PEP小学英语三级下册第四单元Grade 3 Unit 4 Where is my car 教案.doc

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1、Grade 3 Unit 4 Where is my car? 一、教学内容:第一课时:Main Scene A. Lets learn A. Lets do 二、教学目标1、认知目标(1)能听说、认读单词:on ,in, under, chair, desk 。(2)能听懂会说句子:Where is the ? Its in/ on/under .2、能力目标:能够听懂会说:用put 一词用于建议把物体放在某地方。3、情感目标(1)养成自己收拾书包的好习惯。(2)养成自己收拾玩具的好习惯。三、教学重难点1.重点:新单词的听、说、认读;掌握句型:Where is the ? Its in/ o

2、n/under .2.难点:能应用put 一词用于建议把物体放在某地方四、教学准备1.教学方法:情境教学法、游戏教学法、直接教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡;学习用具;录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程Step Leadingin1. Sing a song: Teddy bear2. Free talk:T: How are you, boys and girls?S: Fine, thank you. And you, Miss Liu?T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Hello, Where are you from?S1:

3、 Im from Daling. Where are you from?T: Im from China. Lets go to school.S1: OK! T: Thank you. Please talk to your friend. (教师让学生自由谈论所学过的句型。)3. Lets chant: Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the dog. Its on the log. Look at the duck. Its in the truck. Look at the bear. It

4、s on the pear.Step Pre-task1.教师通过chant,拿出dog的图片问:Wow! The animals are so cute. Look at the dog. Where is the dog? 让学生回答引出on, 带读、板书。接着拿出bear的图片问:Where is the bear?让学生回答, 板书句子Where is the ? Its . 并带读。最后教师继续拿出duck的图片问:Where is the duck? 让学生回答引出in, 带读、板书。3. 教师出示另一首chant: Where is the cat? Look, look, lo

5、ok. Under the desk? No, no, no. Under the chair? No, no, no. Where is the cat? Lets have a look. Oh, its under the bag.4. 教师让学生填空:Where is the cat? Look, look, look. the ? No, no, no. the ? No, no, no. Where is the cat? Lets have a look. Oh, its the bag.5.教师让学生一起唱chant,然后学生四人小组讨论填空题,引出under, desk和ch

6、air.板书并把in、on、under这些介词配上一个动作教读。6.教师出示图片,让学生看图问和答。(先由教师提一、两个问题,再放手让学生问和答,巩固in,on,under, desk,chair和新句型。) Eg: T:Where is the pencil? Ss:Its on the pencil-box.T:Where is the panda?S1:Its in the zoo.Step Drills1.学生跟录音读-教师带读课文-全班齐读-四人小组读。2. Lets do. 学生听录音-教师带读-学生齐吟唱。Step Posttask1. Guessing game1)教师藏物品,

7、蒙上学生的眼睛,学生猜。2)学生之间问和猜。2. Lets make a chant. 让四人小组模仿教师的chant或自己创编chant。 Where is the cat? Look, look, look. the ? No, no, no. the ? No, no, no. Where is the cat? Lets have a look. Oh, its the bag.3. Do some exercisesA: 听录音把尺子画在相应的位置上。1、 2、 3、4、B.根据中文提示,选择正确的单词编号写在横线上。 A. in B. on C. under D. chair 1.

8、 The (椅子) is yellow.2. The apple is (在上面) my head.3. The ruler is (在里面) the book.4. Its (在下面) the chair.Step Assessment1.引导学生总结本课内容。2.进行小组评价和自我评价。3.教育学生养成良好习惯,学会整理自己的物品。Step Homework1.Listen and read.2.要求学生描述自己文具的摆放位置,介绍给父母听。六、板书设计:评价图Unit 4 Where is my car?A Lets learn on in underWhere is the ?Its

9、. Grade 3 Unit 4 Where is my car?复备人:一、教学内容:第二课时:Main Scene A .Lets talk A. Lets play二、教学目标:1.认知目标:能够理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,能听懂、会说句子:Where is my pencil box? Its on your desk.2.能力目标:能在情景中运用句型Where is my .?并能用Its on/in/under.来回答。3.情感目标:通过学习,引导学生做个勤快的好孩子,用完的东西要放回原处,学会整理好自己的物品。三、教学重难点:1.重点: 新句型的听、说、认读及用法。

