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1、 Brief Analysis of Charlotte Lucas of Pride and Prejudice(浅析“傲慢与偏见”中的夏洛特卢卡斯)作 者:准考证号:指导教师:学科专业:赵 妍030190202129李 霞英语(本) 2009 年 3 月 31 日ContentsContents.1Abstract2Acknowledgements.31.Introduction.42.Analysis of the character of Charlotte Lucas.4 2.1 Intellectual and sensible.4 2.1.1 Different views up

2、on Darcy.52.1.2 Worrying about the development between Jane and Charles.5 2.2 Sincerity and generosity.5 2.2.1 Not envying Jane and Elizabeth6 2.2.2 Keeping good relationship with Elizabeth6 2.3 Persistence and independent6 2.3.1 The spirit of persistence7 2.3.2 Getting married with Mr. Collins.73.

3、Conclusion8Bibliography.9AbstractThis paper aims to make an analysis of Charlotte Lucas, the character in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. Charlotte is not a very important character in the story. And she always is a thought-provoking role. She has long been criticized by the readers, because of he

4、r marriage as an exchange of property and happiness. So her charm is usually ignored. In fact, we find that Charlotte possesses some good qualities. She has her own personal charm. Her good comprehensive ability makes her hold her own view point on Darcy and the relationship between Jane and Binley.

5、 Though Elizabeth does not have good attitudes toward her marriage, Charlotte still has good wishes for her friend. From this point, we see that Charlotte is sincere and generous. Charlotte still has a spirit of persistence and independence, which makes her to stick to what she wants and try her bes

6、t to get it.Key words: wit, sincere , persistence, independence, 摘要这篇文章主要分析简奥斯汀的代表作傲慢与偏见中的夏洛特卢卡斯。在这篇小说中,卢卡斯不是一个非常重要的角色,但她却是一个发人深省的人物。她用婚姻来换取财富与幸福的做法,长期以来遭受到很多读者的批判。事实上,我们会发现夏洛特拥有一些良好的素质。她有自己的个人魅力。她良好的综合能力使她对达西以及简和宾利的关系持有自己不同的观点。尽管伊丽莎白对待她的婚姻的态度不好,但是夏洛特仍然真诚地对待她最好的朋友。由此看出夏洛特的真诚与大度。夏洛特的坚持与独立,使得她坚持自己想要的东

7、西并为之而努力。关键词:聪慧,真诚,坚持,独立AcknowledgementsI want to express my appreciation to many who supported my efforts in writing this paper during the past few months.I am greatly indebted to Prof. Li Xia, who have given me lots of good advises. And she had spent much time on my paper.Hearty thanks should also

8、be given to Mei Wei, my best friend, who is a teacher of Yantai University. She helped me borrow many books and gave me some advises on my paper.Special thanks should be extended to Li Jing, my workmate who is also preparing for the paper and oral defense. We have the same goal and support each othe

9、r a lot.Brief Analysis of Charlotte Lucas of Pride and Prejudice1. IntroductionPride and prejudice is the most attractive one among Jane Austens novel. Jane Austen is one of the great and best loved novelists in English literature and one of the most important pioneers in English realistic novel. Sh

10、e brought the English novels She was among the first English woman to break the male monopoly of novel writing. Her brilliantly witty, elegantly structured satirical novels vividly described the life of the common people in the countryside. Her main literary concern is about human beings in their so

11、cial relationships. Though Austen is not a conscientious feminist novelist, her novels such as Pride and Prejudice, express female dignity and a longing for equality with men. She presented the real country life by her realistic description.Pride and Prejudice portrays life in the genteel rural soci

12、ety of the day, and tells of the initial misunderstandings and later mutual enlightenment between Elizabeth Bennet ( whose liveliness and quick wit have often attracted readers) and the haughty Darcy. Then they gradually dispel their prejudice and finally get married. This novel strongly reflects th

13、e point that sensibility and rationality play important roles in marriage, a viewpoint obviously reflected on the marriage of Mr. Collins and Charlotte. In this novel, Mr. Collins is a clergyman with a large amount of property while Charlotte is a twenty-seven years old lady with little property. Th

14、ough Charlotte is not as bright as Elizabeth, She has her own personal Charm and her marriage is a real reflect of the social trend in which property and social status are the decisive factors in marriage.2. Analysis of the character of Charlotte Lucas.As for Charlotte, she has already been twenty-s

