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1、Automobile English,June Chen,The first automobiles,constructed in the late nineteenth century,were essentially horse-drawn carriages with the horses removed and engines installed.After more than a century of development,the modern automobile is a sophisticated system.It combines fuel efficiency and

2、speed to offer the mobility and flexibility of use demanded by an enormous variety of lifestyles and industries.Automobiles affect every aspect of society,from the design of our cities,to police,ambulance,fire,and utility services,to such personal uses as vacation travel,dining,and shopping.Mass pro

3、duction techniques,first developed for the automobile in the early twentieth century,have been adapted for use in nearly every industry,providing for the efficient and inexpensive production of products.Trucks,especially 18-wheel tractor-trailer trucks,have become the major form of transporting good

4、s across the country,allowing,for example,produce to be quickly transported to markets while still fresh.The use of automotive technologytractors,combines,pickers,sprayers,and other self-propelled machinesin agriculture has enabled farmers to increase the quantity,quality,and variety of our foods,al

5、beit at the price of increased soil erosion rates,agricultural dependence on petroleum-derived fuels and fertilizers,and increased runoff pollution.Meanwhile,dozens of industries depend,directly or indirectly,on the automobile.These industries include producers of steel and other metals,plastics,rub

6、ber,glass,fabrics,petroleum products,and electronic components.,Reading material,WORDS,Few inventions in modern times have had as much impact on human life and on the global environment as the automobile.Automobiles and trucks have had a strong influence on the history,economy,and social life of muc

7、h of the world.Entire societies,especially those of the industrialized countries,have been restructured around the power of rapid,long-distance movement that the automobile confers on individuals and around the flexible distribution patterns made possible by trucks.Automobiles have given great freed

8、om of movement to their owners,but encourage sprawl(i.e.,straggling,low-density urban development).Sprawl degrades landscapes and produces traffic congestion that tends to immobilize the automobiles that make sprawl itself possible.Furthermore,the dependence on petroleum fuel of automobiles and truc

9、ks,and thus of the economies based on these machines,imposes strong patterns on global politics,moving industrial societies such as the United States(which consumes approximately 25%of the worlds oil production)to be deeply concerned with the power struggles of the Persian Gulf,where approximately 7

10、0%of the worlds oil reserves are located.The automobile is also a significant health hazard,both directly and indirectly.According to the United Nations,over a million people(both vehicle occupants and pedestrians)die every year on the worlds roads;the United States alone loses over 40,000 lives ann

11、ually to car crashes.Meanwhile,automobile exhausts are the largest single source of air pollution(in the United States).Air pollution from the manufacture and operation of automobiles contributes importantly to crop damage,acid rain,destruction of the ozone layer,lung disease,and early death by a va

12、riety of health problems.Sixteen percent of the worlds annual greenhouse-gas production comes from automobiles;greenhouse gasses contribute to global climate change,which may disrupt food production and flood coasts and low islands worldwide.,Reading material,WORDS,I.Automobile Parts 1Automobile Cla

13、ssification2Automobile Structure 3Automobile Engine4Automobile Chassis5Automobile Electrical System6Automobile Body II.Automobile Performance 7 Parameter 8 Comfort and Convenient Equipment 9 Vehicle Maintainance,Automobile Classification 汽车分类,Passenger Car:Limousine 豪华轿车 Drophead 活动车篷汽车(美作:convertib

14、le)Racing car 赛车 Roadster 敞蓬车Hatchback 仓背乘用车 Station wagon 旅行车MPV(Multi-Purpose Vehicle)多用途汽车 SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle)越野车Compact car 小型乘用车,Commercial Vehicle,According to National Standard(GB/T 3730.12001):,Commercial Carriage Coach bus 长途客车 Bus 客车 Minibus 轻型客车 Light bus 中型客车 Medium bus 中型(大)客车 Ta

15、xicar 城市出租客车 Urban bus 大客车 Intercity bus 城间大客车 Long distance coach 旅游客车 ii.Truck:Pickup Truck 小货车,Cargo Truck 普通货车,Multi-Purpose Truck 多用途货车 Towing vehicle(Tractor)牵引车,Special-Purpose Truck 专业货车iii.Semi-Trailer(semitrailer tractor):半挂牵引车,Other types:CRVCR-V,City Recreation Vehicle 城市休闲车 SRVSmall Rec

