外研版初中英语 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer.doc

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1、Module 7 ComputersUnit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer? Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?学 校 授课者 课 型Listening and speaking教材分析本模块以电脑为主题。该单元则是以对话的形式谈论如何用电脑完成作业,让学生能听说有关电脑方面的基本词汇,并就电脑的操作使用进行简单的问答。内容既接近生活又能激发学生学习的兴趣。语言知识目标1. Key vocabulary: keyboard, mou

2、se, screen, connect, turn, turn on, learn, document, click, use, save, box, finally, print, paper2. Key structures: wh-question in Present simple imperative sentences.语言技能目标1. To understand conversations about how to use a computer.2. To learn how to give instructions.情感态度目标1. Raise students interes

3、t to learn English and get to know more knowledge about computers in English.2. Prompt students to explore new knowledge autonomously.3. Through experiencing, participation and practice, encourage students to be cooperative and learn from each other.教学重点1. Names of computer items.2. Conversations ab

4、out how to use a computer.教学难点How to give instructions of writing homework on the computer.教学设备与教具Tape recorder, CAI, blackboard教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图教学过程Step 1Warming up1. Greet the students and divide the whole class into two teams.2. Do you have a computer?What do you usually do on your computer?1.Gree

5、t the teacher.2. Answer the teachers questions.1相互问候,拉近师生的情感距离。2引入本课话题.教学过程Step 2Pre-task1.Teach the new words by showing the pictures of a computer. 2. Play a game.3. Teach the phrases.4. Have Ss read the new words by themselves.5. Ask student to think about how to connect a computer.1)Do you know

6、how to connect a computer ?2)What should I do first?6. Lead the student to tell each step in class.1.Stand up and say out the words quickly.2.Have Ss concentrate on the screen and learn the new phrases.3. Read it by themselves.4. Ask the teacher if necessary.5.Think about the question.6. Talk about

7、it in class loudly.1.调动学生学习兴趣,为后面教学预热。2.引入短语,与学生进行互动,带动学生开口说。3.引出connectto turnon结合电脑操作的每个步骤操练句型。Step 3While-task1. Listen and complete the sentences in Act3.2.Listen and answer the following questions:1)What does Lingling want to do on the computer?2)Can Betty use the computer?3.Check the answers i

8、n class.4.Listen again and number the sentences in Act 4.5. Have Ss read them in class.6. Let Ss read the conversation after the tape.7.Ask Ss to read the conversation by themselves and underlined the difficulties.8.Ask Ss to solve the problems in your groups.1. Listen carefully, fill in the blanks

9、in Act 3.2. Listen and answer these questions.3.Say out the answer in class.4.Listen again, number the sentences in Act 4. 5.Read out the sentences together.6. Read the conversation after the tape.7. Read the conversation by themselves and underlined the difficulties.8.Solve the problems in groups.1

10、. 熟悉connect , turn on,为后面听力扫除障碍。2看视频,了解大意。3通过听力获取细节信息的能力。4.通过朗读,加深对课文的理解。5.自己发现问题,小组解决问题,培养学生独立解决问题的能力。Step 4Post-task1. Ask students to help Lucy.T: My sister Lucy, send a message and ask for help.2. Make an example for the whole class.3. Ask volunteer to show the steps on the computer.4. Ask the S

11、s to answer the message.5.Ask the whole class to retell the message.1. Read the conversation again and find out the steps to help Lucy in groups.2. Say out the answer loudly in class.3. The whole class say out the steps loudly for the S14. Write down the steps in the form of QQ.5.Retell the message.

12、1.创设情景,让学生解决任务,巩固对课本的学习。2.教师引导学生说出操作的步骤,教师在电脑操作。3.4.5创设竞争机制,引导学生自己操练,掌握步骤。教学过程Step 4 Post-task6. Make an example for Ss. , have Ss make a dialogue about:1) What do you usually do on the computer?2)How do you do it on the computer?7.Choose the best pair.6.Make a dialogue in groups.7.Act out their dia

13、logue.8.Choose the best pair.6.小组做对话,把所学知识应用到实际生活中。Step 5SummaryRecall what the Ss have learned today.Say out the sentencesin class.总结所学知识Step 6Homework1.Copy the new words and phrases.2. Read the conversation after class.3. Make a dialogue with your partner.记忆新词汇朗读对话,做对话板书设计Module 7 Unit 1 How do I

14、 write my homework on the computer? First, . Next, . Finally . How do I ? What do I do next ? How do I save? Where do I .?Module7 ComputersUnit 1 how do I write my homework on the computer?Part1. Write a message to Lucy. Part 2 : Choose the best answer.( )1._ do you use your computer? A. What B. How

15、 C. Where( )2._the mouse? Its under the desk. A. Whats B. Hows C. Wheres( )3.Can you tell me _ to ride a bike? A. what B. where C. how( )4. _ is the time now? Its 5 oclockA. What B. Where C. How( )5. _ do I save the document. A. What B. Where C. HowPart3. Make a dialogue.A: What do you usually do on the computer? B: I usually _on the computer.A: How do you _on the computer?B: First, I turn on the computer. Next, I click the document with the mouse. Finally, I can see the film.A: Oh, I see.


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