高考英语大纲新题型“语篇型语法填空题”解读(高考) .ppt

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高考英语大纲新题型“语篇型语法填空题”解读(高考) .ppt_第1页
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1、为什么要去除单项填空题?,语篇型填空题有哪些优点?,1,2,3,4,Mum:(putting on her coat)Im going to have to go down to the shop for more bread.Alan:Why?Mum:Im not sure what 61(happen).I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table 62 I went to answer the phone.But someone must have taken them because theyre 63(go).Al

2、an:Oh,it must have been Dad.Im sure he was in the kitchen 64(early).Mum:No,he went off to his tennis match before I finished 65(make)them,so he couldnt have done it.66,he couldnt carry a plate of sandwiches as well as all his tennis stuff,so Im sure 67 wasnt him.Alan:(opening fridge door)Well,it was

3、nt me.But Mum,look!Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of 68 fridge?Mum:Are they there?Oh,my goodness.I 69 have put them in there when the phone rang.Oh,dear.I really must be losing my 70.Now,why did I put on my coat?答案:61.happened 62.when 63.gone 64.earlier 65.making 66.Anyway/Beside

4、s 67.it 68.the 69.must 70.mind/memory,语篇型填空题考查什么?,在空白处填入什么内容?,所填词类的权重大致是多少?,广东卷语法填空与全国卷填空有何不同?,一、题型名称不同广东:“第二节 语法填空”(有名称)全国:“第二节”(无名称)二、材料体裁不同 广东:短文 全国:对话或短文三、考查内容不同 广东:全考语法 全国:主要考语法,还考词汇和语用知识四、填写词数不同广东:每空填“1个”词全国:每空填“不多于3个”词,应如何更全面理解语篇性填空题?,一、该题型为半客观性试题 一题可有多个可接受的答案(以样题为例)61.happened(happen)has hap

5、pened was happening.62.when before and then.66.Anyway/Besides Anyhow In any case Moreover Whats more 68.the our.二、知识考查面比单项填空窄 1.受短文内容的限制 2.题量减少三分之一,应如何更全面理解语篇性填空题?,三、总体难度比单项填空大 1.题型的因素 非选择题(追忆)Planning so far ahead(make)no sense so many things will have changed by next year.选择题(再认)Planning so far ah

6、ead no senseso many things will have changed by next year.A.made B.is making C.makes D.has made 不能猜测,得0分者可能与短文改错、书面表达相当 要求写出,并且要完全正确,应如何更全面理解语篇性填空题?,四、材料的体裁 对话或短文五、填入的词数 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个 词)或括号内单词的正确形式。无提示词的空:不多于3个单词 有提示词的空:不作具体要求。填一个词的空:810个?填两个的空:02个?,应如何更全面理解语篇性填空题?,六、正确的形式 1.不改变词性(屈折)动词的谓

7、语形式和非谓语形式 名词的数和格 形容词和副词的比较等级等 2.多改变词性(派生)前缀 后缀 注:A.不跨越考查:modernization(modern)B.不双重考查:most effective(effect)C.不反转考查:nation(national),某百校联盟试题 How are you recently,Jane?Not very 61._.I have been gaining weight.62._ is too much for my height.The doctor asked me to watch what I eat,but I cant help 63._(

8、eat)sweets whenever they are in my presence.I 64._(listen)to my doctor.Many people believe that overweight results 65._ overeating.You need to work out.Why dont you attend an aerobic(健身运动的)class?Perhaps it can 66._ your anxiety(less).Can I certainly lose weight after attending that class?Yes,I think

9、 so.You can not only work 67._ fat off your body but also keep your body fit.So you can kill two birds with one 68._.You mean I dont need to diet?69._ I mean is that you need to keep a diet while you are working out.Combining exercise with dieting may be the 70._(effect)way to lose weight.Thank you for your advice.I think Ill try that class.答案:61.well 62.It 63.eating 64.should have listened 65.from66.lessen 67.the 68.stone 69.What 70.most effective,语篇型填空题对英语教学有何启示?,如何备考语篇型填空题?,养成精细阅读的好习惯,与改错和书面表达结合,语篇和单句练习相结合,重点关注所填词的词形,拼写和大小写要规范化,


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