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1、,Introducing,Tutorial,A step-by-step introduction toAltiums complete board-level design system,Table of Contents,Welcome to Protel DXP.3The Protel DXP Design Explorer.3How the design documents are stored.4Creating a new project.4Creating a new schematic sheet.5Adding the schematic sheet to the proje

2、ct.6Setting the schematic options.6Drawing the schematic.6Locating the component and loading the libraries.7Placing the components on your schematic.8Wiring up the circuit.11Setting up Project Options.12Checking the electrical properties of your schematic.13Compiling the project.15Creating a new PCB

3、 document.16Adding the new PCB to the project.17Transferring the design.17Updating the PCB.17Designing the PCB.18Setting up the PCB workspace.18Defining the layer stack and other non-electrical layers.19Setting up new design rules.20Positioning the components on the PCB.23Manually routing the board.

4、25Automatically routing the board.27Verifying your board design.28Setting up the Project Outputs.30Printing to a Windows printing device.30Manufacturing output files.31Simulating the design.33Setting up for simulation.33Running a transient analysis.34Further explorations.36Add-ons.36Shortcut keys.37

5、Design Explorer Shortcuts.37Schematic Shortcuts.38Common Schematic and PCB Shortcuts.37PCB Shortcuts.38,2,Welcome to Protel DXPWelcome to the world of Protel DXP a complete 32-bit electronic design system for Windows NT/XP.Protel DXP provides a completely integrated suite of design tools that lets y

6、ou easily take your designsfrom concept through to final board layout.All Protel DXP tools run within a single application environment the Design Explorer.Start Protel DXPand the Design Explorer opens,putting all your design tools at your fingertips.You benefit from asingle,consistent,customizable u

7、ser environment.This tutorial is designed to give you an overview of how to create a schematic,update the designinformation to a PCB and generate manufacturing output files.It also investigates the concept ofprojects,integrated libraries and circuit simulation.The Protel DXP Design ExplorerThe Desig

8、n Explorer is your interface to your designs and the design tools.To start Protel DXP andopen the Design Explorer,select Programs Altium Protel DXP from the Windows Start menu.Whenyou open Protel DXP,the most common initial tasks are displayed for easy selection.System MenuClick the down-arrowicon t

9、o display the,System menu and setup the systempreferences.All othermenus and toolbarsautomatically changeto suit the documentbeing edited.Workspace panelsThese include Files,Projects and HelpAdvisor panels.These panels can be,WorkspaceCommon tasksare listed to getstarted quickly.,Workspace panelsMor

10、e pop out panelsare displayed byclicking on thesetabs.These panelscan also be moved,docked or clipped.,moved,docked orclipped by clicking onthe panel title anddragging it to a newlocation.Click on the tab at thebottom of the panel to,Panel ControlEditor specificand sharedpanels can bechosen from the

11、Panel Control list.,Help AdvisorUse the naturallanguage helpsystem to quicklyfind the answer toyour question.,display its contents.As you create your design documents,you can easily switch between editors,for example,theSchematic Editor and the PCB Editor.The Design Explorer will change toolbars and

12、 menus accordingto the editor you are currently working in.The name of some workspace panels will initially bedisplayed down the right side of the workspace.Click on these names to pop out the panels,whichthen can be moved,docked or clipped to suit your work environment.The following diagram shows t

13、he Design Explorer when several documents and editors are open atthe same time and the windows have been tiled.3,1.,Document tabsEach open documenthas its own tab at thetop of the designwindow.Right-clickon a tab to close,Design WindowDisplays the documentsthat are currently open inthis design.,Work

14、space panelsClick on thesebuttons to displaythe associatedworkspace panel.,split or tile the openwindows.Schematic EditorGraphical and List viewsYou can choose betweenshowing your documentsin a graphical view in the,design window,or as a listof objects with theirproperties in the List view(View Work

15、spacePanels List),or both.,PCB Editor,Mask Level button,Layer tabsEach PCB layerhas its own tab.,Workspace panelsClick on thesebuttons to displaythe associated,Allows you to changethe level of dimming ofunmasked objects.Click Clear to clearthe current mask.,workspace panel.How the design documents a

16、re storedProtel DXP stores all the design documents and output files on your hard disk as individual files.Youcan use the Windows Explorer to search for them.Project files can be created that contain links to thedesign documents and are necessary for design verification and synchronization.Creating

