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1、初中英语常用单词重点词汇dates(日期) 一周七天 seven days=a weekMonday周一Tuesday周二Wednesday周三 Thursday 周四Friday 周五Saturday 周六Sunday周日week (周)last/next week (上周/下周)weekend (周末)last/next weekend (上周末/下周末) weekday (工作日/平日) 一年12个月 twelve months=a yearJanuary 一月February 二月March 三月April四月 May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月Septembe

2、r九月October 十月November十一月 December十二月 last/next year (去年/明年) last/next month (上个月/下个月)季节:spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn fall 秋天 winter冬天常用对话:What day is it today? 问星期几Its WednesdayWhats the date today? 问日期ItsMay 2nd.When were you born? 问出生I was born in 2000. (年份用in)I was born on March 13th, 2000. (具体某天用o

3、n) 天的表达:The day before yesterdayyesterdaytodaytomorrowthe day after tomorrow前天昨天今天明天后天past(过去)Nowfuture (in the future)将来 早中晚Good morningGood afternoonGood eveningGood night早上好下午好晚上好晚安in the morningin the afternoonin the eveningat nightHave breakfast 吃早餐Have lunch 吃中餐Have supper(dinner) 吃晚餐on Monday

4、 morning last night 昨晚时间(time) hour (小时) minute (分) second (秒)超过半小时用to分+past+时半小时以内用past(60-分)+to+(时+1)7.00 seven (oclock) 整点7.05 7.35 five past seven逆读法seven o five 顺读法(时+分)twenty-five to eight seven thirty-five7.10 7.45 ten past sevenseven tena quarter to eight seven forty-five 7.15 7.50 a quarter

5、 past sevenseven fifteenten to eight seven fifty7.30 7.55 half past seven seven thirtyfive to eightseven fifty-five常用的询问时间对话:What time is it now? / What is the time?Its seven oclock. What time do you usually get up?At 7.10one day and a half 一天半 two weeks and a half 两周半 three years and a half 三年半 tra

6、nsports(交通工具)car 小汽车 bus 公共汽车 bike自行车 taxi 出租车 ship 轮船 plane 飞机 boat 小船 train 火车 subway地铁 on foot (=walk) 走路,散步 询问交通方式How do you usually go to school?你通常怎样去学校?By bus. (简答)I usually go to school by bus. (完整回答)=I usually take the bus. 点拨: go to+地点+by+交通工具 = take/ride/drive +a/the+交通工具 (to+地点)go to wor

7、k by bus = take the bus to workgo to work by taxi = take a taxi to work go to work by car = drive my car to workgo to work by bike = ride my bike to workgo to work on foot = walk to workNumbers(数字)数字基数词序数词0zero 1onefirst/1st2twosecond/2nd3threethird/3rd4fourfourth/4th5fivefifth/5th6sixsixth/6th7seve

8、nseventh/7th8eighteighth/8th9nineninth/9th10tententh/10th11eleveneleventh/11th12twelvetwelfth/12th数字 基数词序数词13thirteenthirteenth/13th14fourteenfourteenth/14th15fifteenfifteenth/15th16sixteensixteenth/16th17seventeenseventeenth/17th18eighteeneighteenth/18th19nineteennineteenth/19th20twentytwentieth/20

9、th30thirtythirtieth/30th40fortyfortieth/40th50fiftyfiftieth/50th60sixtysixtieth/60th70seventyseventieth/70th80eightyeightieth/80th90ninetyninetieth/90th100hundred hundredth/100th1000thousandthousandth/1000thmillion百万序数词:序数词表示事物的顺序,往往与定冠词the连用。 jobs、occupation(职业)farmer 农民cook 厨师 doctor 医生nurse 护士pos

10、tman 邮递员worker 工人soldier 士兵teacher 教师 cleaner清洁工 driver 司机 reporter 记者 dancer 舞蹈者 singer 歌手lawyer 律师painter 画家inventor 发明家musician 音乐家policeman警察 scientist 科学家actor/actress演员engineer 工程师pupil 小学生manager 经理model 模特儿student 学生guide 导游athlete lit运动员waiter / waitress (餐厅)服务员询问别人职业的句型What do does your fa

11、ther do? = Whats your father?He is a doctor. / I work in a hospital.What do you want to do be?I want to be a singer.family (家庭成员类)parents父母亲father父亲mother母亲son儿子daughter女儿sister姐妹brother兄弟cousin堂兄妹uncle叔叔、舅舅aunt阿姨/姑、婶grandparents祖父母grandson孙子、外孙granddaughter孙女、外孙女places(地点): on the right/left在左/右边 i

