1、坚不可摧我们到了 We are here.距离英尺,就是它,弟兄们 At , feet.This is it, boys.瞄准了吗,阿赞?You got it, Zamp?收到Roger.搞定这事我请你喝个痛快 You hit this one,drinks are on me.我可不跟你去酒吧,靓仔 I aint going to a bar with you, handsome.你可是广场舞大妈们女的小鲜肉 You confuse all the broads.瞄准,弟兄们Get your cameras, boys.我要把它炸得跟大年三十晚上那样热闹 Im gonna light it
2、up like Christmas.轰炸机机组,听令 Pilot to bombardier, your ship.-驾驶员听令-Bombardier to pilot.-得令-Roger.投弹员听令,打开投弹舱Bombardier to crew,bomb bay doors open.投弹舱已开!Bay doors open!操他丫的高射炮! Damn flak.妈的!Oh, boy!加油!Come on.加油,阿赞Come on, Zamp.瞄准你了There you are.顺利投弹Bombs away.驾驶员听令Bombardier to pilot, your ship.得令Rog
3、er.很好Okay.咱们撒丫子撤吧 Here we go.漂亮,真的跟过年放烟花一样 Yeah, just like Christmas.投弹舱门卡住了Bomb bay doors are stuck.- 注意!是零战!点钟方向!瞄准!- Zero, inbound, oclock, level.- 了解- All right.弟兄们,鬼子来了,抄家伙伺候着Here they come, boys.Call them out.舱门关紧,阿赞Gotta get those doors closed, zamp.收到Roger.摆脱他们!摆脱他们!摆脱他们!米歇尔Get them, get the
4、m, get them, Mitchell.高位,九点钟方向Coming in high at nine oclock.又有三架逼近!Coming level to three.甩掉他们,米歇尔Take em out, Mitchell.低位,那家伙在拉低位Low, hes going low.小布,他往下面去了Brooks, hes going down.他到你那边去了Hes coming to your side.格拉斯曼!Glassman!格拉斯曼!Glassman!好吧,没事的Okay, okay.我知道,我知道,我帮你看看伤势I know, I know. I know.Let me
5、 take a look at you.我知道,兄弟,我知道I know, buddy, I know.坚强点,好吗Just be brave now, all right?你还是那么有型,还是那么帅Youre still good looking.Youre still very handsome.振作点!别让我瞧不起你You make me sick!我明白I know.我在这,兄弟,挺住啊!我在这!You got it, buddy.You got it. Im right here.- 我想回家- I want to go home.- 你就快到家了,哈利- You will, Har
6、ry.就快到家了,好吗,想想你的家好吗?You will. All right?You think about home. Okay?路易?Louie?兰伯特Lambert.给,拿着,拿着Here, take this. All right? Take this.没事的,拿着Its okay. Take this.皮尔斯伯里Pillsbury?打得好!弟兄们!Nice work, boys.尾翼被打成了碎片,菲尔Everythings shot up back there, Phil.液压系统损坏,不过咱们还能飞 We got no hydraulics but were still flyi
7、ng.没有阀门,菲尔,我们没法基本制动了 We got no flaps, Phil.So basically we got no brakes.离基地还有多远?How far to base?不知道,个小时吧I dont know. Five hours.前提是咱们能撑得住If we make it that far.跑道大约英尺The runway is over , feet,但不制动的话至少得万英尺才行but were gonna need at least if we got no brakes.上帝创造了两种伟大的光God created two great lights.至伟者用
8、来掌控白昼The greater light to rule over the day,其次者and the lesser light掌控黑夜to rule over the night.光与暗Now these things,日与夜light and dark, day and night,截然分开are separated from each other.上帝让世界按规律运转God created each in its place.他希望彼此没有战争 He did not create a battle between them.上帝说:“二者皆朕造” He said, I have c
9、reated both of these things.“宜于夜中生”You must live through the night.“勿与黑暗争” Dont battle with it.上帝也曾曰过:“黑夜亦属朕” For God said,the night also is mine.上帝把儿子耶稣送下凡间,不是让他去挑拨离间 He sent his son,Jesus, not to do battle.不是向人类的罪恶发起战火 Not to wage war on the sins of man,而是去宽恕but to forgive them.宽恕罪恶Forgive the sin
10、.微笑面对罪恶的人类Smile on the sinner.拥抱黑暗Accept the darkness.去与黑暗共生 Live through the night.去爱喷你的喷子Love thine enemy.赞贝里尼!Zamperini!嘿!Hey!貌似闻到了大蒜的味道?Is that garlic I smell?你在干什么呢,外地人What are you doing, wop?你怎么不跟你那恶心的一家Hey, why dont you go back to Italy?回你们意大利老家去?You and your greasy wop family.- 把他架起来- Get hi
11、m up.- 起来- Get up.嘿!嘿!Hey! Hey!放手!Get off him!给劳资好好趴着,意大利面条儿 Stay down. Dumb dago.把他拉开!Get him off me!嘿!Hey!滚!快滚!Go, go, go.要不是看你父母的面子Only reason youre not in reform school now你早就被关进少管所了is because of the respect we have for your parents.每家每户都想让你滚犊子 Everybody in town wants you put away.抱歉,露太太,他又打架了 S
12、orry, Louise. He was fighting again.还有,我们找到了这个And, uh, we found this.被他涂鸦了,是酒He painted the bottle.Its liquor.为什么这么做? 你为什么要这样? 我不知道 你好大的胆子! 瞧瞧你给家里惹的祸! 他们早就看我们不顺眼了,你倒搞这一出? 你想去坐牢吗?为什么死不悔改? 滚回房间去请保佑我的家人庇护我的小路 你怎么看?他挺牛的吧What do you think?Hes kinda cute, right?跟上,杰米,跑起来!跑!跑!跑!Come on, Jimmy, pick it up!G
