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1、中央研究院人事相關用語中英文對照相關用語中文英文新聘Initial Employment 續聘Renewed Employment 升等Promotion 特聘Distinguished Employment 長聘Tenured Employment 合聘Jointly-appointed 借調Temporary Transfer 歸建Returrning to the Original Agency 所務會議Institute Council 處務會議Preparatory Office Council 業務會議Session 學術諮詢委員會Central Advisory Committe

2、e 院務會議Council of Academia Sinica 人事委員會Personnel Committee 聘審小組Employment Review Committee 學組聘任資格審查委員會Divisional Appointment and Promotion Committee, Academia Sinica院聘任資格審查委員會General Appointment and Promotion Committee, Academia Sinica研究技術人員聘審會Review Committee on Research Technical Personnel 專任Full-t

3、ime Employment 兼任Concurrent Employment研究人員Research Staff 研究技術人員Research Specialist 爭取時效程序Time-effective Procedure 敘薪Contracted Salary 職務等級表Scale of Positions 晉級Wage Raise 申訴Appeal 再議Re-deliberation不予續聘Renewed Employment Denial 不予升等Promotion Denial 不予長聘Tenured Employment Denial 公布日實施The Act/Regulatio

4、n Takes Effect on the Day of Promulgation. 員額Number of Personnel 推薦Recommendation 編制內人員Certified Staff 無給職Position Without Remuneration 準用Applicable Mutatis Mutandis 答辯Verbal Argument 核定Approval 核備Approval for Reference 核聘Approval for Employment 審議Deliberation應出席人數Attendance of a Majority of Members

5、 因公出國Official Business Leave 留職停薪Position Retained without Pay留職留薪Position Retained with Pay因病住院Hospitalization 擬任職務相當Equal Capacity of the Reserved Position 聘期Term of Employment 作業程序Operating Procedure 審議要點Directions for Deliberation 組織Organization 機關Government Agency 委員會Commission 組織編制Organization

6、 Structure 職系Series 職務列等表Grading of Positions 職掌Function 員額精簡Staff Reduction 文官Public Functionaries 政務官Political Appointee 事務官Civil Servants 機要人員Confidential Employees 人力Manpower 雇用Employment 新進人員New Recruits 職員Staff 職位Position 職務Capacity 官等Official Ranks 職等Grade 簡任Senior 薦任Associate 委任Junior 編制員額Au

7、thorized Complement 預算員額Complement 考試Examination 分發Assignment 銓敘Civil Servants Qualifications Screening 依法考試及格Civil Service Examination Confirmed 依法銓敘合格Civil Service Appointment Confirmed 依法升等合格Civil Service Promotion Confirmed 任用Appointment 任命Appointing 調動Transfer 升遷Promotion 降職Demotion 免職Dismissal

8、 權理Qualification without Appointment Verification 代理Substitution 升官等考試Promotion Examination 升官等訓練Promotion Training 陞遷序列表Promotion Sequence Table 得免經甄審優先陞任Promotion with First Priority without Selection Process 先予試用Probation 合格實授Qualification of Appointment Verified准予權理Permission for Qualification w

9、ithout Appointment Verification 延聘國外顧問、專家及學者作業注意事項Regulations Governing the Recruitment of International Advisers, Experts and Scholars 各機關聘請國外顧問、專家及學者來台工作期間支付費用最高標準表Table of Maximum Payment for the Foreign Consultants, Professionals, and Scholars during Working in Taiwan擴展新研究領域所需研究人才為限Subject to Re

10、searchers Expanding Research in New Fields 延聘對象Recruitment Objects 延攬等級Recruitment Level 延聘期限Recruitment Term 延聘七十歲以上者,總聘期不得超過三年。Recruiting Personnel over 70 Years of Age, the Total Term of Employment is Three Years.員額限制Personnel Quota Restriction 工作報酬與預算經費Work Remuneration and Budgets 補助來回機票、保險費及國內

11、交通費,所需經費由院方支付Air Ticket Allowance, Domestic Transportation Allowance and Insurance Premium Paid by Academia Sinica於起聘日二個月前報院提交本院審核小組審核Report for Review by Employment Review Committee, Academia Sinica, Two Months Prior to the Employment Term行政院國家科學委員會補助延攬研究學者作業要點Regulations Governing the Recruitments

12、 of Research Scholars with Subsidies from the National Science Council, Executive Yuan行政院國家科學委員會補助延攬客座科技人才作業要點Regulations Governing the Recruitments of Visiting Science and Technology Pesonnel with Subsidies from the National Science Council, Executive Yuan國防工業訓儲預備軍官預備士官甄選作業要點Regulations Governing t

13、he Reserve Officer Screening and Selection 國防工業優先發展項目Put Top Priority on the Development of Defense Industry 資格審查暨書面計畫審查 Review on Qualification and Written Plan研發能量暨成果審查Research Achievement and Result Review 員額核配審查Review of the Allotment of Authorized Personnel 預備軍(士)官基礎教育Reserve Officer Basic Educ

