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1、雅思口语话题社交网络的讨论 在雅思口语备考中,很多同学都会出现无话可说的情况。今天小站君为大家带来讨论社交网络的雅思口语高难度话题,下面就和大家分享雅思口语高难度话题关于社交网络的讨论,欢迎阅读!雅思口语高难度话题关于社交网络的讨论1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?UmI suppose the main one I use is weibo, which is basically the equivalent of Twitter in the West. And um as well as that

2、, I occasionally use a website called renrenwang, which is essentially a Chinese version of Facebook, although I dont really use it as much as I used to, cos I think weibos a bit better.嗯我想我使用的主要是微博,它基本上相当于欧美地区的Twitter。嗯还有,我偶尔会用一个叫人王的网站,它基本上是Facebook的中文版,虽然我并没有像以前那样经常使用它,因为我觉得微博好一点。2. What kinds of

3、people do you like to be friends with on those websites?Im not really that picky actually. I mean, if anyones interested enough to get in touch with me on a social networking site, then it feels quite nice, you know, someones gone out of their way to contact me. So I kind of appreciate it, and Im ge

4、nerally willing to make friends with them.实际上我并不那么挑剔。我的意思是,如果有人有兴趣在社交网站上与我联系,那感觉就非常好,你知道,有人想尽办法联系我。所以我很感激,我通常愿意和他们交朋友。3. Are you a social person?Yeah, Id say I am, cos I mean, I like hanging out with my friends a lot and doing stuff with them. And yeah, I just generally enjoy being around others, an

5、d you know, Ive always found it quite easy to strike up conversations with people, even complete strangers! So yeah, Id say I am quite a social person.是的,我会说我是,我的意思是,我喜欢和朋友出去玩,和他们一起做事情。而且是的,我只是喜欢和别人在一起,你知道,我总是发现与人交谈很容易,甚至是完全陌生的人!所以,我会说我是一个很有社交能力的人。strike up conversations start conversations(If no:)N

6、ot really, if Im gonna be totally honest with you! Because um how can I put it, Im just not the kind of person who actively strikes up conversations with others. You know, to me thats just too much effort, and I always worry that Ill run out of things to talk about! So I tend to just keep to myself.

7、不是真的,如果我对你坦诚相待的话!因为嗯我怎么能这么说我不是那种主动与别人交谈的人。你知道,对我来说,这只是太多的努力,我总是担心我会用尽所有的事情来谈论!所以我倾向于保持自我。4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking site?Im honestly not that sure because Ive never really made a big effort to find friends on the Internet, but thinking about it, Id say its probably not

8、 that easy, although its definitely possible, cos um I think you never quite know someone properly until youve met them in the flesh. At least thats been my experience anyway!说实话,我不敢肯定,因为我从来没有在互联网上努力寻找朋友,但是想想看,这或许不是那么容易,虽然它绝对是可能的,因为我想,除非你在逃亡中遇见他们,否则你永远不可能完全了解某个人。至少这是我的经历!5. What kinds of chatting AP

9、Ps or software do Chinese people like to use?Well definitely the most popular APP right now is WeChat, cos I mean, literally everyone in China uses it. And as well as this, QQ is the other really popular way of communicating with people, and if youve been in China for any length of time, Im sure you

10、ve been asked for your WeChat or QQ number!当然,现在最流行的应用程序是微信,因为我的意思是,中国的每个人都使用它。除此之外,QQ是另一种非常流行的交流方式,如果你在中国待过很长一段时间,我敢肯定有人问你的WeChat或QQ号码!雅思口语高分词组:the equivalent of 相等于(The equivalent of someone or something is a person or thing that has the same function in a different place, time, or system.)Essenti

11、ally -大体上;基本上(You use essentially to indicate that what you are saying is mainly true, although some parts of it are wrong or more complicated than has been stated.)Chinese version 中国版Literally - 确实地;真正地;不加夸张地 (You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exa

12、ggerated or surprising.Properly - thoroughly, completely; 彻底地In the flesh - 本人At least thats been my experience anyway! - 至少按照我的经验是这样的!how can I put it 怎么说呢?too much effort - 太麻烦I always worry that Ill run out of things to talk about 我总怕想不出话说了I keep to myself -不与人来往, 不交际; 杜门不出; 落落寡交When Im in a grou

