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1、信息服务运营商CRM系统架构探索,从通信运营商向信息服务运营商的新跨越,通信运营商,信息服务运营商,这是一个转型的时代,业务转型支撑能力转型支撑能力组织转型支撑系统功能架构转型支撑系统技术实现架构转型,产业融合正在推动通信行业进行业务转型,Telecom,IP core networks,IPTV,wireless,Broadband,WAN,Access/bandwidthFMC,ConsumerElectronics,PCs,Smart-phones,PVR,games consoles,Faster,cheaper chiptechnology,Battery technology,IT

2、Services,Applications,Middleware,Web services,Managed Services,Media,Rich content,Digital Rights Mgt,Branding,Packaging,Broadcasting,Converging Ecosystem,OperatorsTelecom Network,Convergence and consolidation are blurring industry boundaries and lowering barriers to entry,while expanding the definit

3、ion of“Service Provider”.,Convergence within the Telecom SegmentMove to all IP networksVoice+Video+DataFixed+MobileLowered barriers to entryConvergence across Sectors Telecom+Information TechnologyTelecom+Digital MediaTelecom+Consumer ElectronicsEmerging StandardsConvergent SuppliersConsolidationMer

4、gers and Acquisitions continueRegional and Global BrandsVNO/MVNO/MNVE,中国移动正在面对全业务运营转型,中国移动全业务运营,3G,资费管制,电信对广电的开放,重组,互联网公司的影响,终端设备商的竞争,Higher expectations Greater sophistication increasingly varied needs,Digitalisation cutting entry barriers Cross-network cannibalisation Rise of niche service provide

5、rs,Greater service quality Complexity and sophistication Pricing and volume flexibility,Digitalisation driving convergence New wave of M&A activity driving consolidation Unrivalled pressure to find new markets and cut operational costs,Expanding cost base from parallel networks,processes,infrastruct

6、ures Complexity from proliferation of plans,products and programmes Need for ever greater flexibility and nimbleness New emerging eco-systems,Convergence and consolidation 融合和整合,Fight for customer control 争取客户控制权,New players driving more competitive intensity 新进入者的竞争,Service proliferation 业务快速开发和推广,

7、Constant states of enterprise transformation 持续管理优化,电信运营商向信息服务运营商转型的过程中,面临的挑战,创新业务发展不断突破电信运营商既有的支撑能力,营销,销售/开通,客户服务,计费,业务承载,市场拓展突破传统产品发展和营销模式新业务发展迅速,需要迅速投放市场,但是新业务上线相关准备工作周期长,不同业务一致性差,差异大;新业务推广,需要频繁策划和执行营销战役,目前营销策划与数据分析的互动不够,难以形成有效的策划和执行;营销策划和执行脱节,营销方案分解和下发主要靠人工方式,效率低且难以进行状态和结果追踪;缺少电子渠道的整合,营销任务执行主要靠人




11、现面向客户生命周期整合的支撑能力的技术关键,信息整合:360 客户信息,面向营销、销售和服务提供简洁高效的客户信息共享信息全面性:全面刻画和持续保持客户特征,特别是业务相关或潜在相关的特征;开放客户信息给业务:面向全生命周期客户管理甚至业务对信息的不同需求,按需供应客户相关信息;信息有效性:保持所供应信息的时效性(up to date)和准确性;性能:能够支持实时业务和大规模业务并发;,信息整合,信息加工过程整合(流程整合),信息交互整合,实现面向客户生命周期整合的支撑能力的技术关键,面向客户信息加工过程整合:端到端流程整合与优化关联营销需求与策划能力:通过正确关联分析需求和分析能力,实现理性


13、面向客户生命周期整合的支撑能力的技术关键,信息交互整合电子渠道能力服务化:业务逻辑与电子渠道交互服务分离;电子渠道负责信息传递的 transaction 完整性;交互历史提供:交互渠道能够记录并提供详细的交互历史供后续使用;,信息整合,信息加工过程整合(流程整合),信息交互整合,CMCC NG1-CRM规范提出的技术实现特征,渠道和访问界面的逻辑统一控制流程管理与应用分离的业务逻辑控制规则驱动的业务功能实现组件化,公共能力服务化的应用开发方式共享信息方式提升业务实时性和保障信息一致性消息接口的集成方式跨系统多阶段事务完整性保障业务连续性与高可用,技术实现架构,5层逻辑分层技术实现架构,总线集成

14、的模块化技术实现架构,架构组件集成总线 EIB,架构组件信息共享主数据管理 MDM,Large Grained Business Services,Fine Grained Business Services,Business Object Model,Database,Real-timeRMI-IIOPWeb ServicesMDB AdapterBatchBatch ProcessorData FormatsXMLObjectsUser defined,EAI HUB,Front Office Apps,Back Office Apps,Note:“Transactions”and“Ser

15、vices”are used interchangeably in this presentation,Out-of-the-boxExternal APIs Business Services,Implementation,not exposed to clients,Client Composites and Applications,Bells long-term goalsHolistic,consistent customer knowledge across BCHCreate a data store to become the system of record for cust