10、2.难点:句型Where is my ?Its on/in/under .在实际中的运用。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 、交际教学法。2.教具:录音机和本课时的磁带,书桌和椅子的图片,文具图片,方位介词图片。五、教学过程:Step Leadingin1. Sing a song: Teddy bear 2. Game :Guessing game (猜猜在哪里)T: Where is my teddy bear?S1:It s in/on/under the .3. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello , Miss Liu

11、T: Look ! Where is my pencil?S: Its under the book.Step Pre-task1.教师向学生出示一幅书房的图片,并在图片画了很多学习用具。T: Look! Whats in my study?S: A ruler, a pencil-box, a bagT : Good! But where is my pencil-box?Ss: Its on the desk.T: Where is my pencil?S1: Its in the bag.T: Lets ask and answer each other. Who can ask a q

12、uestion about the picture? (教师让学生与学生之间以一问一答的形式互相谈论书房的图片,直到确定所有文具位置为止。)2.当Miss Liu想知道我的尺子在哪里我应问:Where is my ? 及回答是:Its . 板书并带读。Step Drills1.Play a game: Listen and number the sentences.2.Imitation: Follow the tape.-Read in group of four.-Check some groups.Step Posttask1.Lets play 教师准备三个箱子,一个装着文具或是动物的

13、图片,一个装着方位介词,一个也是装着不同的文具和动物,请三个学生抽出图片共同完成句型,然后齐声读出来。两组学生示范后,让四人小组完成此项练习。(教师在每个小组都放好三个箱子。)2.二小组活动(整理凌乱的书桌和书包)请学生运用新句型:Where is my ?Its on/in/under .讨论应该把书和文具放在书包的什么位置,共同收拾好一个书包,同时进行良好生活习惯的教育,即平时应该把自己的书包收拾好。2、Do some exercisesA. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。( )1. A. on your chair B. in your desk C. under your book( )

14、2. A. OK! B. Uh-oh! C. Oh, yes!( )3. A. Silly me! B. Lets go to school. C. Its in your bag.B.选择正确的单词补全对话。( )1.A:_is the pencil-box.B: Its on the desk.A. Who B. What C. Where( )2.A: Where is the car? B: Its _ the chair A. in B. under C. out ( ) 3.A: Where is _ruler B: Its under your bookA. me B. my C

15、 .IC.根据图片选择正确的句子。 1. ( ) A. The ball is on the box. B. The ball is in the box.2. ( ) A. The pencil is on the desk. B. The pencil is under the desk.3. ( ) A. The ruler is in the desk. B. The ruler is on the desk. Step Assessment1.Summary2.进行小组评价和自我评价。 3.教育学生要养成把东西放好的好习惯。Step Homework 1.读、背Lets talk.2

16、.模仿Lets talk与同桌编一个对话。 评 价 表 六、板书设计: Unit 4 Where is my car? A Lets talk Where is my ? Its under /on /in the .Grade 3 Unit 4 Where is my card?一、教学内容:第三课时:Main Scene A. Lets spell二、教学目标:1.认知目标:能够听懂,会说,认读,书写单词:dog,box,orange,body。2.能力目标:了解原音字母o在闭音节的发音规律,并准确发音。3.情感目标:通过感知,体验,观察发现单词拼读的规律。三、教学重难点:1.重点: 能够

17、听懂,会说,认读,书写单词:dog,box,orange,body。2.难点:元音字母o的准确发音。四、教学准备:1.教师准备课件,录音机,录音带,相关单词卡。2.学生准备各种文具和四线三格的练习本。五、教学设计:Step Leadingin1.Sing the song: Where is the toy car? 教师播放歌曲,诵读歌谣,让学生复习前面的句型Where is the toy car? Is it on your desk?Where is the toy car? No,its on your chair!2. Lets act out the dialogue.(教师检查

18、上节课的作业,请几组同学上讲台表演对话。)3. Play a game: Hide and seek学生拿出自己的文具,同桌间玩藏藏找找的游戏并操练句型:Where is the ? Its .Step Pre-task1.课件或实物展示一只小狗。T:Whats this?S:Its a dog.T:Where is the dog?S:Its in the box.2.教师在四线三格里规范板书单词dog和box,老师带读,学生跟读并拼读,然后请学生找出这两个单词的共同点,注意短元音字母o要发短音,口型正确。3.教师与学生互动,引出新知:T:Whats this?S:Its an orange