13、p, I often dont feel completely at ease. - 跟别人在一起,我经常感到不完全自在的Picky -挑剔gone out of their way (to) - 不厌其烦地 , 特意2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:有点贵的活动Describe an activity you attend occasionally which is a bit expensive.You should say:What the activity isWhere you attend itWhy it is expensiveAnd explain how y

14、ou feel about this activityThe one thing I do from time to time that I think is a bit expensive, is going to see music concerts of the bands I like. There are only a few bands I really love, but whenever they play in Beijing, or another city that isnt too far away, I definitely go to see them. Theyr

15、e almost always in the big sports stadiums in the city. Tickets for concerts in stadiums are always quite expensive, especially the big-name bands and most popular pop groups. The shows are usually hugely impressive, with amazing light displays, incredible stage sets and performers that are top clas

16、s, wearing incredible costumes and dancing and singing like nobody else could. And, of course, the sound quality is state-of-the-art and really impressive. So, I always think its worth the money to get a good seat or place in the audience for these shows, and I am happy to spend the money on doing s

17、o. I think the feeling of being in a big, live, concert, especially if its a band you know who will sing all the songs you know and love, and you know all the words too, is an amazing experience. Theres nothing like it. You can feel the adrenaline and sense of excitement in your body, like an actual

18、 physical sensation of tingling and rushes through all your nerves, especially when you reach the crescendos of the music or the main verses or choruses of a song you love. Id say this kind of experience is unrivalled, and I cant overstate just how much I love being in a live music venue, the bigger

19、 the better, listening and singing along to my favourite bands. Obviously, these gigs are expensive, because theyre famous bands!Part31. Are there any other activities that are expensive as well?There are quite a few activities that people do that cost quite a lot of money these days. If you get les

20、sons in sport, music or art, outside of school or college, then these can be expensive. Some people attend extra art lessons or music lessons and these cost quite a bit especially if the teacher has a strong reputation or the school is a reputable one. Going out to eat in fancy restaurants, is also,

21、 of course, quite expensive. Hobbies like shopping for clothes and fashion brands these are expensive activities. In fact, many people who live in cities today have to spend money almost as soon as they leave the door of their homes! So many things are expensive in my city. With, perhaps, the except

22、ion of public transport and some local street snacks!2. Why are some sports really expensive?Some sports require a lot of training and equipment. As an example: compare playing basketball with your friends in the playground with doing archery or fencing or some martial arts. When it comes to playing

23、 basketball, all you need is a net and a ball and a few friends, and maybe some decent enough sports shoes! But, if you take up a martial art, for example, you need an instructor, a special place to train with a matted floor, special clothes and so on. The same goes for other sports like fencing you

24、 need to invest in coaching and training as well as specialized equipment in a special place. So, you see, that some sports can get quite expensive based on this training, coaching, equipment and the place where the sport is done. And, needless to say, training and coaching doesnt come cheaply, beca

25、use trainers must make money, and the better and more skilled the trainer, the more they will charge.3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich?There are lots of advantages and disadvantages I could list many on both sides. But, the most significant ones in my opinion are if youre ri

26、ch you can afford anything and everything and dont have to worry about struggling for anything financially. This must be a great liberation and give you an amazing feeling of relaxation too. You also dont have to answer to one boss, or work for a company long hours, or spend most of your life at wor

27、k and not with your family. Thats another plus point about being rich. On the downside, if youre rich, you are more inclined to have other worries you can be spoilt, lack ambition, lack direction and perhaps even get involved in simply wasting time and not bettering yourself, or self-improving in an

28、y way because youre just comfortable doing whatever you want when you want.4. Compared with men, do women are more likely to buy expensive things?I think men can be often a bit more relaxed about certain types of spending, yes especially when it comes to clothes or jewelry or things like this. I don

29、t think men care as much about fashion, looks or image, or having a fancy hairstyle or branded jewelry, but also I think this is changing and there are a lot of men, especially in big cities, who also care about image and spend a lot of money on expensive watches or even sporty fashion brands. So, p

30、erhaps these days, its a bit more equal than it was in the past, Im not entirely sure.2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案:不喜欢那里播放的音乐Describe an event you experienced but you didnt like the music played there.You should say:When it happenedWhere the event took placeWhat kind of music it wasAnd explain why you did