16、omer information across the BCH companiesOne single master reference for each customerConnect to existing operational systems to ensure up to date informationBells current challengesLack of an integrated view of its customers to provide complete and consistent information.Lack of processes and tools

17、 for operationalizing customer segmentation and analysis.No defined process for the analysis of data and the generation of insight.Organizational silos fragment customer treatment across channels and offerings.Upstream processes inadequate for effective customer data collection.Lack of defined produ

18、ct hierarchy and maintenance process.Cost of maintaining technology infrastructure exceeds benefits achieved.,MDM in Bell Canadas CDI,Bell Canadas CDI Requirements Summary,Based on our interviews,the CMF will need to provide:A clear,concise definition of a“customer,”independent of the BCH organizati

19、onal structureWho are they?What accounts do they hold across BCH?What is their behaviour across those accounts?What are their Sales Potential and Vulnerability Indices(SPIs/VIs,e.g.,predictive model scores)?An understanding of how customers are aggregated into a“household”/legal entityTheir“share of

20、 wallet”and product ownershipWhat products and services does the customer have?How much of their telecom budget is spent on Bell products&services and competitors?A view of the customers interactions with BellInbound contacts(Sales,Service,Support/Repair)Outbound contacts(Marketing,Informational mes

21、saging)Contact preferences(timing,channel,etc.)Consistent customer treatment between channels and meaningful segmentsCoordinated campaigns across all channels and BCH business units in a timely manner to support operational efforts(sales,support,repair,and self-svc.),ValueValidate customer informati

22、on through all channels Creation of a“customer PIN”(a standard,cohesive identifier of a customer)enabling a complete history of a customers tenureThe ability to update information in the customer profile More accurate recognition of the true value of a customerThe agent will have complete near-to-re

23、al-time knowledge about the customer,(e.g.including contact history,transactions and needs)and use it to tailor or personalize each interaction based on customer value,regardless of BCH touch-point.Providing a more complete and accurate customer information to the channelsEnhanced targeting accuracy

24、(the right bundles and offers to the right customers)Enabling improved targeting of individual and household/legal entity marketing and sales offersAdditional improvements to overall Marketing ROI by not re-marketing to customers who already have the product or service,Improved Customer ServicingPro

25、vide service agents with complete view of the customer as an individualSimplify support for and access to cross-line-of-business informationincreased employee satisfactionSupport Product BundlingRelevant offers meeting customer requirementsMore complete view of customer valueImproved Data QualitySig

26、nificant ROI/Time to Market for Capabilities Roadmap,Bell Canada CDI Benefits,EDW,Bell CanadaAgent PortalO/E Manual Legacy view,MobilityAgent PortalO/E,SympaticoAgent PortalData Marts O/E,ExpressVuAgent DesktopO/E,eBCCSODM,Numerous Operational Systems1.Architecture was designed to support customer i

27、nteractions through the Agent Channels2.Each entity had its own agent desktop interaction and recommendation tool with repository3.Each database has its own view of the customer.4.Operational Support Systems sent information to Data Cleansing Customer Matching System(Enterprise Data Warehouse)Comple

28、x Analytical Systems5.Enterprise Data Warehouse(EDW)consolidation at back end6.Supporting many analytical systems-Offer Recommendation Tools-Campaign Planning-Campaign Optimization-Network Planning-Work Force Analysis7.All by separate lines of businessSeparate subscriber profile in each line of busi

29、ness,ETLCommon Customer Identifier(CCI)Common Household Identifier(CHI),Customer Interaction Channels,F2FSales,Self Service,IVR,Email,Direct Mail,Original Technology Environment,Agent,Interaction Layer,Bell Canada CDI Path(Customer Master File),Customer interacts through a channelData validation and

30、 cleansing is consistently applied to support data integrityFor outbound and Self Service interactions,the CMF is updated with cleansed and validated customers informationFor One Bill and Inbound interactions,legacy systems are updated with cleansed and validated dataCMF updates the EDW with up-to-d

31、ate customer informationLegacy systems update the EDW on a periodic basis based on business process requirementsThe EDW updates the CMF on a periodic basis based on business process requirementsThe CMF contains all up-to-date customer information(e.g.profile,treatments,lifestyle,etc.)required to sup

32、port consistent,interaction experience3rd party data enhancements are applied to the CMF on a periodic basis required to support business requirements,Customer Master File,ID,Account/Address,Product Ownership,EDW,Data Validation and Cleansing,Every channel supports a consistent method for the collec

33、tion and update of key customer data(,demographic,household/legal entity,account,etc.),Web services consistently manage the validation and cleansing of customer data,2,1,3,4,5,6,7,The EDW is updated with data from the CMF on a periodic basis required to support business processes,CMF contains a complete view of customer including customer treatment rules,8,A,A,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Customer Interaction Channels,架构组件 规则驱动的动态流程引擎,流程引擎的高可用性(High Available),韩国三星公司的一个HA布置实例,架构组件业务监控,流程实例监控总体运行效果分析流程关键指标分析出错报警为优化提供依据,综 合 信 息 服 务 运 营,


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