19、.T:Where is the orange?S:Its in the box.4.在四线三格里规范板书orange和body。老师带读,学生跟读并拼读。Step Drills1.教师播放课文录音,请学生进一步熟悉发音并跟着录音拼读单词。2.引导学生观察这四个单词的拼写,思考并说出其共同字母,然后归纳出字母o的发音。3.以dog为例,教师放慢速度并以夸张的口型读出单词dog,引导学生思考dog由几个因素组成,分别是什么,并以同样的方法对box,orange和body进行拆音。4.教师利用动画讲解语音歌谣,在理解的基础上请学生跟着录音吟唱歌谣,进一步巩固字母o的发音。Step Posttask1

20、. 绕口令大比拼:看谁以最快的速度读出绕口令教师出示单词:mom, on, orange, dog, doll, box,和body,全班齐读。然后展示两个绕口令,让学生选其一在5分钟之内读熟,教师计时,请学生上讲台表演,评选出最快的学生并给予奖励。 A. This is my mom. She has a dog. Where is the dog? Its on the box.B. This is an orange. Its orange. Where is the orange? Its on my body. 2. ExercisesA .Read, listen and numb

21、er.(Page 40)B.Listen and write. (Page 40)Step Assessment1. Summary2.进行小组评价和自我评价。 Step Homework 1. 跟录音拼读单词。2. 抄写单词4E1C。六、板书设计:评价图Unit 4where is my carA Lets learn四线格:dog orange box bodyGrade 3 Unit 4 Where is my car? 一、教学内容:第四课时:Main Scene B. Lets talk B. Lets play二、教学目标:1.认知目标(1)能听、说、认读句型Is it in/on

22、/under.?Yes, it is/No, it isnt.(2)能正确朗读Lets talk。2.能力目标:能通过实物或情景运用句型Is it in/on/under.?Yes, it is./No ,it isnt.提问并回答。3.情感目标:(1)教育学生要养成自己收拾书包、玩具的好习惯。 (2)培养学生的劳动意识。三、教学重难点:1.重点: 掌握句型Is it in/on/under.?Yes, it is./No, it isn t.的运用。2.难点:Is it in/on/under.?的运用及回答。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 、交际教学法。2.教具:本课时

23、的单词卡片;教学挂图;录音机和本课时的磁带;帽子和玩具箱。五、教学过程:Step Leadingin1.Lets do2.Free talk: T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Li. T: Where is my ruler? S: Its .3.Game: Lets do or dont(教师下指令,但故意做不对应的动作,例如:put your hand under your chair.同时教师做不对应的动作,但学生根据教师所说的来做动作) Step Pre-task1.Game: 教师迅速把玩具摆在一个地方,不

24、让学生看见,让学生猜并用Is it in/on/under ?来提问,教师回答Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 猜中的那一组同学加分。(引出新句型Is it in/on/under ?教师可以在这个游戏中让学生理解Is it in/on/under ?的意思。)2. Lets talk T:Oh, where is my English book? S: It is in T: Where is my pen? S: It is on T:你们真棒,能帮老师把东西找出来,但是Mike 的东西也不见了,让我们一起看看他的什么东西不见了呢?(教师出示挂图)教师要求学生带着问题听录音

25、一遍,分组比赛,抢答问题:(1)Mike 的什么东西不见了,最后有没找到。(2)Mike的东西不见了是谁帮他找到的,Mike又是怎么询问的呢? 3.解决问题: 教师请学生回答问题,教师再出示cap ,toy box等实物和板书Is it in/on/under.?Yes, it is./ No, it isn t 并领读。然后再次播放录音,让学生跟读。StepWhile-task1Listen to the tape.2Read after the teacher.3Read the dialogue in a group of four.4.Check some groupsStep Pos