14、ation續僱Continuing Contract 出缺不補No-Replacement for Vacancy 契約書Contract 備查Approval for Investigation 解聘Contract Termination 解僱Contract Termination 工作酬金Work Remuneration原敘等級Rating Scores 特殊技能約聘僱人員Contract-based Research Technician 薪點Salary Grade 薪點折合率Salary Grade Convertion 公開甄選Open Selection Process 學

15、術服務助理人員Academic Service Assistants 績效獎金Performance Bonus獎懲Rewards and Punishments 性騷擾防治法Sexual Harrassment Prevention Act 員工心理健康Employee Mental Health & Counseling 兼職Holding Two Posts Concurrently兼課Part-timeTeaching 考績Performance Evaluation Results 考核Performance Evaluation 服務Service 保障Security 公務人員考

16、績法Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act 公務人員考績法施行細則Enforcement Rules of Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act 公務員服務法Civil Servant Service Act軍公教人員兼職費及講座鐘點費支給規定Regulations Governing the Payment of Concurrent Serving & Lecture Hourly-Pay to Military, Public and Teaching Personnel訓練Training 進修Adv

17、anced Study 講學Lecture 研究Research 心理健康Mental Health 諮商輔導Counseling Guidance 專書閱讀Reading List 國防工業訓儲預官Reserve Officer 行政中立Administrative Nuturality 傑出貢獻獎Extraordinary Contribution Medal 模範公務人員Model Civil Servants 工作績優人員Outstanding Performance Civil Servants 服務獎章Service Medal Award 嘉獎Commendation記小功Mer

18、it Citation記大功Excellence Merit Citation 服務獎章獎勵金Civil Service Medal Prize Cash Reward 參觀訪問Visiting 蒐集資料Data Collecting 田野調查Field Study 順道訪問Pass-by Visiting 國外短期研究Overseas Short-term Research 講學研究進修審核小組Review Committee of Lecture, Research and Advanced Study 博士後研究學者Postdoctoral Fellow導讀會Book Club Work

19、shop 送審案Cases Recording 心理諮商室Counseling Room 請假單Leave Sheet 假別簡表Miscellaneous Authorized Absences and Vacations公假Leave for Statutory Reasons 事假Personal Leave 生理假Menstrual Leave 病假Sick Leave 休假Annual Leave 婚假Marital Leave 娩假Maternity Leave 喪假Funeral Leave 值日假Deferred Leave for Guard Duty 加班假Deferred

20、Leave for Working Overtime 公差Leave for Public Affairs 流產假Miscarriage Leave 產前假Pre-Maternity Leave 陪產假Accompanying Maternity Leave 家庭照顧假Family Care Leave 骨髓捐贈假Bone Marrow Donation Leave 器官捐贈假Organ Donation Leave 申誡Reprimand 記過Demerit 記大過Two Demerit Points 請假人Leave Applicant 按日扣薪Salary Deducted by Day

21、 申訴專線Service Line性騷擾申訴信箱Sexual Harassment Complaints申訴Grievance 再申訴Re-Appeal 公務人員保障法Public Functionaries Protection Act甲等Grade A 乙等Grade B 丙等Grade C 丁等Grade D 諮商輔導委員會Psychological Counseling Committee 公務人員請假規則Regulations on Civil Servants Applications for Leave 行政院及所屬聘僱人員給假辦法Regulations on Special L

22、eave for Employees of the Executive Yuan and Subordinate Agencies 中央研究院約聘僱人員考核標準Contract Employee Performance Evalutaion Guildlines, Academia Sinica 志願服務Volunteering Service 停留簽證Visitor Visa 居留簽證Resident Visa 外僑居留證Alien Resident Certificate 外交部領事事務局Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Aff

23、airs 移民署National Immigration Agency 公教人員保險Government Employees and School Staffs Insurance 公教人員保險法GESSI Act 公教人員保險法施行細則Enforcement Rules of GESSI Act 生活津貼Living Allowances 子女教育補助費Children Education Subsidy 結婚補助Wedding Subsidy 生育補助Childbirth Subsidy 喪葬補助Death Subsidy 養老給付Old-age Benefits 眷屬喪葬津貼Depend

24、ents Funeral Subsidy 殘廢津貼Disability Subsidy 公教人員保險被保險人留職停薪選擇續(退)保同意書The Agreement Letter of Insurance Change of the Insured Civil Servant and Public School Personnel, Position Retained without Pay保險費證明單Insurance Premium Certificate 公教人員保險殘廢證明書 Disability Certificate of Civil Servant and School Staff

25、 Insurance保險俸給Insurance Pay 保險費率Insurance Premium Rate 勞工保險Labor Insurance 勞工保險條例Labor Insurance Act 勞工保險條例施行細則Enforcement Rules of Labor Insurance Act 勞工保險卡Labor Insurance Card 生育給付Maternity Benefits 傷病給付Injury or Sickness Benefits 殘廢給付Disability Benefits 老年給付Old-Age Benefits 本人死亡給付Civil Servant De