12、nside里面 outside外面school学校classroom教室gym体育馆playground操场library图书馆shop/store商店restaurant餐馆hotel酒店home家house屋子hospital医院factory工厂park 公园university 大学street街道zoo 动物园bank 银行supermarket 超市office 办公室post office 邮局garden 花园swimming pool游泳池bookshop/bookstore 书店reading-room阅览室school building教学楼pay phone 电话亭aq

13、uarium 水族馆kwermunderground station地铁站bus-stop/bus station车站theater 电影院/剧院bedroom 卧室sitting room 起居室kitchen厨房bathroom 卫生间space 太空museum博物garden 花园company公司church教堂farm农场riverlake 湖beach 海滩sea 海洋coast 海滨、海岸四个方向east东方west西方south南方north北方eastern 东方的western 西方的southern 南方的northern 北方的countries国家: Country

14、 国家名Nationality 国籍/民族Language 语言Capital 首都China/the PRC 中国Chinese 中国人Chinese 中文Beijing 北京Japan 日本JapaneseJapanese 日语Tokyo 东京America/the USA 美国AmericanEnglishWashington 华盛顿Britain/the UK 英国British 英国人English 英语London 伦敦Australia 澳大利亚AustralianEnglishCanberra堪培拉Canada 加拿大CanadianEnglishOttawa 渥太华Franc

15、e 法国FrenchFrench 法语Paris 巴黎Germany 德国GermanGerman 德语Berlin 柏林Russia 俄国 RussianRussian 俄语Moscow 莫斯科Italy 意大利ItalianItalian 意大利语Rome 罗马其他常见城市New York 纽约(美国)Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚)Toronto 多伦多(加拿大)Hong Kong 香港Macao 澳门询问别人来自哪里Where are you from?=Where do you come fromIm from China.=I come from China.洲名:Asia亚洲 Eu

16、rope欧洲 South America北美洲 North America南美洲 Africa 非洲school things (学习用品)bag书包backpack背包pen钢笔pencil铅笔ruler尺子eraser橡皮book书pencil box文具盒desk桌子chair椅子notebook笔记本dictionary字典tape磁带watch手表map地图球类、棋类、琴类basketball篮球football足球soccer美式足球volleyball排球ping-pong乒乓球badminton羽毛球baseball棒球golf高尔夫球tennis网球chess国际象棋pian

17、o钢琴violin小提琴guitar吉他drums鼓trumpets喇叭weather (天气类)sun太阳cloud云rain雨、下雨snow雪、下雪wind风fog雾sunny天晴的cloudy多云的rainy下雨的snowy下雪的windy起风的foggy多雾的hot 热的cool凉爽的raindrops 雨滴thick厚的thin稀薄的noisy吵闹的quiet/silent宁静的warm暖和的dry 干燥的wet 潮湿的cold冷的blow 吹sunshine 阳光询问天气How is weather?=What is the weather like?It is sunny.It

18、is a fine day.It s a cold day!What a cold day!animals(动物类)dog狗cat猫pig猪sheep羊cow牛fish鱼duck鸭子chicken小鸡mouse老鼠cock公鸡bird鸟rabbit兔子horse马tiger老虎lion狮子snake蛇monkey猴子panda熊猫elephant大象koala考拉熊dolphin海豚fox狐狸bear熊kangaroo袋鼠butterfly蝴蝶fly苍蝇frog青蛙ant蚂蚁wolf狼dragon恐龙food and fruit (食物水果类)食物、饮料类bread 面包egg鸡蛋biscui

19、t饼干soup汤juice果汁sandwich三明治noodle面条cake蛋糕salt盐water水hamburger汉堡rice米饭pie派wine酒coffee咖啡ham火腿porridge稀饭sugar糖beer啤酒milk牛奶水果类apple苹果pear梨banana香蕉peach桃子grape葡萄orange桔子lemon柠檬strawberry草莓pineapple菠萝watermelon西瓜coconut椰子subjects (学科类)Chinese语文math数学English英语physics物理chemistry化学history历史politics政治biology生物

20、geography地理science科学music音乐P.E. 体育art艺术外貌性格情绪类外貌tall高的heavy / fat胖的curly卷发的big大的beautiful美丽的short矮的、短的thin瘦的straight直发的small小的medium height 中等身高性格outgoing外向的cute /lovely可爱的shy害羞的friendly友好的serious严肃的active积极的、活跃的polite礼貌的clever/ smart聪明的kind善良的、和霭的strict 严格的intelligent 有才智的impolite不礼貌的hard-working辛勤

21、的unfriendly不友好的patient耐心的humorous 幽默的selfish 自私的helpful有益的careful仔细的careless粗心的情绪happy/pleased高兴的sad悲伤的surprised/amazed惊讶的scared/afraid害怕的tired疲惫的excited兴奋的worried担忧的nervous紧张的frightened恐惧的crazy疯狂的事物性质的描述类important重要的harddifficult困难的good好的fair公平的exciting令人兴份的busy繁忙的easy容易的bad坏的unfair不公平的pleasant令人感到