26、t-task1.Game:(四人小组)学生把准备好的东西拿出来,一个同学摆放东西,其他三人闭上眼睛猜,例如:S1:Where is my milk?S2:Is it on your book? S1:No,it isnt.S3:Is it in your desk?S1:Yes,it is.猜对同学的就可以摆放东西让其他三人猜。2.Do some exercises.(同步练习)A.听录音,选择正确的答句。( )1.A. No,it isnt B.Yes, it is ( )2.Its in your box. B.No,it isnt( )3.A.This is a book. B.Yes,

27、 it is.( )4.A.Where is my bag? B.Its on the deskB.请你为下面的单词排排队,排列成正确的句子(口头表达)。1. it your in Is box?2. ruler Where my is?3. is it Yes. 4good a Have time .5Its the under chair.Step Assessment1Read the new the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2进行小组评价和自我评价。3教育学生要养成自己收拾书包、玩具的好习惯。Step Homework1 Listen and read.2 同桌之间

28、互相询问各自物品摆放的位置。 六、板书设计:评价图Unit 4 Where is my car?B Lets talkcap toy Is it in /on /under.?Yes, it is/ No, it isnt.Grade 3 Unit 4Where is my car? 一、教学内容:第五课时:Main Scene B. Lets learn Lets do二、教学目标:1认知目标(1)能听、说、认读单词cap ball car map boat。(2)能听懂会说句子Where is.? Is it in your toy box? No, it isnt.) 学唱歌曲“Wher

29、e is the toy car ?”。2.能力目标:能在情景中运用句型Where is.? Is it in your toy box? No, it isnt. 询问物品位置并回答。3.情感目标(1)养成自己收拾书包的好习惯。 (2)养成自己收拾玩具的好习惯。三、教学重难点:1.重点:新单词的听、说、认读;掌握句型Where is.? Is it in your toy box? No,it isnt.2.难点:运用新学的单词和句型反问他人。四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 、交际教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片;情景图,椅子,桌子,录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程:

30、StepLeadingin1.Sing a song : Where is the toy car?2.Game: Guessing game.(猜物品在哪里)T:Where is my ruler?S: Is it in the desk?S2:Is it under the book?/3.Free talk:T:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Miss Lai.T:Im from China. What about you?S:Im fromStep Pre-task1、向学生展示一张情境图,学生看认真看一遍,再盖上,询问学生: Whats in the pic

31、ture? 学生回答,呈现新单词卡boat。2、让学生根据刚才看到图片有什么猜猜其它物品,猜完后打开图片让学生看知道里面有什么东西。1)T:教师询问:Whats in the picture? 教师再做划船动作引出新词句。S: boat.T: Row a boat.(教师呈现boat单词卡并领读boat, boat, Row a boat.)2)T: 教师问:What else? 教师再做打球动作。S: Ball.T: Bounce a ball.(教师呈现ball单词卡并领读ball, ball, Bounce a ball.)3) T: 教师问:What else?教师再做开车动作。S:

32、Car.T: Drive a car.(教师呈现car单词卡并领读car, car, Drive a car.)4) T: 教师问:What else?教师做戴帽子动作。S: Cap.T: Put on a cap.(教师呈现cap单词卡并领读cap, cap, Put on a cap.)5)T: 教师问:What else?教师拿着地图在看。S: Map.T: Read a map.(教师呈现map单词卡并领读map, map, Read a map.)3.整理凌乱的房间 这时电脑呈现了一个“凌乱的房间”教师出现一幅包含相同物品的、整洁的房间图,请学生上来背对图片,提问:Where is

33、?其余学生举手回答。学生根据师生们的问答将“凌乱的房间”里的物品摆放在相应的位置上。Step While-task1.Listen to the tape and read.2.Read the text in a group of four.3.Check some groups.4.Lets play games. (1)教师提供两个房间的图,请学生小组讨论,找出两个房间的不同之处。 (2)识字游戏:给老师的玩具贴标签。Step Post-task1.教师画好一幅自己的房间并介绍,再叫学生画出自己梦想房间。T: This is my room. The ball in/on under 2

34、. Sing the song “Where is the toy car?” (听录音,学生跟唱)3.Do some exercises.(同步练习)A.听录音,圈出你所听到的选项。1. B.boy C.boat2. A.cap C.cat3. A.on C.under4. B.fat C.dad5. A.desk B.chair C.bodyB.读一读,画一画。1Draw a cat on the desk.2. Draw a ball under the desk. Step Assessment1Read the new words and

