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1、我的第一本亲子英文书(中英对照)ACT 1 作息起居SCENE 1 起床 Its time to get up. 该起床了。Peter, its time to get up. 彼得,该起床了Ten more minutes, mom妈再让我多睡十分钟嘛What time is it now?现在几点了?Its already 8 oclock.已经八点了Well, honey, wake up, or youll be late for school.嗯,亲爱的,该醒了,不然你上学会迟到的。SCENE 2 更衣Take off your pajamas. 把睡衣脱掉。Peter, take

2、off your pajamas.彼得,把睡衣脱掉。What should I wear today? 我今天要穿什么?Its chilly outside, so dont forget to put on your jacket.外面有点凉,把外套穿上。Hows the shirt?这件衬衫看起来如何?Son, it looks great on you.儿子,你看起来很帅。SCENE 3 招呼 How are you ? 你好吗?Good morning, mom.妈咪早安。Good morning, sweetie. You finally got up. 早啊,甜心。你终于起床了。I

3、m still sleepy.我还想睡。Did you stay up late last night? 你昨天晚上熬夜了吗?No, I couldnt fall asleep last night. 没有,我昨晚根本睡不着。SCENE 4 盥洗 Go wash your face.去洗脸。Peter, its time to eat breakfast.彼得,该吃早餐了!I am brushing my teeth. 我在刷牙。Alright, you better hurry, your bus is coming.好,你最好快一点,车子来了Monthe toothpaste droppe

4、d on my shorts.妈牙膏不小心沾到我裤子上了!Oh, dear, go get another pair. Ill help you change your shorts. 哦,亲爱的,快去拿另一条裤子,我会帮你换上新裤子。SCENE 5 洗澡 The bath is ready.洗澡水放好了。Be careful. The floor is slippery.小心,地板很滑Mom, there isnt any hot water. 妈,没有热水Turn on the shower.把莲蓬头打开。Its getting cold.水越来越冷了。Ok. Ill check the

5、heater. Dry yourself with the towel first.好,我来看看热水器。你先用毛巾把身体擦干。SCENE 6 出门 The school bus is waiting for you. 校车在等你喔。Mom, Im ready for school.妈,我准备好要去上学了。Dont forget to come straight home after school.别忘了放学直接回家喔。I know, mom.我知道,妈咪。Have you got everything?东西都带了吗?Oh, my jump rope. Mom, can you get it f

6、or me?喔,(我忘了带)我的跳绳。妈,你能帮我拿一下吗?SCENE 7 就寝 Its time your bedtime该睡了。Jenny, you should go to bed now.珍妮,该睡了。But its still early.但是现在还很早啊。Dont stay up late.不要太晚睡。But, daddy, Im not sleepy.可是,爸爸,我还不想睡。Well, honey, turn off the light, lie down and go to sleep.嗯,亲爱的,(现在)把电灯关了,躺下来睡觉。ACT 2 学校生活SCENE 8 放学回家 W

7、hats the homework today?今天的功课是什么?Daddy, Im home.爸爸,我回家了。Do you have any homework today?你今天有功课吗?Ill do it later.我等一下再做。Go and do it now.现在就去做。Can I have some cookies first, please?我能不能先吃一点饼干?拜托。SCENE 9 过得如何 How was school today?今天在学校过得如何?How was school today? 今天在学校过得如何?It was great! I made some frien

8、ds.很棒啊!我交了一些朋友。Really! Thats good.真的啊!那很棒啊。But the lessons this semester are a little bit hard.不过这学期的课程有点难They arent hard. Im sure you can do it.它不难,我相信你做得到的。SCENE 10 介绍同学、朋友 Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。Mom, this is my friend, Andy.妈,这是我的朋友安迪。Hi, Andy, Welcome to our house.嗨, 安迪。欢迎来我们家玩。Good to meet yo

9、u, Aunty Su.很高兴见到你,苏阿姨。Im glad to meet you too. 我也很高兴见到你。Mom, can we go play volleyball now?妈,我们能去玩排球吗?Of course, off you go.当然可以,去吧!SCENE 11 学校情况 Whos your best friend?你最好的朋友是谁?How many classmates are there in your class?你们班上有几个同学?There are thirty-six students in our class.我们班上有三十六个学生。So, how many

10、friends do you have?那么你有几个朋友呢?I have a lot of friends.我有许多的朋友。Whos your best friend?那谁是你最好的朋友?Andy is my best friend.安迪是我最好的朋友。SCENE 12社团 What club do you belong to ?你参加什么社团?Peter, which club do you want to join?彼得,你想参加哪一个社团?I havent decided yet. What about you, Andy?我还没决定。那你呢,安迪?I am a member of th