17、a new projectA project in Protel DXP consists of links to all documents and setups related to a design.A project file,,is an ASCII text file that lists which documents are in the project and related outputsetups,e.g.for printing and CAM.Documents that are not associated with a project

18、are called freedocuments.Links to schematic sheets and a target output,e.g.PCB,FPGA,embedded(VHDL)orlibrary package,are added to a project.Once the project is compiled,design verification,synchronization and comparison can take place.Any changes to the original schematics or PCB,forexample,are updat

19、ed in the project when compiled.The process of creating a new project is the same for all project types.We will use the PCB project asan example.We will create the project file first and then create the blank schematic sheet to add thenew empty project.Later in this tutorial we will create a blank P

20、CB and add it to the project as well.To start the tutorial,create a new PCB project:Click on Create a new Board Level Design Project in the Pick a Task section of the design window.4,2.,3.,1.,2.,Alternatively,you could click on Blank Project(PCB)in the New section of the Files panel.If thispanel is

21、not displayed,select File New,or click on the Files tab at the bottom of the DesignManager panel.,The Projects panel displays.The new project file,PCB Project1.PrjPCB,is listed here with nodocuments added.,Rename the new project file(with a.PrjPCB extension)by selecting File Save Project As.Navigate

22、 to a location where you would like to store the project on your hard disk,type the nameMultivibrator.PrjPCB in the File Name field and click on Save.,Next we will create a schematic to add to the empty project file.The schematic will be for an astablemultivibrator circuit.,Creating a new schematic

23、sheet,Create a new schematic sheet by completing the following steps:,Select File New and click on Schematic Sheet in the New section of the Files panel.A blankschematic sheet named Sheet1.SchDoc displays in the design window and the schematicdocument is automatically added(linked)to the project.The

24、 schematic sheet is now listed underSchematic Sheets beneath the project name in the Projects tab.,Rename the new schematic file(with a.SchDoc extension)by selecting File Save As.Navigate toa location where you would like to store the schematic on your hard disk,type the nameMultivibrator.SchDoc in

25、the File Name field and click on Save.,5,1.,2.,3.,4.,1.,2.,3.,When the blank schematic sheet opens you will notice that the workspace changes.The main toolbarincludes a range of new buttons,new toolbars are visible and the menu bar includes new items.Youare now in the Schematic Editor.You can custom

26、ize many aspects of the workspace.For example,you can reposition the floatingtoolbars.Simply click-and-hold the title area of the toolbar and move the mouse to relocate thetoolbar.To dock the toolbar,move it to left,right,top or bottom edge of the main window area.Now we can add our blank schematic

27、to the project before proceeding with the design capture.Adding schematic sheets to a projectIf the schematic sheets you want to add to a project file have been opened as Free Documents,right-click on the schematic document in the Free Documents section of the Projects panel and select Addto Project

28、.The schematic sheet is now listed under Schematic Sheets beneath the project name in theProjects tab and is linked to the project file.Setting the schematic optionsThe first thing to do before you start drawing your circuit is to set up the appropriate documentoptions.Complete the following steps:F

29、rom the menus,choose Design Options and the Document Options dialog will open.For thistutorial,the only change we need to make here is to set the sheet size to standard A4 format.Inthe Sheet Options tab,find the Standard Styles field.Click the arrow next to the entry to see a listof sheet styles.Use

30、 the scroll bar to scroll up to the A4 style and click to select it.Click the OK button to close the dialog and update the sheet size.,Protel DXP has amultilevel Undo,allowingyou to undo any numberof previous actions.Themaximum number ofUndo steps is user-configurable and limitedonly by the availabl

31、ememory on yourcomputer.You can save anyschematic sheet as adocument template(.dot)allowing you to includespecial information suchas a custom companytitle block and logo.,To make the document fill the viewing area again,select View Fit Document.In Protel DXP,you can activate any menu by simply press

32、ing the menu hotkey(the underlined letter inthe menu name).Any subsequent menu items will also have hot keys that you can use to activate theitem.For example,the shortcut for selecting the View Fit Document menu item is to press the V keyfollowed by the D key.Many submenus,such as the Edit DeSelect

33、menu,can be called directly.Toactivate the Edit DeSelect All menu item,you need only press the X key(to call up the DeSelectmenu directly)followed by the A key.Next we will set the general schematic preferences.Select Tools Preferences shortcut T,P from the menus to open the schematic Preferencesdia

