综合英语3 Unit 1 Text A “A Gift of Love” 课程单元教学方案.doc

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1、 综合英语3 Unit 1 Text A “A Gift of Love” 课程单元教学方案 “A Gift of Love” 取自新编大学实用英语教程第三册第一单元课文阅读部分,本堂课为阅读课型,安排2课时(90分钟)。一、本次课教学设计思路1、本次课授课对象为五年制初等教育(英语方向)专业四年上学生,本专业培养的是能适应“三个面向”、适应城乡小学英语教学工作、适应现代化小学教育发展与改革的需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言基础技能以及较熟练的英语语言运用能力的小学英语教师。而综合英语课程系一门系统传授英语语言基础知识、培养英语听、说、读、写、译等语言基本技能及语


3、。4、“以学生为主体”。 本次课授课对象为四年级学生,经过前三年的学习已具备了一定的自主学习能力,因此,布置课前查字典自主学习词汇、搜集与单元话题有关资料、信息处理、小组讨论、意见综合、课堂发言、汇报、陈述等,充分发挥学生的主体作用。5、教师以 “导” 为主。如教师课前多媒体课件的制作、课前问题的设计和布置、课中的适时的提示、启发、点拨、示范、归纳、点评以及方法指导等,充分发挥教师的主导作用。6、本次课作为综合英语课程五大模块中的阅读模块和语言文化素养模块,内容涵盖了英语语言基础知识和技能,通过语言基础训练和篇章讲解分析,扩大词汇量和知识面,熟悉英语常用句型,了解课文文体表达方式和特点,提高学


5、根据学生课堂表现进行评价。10、“课证一体化”教学模式。考取全国英语等级2、3级证书是授课专业学生毕业时的必备条件,而五年专学生的英语基础普遍较差,要通过PETS笔试存在一定的困难,因此,在教学过程中有机地融入全国英语等级考试相对应的阅读理解题型训练,提高学生的阅读能力和应试技巧,以期提高笔试的过级率。二、教学设计(一)教学目标 (Teaching Aims)1、能力目标:(1)To consolidate the Students abilities to apply the reading skill of skimming for an overall idea of the text

6、and the skill of scanning for specific information/ particular details. (巩固学生运用略读技巧来获取文章大意和查读技巧来寻找具体信息的能力)(2)To get the students to learn and master the reading skill of grasping the main idea of the text by understanding the authors purpose, attitude or opinion. (让学生学习和掌握通过理解作者的意图、态度和观点进而抓住课文主旨的阅读技

7、巧。)(3)To develop Students logic abilities of inference, induction, judgment and verification and the ability of analyzing problems and solving them. (培养学生推理、归纳、判断、验证等逻辑思维能力和分析问题解决问题能力)(4)To develop Students ability of Autonomous Learning. (培养学生自主学习能力)2、知识目标:(1)To get the students to self-study and m

8、aster the new words and useful expressions or idioms in the text. (让学生自主学习并掌握课文中的生词和词组。)(2) To get the students to learn about the related cultural background knowledge such as some words about features of love as well as some famous sayings or proverbs, etc.(让学生了解一些与单元主题有关的背景文化知识,如“爱”的特征的词汇、名人名言或谚语

9、等。)3、素质目标:(1)To let the students learn to take actions to show their love for their own mother. (让学生学会用行动表达对自己母亲的爱。)(2)To guide the students to cherish their mothers love, and to instruct the students to show their love and care for their pupils when they become teachers in primary schools in the ne

10、ar future. (教育学生珍惜母爱,同时,引导其将来成为小学英语教师能够用一颗爱心去关心、爱护自己的学生。)(二)教学重点、难点及其突破1、教学重点:(Teaching Important Points):(1)To enable the students to understand the main idea and grasp the structure of the text;(使学生理解课文主旨, 掌握篇章结构)(2)To get the students to learn and master the reading skill of understanding authors

