外研版(三级起点)小学英语五级下册Module 7 Unit 1 Let's send an email教学设计.doc

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《外研版(三级起点)小学英语五级下册Module 7 Unit 1 Let's send an email教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版(三级起点)小学英语五级下册Module 7 Unit 1 Let's send an email教学设计.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、 Lets send an email教学设计教学内容: 本单元主要描述了发送一封电子邮件的过程,实用性和操作性强。通过Tom和Amy的对话,让我们了解了什么是电子邮件以及如何写电子邮件并成功发送,使学生感受到用网络交流在现实生活中的快捷和美丽。教学目标:知识目标 1、创设语境使学生能正确理解认读单词:message.another.idea. 2、在图片及课件帮助下了解课文情景,正确理解课文内容,能熟练运用目标语句:Lets send an email . Click on “Email”./ “Write” / “Send”. Write your message. 能力目标 1、能熟知发

2、送电子邮件的步骤。 2、能在生活中通过电子邮件与人进行交流。情感目标 通过学习发送电子邮件,培养学生的注意力、观察力和动手操作能力,增强学生在实际生活中运用英语的能力,增进与同学之间互相交流的积极情感。教学重点和难点 1、教学重点 (1) 能听懂、会读、会说词汇message, another 和idea。(2) 会听说读句子:Lets send an email to Dad. Click on“Email” Click on “Write” . Write your message. Click on “Send” . 2、教学难点 学习如何发送电子邮件。教学策略: (1) 本节课采用全身

3、动作反应法:视、听、说 、表演。让学生在有节秦的说唱中体验语言,在有韵律的歌唱中感受语言,在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在表演中学,从而为培养他们运用英语进行顺利的交流打下坚实的基础。 (2) 采用先进的教学设备(CAI与网络),达到操作熟练的效果。课前需要准备的材料:自己的电子邮箱、多媒体课件、课本知识相关练习材料。教学过程 Step1. Warming-up and revision ((热身复习,导入新知) 1、Sing a song.“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” (多媒体课件视频) T:Nice to meet you. Ss:

4、 Nice to meet you, too. T: Today well have an interesting English class. At first, well sing a song together, OK? Ss: OK . Step2 Leading-in (导入新课): T: How do you communicate(交流、沟通) with your friends?(你如何跟你的朋友沟通?)(课件出示) S1: I call my friends by phone. S2: I write letters to my friends. S3: I talk wit

5、h my fiends by mobile phone. S4: I talk with my fiends on QQ。S5: I can write emails to my friend. T: Can you send an email? Ss: Most of cant. T: In this class ,we will learn “ how to send an email ?” and send an E-mail to your friend to tell him the good news.Step 3.Presentation:(一)呈现任务:现在社会,发送电子邮件是

6、一种简便快捷的联系方式,这节课让我们学会发送电子邮件,并给你的朋友发一封电子邮件告诉他这个好消息吧。Now society, E-mail is a convenient and fast contact, this lesson lets learn to send E-mail,and send an E-mail to your friend to tell him the good news.(二)进入文本:读第一幅图。一边读图一边回顾发生的故事情节,加几幅图片帮助学生回忆。Who is the boy? Who is the girl? He is Sam.She is Amy.We

7、 know Lingling has sent an email to Daming .And she has made an e-card for Mum with Amy. Sam is very interested in the computer.So he wants to know Whats an email? How to send an email.1. Read Part 1 and answer,读第一部分并回答: Whats an email?学生回答后,课件显示答案Its a computer message.It goes from one computer to

8、another computer.并学习新单词message和another,用电脑图片进一步让学生理解这俩个词的含义。渗透语音教学Message/ bed/ chess/ egg another/ago/ again/ abroad.2.Read part 2 and 3,then underline the answers.读课文第二、三部分画出答案。1) Tom sends an email to _.2) How to send an email?(发送电子邮件的步骤是什么?)T: Now we know what an email is. How to send an email?

9、Please find the answers in the dialogue and underline them.学生回答:1)Tom sends an email to _Dad_.2)分步提问,让学生回答。S: Click on “Email”.S: Click on “Write”.S: Write your message.S: Click on “Send”.(学生起来说步骤,老师在大屏幕上显示,画出来,领读)3)小组讨论发email的步骤,再挑几个小组回答。4)老师演示发送过程,证明步骤是合理的。T: Now weve got the four steps of sending

10、 an email. Lets try tosend an email with them. I do it ,you say。5)说Chant巩固发电子邮件的步骤:Now lets chant: How to send an email?Click, click, click on “Email”.Click, click, click on “Write”.Write, write, write your message.Click, click, click on “Send”.Step4.Practice. ( 情景操练,巩固新知) T: I can send an email. Ca

11、n you send an email? Who can come here and send an email ?(课件演示发送过程) Ss: Let me try! T: That girl, please! You do and say. Well help you. S: OK! Click on“Email”. S: Click on “Write”. S: Write your message. S: Click on “Send”. (找某位同学上台实际演示一遍。老师与其他同学可以提醒和帮助。) 3. Read part 4 and choose,读课文第四部分选择:Who ha

12、s got the email from Tom?A.Mr SmartB.Ms SmartCheck the answer,choose A.4. Follow the CD-ROM,跟读课文。5. Read in roles and then act it out,小组内分角色朗读课文并展示。6. Read the text again and fill in the blanks.Email is a computer_.It goes from one computer to _ computer. If we want to send an email .First we should

13、 click on _.Then click on_ .Write your message. At last click on_.Step4.Extention.1.完成任务:给你的朋友写一封电邮,告诉他你会发电邮啦。Dear _,I can send an email now. First we should click on _.Then click on_ .Write your _. At last click on_.See you later.From,_2.教师发指令让学生制作一个自己朋友的海报,步骤如下:Draw your friend. Write some words o

14、n the poster. Stick the poster on the wall. Talk about your poster.Step5. Sum-up.归纳总结本课所学Step6. Homework.1)Listen and read the text three times.2)Do Exercises .做配套练习册P25-26。3)Copy part 2 on your exercise book.4)Apply an email address , send an email to me. (有条件的同学申请一个电子邮箱,给我发一封电邮)My email: rizhaoliuqinghua板书 M7U1 Lets send an email.Whats an email?How to send an email?MessageAnother Click on “Email”. Click on “Write”. Write your message. Click on “Send”.


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