16、reation Vehicle,小型休闲车(一般两厢)RAVRecreational(休闲)、Activity(运动)、Vehicle(车).源于丰田的一款小型运动型车 HRVHealthy(健康)、Recreational(休闲)、Vigorous(活力),如通用别克凯越HRV轿车MPVMPV的全称是Multi-Purpose Vehicle(或Mini Passenger Van),即多用途汽车。它集轿车、旅行车和厢式货车的功能于一身,车内每个坐椅都可调整,并有多种组合的方式。车身紧凑,一般为57座。CUVCar-Based Utility Vehicle,是以轿车底盘为设计平台,融轿车、

17、MPV和SUV特性为一体的多用途车,也被称为Crossover。NCVNew Concept Vehicle,新概念轿车。比如瑞虎NCV。比家用轿车的使用范围更广。RVRecreation Vehicle,即休闲车,是一种适用于娱乐、休闲、旅行的汽车,RV的覆盖范围比较广泛,没有严格的范畴。从广义上讲,除了轿车和跑车外的轻型乘用车,如MPV及SUV、CUV等都可归属于RV。SUV是在皮卡底盘技术上开发设计,越野性好、舒适性较差,比如国内的中低端皮卡。特例是长城哈弗CUV,它虽然号称CUV,却并没有采用轿车化底盘,而是改用了梯形工字梁非承载式车身,更倾向于SUV。CUV是以轿车底盘为设计平台,具

18、备了SUV的外观却更多注重舒适性,越野性比SUV差,但比一般轿车好,所以应属于轿车市场注重越野的一个细分。欧兰德CUV、本田CRV、丰田RAV4都算是CUV。而MPV是多用途车,和SUV一样,属于国家标准乘用车里的四大类别之一,如上海通用GL8、普力马、奥德赛等都属于MPV。另外,SRV可以算是轿车里的一个细分概念。,Cargo Truck 载货汽车:主要用于运送货物,有的也可牵引全挂车的汽车。根据最大总质量不同,可分为微型货车(1.8吨以下),轻型货车(1.8-6吨),中型货车(6-14吨),重型货车(14吨以上)。Dump Truck 自卸汽车:以运送货物为主且有可倾卸货箱的汽车。适于坏路

19、或无路地区行驶,多用于国防、林区和矿山。SUV:主要用于坏路或无路地区的全轮驱动的具有高通过性的汽车。适于坏路或无路地区行驶,多用于国防、林区和矿山。Sedan 轿车:用于载送人员及其随身物品且座位布置在两轴之间的四轮车辆。按发动机排量大小可分为微型汽车(1L以下),普通级轿车(1-1.6L),中级轿车(1.6-2.5L),中高级轿车(2.5-4L),高级轿车(4L以上)。Bus 客车:具有长方形车厢,主要用于载送人员及其随身行李物品的汽车。按用途不同可分为长途客车、团体客车、市内公共汽车和旅游客车等。Tractor,Semi-trailer 牵引汽车及半挂牵引汽车:专门或主要用于牵引挂车或半

20、挂车的汽车。根据牵引挂车的不同可分为半挂牵引汽车和全挂牵引汽车。Special-purpose truck 专用汽车:装置有专用设备、具备专用功能,用于承担专门运输任务或专项作业的汽车。用于完成特殊任务,如消防车、救护车、油罐车、防弹车、工程车等。,According to application fields:,notchback 客货两用车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动station wagon 小旅行车wecker,beat-up car,jalopy 老爷车racing car 赛车light-van 小型货车garbage tr

21、uck 垃圾车automobile carrier 货运卡车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车,计程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车formula car 方程式赛(汽)车mail car 邮车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血浆车bumper car 碰撞用汽车camper 露营车police car 警车wrecker 清障车ambulance 急救车 Tanker,tank truck 油罐车,According to different stepped types:,1、轮式汽车Wheele

22、d vehiche 是用车轮作为行走装置的汽车。2、履带式汽车Crawler vehicle 是用履带作为行走装置的汽车。3、半履带式汽车Semi-crawler vehicle 指用履带作为驱动装置、用前轮作为转向装置的汽车。,1、内燃机汽车 Internal combustion engine automobile 指用内燃机作为动力装置的汽车。通常,内燃机汽车的主要形式有:1.1 汽油机汽车Gasoline automobile,Petrol motor automobile是用汽油机作为动力装置的汽车。1.2 柴油机汽车Diesel automobile,Compreddion ign