34、log.This dialog allows you to set global preferences that will apply to all schematic sheets youwork on.Click on the Default Primitives tab to make it active and enable the Permanent check box.Clickthe OK button to close the dialog.Before you start capturing your schematic,save this schematic sheet,

35、so select File Saveshortcut F,S.Drawing the schematicYou are now ready to begin capturing(drawing)the schematic.For this tutorial,we will use the circuitshown below(Figure 1).This circuit uses two 2N3904 transistors configured as a self-running astablemultivibrator.6,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,Figure 1

36、.An astable multivibrator,Locating the component and loading the libraries,To manage the thousands of schematic symbols included withProtel DXP,the Schematic Editor provides powerful librarysearch features.Although the components we require are in thedefault installed libraries,it is useful to know

37、how to searchthrough the libraries to find components.Work through thefollowing steps to locate and add the libraries you will need forthe tutorial circuit.,First we will search for the transistors,both of which are type2N3904.,Click on the Libraries tab to display the Libraries workspacepanel.,Pres

38、s the Search button in the Libraries panel,or select Tools Find Component.This will open the Search Libraries dialog.Ensure that the Scope is set to Libraries on Path and that thePath field contains the correct path to your libraries.If youaccepted the default directories during installation,the pat

39、hshould be C:Program FilesAltiumLibrary.Ensurethat the Include Subdirectories box is not selected(notticked).,We want to search for all references to 3904,so in the Nametext field in the Search Criteria section,type*3904*.The*symbol is a wildcard used to take into account the differentprefixes and s

40、uffixes used by different manufacturers.Click the Search button to begin the search.The Results tabdisplays as the search takes place.If you have entered theparameters correctly,a library will be found and displayed inthe Search Libraries dialog.,Click on the Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib library tos

41、elect it.This library has symbols for all the availablesimulation-ready BJT transistors.,Click the Install Library button to make this library availableto your schematic.,Close the Search Libraries dialog.,7,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,The added libraries will appear at the top of the Libraries panel.As

42、 you click on a library name inthe upper list,the components in that library are listed below.The component filter in the panelcan then be used to quickly locate a component within a library.Placing the components on your schematicThe first components we will place on the schematic are the two trans

43、istors,Q1 and Q2.For thegeneral layout of the circuit,refer to the schematic drawing shown in Figure 1.Select View Fit Document from the menus shortcut V,D to ensure your schematic sheet takesup the full window.Make sure the Libraries panel is displayed by clicking on the Libraries tab.Q1 and Q2 are

44、 BJT transistors,click on the Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib library to make itthe active library.,The link between theschematic componentand the PCB componentis the footprint.Thefootprint specified in theschematic is loaded fromthe PCB library whenyou load the netlist.Double-click on aschematic compo

45、nent tospecify the footprint.,Use the filter to quickly locate the component you need.The default wildcard(*)will list allcomponents found in the library.Set the filter by typing*3904*in the filter field below theLibrary name.A list of components which have the text“3904”as part of their Component N

46、amefield will be displayed.Click on the 2N3904 entry in the list to select it,then click the Place button.Alternatively,justdouble-click on the component name.The cursor will change to a cross hair and you will have an outlined version of the transistor“floating”on your cursor.You are now in part pl

47、acement mode.If you move the cursor around,the transistor outline will move with it.Before placing the part on the schematic,first edit its properties.While the transistor is floating onthe cursor,press the TAB key.This opens the Component Properties dialog for the component.We will now set up the d

48、ialog options to appear as below.In the Properties section of the dialog,set the value for the first component designator by typingQ1 in the Designator field.Next we will check the footprint that will be used to represent the component in the PCB.For thistutorial,we have used integrated libraries wh

49、ich mean that the recommended models for8,1.,2.,3.,4.,by 90.,5.,6.,7.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,footprints and circuit simulation are already included.Make sure that model name BCY-W3/D4.7is included in the Models list.Leave all other fields at their default values.You are now ready to place the part.

50、Move the cursor(with the transistor symbol attached)to position the transistor a little left of themiddle of the sheet.Once you are happy with the transistors position,left-click or press ENTER to place the transistoronto the schematic.Move the cursor and you will find that a copy of the transistor


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