11、 purpose, attitude or opinion. (让学生学习和掌握如何理解作者的意图、态度和观点的阅读技巧。)2、教学难点:(Teaching Difficult Points):(1)To get the students to learn how to assess the authors purpose, attitude or opinion so that they can grasp the main idea of the text. (使学生懂得如何判断作者的意图、态度和观点,从而抓住课文的中心思想。)(2)To develop Students logic th

12、inking ability and the ability of analyzing and solving problems. (培养学生逻辑思维能力和分析问题解决问题能力。)3、教学突破:通过设计项目任务,首先让学生讨论文章的文体记叙文;然后根据文体特点划分课文段落;接着,让他们运用已学过的略读技巧来获取文章大意;运用查读技巧来寻找具体信息,掌握篇章结构,理解作者的意图、态度和观点,进而理解课文主旨,总结出中心思想。此外,补充两段全国英语等级考试三级真题练习来巩固阅读技巧,让学生进一步理解作者是如何传达自己的意图、态度和观点的。在学生做的过程中,老师注意适时的方法指导、提示、启发、点拨、

13、归纳以及点评,一步步地引导学生在完成项目任务过程中积极主动地观察、讨论、思考、理解、分析和解决问题,从而汲取知识,形成能力。(三)项目设计项目一:语言知识任务1:布置学生课前查字典、听录音自主学习词汇,小组自我检测词汇。任务2:听讲课文语言点,做好笔记、模仿重点句型造句等。任务3:布置学生课后做Activity 4、5、6的词汇和句型练习。项目二:“Love” 单元主题背景文化知识 任务1:布置轮到做日常报告(daily report)的同学搜查课文中名人名言作者的个人信息,并在课上作简单的介绍及图片展示。任务2:布置学生网上搜集与单元主题有关的表达“爱”的名人名言或谚语;项目三:“A Gif

14、t of Love”课文的阅读理解任务1:课前问题讨论(Discussion on Pre-reading questions)Can you give an example to show your parents love to you? Have you ever heard of any story of mothers love? 任务2:快速阅读训练,运用“略读”和“查读”阅读技巧完成课文中Activity 1练习。任务3:分析篇章结构,理解课文主旨(包括了解课文文体、写作特点、划分段落、概括段落大意、归纳中心思想意等)。任务4:深入学习课文(包括讲解语言点、复述课文)。任务5:练

15、习与总结阅读技巧理解作者的意图、态度和观点任务6:PETS阅读理解题型训练(共2段,摘自2006年3月PETS真卷和其它阅读材料)。任务7:课外阅读巩固练习及网络延伸阅读与写作。(四)教学过程1、课前任务布置(1)学生查字典、听录音自主学习词汇;(2)学生以小组为单位搜集与单元主题“Love”有关的英文谚语和能体现“Love”特点的英语词汇;(3)轮到做日常报告(daily report)的同学搜查课文中名人名言作者的个人信息及有关图片。(4)小组讨论阅读前(pre-reading)问题,并指定代表回答问题。(设计意图:教师课前任务的设计和布置很有必要,不仅可以让学生预习教学内容,提高课堂教学

16、效果,还可以达到培养学生自主学习能力、信息搜集和加工处理能力、集体协作能力及意见综合能力等效果。)2、课堂教学Step I. Checking & Warm-up (检测与热身5)1. Enjoy an English songThis Is Your Song (欣赏一首母亲节的英文歌曲)2. Group Competition (小组竞赛活动) 1)项目一、任务1Word Competition New words and phrases in the text.(词汇竞赛)竞赛规则:班级分成两大组,有秩序地在黑板上写出课文中的生词(包括中、英文),每个学生只有一次机会,两组同时进行,时间

17、1.5分钟。2)Brainstorming What comes to your mind if you are asked the meaning of “love”?(说出表达爱的特征的词汇)竞赛规则:班级分成两大组,大声说出表达爱的特征的英文词汇,每个学生只有一次机会,两组轮流进行,时间1.5分钟。3) Conclude and learn some words of features of “love”. (总结并学习表达爱的特征的词汇) (warm, giving, trusting, sharing, enduring, devoting, forgiving, generous,

