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1、1,2,3,4,加拿大的历史,The history of Canada,5,加拿大”据称来源于印第安语中意为“部落”的“加纳塔”一词。加拿大的历史没有戏剧性的革命及虐杀,也没有出现大作家、艺术家以及载于世界史教科书上的大人物。本来加拿大的历史是从印第安和爱斯基摩等原住民的历史开始的,10世纪以后,西欧的足迹才开始踏上这片土地。最初先是海盗来到加拿大东部,此后从欧洲人进行探险的时代开始一直到近现代,北美大陆的历史在此阶段迅速展开。虽并不华丽多姿,但的确闪耀着其自身的戏剧色彩。,The Canadian said to come from the Indian language means tr

2、ibe of Garner tower.The history of Canada no dramatic revolution and killing,and no great writers and artists as well as contained in the world history textbook on the big man.Originally the Canadian history is from Indian and the other Aboriginal history starts,after tenth Century,Western European

3、footprint began to set foot on this land.First is the pirate to eastern Canada,since Europeans explored the era to modern,the continent of North America history during this phase of rapid expansion.Although not gorgeous scene,but it shines with its own drama,6,按1867年7月1日的英属北美法案(Blitish North America

4、 Acts),各英属北美殖民地组成单一的加拿大联邦,加拿大宪法一直建基于这英国法律;1931年12月11日,英国国会通过了威斯敏斯特法令(Statute of Westminster),此法例中订明自治领有权自行制定法律而无须等待英国国会批准,订明加拿大殖民地为自治领,虽然加拿大已是一个国际公认的独立国,此特殊的自治领关系却一直存在;1982年4月17日,加拿大国会通过新宪法,并得到英国国会通过废止旧宪,加拿大把7月1日的自治领日改名为加拿大日,加拿大事实上从英国独立。,According to July 1,1867s the British North America act(Blitis

5、h North Acts),on behalf of the British North American colonies of single Canadian federal,Canada has been built on the British constitution law;On dec.11,1931,Britain the congress passed the law Statute of Westminster(Westminster),the specified in laws on its own,formulate a dominion shall have the

6、right to legal without waiting for congress to approve for the British,Canadian colonies as a dominion,though Canada already is an internationally recognized an independent state,this special relationship but there has always been a dominion;On April 17,1982,Canadas new constitution,passed by congre

7、ss and get parliament passed abolish the old xian,Canada in the July 1,a dominion was renamed Canada day,Canada in fact independence from Britain.,7,加拿大的地理,Geography of Canada,8,加拿大位于北美洲北部。东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,西北部邻美国阿拉斯加州,东北与格陵兰(丹)隔戴维斯海峡遥遥相望,南接美国本土,北靠北冰洋达北极圈。海岸线约长24万多公里。东部气温稍低,南部气候适中,西部气候温和湿润,北部为寒带苔原气候。中西部最高

8、气温达40以上,北部最低气温低至-60。加拿大是世界上海岸线最长的国家。南部与美国接壤,国境线长达8892公里。,Canada is in North America.In the east,and baffin island,northwestern Alaska neighbors,northeast and Greenland(Dan)every Davis strait city,the far south by the United States in the north of the Arctic Circle,arctic ocean.About 240000 kilometer

9、s long coastline.Eastern slightly lower temperatures,the southern moderate climate,moderate and moist climate west,the northern tundra to boreal climate.The highest temperature of 40,the lowest temperature above north to 60 low.Canada is the worlds longest countries.Shanghai coast With the us border

10、 crossing in southern,8892 km long.,9,Ancient Geomorphological Features,古老的地貌,Canadas ancestor is Laurentia(劳伦古大陆).Laurentia is the core of the Lauren shield,is the Canadian Shield.The Canadian shield covering the continent of North America in the northeast.,The Rocky Mountains,10,Canada is in North

11、 America.Land area of 9984670 square kilometers(second in the world),the total population of 33525300 people.Canada is the world Shanghai coastline longest countries,about more than 24 km.Canadian is derived from the Native American language Huron-Iroquois word for Kanata,meaning village.Canadian fo

