七级英语上册《Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section A》教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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1、Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.(1) Learn some words about jobs:doctor, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse(2) Learn some other new words and a phrase:kid, glad, seat, have a seat, mot

2、her, father, parent, office2. (1)Talk about jobs:What does your mother do?She is a teacher.What do your parents do?They are both office workers.(2)Talk about greetings and introductions:Glad to meet you.Glad to meet you, too.Maria, this is my mom. Teaching aids 教具名词卡片/人称代词卡片/图片/教学挂图/录音机/幻灯片/小黑板. Fiv

3、e-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过做游戏和师生问答等形式,复习上个话题的重点知识,并导入新课。1. (问答游戏。复习Do you like ?句型及答语。) (1)把学生分成六人一组,每组准备七、八张名词卡片。 (2)第一个学生先抽一张卡片,其他学生一起问:Do you like ?让这位学生用Yes, I like it a little/a lot/very much.或No, I dont like it at all.来回答。 (3)小组内每个学生轮流问答一次后,游戏停止。T: Boys and gi

4、rls, lets play a game: Ask and Guess.2. (教师出示人称代词卡片,让学生以“接龙”形式用教师呈现的人称代词造句。)T:Nice work! Now please look at these cards. Please use these words to make sentences one by one.Example:T:meS1:He often helps me.T:theyS2:They are teachers.T:sheS3:She is my friend. (换成学生持卡片,教师造句子,导入新句型。)S4: you T:What do y

5、ou do? (教师讲解。) Ss:We are students. (帮助学生回答。) T:(指着一个男/女生) What does he/she do? Ss:He/She is a student. (板书学习新句型,并要求学生掌握。)What does he/she do?He/She is a student. T:Do you want to know more jobs? Lets come to the new lesson.(导入新课)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)通过展示图片、师生问答和分角色表演等形式,初步呈现新单词及新句型。1.

6、(出示3a图片,教授关于职业的新单词。) T:Look at Picture 1. What does he do? Ss:Hes a driver. (教师帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求掌握。)driver T:Look at Picture 2. What does he do? Ss:Hes a farmer. (教师帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求掌握。)farmer (以同样的方式,出示图片,学习新单词cook, nurse, office, worker, doctor。并要求学生掌握。提醒学生注意an office worker。)2. (让学生听3a录音,跟读,并注意语音语调。)

7、 T:Please listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. (学生两人一组,运用3a的图片,练习What does he/she do? He/She is a/an 句型,完成3a。) T:Please practice in pairs using the pictures in 3a. Then Ill ask several pairs to act out in the front.4. (师生问答,自然过渡到1a的教学。) T:Nice work! Boy

8、s and girls, we learnt so many jobs just now. Do you want to know Kangkangs families and their jobs? Ss:Yes. T:Please follow Maria, Jane, Michael to Kangkangs home. (呈现1a的教学挂图,向学生们介绍。) T:Look at this picture. This is Kangkangs mother. The four kids are Maria, Jane, Michael and Kangkang. (板书并要求学生掌握。)

9、mother, kid T:What does Kangkangs mother say to the kids? Ss:Glad to meet you. T:Good! Then how do the kids reply? Ss:Glad to meet you, too. (板书,教学新单词及新句型,并要求学生掌握。)gladGlad to meet you.Glad to meet you, too. T:These kids are standing at Kangkangs home. Do you know how to say“就座”in English? Ss:Have a

10、 seat. (教师帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求学生掌握。)seat, have a seat5. (教师放1a录音,让学生跟读并注意语音语调。) T: OK. Please listen to the tape and read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.6. (教师设置一个场景At Kangkangs home.)T:Suppose you are at Kangkangs home. Lets role-play.(教师和四个学生合作,示范表演1a对话,之后学生五人一组操练,教师巡回指导,挑两