11、e basketball club. Do you want to join us?我是篮球社的一员。你要一起加入我们吗?But I dont know how to play basketball.但是我不会打篮球。Its ok. Dont worry about it. Our school coach will train us to play basketball.没关系的,不用担心,我们学校的教练会训练我们如何打篮球。SCENE 13 运动会 School Sports Day is on this Saturday学校的运动会在这个星期六Jenny, what day is the

12、 sports day? 珍妮,运动会是星期几呢?Its on this Saturday.就是这个星期六啊。Where is it being held?那在哪里举办呢?Its in the Sports Center at our school.在我们学校的运动馆里。Are you in any competitions for Sports Day?珍妮,运动会那天你有打进任何比赛吗?I can run fast. Dad, you should come to see me.我跑得很快。爸,你要来看我喔。ACT 3饮食用餐SCENE 14 餐前准备 Wash your hands be

13、fore dinner.晚餐前先洗手。Mom, whats for dinner tonight? 妈,今天晚上吃什么?Were having beef curry and rice today. 今天吃牛肉咖哩饭。When will it be ready? 还要多久才准备好?In about ten more minutes. Help me set the table first, will you ? 再大约十分钟吧。可以先帮我摆好餐具吗?Im happy to do it.我非常乐意呢。SCENE 15用餐时 Its yummy. 这很好吃。Dad, I dont like it.爸

14、,我不喜欢这个。Dont be so picky. Its good for your body.不可以挑食,这个对你的身体很好。Im thirsty. I want some water. 我口渴想要喝水。Mmmthe soup tastes great take some.汤的味道很棒!喝一点。Dad, Im full.爸,我吃饱了。Honey, you should finish your food.亲爱的,你应该把东西吃完。SCENE 16外出用餐 Lets eat out.我们去外面吃吧!Honey, do you want to eat out?亲爱的,要不要出去吃?Hurray!

15、 I want to.好棒喔!我要我要。What do you want to eat?你想吃什么?How about korean barbecue?韩国烤肉如何呢?Sounds great!好啊SCENE 17零食、点心 Do you want some dessert? 你想吃点甜点吗?Peter, wash your hands first, and then have some dessert.彼得,先去洗手,然后去吃点甜点。Mom, can I have some ice cream? 妈,我可以吃冰淇淋吗?Not today, honey, dont eat too much i

16、ce cream.亲爱的,今天不可以喔。不要吃太多冰淇淋。Mom, can I have one more piece of cake?Ok. The last piece is for your dessert. Were having dinner soon.ACT 4 做功课 SCENE 18今天的功课 You have to memorize it. 你要把这个背起来。Open the book and turn to page 10. 把书打开翻到第十页。It is difficult.这很难。No, honey, its easy if you know the way.不,亲爱的

17、,如果知道方法就很简单了。Do I have to memorize it?我要把这个背起来吗?No, honey, try to make notes in your notebook.不,亲爱的,试着在笔记本上写一些笔记吧。SCENE 19数学作业 I cannot solve math problem. 我解不开这道数学题。Dad, can you help me? 爸,你可以帮我吗?Oh, honey, you made a mistake. 喔,亲爱的,你做错了。I dont know how to do it. 我不知道要怎么做。Ok. Lets do it together.好,

18、我们一起做。16 divided by 2. whats the answer? 16除以2, 答案是什么?16 divided by 2 equals 8. 16除以2等于8You got it. Good job.你答对了,做得好。SCENE 20英文作业 How do you say it in English ? 这个用英文要怎么说?Dad, how do you say this word? 爸,这个词要怎么念?“Sword”, say it “ Sword”. Sword, 这个词念sword.What does this word mean?这个词是什么意思呢?Look it u

19、p in the dictionary.去查词典。 Dad, can you just tell me what it means? Im too lazy. 爸,你能不能告诉我那是什么意思呢?我太懒了。No, honey, go and read it. Youll learn.不,亲爱的,去查一下并且读出来。你才能学会。SCENE 21考试、成绩 How was your midterm exam?你期中考试考得如何?How was your test ?你考试考得如何?It was bad. 很糟Oh, honey, you should study harder. 喔,亲爱的,你应该要

