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1、雅思口语技巧你解决开口难 雅思口语由于是真人一对一的考试,难免给很多考生带来压力,导致卡住,忘词等意外状况的发生。下面就和大家分享2招致胜雅思口语技巧,欢迎阅读!2招致胜雅思口语技巧,带你解决开口难第一就是善于使用转折句,避开不会的话题。在雅思口语训练中,其实话题是有规律的,而且很容易遇到老话题。最大的难点就是老话题的衍生,很多考生都会出现似曾相识的状况。这时候考生一定要学会使用转折句,把不熟悉的部分通过转折变成自己会讲的。我们用下面例子说明:这道雅思口语真题讲的是关于鸟的,“What are the most popular birds in China and what meanings

2、do they have?”对于很多考生而言,相关话题也训练不少,但是真的要说国内某一种鸟的话,很多考生都不知道名字,要是强行加拼音说明的话,考官很容易误解你跑题。这时候考生应该利用转折句的技巧,可以说:“I dont really know much about birds,but”.这时候考生可以延伸自己想说的内容,例如把养过宠物的经历换成养过鸟,把以前说过的和某某的友谊,可以换成和鸟的。总之就是延伸到你想说的话题。例如可以说“but one of my friends is crazy about birds, and he used to tell me.”这时候就可以完全避免老话题衍

3、生的问题。第二种雅思口语技巧就是替换一些地道的主语,避免重复使用Mr.,Miss或Mrs.很多考生都容易忽视这个问题,尤其是在自己描述过程中,很僵硬的对主语用he,she,they之类的指代。其实这样很容易让考官认为缺乏对英语的灵活掌握,或者说描述不够生动之类的。因此建议考生多背背一些形象生动的词汇,例如chubby指代小胖子,sunshine指代阳光男生,或者handsome guys之类的。我们通过下面例子来说明:这道雅思口语真题讲的是描述一个有用的设备,“Describe a useful device in your daily life.”这时候的主语变成了一个device,我们可以

4、描述这个是一个怎么样的device,例“well, I am going to talk about my little girlfriend then”这样用girlfriend代替device会很吸引考官的注意,接下来考生只需要说明一下“my iPod, a very trendy mp3 player and also a very useful electronic device, which I would always take along with me wherever I go.”这样不仅能凸显device的重要性,还能增加陈述内容的丰富性。2020年9-12月雅思口语par

5、t1答案解析:Art1. Do you like art?Yes, I love art. I like many different types of art, actually. I love traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy, but I also really enjoy looking at western art, art from different periods in history, as well as abstract art, sculpture and even performance art. Im a b

6、ig fan of all types of culture and so I enjoy visiting museums and art galleries when I go to another country or when I visit another city in China. Art is an important part of life and children who learn about art usually end up being thoughtful, creative and innovative people when they get older.2

7、. Have you ever visited an art gallery?Ive visited lots of art galleries, in my city, Beijing, as well as in other cities. I enjoy modern art galleries the most, but I also like to see painting and artwork from history as well. There are quite a few different art galleries in my city and I sometimes

8、 go to the temporary exhibitions at one gallery in particular that is in the famous art district, 798. I know the manager of that gallery too, so I enjoy going there, chatting to her and perhaps taking a coffee at one of the boutique arty coffee shops nearby.3. Is there any art work on the wall in y

9、our room?Yes, I have a couple of pictures, they are prints actually, of course they are not originals. One is the famous picture of the Great Wave, by the Japanese artist, Hokusai, and the other is a painting by Salvador Dali, the eccentric Spanish painter who painted quite strange and abstract work

10、s. I cant remember the name of the Dali painting, but its a painting of a stone man looking at his own reflection in the water. Its quite mysterious and evocative. I think art is good to have in the home it helps us reflect on life as well as creating a certain atmosphere in the house.2020年9-12月雅思口语

11、part1答案解析:Maths Numbers1. Do you like Math?Well I wouldnt say I actually like or dislike math but I didnt really enjoy it as a school subject that much. I found it a bit boring but maybe that was more to do with the teachers than the subject itself. I wouldnt say that math was one of my favourite su

12、bjects at school.2. Were you good at math at school?I wasnt great but I wasnt bad, I think I was just bang average. I never got really high scores but I never failed a math exam, I know that some people are naturally gifted when it comes to math but Im not one of them. I used to struggle a bit with

13、the really complex math questions in exams, especially things like algebra.3. Why do some people think that nowadays math isnt needed in our daily life?I think some people have this attitude because now we all carry mobile phones around and these always have calculators on them. Personally I think i

14、ts rather na?ve to say that we dont need math because we do need basic arithmetic in our lives when we go shopping, when we work out if something is a good deal and so on.4. Do you think females are good at math?Unfortunately, most girls have a tough time coping with math right from their first grad

15、e. Ive heard so many girls complain that they have no idea whats going on and have a difficult time understanding the teachers. And the worst part is, once you fall behind, you cant find a way to catch up.5. Do you think math is important as a school subject?I think math is still quite a relevant su

16、bject. It helps us have better problem-solving skills and gives us the ability to think analytically and have better reasoning abilities. So yeah I think its quite important to have a solid foundation in math.6. Who taught you math?If I remember clearly, the first person who taught me math was my gr

17、andfather. We used to sit in his garden counting beans and peas as we collected them. He used to tell me stories about when he was a little boy and how he used to count beans and peas with his grandfather. I guess thats a tradition we have managed to maintain.7. Do you often use a calculator?Sure. C

18、alculators assist in accuracy. Because they can help reduce algorithm errors, even if you are excellent at math. Also they save us a lot of energy because they reduce our mental strain!8. When did you start learning math?Well, I must have been very young and I cant really remember the exact age. However, I think when I was 3 or 4. According to my mother and the many stories she has told me when I was a baby, I have always loved numbers and I was able to count to 20 from a very young age.雅思


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