15、even years old; neither does she have a good social status, nor does she own large property. At twenty-seven, the rather plain Charlotte has little prospect of marriage, it is a society in which the option of work is not open to woman. Charlotte is less beautiful than Elizabeth and Jane. She is sens

16、ible and intelligent, more worthy of a good husband than Mrs. Bennet, but this also makes Charlotte a realist. In a certain sense, Mr. Collins is what she wants. The kind of suitor Jane Bennet can attract, as experience has shown, beyond Charlottes cope. Thought her marriage, Charlotte is able to ac

17、hieve the dignity of a match of good status and material comfort, together with independence. What is more, she obtains what she wants to get from marriage, establishment, security and comparative comfort. She is quite sensible and realistic, and she can grasp every chance to realize her own purpose

18、, thus her choice is not wrong. According to social reality, there is no point for us to criticize her marriage. Seen from another angle, Charlotte is brave to fight against social injustice, to be independent. Though Pride and Prejudice, we find that Charlotte possesses some good qualities. She has

19、 her own personal charm. Her good comprehensive ability makes her hold her own view point. Though Elizabeth does not have good attitudes toward her marriage, Charlotte still has good wishes for her friend. From this point, we see that Charlotte is sincere and generous. Charlotte still has a spirit o

20、f persistence and independence, which makes her to stick to what she wants and try her best to get it.2.1 Intellectual and sensible Charlotte Lucas is well-educated, intellectual and decent woman highly appreciated by Elizabeth. She is not less knowledge than Elizabeth. Accordingly she became intima

21、te friend to Elizabeth in the same attitude for life. Her wit can be proved from her own mind distinguished others impression upon Mr. Darcys disagreeable countenance, as well as worrying about Jane and Bingley.2.1.1 Different views upon DarcyCharlotte is clever and she has some good comprehensive a

22、bility. For example, when Darcys first appearance at the party, he is arrogant and refuses to dance. Everyone gives disgust impression to Darcy. But Charlotte doesnt think so. She holds different view. She says “ His pride dose not offend me so much as pride often close, because there is an excuse f

23、or it. One cannot wonder that, so very fine a young man, with family, fortune, everything in his favor, should think highly of himself. If I may express it, he has a right to be proud.” (Chapter 5)There is a brilliant paragraph about love attitude was from Charlotte “ But if a woman is partial to a

24、man, and dose not endeavors to conceal it, he must find it out.” ( Chapter 6) Practically these words prove the foreknowledge of Charlotte as well as the worry of Darcy later.These comments show different side of Charlotte. She did not like Lydias foolish and flighty, but also, unlike Mrs. Bennet .

25、And she has the ability to think independently. She insists her own opinions, rather than follow the crowd. She also treats everybody and everything objectively.2.1.2 Worrying about the development between Jane and CharlesJane Bennet is the eldest daughter in Bennets. She is beautiful and kind. At t

26、he party, she first met Mr. Bingley. They fell in love at the first sight. All think they would get along well each other. However, to their relationship, Charlotte holds a more practical attitude. Such attitude performance out at the conversation with Elizabeth. “If a woman conceals her affection w

27、ith the same skill from the object of it, she may lose the opportunity of fixing him; and it will then be but poor consolation to believe the world equally in the dark.” (Chapter 6) “Bingley and Jane meet tolerably often, it is never for many hours together; and, as they always see each other in lar

28、ge mixed parties, it is impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together. Jane should therefore make the most of every half-hour in which she can command his attention. When she is secure of him, there will be more leisure for falling in love as much as she chooses.” (Chapter 6

29、)Charlotte thought Jane should clearly express her love for Bingley. It is to be proved. Her unclear attitude made Bingley hesitate. Charlotte s sensible and wit help her analyze the relationship between Jane and Bingley. Elizabeth suddenly understands. Charlotte, if no intelligence, Jane may be los

30、t opportunity to obtain happiness.待添加的隐藏文字内容3In Charlottes opinion, the beginning of a love story is always casual, when a man shows his good feeling bout a woman, if he can not get response from the woman, the man will feel discouraged and he may give up his pursue for the woman. Charlottes idea is

31、 quite practical. Jane Bennets love affair justified it. When Bingley shows his love for Jane, as he could not get response from Jane, then he is discouraged and he thinks that Jane has no good feeling for him. What is more, as Darcy interferes in their love affair, there is a love crisis between Ja