18、 permanent, genuine, faithful, intimate, selfless, etc. )(设计意图:利用预备时间欣赏母亲节的英文歌曲,营造单元和课文主题的情景和氛围;设计两个竞赛检测学生课前部分任务完成的情况和自主学习效果,并激发了学生的学习热情。)Step II. Pre-reading (阅读前10)1、项目二:Cultural Background knowledge about“Love” (主题背景文化知识) 1)Famous Sayings & Proverbs about love (学习有关爱的名言或谚语)任务1:Presentation: 轮值报告的

19、同学将课前搜查到的课文中名人名言作者经过加工处理的个人信息及有关图片在课堂上作简单的介绍及展示。任务2:学生说出他们收集到的有关“爱”的名言或谚语。2)Definition of “love” and displaying some pictures showing a variety of love. (了解爱的定义和种类,展示图片) 老师与同学一起总结出“爱”的定义,并展示母爱、对大自然的爱等各种表达爱的图片。2. Lead- in questions (问题导入)项目三、任务1:Discussing the following questions.Q1: Who can give me

20、an example to show your parents love to you? (谁能举个表现你父母对你的爱的例子?)Q2: Have you ever heard of any story of mothers love? Please share your story with the class. (你曾听过母爱的故事吗?请讲出来与同学们分享。)(设计意图:这个环节的设计,可以锻炼学生的语言组织能力和口头表达能力等综合语言运用能力,同时可以学习和了解背景文化知识,拓展学生的知识面;另外,通过设问导入课文主题另一个感人的母爱故事,让学生对课文主题有个感性认识,并产生学习课文的兴趣

21、。)Step III. While-reading (阅读中53)1项目三、任务2:Quick Reading Training (快速阅读训练8) 1) Skimming to find the general idea of the text. What the text about?2) Scanning the text and finishing the task of Activity 1.要求学生运用“略读”技巧获取文章大意,用“查读”技巧在3-5分钟内完成课文练习1。老师引导、监控、提问及核对答案,鼓励性的评价;学生思考问题、完成任务、反馈答案和自评。(设计意图:充分利用课文材

22、料训练学生的快速阅读能力,巩固学生运用略读技巧来获取文章大意和运用查读技巧来寻找具体信息的阅读能力,同时让学生对课文有个大致的了解,为判断课文文体及下一步的学习做铺垫。)2. 项目三、任务3:Analyzing and understanding the text generally(分析篇章结构,理解课文主旨25)1) Part division of the text (课文段落划分5)Skimming the text to tell the style of the text and finish off the task of part division.Q1: Whats the

23、style of the text? Q2: Into how many parts can the text be divided?要求学生快速浏览课文,判断课文文体,并根据文体特点划分段落。老师启发、引导学生完成任务。T: It is obvious that the text is a narrative. A narrative usually has a beginning, the middle, and an end. The setting is given in the beginning; the middle describes the process of event

24、or the sequence of events; and the author brings out his or her opinion in the end. According to this, the text can be divided into three parts. Please skim the text to find the three parts. (课文为记叙文,一般分为三部分,快速浏览课文,划分出段落。) Part 1: Paragraph 1; Part 2: from Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 8; Part 3: from Par

25、agraph 9 to Paragraph 11:2)Analyzing the text and Summing up the main idea of each part (分析课文,概括段落大意15) Part 1: the setting of the event In the hospital, the mother discovered the newborn baby had no ears. (这部分比较简单,引导学生抓住关键词,让学生总结出段落大意。) Part 2: the process of the event Task Assigning (任务布置): Scanni

26、ng the text and finding out all the words, phrases, and clauses of time and considering how the author recounts the event from the beginning till the end in the order of time. (这部分内容比较多,跨7个小段落,老师可根据文章的写作特点按时间顺序描述事件发生的过程,布置学生查找“每个时间段发生什么事情”的信息任务,引导学生一步步分析、理解课文,用自己的话总结出段落大意。) Para. 2: Ten years later