22、愉快的necessary必要的boring无聊的possible可能的impossible不可能的amazing令人感到吃惊的interesting有趣的relaxing令人放松的scary恐怖的serious严重的surprising令人感到惊讶的颜色blue蓝色 green绿色 yellow黄色 black 黑色 white 白色 red红色 orange橙色 pink粉红色-Whats your favorite color? -Its green.-What color isit? -Its red.常用交际用语打招呼与告别用语(Greeting and Saying Good-bye

23、)1.How are you ? Im fine, thanks.2. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 谈论高度(Talking about height) Are you short or tall? Im shorttall. 就餐用语(Having meals)1.Would you like some dumpling? No, thanks. Yes please.2. What would you like for supper?3. Are you ready to order? Yes, please. Id like.谈论年龄

24、(Talking about age)How old are you?/ Whats your age? Im fourteen years old.谈论购物(Talking about shopping )1.May I help you ?What can I do for you? I would likewant to buy a pencil, please.2. How much is this/ are they? Three yuan.3. Ill take it. 4. Heres your change.5. What color would you like? 6. Wh

25、at about this one?7. Im looking for a birthday present for my friend.谈论距离(Talking about distance)1. How far is it from China to Canada? Its about 8,500 kilometers.2. Beijing is far from our city.3. How far is Beijing from here? Its about 7,000 kilometers miles away.请求允许(Asking for permission)1. May

26、I have some candies, please? 谈论节日和季节(Talking about festivals and seasons)Whats your favorite festival season? My favorite festival is Childrens Day. My favorite seasons is fall are spring and winter. 谈论频率(Talking about frequency)How often do you watch TV? Twice a day.Once a week. 谈论规格(尺寸)(Talking ab

27、out size)1.What size does your friend wear? 2. I think he is the same size as Brian.3.Its too big small. 问路及指路(Asking and directing the way)1. Where is the school? 2. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the cinema?3. Go down this street. Turn right at the second crossing.4. From there, you can see

28、 the movie theatre. 谈论材料(Talking about materials)1. Is your shirt made of cotton? 2. Whats the shirt made of?提出建议和命令(Giving advice/ order)1. Youd better.你最好 2.You should你应该3. Dont push/run. 4. Please be quiet.电话用语(Making telephone calls)1. Hello! This/Its.speaking. 2. Hello! May I speak to.3. Hello!

29、 Id like to. 4. Hold on, please./Please wait a moment.5. Can I take a message for you? 提供帮助(Offering help)1. Can I help you? 2. Thanks for your help.3. What can I do for you? Yes, please.4. Thank you all the same.节日祝贺用语(Wishes)Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!Happy Spring Festival! Happy Mid-Autumn D

30、ay!常用应答语:Thank you. You, too. The same to you. 看病(Seeing a Doctor)1.医生询问病情Whats the matter (with you) / Whats wrong? /Whats your trouble?How long have you been like this?2.病人陈述病情Theres something wrong with my (eyes)Ive got a cough (fever/stomachache/headache/backache/sore throat) I dont feel well.It

31、 hurts here. I cant sleep well. I dont feel like eating anything.3.医生的遗嘱、安慰及建议Take this medicine three times a day, after the meal.Get up early and take more exercise. Eat less fat food and more vegetables.提建议(Giving suggestions)1.表达建议的用语Wed better go now. What/How about playing badminton now?Why no

32、t put off the meeting till tomorrow? Would/Could you do it, please?Shall we go to the park? Lets go to school.2.应答建议的用语肯定回答:Yes, please./Ok./Certainly./Good idea./Thats a good idea!/What a good idea!/All right./Sure./Yes, Lets./Yes, Id like/love to.(其中to不能省略)否定回答:No, thank you./Sorry, we cant./Sorry

33、, you cant./Sorry, but./Sorry, Ill/Yes, Id like(love) to, but道歉(Apologies)1. 表达道歉Pardon? Excuse me! I beg your pardon. Im sorry/sorry.2.回答别人的道歉的应答语 Thats all right/Ok. It doesnt matter./Thats nothing./Never mind. No problem./ Dont worry about it!同意与不同意(Agreement and disagreement)1.完全同意Certainly. /Sure. /Of course. / All right. /Ok.Yes, please. /Yes, I think so. /Thats true.Thats a good idea. / I agree (with you). /Im sure youre right.3.完全不同意(Disagree)No, I dont think so./I dont agree(with you)./I cant really agree with you.I m afraid not. / Of course not. /No way.


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