12、rest covered area of the total area of 44%,ranking second in the world.Canada is the worlds third mines of China.Canada has five geographical regions.Is the eastern the Atlantic area,central area,grassland area,the west coast region and the northern region.,11,Thirteen federal level administrative r

13、egion can be divided into 6 regions:a historyIn 1,Newfoundland area:1583 became a British colony in 1907 to become the dominion,in 1932 the government was bankrupt,after 2 years to become a British colony in 1948 voted to join the Canadian.Labrador and Quebec controversy,in 2001 officially changed n

14、ame to Newfoundland and Labrador.In 2,the upper and lower regions of Canada:1615 became a French colony of New France as part of New France to become the French monarchy in 1663 directly under the province,in 1763 France will new France and British exchange of Guadeloupe,Britain established the colo

15、ny of Quebec(including Ontario),1791,the colony of Quebec was divided into the legal system of Canada(Quebec)and the imperial Upper Canada(Ontario),since then,Quebec and Ontario part company each going his own way.In 3,the new Scotland area:including now Nova Scotia,Prince Edward island in 1769 two,

16、St.Johns island off from new Scotland,and in 1799 changed its name to Prince Edward island.,12,4,Arcadia area:former French Acadian colony,covering New Brunswick and new England,later to the British,American War of independence,Arcadia area independent of the people gradually concentrated to New Bru

17、nswick,leading to Arcadia division,new England independent,finally became part of the United States,New Brunswick chose to remain in the UK under the 1867 to participate in the formation of Canada.5,Columbia region:1849 Vancouver Island,New Caledonia 1858 has grouped into colonies,because the Columb

18、ia River flows through,the queen said the British property,the colonial name before the British,changed its name to British Columbia(British Columbia),Chinese called BC.In 1866,Vancouver incorporated in British Columbia.British Columbia colonies in did not join the former Canadian,large ceded territ

19、ory,and Oregon territory(now the state of Washington)American condominium,finally completely lost,the last colony had to put capital moved to the southern border,show no longer cut soil.,13,In 6,the Northwest Territories:in 1859,Britain announced on the other without marshalling colonies where sover

20、eignty,and named the Northwest Territory(The North-Western Telritory)in British Columbia,they and the Arctic Ocean,between Alaska and Rupert,is very broad.In 1870,the Hudson Bay Company to give up on the Rupert area management,incorporated the area into the Northwest Territory formed the Northwest T

21、erritory(The North-West Telritories).1881 is divided into the Ma Ni tor Bazhou;1898 is divided into the Yukon Territory;1905 is divided into Alberta and Saskatchewan and Wenzhou;1912 cut Northwest Territory extended to Manitoba,Ontario and Quebec three;1967 Yellowknife central territory into the nor

22、thwest territory is the capital;1999 is divided into Nunavut territory.,14,加拿大首都:渥太华,The capital of Canada:Ottawa,15,16,17,Canadian University,18,教育管理权归省级政府。各省教育经费基本依靠自筹,联邦政府提供一定的资助来普及中、小学教育。19992000年,全国直接用于教育的经费约676.97亿加元,占国内生产总值约6.6%。世界著名的顶尖一流高等学府有:多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、麦吉尔大学(Universit McGi

23、ll)、皇后大学(Queens University)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)、滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)、麦克玛斯特大学(McMaster University)、不列颠哥伦比亚大学(当地华人又称卑诗大学)(University of British Columbia)、西蒙菲沙大学渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)、阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)等。,Education power to provincial government.Provincial edu

24、cation funds raised by the federal government,basic depend on offer some aid to popularize education in primary and secondary schools.1999 2000,the national education funds directly used for about$67.697 billion,about 6.6%of GDP.,19,多伦多大学,University of Toronto,20,皇后大学,Queens University,21,麦吉尔大学,Mcgi