20、更用功一点。But I already tried my best. 但是我已经尽力了。Dont worry. Youll do better next time.别在意,你下次可以考得更好。SCENE 22美术作业 What do you want to draw? 你想画什么?Jenny, whats your favorite color?珍妮,你最喜欢什么颜色呢?I like red.我喜欢红色。Now, were going to draw an apple in your sketch book. What do we use?现在,我们要在素描本上画一个苹果。我们要用什么画呢?D

21、ad, I want to draw with crayones, can I? 爸,我想用Why not?lets draw the outline of an apple with your pencil first.为什么不呢?先用铅笔勾出苹果的轮廓吧。ACT 5 健康与安全SCENE 23健康状况 I feel sick我好像生病了。Mom, I dont feel well.妈,我觉得不舒服。Are you sick?你生病了吗?I feel dizzy.我头晕。Let me take your temperature.我帮你量体温Mom, I dont want to go to

22、see a doctor.妈,我不想去看医生。Oh, honey, I think youve caught a cold. You should get a shot.喔,亲爱的,我想你感冒了。你应该要去打针。SCENE 24室内安全 Ill put the band-aid on. 我帮你贴创可贴Mom, my nose is bleeding.妈,我的鼻子在流鼻血。What happened. Peter? Did you have a fight?彼得,你怎么了?你打架了吗?No,mom.I didnt.妈,我才没有。Did somebody hit you? Or did you j

23、ust fall?有人打你吗?还是你跌倒了MomI was just picking my nose, and now its bleeding.妈,我只是挖鼻子,然后鼻子就流血了。SCENE 25室外安全 Take care.小心Watch out, Jenny! Be careful of the cars.小心!珍妮。小心车子。Im fine, dad. 我没事啦,爸。Did you get hit? 你被撞到了吗?No, dad, can I go there to play ball? 没有。爸,我能去那玩球吗?Watch out for strangers, and dont go

24、 too far away. Alright? 小心陌生人,还有不要走远,可以吗?ACT 6 天气与灾害SCENE 26天气 its a fine day today. 今天是个好天气Hows the weather today?今天天气如何?Its cloudy.天阴阴的Is it going to rain today?今天会下雨吗?I doubt it.我想不会But I heard it might rain.但我听说可能会下雨呢。SCENE 27台风天 The typhoon is coming. 台风要来了。Dad, why are you taping the widows? 爸

25、,你为什么在窗户上贴胶带?Honey, a typhoon is coming. 亲爱的,有台风要来了。Really? Wow, I dont have to go to school tomorrow. 真的吗?哇,我明天可以不用去学校了。Jenny, come and help, we need to prepare more food. 珍妮,快来帮忙,我们还需要准备更多的食物。Ok. Dad! Im coming. 是的,爸。我来了SCENE 28停电 The power went out.停电了。Dad, Im scared.爸,我好害怕喔。Take it easy, honey.

26、Its just raining cats and dogs.亲爱的,放轻松。外面只是下着倾盆大雨。But, dad, its stormy outside. 可是,爸,外面在下暴风雨呢。Honey, its just windy and raining outside.亲爱的,外面只是刮着风,下着雨。Ardad, the power went out.啊!爸,停电了。SCENE 29地震 Its an earthquake. 地震了。Mom, did you feel the earthquake this afternoon? 妈,你今天下午有感觉到地震吗?Oh, that scared

27、me. 喔,那地震吓到我了。The breaking news just reported some houses were destroyed by the earthquake. 新闻快报才报导某些房子被地震毁坏了。Oh, dear! How ruthless! 喔,老天!真是无情。Do you think we can donate some clothes and food for the victims? 你觉得我们可以捐一些衣服和食物给这些灾民吗?Why not? Thats a good idea to help them. 为什么不呢?这真是一个帮助他们的好办法呢。ACT 7

28、聊天与沟通SCENE 30询问时间 What time is it now? 现在是几点?Peter, its time to go home now! hurry up! 彼得,该是回家的时候啰!快一点。Ten more minutes, mom. Please!妈,再十分钟啦,拜托。Honey, its almost noon. We have to go home and make lunch for your sister.亲爱的,已经快中午了,我们必须回家做午餐给你姐姐吃啊。I bet she will hang around with her mates after school.