27、one day (When the boy was ten years old, the tragedy happened: a big boy called him “a freak”.)Para. 3: As time passed by, (As he grew up, he was handsome and talented, but he was always laughed at because of no ears.)提示:These two paragraphs tell us how the boy suffered from no ears.Para. 4: Soon; T

28、wo years went by. Then, one day 启发、提示、引导:Soon what did the parents decide to do? Did they really find a donator? What did they do, then? (Soon the parents decided to graft ears to the boy. “Two years went by.” Here the author shows their anxiety of waiting for the donator, Then the mother make an im

29、portant decisiongiving her own outer ears to her son and she didnt want her son to know it. The father tells a white lie.) Para. 5: Later, . (This paragraph tells us what ? It is the mothers action of love that has changed her sons life.)Para. 7: The years kept their deep secret, but the day did com

30、e.T: What does this sentence imply? (The secret had been kept for a long time until the mother died.)Main idea of the second part(段落大意): This part describes how the boy suffered from no ears and how his mother grafted her own ears to him, which had been kept as a secret until she died. And it was he

31、r sacrifice that changed her sons whole life with happy marriage and successful career.Part 3: the authors attitude and opinion (这部分是课文最后的三个小段落,作者表达自己的观点比较简洁、明了,老师只要设问让学生答,就能够总结出段落大意。)T: What does the author tells us in the end? Ss: The author tells us that real beauty, real treasure, and real love

32、are often hidden and not easy for us to see, to hear and to get to know.3)Summarizing the main idea of the text. (概括课文中心思想5)(老师在带领学生重新过一遍段落大意之后,引导学生概括出课文中心思想。注意老师不要直接给出答案,经过前面的分析、理解,学生已基本能够抓住课文主旨,可多让几位学生说说看,老师最后才给出答案。)(设计意图:这个环节是理解课文的重要环节。通过判断课文文体,使学生能根据文体特点划分段落;通过引导学生抓住文中关键词,引导学生根据文章的写作特点、按时间把发生的事件

33、串起来,仔细观察、认真分析、推理判断,归纳出段落大意,进而掌握课文中心思想,以达到使学生掌握篇章结构、理解课文主旨、以及培养学生逻辑思维能力和解决问题能力的教学目标。)3. 项目三、任务4:Further understanding the text.(深入理解课文10)1)Reading the text aloud after the recording.(跟录音朗读课文)2)Retelling the text by answering the questions of Activity 2.(根据课文中Activity 2练习中的问题提示复述课文) (这一环节让学生跟录音逐段朗读课文,

34、然后在回答Activity 2练习中的问题后,请一、两位学习较好的学生来复述课文,这部分可让学生先讨论,然后老师点评、补充、指导。)(设计意图:通过课文朗读,培养学生语感,加深对课文的理解,在语言输入的基础上,让学生复述课文,即对信息加工和输出,可以训练学生的语言组织能力、逻辑思维能力和口头表达能力。)4、项目一任务2:Explaining Language Points. (讲解语言点10)课文语言点不多,重点提出几个句型讲解,老师举例示范、学生模仿造句。 It was/is only that There are/were still who/that I do not believe/s

35、uppose/think that Not but. What that (设计意图:先通过语言点的讲解、举例示范,让学生理解;然后让学生模仿造句,以达到让学生内化语言知识的目的。)Step IV. Post-reading (阅读后20)1、项目三、任务5:Demonstration, Practice and Conclusion of the reading skillunderstanding authors purpose, attitude or opinion, (示范、练习与总结阅读技巧理解作者的意图、态度和观点8)1)Demonstration(示范5): Task Assi

36、gning: How does the author describe the mothers emotion from the beginning till the end? Scanning the text again and finding out the expressions. (找出表达母亲感情变化的词语)(这一环节老师没有直接拿出个例子作示范,而是布置任务,先让学生再次运用“查读”技巧找出表达母亲感情变化的词语,以老师问、学生答的互动形式启发学生,最后引导学生理解作者的写作动机和观点态度。) Para. 1: she cried loudly T: Why did the mo