32、ne and Bingley. On this point, we say that Charlotte is very clever and full of wisdom.2.2 Sincerity and generosityCharlotte and Elizabeth are in the same social class, their intelligence is also about the same, the only difference lies in the appearance. Charlotte looks may be just so so , while El

33、izabeth is beautiful and has attractive appearance. Especially her bright black eyes, exudes boundless charm. She can attract everyones attention at the first sight. But Charlotte is not a pinch of jealousy of the heart or the slightest feeling of displeasure. On the contrary, she wholeheartedly ope

34、rates with the friendship between Elizabeth.Though Elizabeth looks down upon Charlottes marriage, Charlotte still wishes her friend happiness and success. She is so kind and generous. Another point is that she has great patience for Lady Catherines rampancy. Seen from female psychology, to achieve t

35、his patience is impossible without good self-cultivation. Therefore, Charlotte has achieved some good self-cultivation.2.2.1 Not envying Jane and ElizabethCharlotte is sincere and generous. She did not envy Jane and Elizabeth. “I wish Jane success with all my heart; and if she were married to him to

36、morrow, I should think she had as good a chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelvemonth. Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.” (Chapter 6)“ If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other, or ever so similar before-hand, it

37、does not advance their felicity in the least. They always contrive to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.”(Chapter6)Charlotte and Elizabeth are good frien

38、ds. They are both intelligence and in the same social class. But Charlotte has no beautiful appearance, while Elizabeth is attractive. She is not jealous of Elizabeth. On the contrary, she wholeheartedly operates with the friendship between Elizabeth.2.2.2 Keeping good relationship with ElizabethEli

39、zabeth is shocked by the marriage of Elizabeth and Collins. Elizabeth looked down on such marriages, or even felt that they will never be friends as before. Charlotte valued Elizabeth for their relationship. But she was not estranged from Elizabeth. As usual, she treated her sincerely. After the wed

40、ding, Charlotte kept in touch with Elizabeth through correspondence. And she has invited her to visit home. When Elizabeth finally accepted the invitation to come to her new home. Charlotte met her in the most passionate way. Although Collins showed off their home . Charlotte did not show a bit comp

41、lacent feeling. All her thoughts were on how to enable her friend to live more comfortable.When Elizabeth was living in Charlottes home, Darcy frequently visited Charlotte. This aroused Charlottes curiosity. Through Darcys unusual activity, Charlotte thought that Darcy is attached to Elizabeth. Beca

42、use of worrying her friend will miss a good chance, Charlotte caught the opportunity to watch the behavior of Darcy. And she disclosed Darcys affection to Elizabeth. But Elizabeth laughed at it. Charlotte did not mention the matter again, for fear of hurtingElizabeth. In order to find a suitable par

43、tner for her friend, Charlotte is also intended to introduce Colonel Fitzwilliam to Elizabeth. Who can be more concerned about Elizabeths happiness than Charlotte? So were her fellow sisters. Charlotte sincere to friend should be acknowledged and commended.2.3 Persistence and independentThe characte

44、r Charlotte Lucas has been fixed at a disappointing, practical style. Because she get married with Collins. However, on the Charlotte, such a selection is no longer rational. As for charlotte, an important factor in society is property. Darcy and Bingley are rich gentlemen and they have large proper

45、ty. Therefore they can choose their wives according to their will. However, even for Elizabeth, although she is very beautiful and witty and full of wisdom, as she does not have large property; she loses many competitions in marriage market. For Charlotte, things are more difficult. She has already

46、been twenty-seven years old, neither does she have a good social status, nor does she own large property. At twenty-seven, the rather plain Charlotte has little prospect of marriage, it is a society in which the option of work is not open to woman. Charlotte lives in a world in which men judge women

47、s looks before examining their characters. Charlotte is less beautiful than Elizabeth and Jane. She sensible and intelligent, more worthy of a good husband than Mrs. Bennet, but this also makes Charlotte a realist. In a certain sense, Mr. Collins is what she wants. The kind of suitor Jane Bennet can attract, as experience has shown, beyond Charlottes cope. Given his rather odious character, Mr. Collins, because of his evident lack of passion, is more eligible to Charlotte than if he were full of amorous desire. Throu


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