars of the same design! ( ) 51. How did most people travel in

29、 1900?A. By plane. B. By train. C. By bus. D. By car.( ) 52. What did Orville and Wilbur Wright do in1903 that changed the way we travel? A. They set up a plane factory. B. They invented the car. C. They set up a car factory. D. They invented the plane. ( ) 53. Why did Ford only produce black cars?

30、A. Because this helped to make cars cheaper. B. Because he only liked black. C. Because black cars were beautiful at that time. D. Because people only wanted to buy black cars.( ) 54. From the passage, we know that _. A. in 1900, a car was made by many workers B. Fords factory invented the first car

31、 C. a worker did the same job over and over in Fords factory D. the first plane flew for some minutes( ) 55. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. How to make a plane. B. How to make a car. C. The first car factory. D. Trains in the past.B) 从所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话 (每小题1分, 共5分)A. rig

32、ht B. playing C. funny D. fun E. with F. goingA: What do you often do at weekends?B: I often go fishing (56) _my friends. What about you?A: I like staying at home and (57) _ computer games. Its a lot of (58)_B: I dont think soYou should go out and take exercise.A: Er, maybe you are (59) _. Ill try.B

33、: How about (60) _fishing with us next weekend?A: Thats a great idea!C)从所给的六个句子中选出五个补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)A. Im going to visit some cities in China with my parents.B. How are you going to travel?C. Which city are you going to visit?D. How long will you stay there?E. What are you going to do during the sum

34、mer holidays?F. The two cities are great.Tina: Hello, Jack! (61)_Jack: Hello, Tina! (62)_ There are many places of interest in China.Tina: (63) _Jack: We are going to visit Kunming and Guilin.Tina: (64) _ Kunming is famous as the Spring City and Guilin is famous for its mountains and water.Jack: I h

35、ope we can have a great time.Tina: Im sure you will. (65) _Jack: By plane. It is fast. VI用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(每小题1分,共10分)66. The girl wants_ (lie) on the sofa to watch TV.67. The park will be_ (close) to people next year.68. The little boy would like_ (ski) in winter.69. We all think_ (France) wine is ve

36、ry famous.70. My brother is interested in_ (paint).71. He prefers_(stair) to lifts.72. I tried my best to make the little girl_ (happy). 73. My son hasnt called me for two months. I worry about his_(safe)a lot.74. After two hours, we finished_ (wash) these dirty clothes.75. Thanks for_ (send) my dau

37、ghter home.VII. 书面表达。(共10分) 请根据下列提示向大家介绍深圳这个城市,可适当发挥。60词以上。 内容提示: 1深圳位于中国的南部; 2. 30多年前它只是一个小村庄,现在是一个现代化的城市; 3景点包括:锦绣中华( Splendid China)、中国民俗文化村( China Folk Culture Villages)、世界之窗( Window of the World)等等;4每年有很多人到深圳观光。_笔试部分(One possible version选择题除外)I. 1. France 2. flags 3. wine4. steps 5. date 6. tic

38、ked7. possible 8. south 9. perfect10. TowerII. 11. prefer to live 12. the capital of 13. the department store 14. go on holiday 15. go sightseeingIII. 16-20 BDADC 21-25 DACBB 26-30 ADCABIV. 31-35 BBCDA 36-40 BAADCV. 41-45 DDACB 46-50 DBDCB 51-55 BDACC 56-60 EBDAF 61-65 EACFBVI. 66. to lie 67. closed

39、 68. to ski 69. French 70. painting 71. stairs72. happy 73. safety74. washing 75. sendingVII.Shenzhen lies in the south of China. There are beautiful beaches and clean air there. More than thirty years ago, it was just a small village. Now it is a modern city. There are some places of interest in Sh

40、enzhen, such as Splendid China, China Folk Culture Villages and Window of the World. Every year, many people come to Shenzhen to go sightseeing. They enjoy themselves a lot.【书面表达写作指导】本次书面表达要求介绍中国南方的一个现代化的城市 深圳。写作时要注意以下几点:1. 确定时态,全文应以一般现在时为主,如果是过去发生的事或者过去的状态,则用一般过去时;2. 根据提示内容逐一介绍深圳,可适当发挥;3. 文章完成之后,要通读全文,检查语法是否正确、要点是否齐全。


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