29、我打赌姐姐放学后一定和她的同学一起闲晃。Peter, its a quarter to twelve. Lets go home now!彼得,已经11点45分了。我们回家吧!SCENE 31询问日期 Whats the date today? 今天是几月几号?Dad, whats the date? 爸,今天是几号?Its December eighteenth. 12月18日啊。In seven days it will be Christmas Day.七天后就是圣诞节了喔。Yes, I know that.是啊,我知道。So, can I buy some new shoes as a

30、 Christmas present? 那,我可以买一双新鞋当圣诞礼物吗?Sure, a promise is a promise. 当然,我保证一定买它当礼物给你。SCENE 32交谈 Lets chat. 我们来聊天吧。Honey, I need to have a talk with you.亲爱的,我必须和你谈一谈。Dad, I have to do my homework.爸,我得去做我的功课。No, honey, why didnt you go to cram school last night?不,亲爱的,为什么你昨晚没去补习班?Dad, I dont want to talk

31、 about it now. 爸,我现在不想谈这件事情。Honey, if you dont want to go to cram school, you should tell me the reason why.亲爱的,如果你不想去补习班,你应该告诉我理由。Im sorry, dad. But I would rather stay at school than go to cram school.爸,对不起。我宁可留在学校也不愿意去补习班。SCENE 33金钱教育 I need more allowance. 我想要多一点零用钱。Mom, can I have more allowanc

32、e ? 妈,我可以要多一点零用钱吗?What for? 为什么?I want to buy more books. 我想要多买一些书。Oh, yeah? Are you joking? 真的吗? 你在开玩笑吗?Of course not! Im telling the truth. 当然没有,我是说真的。Honey, its good if you spend money to buy more books. But $100 dollars a week is enough for you already. 亲爱的,你想花钱买书是好事。可是一礼拜一百元的零用钱对你已经很够用了喔。SCENE

33、34个人隐私 Its personal. 这是我的私事。Dad, may I have a room of my own? 爸,我可以有自己的房间吗?Oh, honey, Im so sorry, we dont have enough space for you to have your own room. 喔,亲爱的,我真的很抱歉,我们没有足够的条件让你有自己的房间。Dad, but I dont want to share a room with peter. He snores every night.爸,我可不想和彼得同一个房间。他每天晚上都打鼾!Honey, you can ask

34、 him to be quiet. Otherwise you may punish him and tell him to stand out of the room, right? 亲爱的,你能够要求他安静啊!或者是你能够处罚他,要他站在房间外,是吧?Alright. Maybe its the only way to do it. 好吧,也许这是唯一的方法了。SCENE 35情绪表达 I feel blue. 我心情不好Peter, go and tidy up your toys now. 彼得,去把你的玩具收一收。Wait a moment, mom. 妈,等一下。Im mad! S

35、aid now! turn off the TV, and do it now. 我生气了!我说现在!把电视关掉,现在就去关。Mom, just ten more minuts. The show is going to be over soon. 妈,再十分钟就好了。节目快完了啦。Peter, if you dont do it soon, I will throw your toys in the trash can. 彼得,如果你不快点收拾,我就把你的玩具都丢进垃圾桶。SCENE 36表达意见 I Agree 我赞成Peter, do you want to learn to play

36、the piano? 彼得,你想学弹钢琴吗?No, mon. piano is for girls. 不要,妈,那是女生在学的。Well, there are many boys that can play the piano very well, like Jay Chou. 嗯,不过有很多的男生都很会弹钢琴,像是周杰伦。No way, mom. I dont like piano.不要,妈。我讨厌钢琴。OK. But you have to promise me that you will study hard in your English class.好吧,那么你得答应我你会更用功地把

37、英文学得更好。All right, all right, I understand.好啦,好啦,我明白啦。SCENE 37排解纠纷 You have to learn to get along with你要学习和他人好好相处。Whats the matter ? 怎么了?Mom, he hit me first. 妈,他先打我的。Peter, be nice to your sister. Ok? 彼得,要善待姐姐,好吗?You should say sorry. 你应该要道歉。Peter, be a good boy. Cut it out. You shouldnt hit your si

38、ster, shes a girl. 彼得,要当一个好孩子喔。停止跟姐姐吵架,你不应该打姐姐的,她是女生喔。All right, all right, I wont do that again, Im sorry. 好啦好啦,我不会再犯了,对不起啦。SCENE 38我的志愿 I want to be a doctor. 我想要当一名医生。What do you want to be ? 你长大后想要做什么?Dad, I havent thought about it. Im still young. 爸,我才没有想这个,我还很年轻。Oh, honey, but you must know wh