11、组比较出色的上台表演。完成1b。)7. (根据1a的教学挂图,过渡到2a。) T: Look at the picture. Kangkangs mother welcomes the kids at Kangkangs home. What do Kangkangs parents do? Do you want to know?(板书并讲授parent(s)的含义,引出father,要求学生掌握。)mommotherdadfathermother or fatherparentmother and fatherparentsStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分

12、钟)通过听录音回答问题、填空以及分角色朗读、填写表格等形式,使学生在运用中进一步掌握新单词和新句型。1. (教师播放2a录音,要求学生根据录音回答问题。) T:Please listen to the tape and answer the question: What do Kangkangs parents do? (核对答案。)2. (再放2a录音,要求学生根据录音填空,教师将听力问题用幻灯片呈现出来。) T:Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks on the slide.Kangkang, what does your do?S

13、he is a .And your father?He is a . Michael, what do your do? They are office workers.(核对答案后分角色朗读2a,然后四人一组操练。完成2a。) T: Read 2a in roles. Then practice in groups of four.3. (让学生独立完成2b。) T:Read 2a again and fill out the table in 2b. (核对答案。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)通过“职业竞猜”游戏、师生和生生问答等形式,使学生熟练掌握新单词和

14、新句型。1. (做“职业竞猜”游戏,使学生在表演中熟悉职业名称。)T:Lets play a guessing game.(1)(活动过程:)(教师事先制作写有职业名称的卡片。如:teacher, worker, doctor, cook, driver等。)(活动前教师作一次示范:教师随意抽取一张卡片(如teacher),并根据卡片上写的职业,做一个能代表该职业的动作(表演哑剧,假装在黑板上写字,或拿着书来回踱步等。)然后示意学生举手猜出该职业。学生若不能猜对,可以提问,但教师只能用Yes或No作答。)例如:S1: Are you a doctor?T: No.S2: Are you a t

15、eacher?T: Yes.(学生猜对教师示范的职业后,教师退出活动,同时让猜对的那个学生上台抽卡、表演和回答问题,下一个猜对者接着上台抽卡,以此类推。)(2)(有关说明:)(每次提问次数和猜测次数应有所限制,在规定次数内仍未猜对,则可进行下一轮竞猜。)(本活动也可采用两组对抗形式,即一组派代表抽卡片表演,另一组猜职业。双方轮换角色,最后猜对次数多,准确率高的一组获胜。)2. (教师出示各种职业人士的图片和学生进行对话练习,操练What do/does do?)T:What do you do?Ss:Were students.(教师按照图片依次问学生。)T:What does the man

16、 do?S3:He is a driver.T:What does she do?S4:She is a doctor.T:What does the man do?S5:He is an office worker.(教师应提醒学生注意此句中an的用法并板书。)He is an office worker.3. (教师把图片分给各小组,小组内每人轮流模仿老师提问其他学生,让每一位学生都有机会说英语。然后各组交换图片,进行对话练习。) T:Please ask and answer in groups using these pictures.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动

17、(时间:7分钟)通过作调查、填表格和写短文等形式,培养学生综合运用本课目标语言的能力。1. (出示小黑板,学生两人一组,运用3b中的例子,对同伴的家庭成员情况作调查,并填表格。完成3b。) T:Make a survey about your partners family after the example in 3b. Then fill out the table.s FamilyFamily member(家庭成员)Job(职业)MotherFather2. (根据表格信息,写一篇小短文对调查结果进行汇报。)T:Please report your partners family.3. Homework:(1)学生采访自己的爸爸或妈妈,然后写一篇短文介绍他们工作的具体情况。鼓励学生在作业纸上画一张父亲(母亲)的画或贴一张父亲(母亲)的照片。下节课向全班宣读。(2)准备一个硬纸板,剪成圆形的,直径10cm,制成一个转盘,下节课用。板书设计:What does your mother do?Section Aan office worker What do you do?Glad to meet you.Im a(an)Please have a seat.What does do?They are both office workers.He/She is a (an)


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