PEP小学英语六经级上册《Unit 1 How Do You Go There》B1(词汇课)精品教案.doc

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1、PEP小学英语六年经级上册Unit 1 How Do You Go There?B1(词汇课)精品教案教学内容: B Les learn & Lets play Good to know教学目标:1、能够听、说、认读以下短语:Stop at a red light . Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light2.能够听、说、读、写单词及其词组:stop, Wait, traffic lights, traffic rules.3、能够了解基本的交通规则,即红、黄、绿灯的功能,并能根据英文指令做动作。4.了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。教

2、学重点难点:重点:1掌握四会单词及其词组:stop, wait, traffic lights, traffic rules.2.听懂会说三条交通规则,并能在实际情景中应用。难点:1.书写短语traffic light , traffic rule 和理解动词stop, wait,的含义。2.理解并会说Remember the traffic rules !教学准备:多媒体课件、彩色粉笔。教学过程:Step 1: Preparation(1)课件播放歌曲How Do You Go to School?(2)Free talkT: How do you go to school ?Ss: .T

3、: How many traffic lights can you see on the way to your school ?Ss: T: Hows the weather today? Ss: T: What can you see in the sky?Ss: T: What colour are they?Ss: T: What colour are the traffic lights ?Ss: Step 2: Presentation(1) traffic lights教师板书领读T: How many traffic lights can you seeSs: three 学生

4、说的时候,教师在黑板上traffic lights后面竖着画出3个圆,请三位学生上黑板把圆涂成不同的颜色。在不同颜色的圆前边板书red , yellow ,green(2)stop ,wait ,goT: Look at the traffic lights .(板书Look at )What colour is the first light ?Ss: redT:When we see the red light we must stop .T : 在红圆后板书stop同理引出wait, go(3)I say you doa.学生迅速说出red/yellow/green light,教师根据

5、该词做出相应的动作。b.教师迅速说出red/yellow/green light,学生根据该词做出相应的动作。教师总结并板书:Stop at a red light . Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green lightT:they are traffic rules .板书traffic rulesIf you go by car ,by bike ,or on foot ,you must remember the traffic rules .(继续板书remember)待添加的隐藏文字内容3(4)教师指着黑板让学生读一遍,让学生有个系统性的掌握.St

6、ep 3: Production(1) 看课本“Good to know”部分的交通标志,让学生试着用英语描述各个标志的含义,并完成课本相应的练习题。(2) 师生讨论不同的出行方式及应当遵守的交通规则.小学生日常行为规范第17 、18条中特别提出:“遵守交通法规,过马路走人行横道,不乱穿马路,不在公路、铁路、码头玩耍和追逐打闹。遵守公共秩序,等等”如: How do you go to school ?I go to school on foot .Can you tell me any traffic rulesYou must walk on the right side .I go to school by bus . Can you tell me any traffic rulesDont run in the bus .Step 4:Practice(1)总结本课所学单词,并用课件展示单词及词组的书写。(2)让学生拿出练习本对新学的单词进行练习,教师针对容易出现的错误进行集体纠正,并选出一份优秀的作业进行展示。Step 5.Homework(1)Find more traffic rules and write them down.(2)向身边的人宣传所学过的交通法规。


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