23、ition engine automobile 是用柴油机作为动力装置的汽车。1.3气体燃料发动机汽车Gaseous fuel automobile 指发动机用天然气、煤气等气体作为燃料的汽车。1.4 液化气体燃料发动机汽车Liquefied petroleum gas vehicle(LPG或LPGV),是发动机使用液化 气体(液化石油气)作为燃料的汽车。1.5 旋转活塞发动机汽车Rotory piston engine automobile用旋转活塞发动机作为动力装置的汽车。1.6 以压缩天然气为燃料的汽车:Compressed Natural Gas engines vehicle(CN

24、G或CNGV)。2电动汽车 Electric automobile 是用电动机作为动力装置的汽车。根据电源形式可将电动车汽车分为:2.1 无轨电车Trolley bus 是从架线上接受电力,以电动机开动的大客车。2.2 电瓶车Battery car 是用蓄电池作为电源的电动汽车。3.燃气涡轮机汽车Gas turbine automobile 是用燃气涡轮机作为动力装置的汽车。通常用於船舰(以军 用作战舰艇为主)、车辆(少见)、发电机组等。与其它涡轮发动机不同之处,在于其涡轮机除了要带动压缩 机外,还会另外带动传动轴,传动轴再连上车辆的传动系统。,According to different p

25、ower types:,Automobile Structure(Automobile Mechanics)汽车构造,Thousands of individual parts make up the modern automobile.Much like the human body,these parts are arranged into several semi-independent systems,each with a different function.For example,the human circulatory system comprises the heart,b

26、lood,vessels,and blood.The automobile contains analogous circulatory systems for coolant fluid(mostly water),for lubricating oil,and for fuel.The enginethe heart of the automobileis comprised of pistons,cylinders,tubes to deliver fuel to the cylinders,and other components.Each system is necessary fo

27、r making the automobile run and reducing noise and pollution.The major systems of an automobile are the engine,fuel system,transmission,electrical system,cooling and lubrication system,and the chassis,which includes the suspension system,braking system,wheels and tires,and the body.These systems wil

28、l be found in every form of motor vehicle and are designed to interact with and support each other.,Reading material,WORDS,Before examining the components of each system,it is useful to understand how the systems interact.The internal combustion engine is the heart of the automobile.The engine produ

29、ces energy from fuel and converts that energy into the power to move the different components that will move the car.The engine converts the chemical energy produced by the burning of the fuel into mechanical energy.This energy is used to spin a shaft.The spinning shaft,through the interaction of th

30、e transmission and other components,causes the wheels to turn and the car to move.A similar transfer of energy to motion can be seen when bicycling.The up and down motion of the feet and legs is converted to the turning motion of the pedals,which in turn pulls the chain that causes the rear wheel to

31、 spin.Just as it is more difficult to pedal a bicycle from a standstill than it is while already rolling,the engine requires the electrical system to give it the push to move on its own.The electric starter motor of an automobile provides a powerful force to give the engine its initial movement.The

32、battery supplies energy for the engine to use when burning the fuel needed to make it run.The alternator is driven by a belt attached to the engine,recharging the battery so there will be a constant supply of energy.The sensors of the computer control system,which governs many of the processes in an

33、 automobile,also require electricity.The burning of fuel is a hot,noisy process that also produces pollutants in the form of exhaust.This exhaust must be carried away from the engine and away from the automobile.The exhaust system,with its muffler,also acts to reduce the noise produced by the vehicl

34、e.Burning fuel in the cylinders produces two other results:friction and extremely high temperatures.In order to protect the parts from being worn down from the friction and from melting with the heat,they must be properly lubricated and cooled.These systems depend on the engine and the electrical sy

35、stem for the power to perform their tasks.The engines power is used to turn the automobiles wheels.Because the tires are the only parts of the automobile that are actually in contact with the road,they must rest on a system of supports that will carry the weight of the car and respond to conditions

36、of the road surface.At the same time,the driver must be capable of guiding the direction of the automobile.Once an automobile is moving,it will continue to move until some sort of friction,the brake,is applied to stop it.The wheels,suspension,steering,and braking systems are all attached to the cars