26、ath Benefits 眷屬死亡給付Dependents Death Benefits 職災醫療給付Medical-Care Benefits for Occupational Injury 全民健康保險National Health Insurance 全民健康保險法National Health Insurance Act (NHI)全民健康保險法施行細則Enforcement Rules of National Health Insurance Act健保IC卡NHI IC Card 自墊醫療費用核退Reimburesments 勞工退休金Labor Retirement Pensio

27、n 勞工退休金條例Labor Pension Act 勞工退休金條例施行細則Implementation Rules of Labor Pension Act 勞工個人退休金專戶Individual Labor Pension Account 勞工自願提繳退休金Employees Voluntary Contribution of Pension Funds離職儲金Contribution Benefits 各機關學校聘僱人員離職儲金給與辦法Regulations of pay-as-you-go Contribution Benefit for Personnel Served in All

28、 Organizations and Schools under Civil Contractual Relationship 公提儲金Mandatory Pension Contribution 自提儲金Voluntary Pension Contribution 公務人員退休法Civil Servant Retirement Act 公務人員退休法施行細則Enforcement Rules of Civil Servants Act 退休Retirement 自願退休Voluntary Retirement 屆齡退休Compulsory Retirement 退休金Pension 一次退休

29、金Lump-sum Retirement Payment 月退休金Monthly Retirement Payment 兼領二分之一之一次退休金與二分之一月退休金1/2 Lump-Sum Retirement Payment & 1/2 Monthly Retirement Payment 兼領三分之一之一次退休金與三分之二月退休金1/3 of Lump-Sum Retirement Payment & 2/3 of Monthly Retirement Payment 兼領四分之一之一次退休金與四分之三月退休金1/4 of Lump-Sum Retirement Payment & 3/4

30、of Monthly Retirement Payment 一次補償金Lump-sum Subsidies 月補償金Monthly Subsidies 實物代金Money in Lieu of Kind公務人員撫卹法Civil Servant Survior Relief Act 公務人員撫卹法施行細則Enforcement Rules of Civil Servants Survivor Relief Act 撫卹Indemnity 一次撫卹金Lump-sum Consolation Payment 年撫卹金Annual Consolation Payment 給卹年限Years of Re

31、lief Payment 一次撫慰金Lump-sum Relief Payment 月撫慰金Monthly Relief Payment 資遣Severance 退休公務人員公保養老給付優惠存款Retired Civil Servants Insurance Premium Old Age Benefit & Preferential Interest Deposits公教人員急難貸款Civil Servants Loan Payment Relief 學校教職員退休條例Act Governing the Retirement of School Teachers and Staff學校教職員

32、退休條例施行細則Implementation Rules for the Statute Governing the Retirement of School Faculty學校教職員撫卹條例Regulations of the Statute Governing the Consolation Payment to Surviving Dependents at the Death of Teachers and School Staff學校教職員撫卹條例施行細則Enforcement Rules of the Statute Governing the Consolation Paymen

33、t to Surviving Dependents at the Death of Teachers and School Staff 政務人員退職撫卹條例Rules Govering the Retirement and Consolation Payment to Political Appointee 政務人員退職撫卹條例施行細則Enforcement Rules of the Statute Governing the Retirement and Consolation Payment to Political Appointee 延長服務Term Extension 退休人員三節慰

34、問金Retired Civil Servants Holiday Benefits 公務人員退休撫卹基金Civil Servants Pension & Consolation Fund 補繳退撫基金年資Consolation Fund Seniority Balance Payment 退撫基金撥繳比率Retirement & Relief Funds Contribution Rate 因公傷殘死亡慰問金發給辦法Rules Governing Special Allowance for Suffering Death or Disability due to Duty Performanc

35、e再任有給公職Ex-employee Employed by Government Agency after His/Her Severance or Retirement年終慰問金Year-end Relief Payment 舊制年資Years of Service, Old System 新制年資Years of Service, New System 基數Unit of Radix 本俸Basic Pay 年功俸Seniority Pay加給Additional Pay專業加給Profession Additional Pay技術加給Technical Additional Pay地域

36、加給Regional Additional Pay 主管職務加給Supervisory Differential Pay等級Grade 薪額Base Salary 酬金Remuneration交通費Transportation Fare 出差旅費Offical Business Trip Allowance 年終獎金Year-End Bonus 考績獎金Performance Evaluation Result Bonus 薪俸表Statement of Earnings and Deductions 研究獎助費Research Grants 簡任非主管Senior Position, Non

37、-supervisor 行政管理費Administrative Costs 俸點Pay Rate 公務人員俸給表Table of Salary Grades and Remuneration Standards員工文康旅遊活動Civil Servants Entertainment Activities學分補助費Credit Grants 執行命令Enforcement of Laws and Regulations 實報實銷Money Refund Subject to Counterfoil or Receipt 人事資Personnel Data 人事資料管理Personnel Data Management 公務人員表Civil Servants Resume 員工名錄Staff Directory 全國公務人員人事資訊統一代碼National Civil Servants Personnel Data Code 科技管理人力Technology Management Personnel


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