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《英美报刊pptlecture 8.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英美报刊pptlecture 8.ppt(14页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit Four United States(),Lesson Eleven Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front,Cyberwarfare,Cyberwarfareis politically motivatedhackingto conduct sabotage andespionage.It is a form ofinformation warfaresometimes seen as analogous toconventional warfare.“The fifth domain of warfare”The Economist,Para 1-2

2、,Why is Pentagon so interested in cyberwarfare?Cyberwarfare is among the newer more high-tech and often more secretive capabilities Unmanned aircraft or known as dronean aircraft without a human pilot on board,Para 3-12,Efforts to strengthen cyberwarfare abilities Training program at U.S.Air Forces

3、elite Weapons School(Para3-4)The creation of“U.S.Cyber Command”(Para7)The Navys courses at Center for Information Dominance(Para 9-10)James Cartwright,“the new emphasis on cyber training is critical”,Para 3-12,While cyber may not look or smell any potential conflict in 2012 is the same(Para 4)Althou

4、gh war on Internet are not fought with any real weapons like fighter aircraft or a bomber aircraft,it plays an important role in any potential conflict in 2012,美国军衔,【军官】将官:4星上将、中将、少将、准将;校官:上校、中校、少校;尉官:上尉、中尉、少尉;【准尉】准尉:5级、4级、3级、2级、1级;【士官】军士长:1级、2级、3级;军士:上士、参谋军士、中士、下士;【士兵】士兵:1等兵、2等兵、新兵(海军3等兵)。,Para 3-1

5、2,Central Intelligence Agency(CIA),Department of Homeland Security,Collects information about other countries,esp.secretly,Protect U.S.and U.S.territories from and responding to terrorist attacks,manmade accidents and natural disasters,Para 3-12,United States Cyber Command(USCYBERCOM)is anarmed forc

6、essub-unified commandsubordinate toUnited States Strategic Command.The command is located inFort Meade,Maryland,and centralizes command of cyberspaceoperations,organizes existing cyber resources and synchronizes defense of U.S.military networks.How does the U.S.Cyber Command deal with the cyber worl

7、d?(Para 7),Para 3-12,National Security AgencyNSA,an intelligence agency of U.S.Department of Defense responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence,information systems,which involves information security and cryptanalysis.,Para 3-12,U.S.Joint C

8、hiefs of StaffA body of senior uniformed leaders in the U.S.Department of Defense who advise the Secretary of Defense,the Homeland Security Council,the National Security Council and the President on military matters,Para 13-18,What are these cyber warfare courses about?Our curriculum is based on att

9、ack,exploit and defense of the cyber domain.(Para 14)The course focuses on combining cyber power with more traditional combat.(Para 15-16)The“aggressor”team is set up to test the Air Forces cyberdefenses.,Para 19-20,Conclusion:add the cyberwarfare course to the most elite school is important.Because it is important to change the mindset of the military,where many still regard radios,telephones and computers as communication tools not targets and weapons.,


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