35、 the sentences.(引导学生总结本课内容)2进行小组评价和自我评价。3教育学生养成自己收拾书包、玩具的好习惯。StepHomework1Listen and read.2要求学生回家帮妈妈收拾家务,并运用句型。六、板书设计:Unit 4Where is my car?评价图B Lets learn 挂图 cap ball car map boat Mum, where is my boat? Is it in your toy box? Yes,it is. No, it isnt.Grade 3 Unit 4 Where is my car? 一、教学内容:第六课时:Main S

36、cene Start to read Lets check Lets sing Story time二、教学目标:1.认知目标(1)能听、说、认读本单元单词。(2)能听懂会说本单元句型。(3) 学唱歌曲“Where is the toy car ?”2.能力目标:能在情景中运用本单元句型Where is.?Is it in/on under.?3.情感目标(1)养成自己收拾书包和玩具的好习惯。 (2)培养学生会做家务精神,增强学生的环保意识。三、教学重难点:1.重点:新单词的听、说、认读;掌握句型Where is.?Is it in/on under.?2.难点:运用新学的单词和句型反问他人。

37、四、教学准备:1.教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 、交际教学法。2.教具:本课时的单词卡片;本课时情景图;录音机和本课时的磁带。五、教学过程:Step Leadingin1.Sing a song: Where is the toy car?2.Free talk:T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Lai.T: Look, Where is my car? Is it in your toy box?S: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Step Pre-task1.向学生展示一张完整情景图,并在地图上使用句子Where is

38、? Is it in/on under.?并问Look, where is zip? Can you find it?2.引导学生阅读句子并连线到图中相应的位置上。3.使用所学的句子Where is?玩游戏,a学生先用红领巾蒙着眼睛,b学生就问a学生Where is?然后a学生就反问Is it in/on under.?对的话就在书本上打错的就。用依次类推方法玩。4.Listen and tick or cross.先请学生观察四幅图片,教师分别问船、帽子、小汽车、球在什么位置,学生回答。然后教师播放录音,学生完成练习。教师请几个学生说出答案。5.Look and tick.请一些学生说出玩具

39、箱里的玩具,再请一些学生读出玩具箱旁的单词。小组讨论,在玩具箱旁的单词中,有哪些是玩具箱里的玩具。如果玩具箱里有这一玩具,就在该单词前的空格打勾。6.Lets sing.(1)教师播放歌曲,要求学生为歌曲配上动作。(2)跟着录音节奏,边做动作边唱歌。(3)小组练习并展示(教师引导学生替换其他玩具)7.Story time.1.引导学生看第一和第二幅图,并进行讨论:What are Zoom and Zip playing? 引出Hide and seek并了解这个短语的意思。2.听录音,看挂图、投影、录像或VCD,回答问题:Where is Zip? Is she under the tabl

40、e? Is she under the bed? Is she in the toy box? Where is Zip?3.根据图片,用动作和手势让学生了解table, behind和find 的意思。4.根据录音,然后分角色表演。小组练习。最后请一些小组上台,戴着Zoom和Zip的头饰表演。Step Post-task1教师请学生拿出准备好的白纸,听音、画图并上色。例如:Draw a desk. Colour it red. Draw a chair. Colour it yellow. Draw a book. Colour it blue.然后问学生:Where is the book

41、? 请一个学生先回答,然后展示自己的图,其他学生检查那个学生的回答与他(她)的图是否相符。如果正确,可以得一张贴纸。2Sing the song “Where is the toy car ?” (听录音,学生跟唱)3Do some exercises.(同步练习)A听录音,选择正确的答句。( )1.A.Yes,it is. B. Its under the book.( )2.A.No,it isnt. B. Its on the chair.( )3.A.No,thanks. B. Yes, it is.( )4.A.In the toy box. B. Three.( )5.A.Im behind you. B. No, it isnt.B选出不同类的单词,将其编号写在括号内。( )1. A. pig B. dog C. car D. cat( )2. A. peach B. pear C. boat D. orange( )3. A. duck B. desk C. chair D. bed( )4. A. zebra B. fox C. box D. kangaroo( )5. A. yellow B. grapes C. pink D. greenStep Asses


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