31、nt like the musicI remember very clearly a time when I went to a live concert, a live gig, and really didnt like the music. It was a few years ago and my friend had a spare ticket to go to a concert in a place in Beijing called Yugongyishan - at the time it was a famous live music venue, which I thi

32、nk has closed down now. Anyway, it was to see a band called The Subs. I had not heard of the band, but it was a local, and quite well-known, Beijing punk band, apparently. Id never really heard punk music before, so I was curious about the experience, so I agreed to go along with my friend. The gig

33、started around 9pm and went on really late. There were a couple of other bands that played beforehand, but we missed those and just got there in time for the main band, The Subs. I recall that the whole place had amazing lighting and there were crowds of people near the stage, and a few free tables

34、about half way down the room, where it wasnt so busy. We stood at one of the tables and ordered some drinks. The band came on, on time, with a girl with bright pink hair as the lead singer she was short, dressed in ripped jeans and a pink top to match her wild pink hair. She basically shouted, screa

35、med Id say, down the microphone, and then the guitars and drums kicked in and the place went wild. Basically, it was two full hours of loud, aggressive guitar, pounding drums and this girl leaping around the stage screaming into the microphone. Although a lot of the crowd seemed to love it, includin

36、g my friend, I simply didnt enjoy it one little bit I thought it was crazy. I just dont like aggressive styles of music like heavy metal or punk, I guess. They dont really resonate with me so although I guess I can appreciate why some people are attracted to them, personally, I dont see the appeal I

37、 found the whole gig nothing but a torture to my ears. After the gig I was massively relieved to be out of the place and away from the piercing noise, the screaming and shouting and the grinding sound of the guitars. I felt that my ears had almost been damaged and they were ringing as I waited for t

38、he taxi. My friend tried to explain the rebellious history of punk music and the alternative scene in Beijing, and how cool it was. But, I guess Im quite a conventional person really I just didnt get it its just not my style and not the kind of night out that relaxes or stimulates me. In fact, I was

39、 relieved to go home. Ill never go to a punk concert again, Im sure of that! I like the lighter, positive, upbeat sound of pop music, the grace of classical music and things like this. I like to see those kind of things live, but not punk or heavy rock music. Im now very sure of that.Part31. Why do

40、many young people like spending a lot of money for concerts?Young people are often into fashion and music. They tend to follow trends of bands and fashions that go along with the kind of music they like. Its common that young people get really passionate about music and sometimes the lead singers, g

41、uitarists or key musicians in a band are even role models for young people. I think young people like to express themselves a lot, and when they get to their teenage years they want to show their individual tastes, personalities and also share the same kind of tastes as some of their peers in the sa

42、me social groups. Its a time in life where they are becoming adults, in a way, but they dont have the responsibilities that adults have, so they follow these kinds of expressive things, like popular music or perhaps alternative, more individualistic trends, and they get incredibly emotional about th

43、em sometimes. I think its a stage of development that can be quite beneficial in a way. So, the result of this is that they will certainly pay money to see their “heroes” on stage and perform live music in front of them.2. Do you think young people and old people enjoy the same kind of music?Not rea

44、lly no. Most of the time old people enjoy more traditional styles of music, and younger people like more upbeat, perhaps slightly rebellious types of music or at least music which is faster, perhaps easier to dance to, be active to, or music that stimulates those kind of moods: the mood for dancing,

45、 being highly active and doing things quickly or even rashly. I think that this reflects the stage of development and the energy that young people have. Older people, having been through similar stages in their own youth, tend to get a bit more tired with that kind of thing, and want more relaxing a

46、nd conventional lives. As a general rule, this is the case anyway. Although, I must say, there are some older people who do keep up with times, follow a lot of modern music, and have a genuine interest in different musical styles those kinds of people are likely to share the musical interests of the

47、ir kids and the younger generations in general. So, there are older people, too, who are music enthusiasts and do follow current musical trends, but not so many from my experience.3. Do you think it is appropriate for old people to go to concerts?Of course, I think older people can do what they like

48、 really. If they want to see a concert, whether it be a modern pop, rock or punk concert, or a classical concert, why shouldnt they? Its all a matter of taste really. If they feel like being in those kind of places then I think its fine. Naturally, I think most older people wouldnt really choose to be in the thick crowds of young people in a heavy metal or punk concert, really. Theyd usually prefer to see a traditional performance or a calmer, more classical performance in a theatre or so.


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