37、 chassis,as is the rest of the automobile.The chassis and body,analogous to the skeletal structure in the human body,provide support for all the various systems and components,while also providing safety,comfort,and protection from the elements for the automobiles passengers.,Reading material,WORDS,

38、汽车一般由,四个基本部分组成。,An automobile can be divided into four basic parts,what are they?,汽车一般由,发动机、底盘、车身和电气设备,四个基本部分组成。,Four basic parts of an automobile:,Automobile Engine 汽车发动机,The engine operates on internal combustion;that is,the fuel used for its power is burned inside the engine.This burning occurs i

39、nside cylinders.Within the cylinder is a piston.When the fuel is burned,it creates an explosive force that causes the piston to move up and down.The piston is attached,via a connecting rod,to a crankshaft,where the up and down movement of the piston converts to a circular motion.When bicycling,the u

40、pper part of a persons leg is akin to the piston.Power from the leg is passed through the pedal in order to turn the crank.Gasoline is the most common automobile fuel.It is pulled into the cylinder by the vacuum created as the piston moves down through the cylinder.The gasoline is then compressed up

41、 into the cylinder by the next movement of the piston.A spark is introduced through a spark plug placed at the end of the cylinder.The spark causes the gasoline to explode,and the explosion drives the piston down again into the cylinder.This movement,called the power stroke,turns the crankshaft.A fi

42、nal movement of the piston upward again forces the exhaust gases,the byproducts of the fuels combustion,from the cylinder.These four movementsintake,compression,power,and exhaustare called strokes.The four-stroke engine is the most common type of automobile engine.Most automobiles have from four to

43、eight cylinders,although there are also two-cylinder and 12-cylinder automobiles.The cylinders work together in a sequence to turn the crankshaft,so that while one cylinder is in its intake stroke,another is in the compression stroke,and so forth.Generally,the more cylinders,the more smoothly the en

44、gine will run.The size of the automobile will affect the number of cylinders the engine uses.Smaller cars generally have the smaller four-cylinder engine.Mid-sized cars will generally require a six-cylinder engine,while larger cars need the power of an eight-cylinder engine.The number of cylinders,h

45、owever,is less important to the level of an engines power than is its displacement.Displacement is a measure of the total volume of fuel mixture moved by all the pistons working together.The more fuel burned at one time,the more explosive the force,and thus,the power will be.Displacement is often ex

46、pressed as cubic centimeters(cc)or as liters.A smaller engine will displace 1,200 cc(1.2 L)for 60 horsepower,while a larger engine may displace as much as 4,000 cc(4 L),generating more than 100 horsepower.Horsepower is the measurement of the engines ability to perform work.The size and weight of the

47、 car also affects its power.It takes less work to propel a lighter car than a heavier car,even if they have the same engine,just as a horse carrying a single rider can go faster with less effort than a horse drawing a cart.,Reading material,WORDS,Different engine typesGasoline engine&Diesel engineFo

48、ur stroke engine&Two stroke engineWater-cooled&Air-cooled engine,Different engine typesSingle-cylinder engine&Multicylinder engine(the illustration is four cylinder engine)Naturally aspirated engine&Supercharged engineLine engine(In-line engine)&V-type engine,(In-line vertical engine&In-line horizon

49、tal engine),Engine Overall Mechanics发动机总体构造:The engine provides power to move the automobile.It is formed from 2 mechanisms and 5 systems:Crank linkage mechanism曲柄连杆机构、Valve Train Mechanism 配气机构、Fuel Delivery System 燃油供给系;Cooling System 冷却系;Lubrication System 润滑系;Ignition System(only in petrol engin

50、e)点火系(汽油机);Starting System 起动系.,Crank linkage mechanism 曲柄连杆机构:Consist of:Cylinder block,cylinder head,piston,piston connecting-rod(crankshaft),and flywheel etc.由汽缸体、汽缸盖、活塞、连杆曲轴和飞轮等机件组成。功能:曲柄连杆机构是发动机实现工作循环,完成能量转换的主要运动零件。在作功行程中,活塞承受燃气压力在气缸内作直线运动,通过连杆转换成曲轴的旋转运动,并从曲轴对外输出动力。而在进气、压缩和排气行程中,飞轮释放能量又把曲轴的旋转运动


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