25、ll University,22,西蒙菲沙大学渥太华大学,Simon Fraser University University of Ottawa,23,加拿大美丽的风景,24,Niagara Falls,25,The world famous Niagara Falls(Niagara Falls)is of the 7 wonders in the world,located in Canada and the United States at the junction of the Niagara river,it that plenty of water vapor and vast

26、and epic imposing manner,make all who appreciate the visitors of shock,You can take the daughter of the fog,shuttling in excursion ship the choppy falls between,to the bewildering water mist in go to appreciate such exciting and shape the hubbub feeling.,On the way back and forth in the waterfall no

27、t only can visit is rich in Canada(ICE ICE grape WINE WINE)vineyard and winery,can be in more traditional simple Niagara village a little stay,the fruits here and jam has always been a favorite of tourists.,Chief of los castle(CraigdarrochCastle)(also translated into the castle,Craigdarroch in oak G

28、AILIC language is rock and the oak tree mean,the symbol of the castle and the surrounding landscape)is to rely on coal mine as rich merchant Robert(RobertDunsmuir)and Mrs.The appearance of capital contribution of the castle built similar luxurious residence.The castle internal decoration,elegant ric

29、hly bright hall stained-glass Windows,elaborate carpentry craft,luxury of the Victorian era of furniture and complete hydroelectric equipment,etc,all show the hosts wealth and status.Stair rotates eighty seventh level on the fourth floor,can reach the luxurious hall;Looking out from the castle overl

30、ooking the city of Victoria,scenery,see Juan DE Fuca strait and bright and beautiful scene,the Olympic Mountains snow wonderful scenery.,27,Stanley Park(Stanley)is the most famous vancouver at the Park,which covers an area of one thousand acres,is North Americas largest city Park is also one of the

31、worlds most famous Park.In 1888,the park in Canada,the opening of the governor Stanley jazz called its name.Here are three big beach,the zoo and aquarium,mini golf course,rose garden,the small number of trains,and not giant round column.Room The entrance to the park has a former governor Stanleys br

32、onze statue,there is also a city by the vancouver child collective donated candy and built to Victoria empress fountain.Standing in the park slope,you can look to the Pacific lion(Lions Gate door railway Bridge),and the sea greatly small setting sail fishing boats,scenery beautiful and moving.The fo

33、rest park the squirrels jumping on the swan lake,swimming,not well-known a bird interwoven into unique natural symphony movement.,28,A series of copper overlooking the Ottawa river top gothic buildings,is home to Capitol Hill(Parliament),the front of the famous clock tower on the Canadian flags flap

34、ping.The National Day parade,solemn in contains the old European style hold Capitol building.At night,the square in front of the Capitol,not destroy the fire all night with the beautiful music,to give visitors and the cool with great enjoyment.The Capitol building was the most notable each summer on

35、 Capitol hill on the lawn of the changing of the guard guards held a ceremony,Canadian mountie completely to the ceremony.The first ceremony in 1959 queen Elizabeth ii inspection on the Canada,the traditional since then have been has followed so far.The changing of the guard is to point to mount gua

36、rd and laid-off guards the handover ceremony,the guards dressed in a dark jacket and pants and a black head black fur hat,luxuriant.Most solemn Every year in July and August,the thunder-and-lightning the changing of the guard will be held on time in every morning,ceremony last for about 30 minutes.O

37、ttawa guard the changing of the guard,the scene of the most spectacular,has a long history in the world also is rare.Every year at the beginning of may to September,labor day,will be hold on Capitol hill-Sound he fendi poem,this is the Light of one of the most famous Ottawa landscape.When the Capito

38、l building and the statue of everywhere all in light,and let people talk of the building simulation form,sound and light to explain the history of the founding of Canada.This not only he fendi poem extremely fantasy property,and language is extremely easy to understand,for not understanding the Canadian history visitors,its a very good learning opportunities.Every time he fendi poem in English,will the French each speak a times,each time lasts approximately 45 minutes,completely free.,29,感谢大家的收看,


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