37、ther cry loudly? (Because she found her son had no ears.) Para. 2: she sighed T: Why did the mother sigh? (Because her son was called “a freak”.) Para. 3: His mother was very sad about it T: Whats the reason of the mothers sadness? (Because her son was always laughed at because of no ears. )Para. 6:

38、 Mother said she was glad she never let her hair cut.T: Was the mother really glad that she didnt have to have her hair cut? Why?(No. She was glad because it was her sacrifice that changed her sons whole life with happy marriage and successful career.)T: What is the authors motivation to describe th

39、e change of the mothers emotion before and after the operation? (作者描述母亲感情前后变化的动机是什么?)Ss: The author wants to show how great mothers love is and also show his attitude towards what real beauty, real treasure and real love are. (作者想要表达母爱很伟大,以及他对什么是真正的美、真正的财富和真正的爱的态度。)2) Practice(练习2):Activity 3Underst

40、anding authors purpose, attitude or opinion. By writing the love story the author mainly intended to tell us that _.(让学生从A、B、C或D中选出正确的答案,完成课文练习3,进一步理解作者的意图、态度和观点)3)Concluding the reading skill.(归纳阅读技巧1)How do we assess the authors purpose, attitude or opinion?(我们该如何判断作者的意图、态度或观点呢?)First, you should

41、tell the main idea of the article, and second, you should assess the authors motivation of writing the article. (一是判断文章的主旨大意,二是判断作者的写作动机。). (设计意图:通过示范,使学生对阅读技巧理解作者的意图、态度和观点有个初步的了解,通过练习使学生理解、吸收阅读技巧,而通过总结,让学生有个明确的概念,为后面的巩固练习作准备。)2、项目三、任务6:PETS3 Reading Training.(PETS阅读理解题型训练共2段,可摘自PETS真卷和模拟试卷的阅读材料12)

42、老师提供两段PETS阅读材料,布置任务让学生独立完成,然后提问、核对答案、点评、讲解。Practice 1(练习1): You walk into a hotel or department store, and the first thing you see is a glass case containing a stuffed bear the size of a real one. Our hotel had two of these. It was what we travel writers call “a two-bear hotel”. Both bears were stan

43、ding on their hind legs and striking a pose that say: “Welcome to Alaska! Im going to tear your arms off!” This struck me as an odd concept, greeting visitors with a showcase containing a major local hazard. Its as if an anti-drug organization went around setting up glass display cases containing st

44、uffed drug smugglers(毒品走私者),with little plaques(胸章) stating how much they weighed and where they were taken. Question(问题): Whats the authors purpose of mentioning “stuffed drug smugglers”?/ Why does the author mention stuffed drug smugglers?A. Because they can attack without warning just like bears.

45、B. Because they are used to give warnings to visitors about bears. C. Because they are as funny as stuffed bears.D. Because they are used to show the oddness of the stuffed bears.Practice 2(练习2): (2006年3月真卷 ) For a child, happiness has magical qualities. Kids also experience lows, but their delight

46、at such peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved. For teenagers, or people under twenty, the concept of happiness changes. Suddenly its conditional on such things as excitement, love and popularity. In adulthood the things that great joy-birth, love, marriage-also brin

47、g responsibility and the risk of loss. Love may not last, loved ones die,etc. For adults, happiness is complicated. My dictionary explains happy as lucky or fortunate, but I think a better explanation of happiness is the capacity for enjoyment.The passage aims to tell_.A the real meaning of happinessB the great importance of happinessC the constant pursuit of happinessD the changing concept of happiness(设计意图:贯彻“课证一体化”的教学模式,将学生考级题型训练融入到课堂教学过程中,提高学生的应试能力,从而提高过级率,同时加深和巩固学生新学的阅读技巧,锻炼学生的分析问题、解决问题的能力,起到举一还三的作用。)Step V. Summary & Assignments. (课堂小结和作业布置2) 1、Summary:先让学生总结今天学习和需掌握的内容(包括课文文体、写作特点


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