39、at your hobby is, right ? 喔,亲爱的,可是你必须知道你的兴趣是什么,对吗?I like playing the piano. 我喜欢弹钢琴。Yes, you play the piano well. You could be a good pianist. Thats good. 是啊,你钢琴弹得很好。那你可以是一个很棒的钢琴家,那很好啊。ACT 8 家事杂务SCENE 39打扫 Its your turn to do the dishes today. 今天轮到你洗碗。Jenny, can you come and help me ?珍妮,你可以过来帮我吗?Mom,

40、 what should I do? 妈,我要做什么?Its dusty everywhere in the house. Can you help me do the housecleaning ? 房间里到处是灰尘,帮我打扫好吗?Ok. I will call peter to clean it together. 好吧,我叫彼得一起帮忙打扫。Thats my good girl. The clothes need washing, Ill do the laundry. 真是我的好女儿!这些衣服该清洗了,我要去把它们洗一洗。SCENE 40收拾 What a mess! 真是乱七八糟!J

41、enny, clean up your mess, please. 珍妮,把这一团脏乱整理干净。OK. Mom. Im putting these books into the box. Ill do it later. 好的,妈。我正在把这些书装进箱子里,我等下会整理的。Peter, tidy up your mess. Pick up the garbage under your desk, please. 彼得,把这一团乱整理干净。把桌子下的垃圾都捡起来。Mom, can I do it later ? I havent finished my homework. 妈,我可以等下再收拾吗

42、?我还没写完我的作业。Peter, you better hurry. Summer vacation is over in 2 days.彼得,你最好快一点。暑假再有两天就结束啰。SCENE 41烹饪 I want to make coffee. 我想煮咖啡。Mom, what are we going to make tonight? 妈,我们今晚要做什么菜?Curry and rice. What do you think? 咖哩饭。你觉得呢?That sounds nice. I can peel the patatoes first. 听起来不错。我可以帮忙先把马铃薯削皮。Reall

43、y! Oh, honey, you are so sweet. Ill chop up this carrot. 真的?喔,亲爱的,你真是贴心。那我来把这胡萝卜切丁。Mom, the water is boiling. 妈,水在滚了。Honey, just turn down the stove.亲爱的,把煤气炉调小就好。SCENE 42接电话 Whos speaking, please ?请问您是哪位?Hello, Im sorry for calling this late. May I speak to peter?哈啰,很抱歉这么晚还打电话打扰。我想找彼得讲话。Im sorry. He

44、s not in right now. 我很抱歉,他现在不在喔。When is he coming back?他什么时候回来呢?He should be back in ten minutes. Could you call back later? 他应该十分钟就回来了。你可以待会儿再打来吗?Ill call again in thirty minutes. 那我三十分钟再打过来。SCENE 43找东西 I cant find my purse. 我找不到我的钱包。Peter, have you seen my purse? 彼得,你有看到我的钱包吗?No, mom. 没有,妈。我没看到。Th

45、ats strange. It should be on the desk.那真是奇怪。它应该是放在桌子在的。Mom, did you try the basket on your bicycle ? 妈,你有找过你脚踏车上的篮子吗?Not yet. Let me see. 没还,我去看看。SCENE 44园艺 I plan to grow some roses in the yard. 我打算在院子里种一些玫瑰。These vegetables taste very sweet. 这些蔬菜吃起来真甜美可口。Sure, I planted them. Theyre organic. 当然,我种

46、的。它们是有机的喔。Really ? dad, how do you know how to plant organic vegetables ?真的吗?爸,你如何知道怎么种有机蔬菜的啊?Well, its a secret. 嗯,这是秘密。Dad, come on! Just tell me. 爸,别这样,快告诉我啦。Well, honey, I can teach you how to plant them if you want to learn. 嗯,亲爱的,我可以教你怎么种植,如果你想学的话。ACT 9 休闲娱乐SCENE 45宠物 Can I keep a pet? 我可以养宠物吗

47、?Mom, did you see Andys dog ? 妈,你有看到安迪的狗吗?Honey, dont tell me that you want a pet dog also.亲爱的,别告诉我你也想养一只狗。Mom, please. Can I have a pet dog like Andys ? 妈,拜托啦。我可以和安迪一样也养一只狗吗?Honey, you know, we dont have enough room for a pet dog.亲爱的,你知道我们没有地方可以养狗的。Mom, we can keep it on the balcony, right? 妈,我们可以在阳台养它啊,是吗?No, honey, the balcony is full of boxes and things. Im sorry. 不,亲爱的,阳台已经满满的都是箱子和东西了。我很抱歉。SCENE 46休闲时间 What are you going to do in the afternoon? 下午你要做什么?Jen


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