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1、英语之夜,主办单位:,承办单位:,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,带给你知识带给你快乐,Crazy star,Guess guess guess,Singing and dancing,1,3,2,4,Face to face,English Bar,Crazing star,Crazystar,主持人:,疯,狂,之,星,疯,狂,之,星,疯狂之星,?,G U E S S,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,猜,猜,猜,主持人:,表情动作类,水果

2、蔬菜类,服饰衣物类,可爱动物类,交通工具类,两人参加游戏,一人比划,一人猜,猜的人必须背对大屏幕。比划的人必须说英语,英语不能出现屏幕上的词语,可以有肢体语言。时间限定在两分钟之内,猜不出的可以过,以猜出最多的一组为胜利。每类词汇有12个。,游,规,戏,则,Music valley,y,M,u,s,i,c,v,a,l,l,e,Men,sing,all,音乐谷,Time of Our Lives,歌词大意:这里有一个梦想,在很久很久以前,这里有一个梦想,不停的向热情蔓延。胸中充满烈火,世界万物都拥有信念。一个愿望就是胜利,为了今天不会带给我们,一生难以忍受的悲伤和失望,我们将一直努力。感觉我们已

3、经拥有了生命之颠,到处都是阳光和雨露,让我们团结成为一体,因为感觉告诉我们,我们已经拥有了生命之颠。我们在最后拥有的最高的荣誉,为了所有的人,为了所有的人,为了我们的生命之颠。就是这片刻,这是我们的机会,去做我们想做的事 那些我们希望的事。为了今天不会带给我们,一生难以忍受的悲伤和失望,我们将一直努力。感觉我们已经拥有了生命之颠。我永远不会忘记!永远不会!,生命之巅,生命之巅,There was a dream Long time ago There was a dream Destined to grow Hacerse pasion(To become passion)Con fuego

4、abrazar(and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin(the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar(the will to win)For a lifetime of progress That runs here today Well go all the way Hey they feel like having the time of our lives Lets light the fire find the plain Lets go together as one ins

5、ide Cause it feels like were having the time of our lives Well find the glory and the pain All that we are,for all that we are For time of our lives Hoy es el dia(Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar(the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir(reality the destiny

6、 we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui(A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final(and Ill keep on till the end)Heaven knows Cause it feels like were having the time of our lives Juntos,unidos,triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor(Together,united,the will to be t

7、he best will win)Cause it feels like were having the time of our lives Hasta la gloria,junto a ti,(Till the glory,along with you)Llego el momento de la verdad(the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego(The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar.(And now I will never ever forget it.)C

8、ause it feels like were having the time of our lives Juntos,unidos,triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor(Together,united,the will to be the best will win)Cause it feels like were having the time of our lives Hasta la gloria,junto a ti,(Till the glory,along with you)El momento llego(The moment arri

9、ved)El momento llego(The moment arrived)Well find the glory well be there For all that we are For one thing that we wanna be and all that we are For the time of our lives For the time of our lives,FACE TO FACE,FACE TO FACE,面,对,面,策 划:主持人:,嘉 宾,一、印度之行,1.印度简况。,The full name for India is the Republic of

10、India,which territory occupies the 7th of the world with more than 1 billion people.It is called“ethnic museum”for its multinational and Multi-language situation.,全称 国土面积世界排名第七,人口10亿。文化特征::多样性和宗教性。,82%Hindusim,12%Islam,2.3%Christianism,1.9%Sikhism,0.8%Buddhism,0.4%Jainism,2.著名的风景点:,印度金庙 Vishwanath t

11、emple of golden temple琥珀堡 Amber Fort皇宫 City Palace风宫 Wind Palace古特伯高塔 Qutab Minar阿格拉城堡 Agra Fort圣雄甘地墓 Raj Ghat泰姬陵 Tai Mahal 红堡 Red Fort,4.甘地的“七大社会罪恶”,搞政治而不讲原则,积累财富而不付出劳动,追求享乐而不关心他人,拥有知识而没有品德,经商而不讲道德,研究科学而不讲人性,膜拜神灵而不做奉献,二 千湖之国-瑞士见闻录,1.瑞士概况介绍,二 千湖之国-瑞士见闻录,瑞士是个没有统一语言的国家。其中65%的人讲德语,18%的人讲法诘,12%的人讲意大利语,5

12、%的人讲其它语言。瑞士使用最广泛的语言是德文。西部地区主要使用法语。很多地方都是用双语标注的。,昂贵的高档手表占了瑞士产品的大部分,瑞士奶酪,三 美利坚之旅,1.美国的见闻和印象,2.“five five minutes”,3.美国的照片,三 美利坚之旅,Baltimore-the Birthplace of the National Anthem,San Francisco City Hall,Universal Studio,“five five minutes”method is really intersting and easy to do for us,I think this method will be useful and helpful for the peopole who want to improve his English.Thanks Mr Li for your introduction,thanks our guests for your participating,and also thanks our audience here for your attention,I am,see you next time.,


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