13、o, go, go!加油,皮特 Come on, Pete!上!上!上!Go! Go! Go!加油!超过他!Come on, pass him!下面有人吗?Is someone down there?谁在下面? Whos down there?真是个蠢主意This is so dumb.你啥时候这么聪明了?Since when were you so smart?加油,再快点Come on. Faster.为毛?又没人追我跑Why?No ones chasing me.我追你Im chasing you.我做不到,大哥,我跟你不一样 I cant do this, Pete.Im not li
14、ke you.我什么也不是,让我自生自灭吧 Im nothing.Just let me be nothing.你胡说八道什么呢?What are you talking about?我不可能进田径队I cant make a track team.- 我不知道你为毛想让我加入- I dont even know why you want me to.- 不,你可以的- Yes, you can.敢于实践,方能实现 If you can take it, you can make it.啥?What?敢于实践,方能实现 If you can take it, you can make it.懂
15、否,如果你训练All right.You train and you fight比别人更刻苦,比赛时更坚强way harder than those other guys.那你就能赢,别人都跟在你后面And you win.You get out from under them.如果你自暴自弃Or you keep going the way youre going那你就永远是个屌丝 and you end up as a bum in the streets.你可以的,小路,你要对自己有信心You can do this, Lou.Just gotta believe you can.我没信
16、心I dont believe.我有I do.来吧Come on.加油Come on!意大利面条儿!You dumb dago!奔跑吧,兄弟!Come on, Louie!我的天,那小子健步如飞Boy, oh, boy, can that guy fly.人送外号“托兰斯旋风” Theyre calling him the torrance tornado.赞贝里尼这小伙身轻如燕,如同凌波微步This kid zamperini runs like his feet never touch the ground.加油!继续跑!Come on!Keep going!加油!路易!Come on,
17、Louie!加油!路易!加油!路易!Come on, Louie!Come on, Louie!加油!加油!加油!Come on, come on, come on!“托兰斯旋风”英里The torrance tornado smoked the mile跑出了分.秒!in minutes, . seconds.赞贝里尼正式成为美国历史上Zamperini is now officially the fastest跑得最快的高中长跑运动员 high school runner in American history.福克斯,这个年轻人正在踏向奥林匹克的圣殿 Folks, this kid is
18、 on his way to the Olympics!我有点自讨没趣,你貌似赢不了Why would I come?Youre not going to win.我知道,没事儿,真没事儿Sure.I know that. Its all right.再过几年,下一届奥运会,我一定会完爆他们的Four years time, next Olympics,thats when I show them.这次只是热身This is just the tryouts for me.- 东京?- Tokyo.- 东京- Tokyo.你很鸡汁Smart kid.- 照顾好自己,好吗- Take care
19、of yourself, all right?- 嗯- Mmm-hmm.也给自己找点乐子Go have a little fun, too, huh?代我向漂亮的德国妹纸们问好Say hi to those pretty German broads for me.你懂的You know it.抱一个Come here.谢谢你,大哥 Thanks, Pete.谢谢你为我做的一切For everything.去吧Go on.阿赞Louie.刹那的痛苦值得换来终身的荣誉 A moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory.记住You remember that
20、.放下起落架Gear is down.好了,咱们要降落了All right, here we go.速度还是太快了,km/h了Still coming in pretty hot. .差不多了Almost.还是太快!Still too fast.走起!Come on.哇!哇!哇!Whoa, whoa, whoa.好了Okay.爆胎了Flat tire.佛祖保佑Thank you, God.你在祈祷?Now youre praying?我一直都在祈的 I was busy before.我妈时不时也做祈祷My mother does that sometimes.是啊,很多人都信这个Yeah.
21、A lot of people do this.上帝有回话吗?He say anything back?- 有- Yeah.- 说了什么?- What?他告诫我不要扔炸弹 He says my bombardier is a dope.真的假的?Really?很好,哥们All right, buddy.加速!Now!加油,路易!Come on, Louie!加油,哥们!Keep on, buddy.继续加速!Keep pushing.瓦屋Whoa!好了Yeah?卧槽Oh, boy!分秒,又快了些:. Getting close.希望你无论什么时候都能跑这么快 I hope youre not
22、that fast in the sack.我地乖乖Oh, boy.- 收拾行装,跑男- Wrap it up, speedy.- 哈啊?- Huh?我们有任务了We got a mission.不是战斗任务,是一场飓风营救Not a combat mission. Rescue.一架B-没有返航B- en route to kanton never made it目测在海上紧急迫降了so looks like those boys ditched.海底捞针?A lot of ocean.是的Yeah.对了,这几个弟兄是补充给我们的新队员And, uh, they got us some ne
23、w crew.我们有新的飞机吗?We get a new plane?就像坐在客厅里,房子飘飘欲飞一样 This is just like sitting in a living room trying to fly the house.他们从别的飞机上取了些零件Theyve been taking parts off this for other planes.很走运,搞到了引擎Were lucky its still got an engine.中尉说适于航行Lieutenant says its airworthy.被证实是合格的Its been certified, he says.由
24、海伦凯勒批准By Helen Keller.大海真大Lot of ocean.是啊,浩瀚无垠Yeah.Lot of ocean.- 米歇尔- Mitchell.- 在- Yeah.到你了Youre up.讲个笑话,一只鸭子走进酒吧 So a duck walks into a bar, right?步履蹒跚的样子Or, waddles, if you will.他走进去So, he walks into the bar.跟酒保说He says to the bartender,“我要一杯薄荷甜酒”can I have a crme de menthe?抓紧!注意!Hang on, there.
25、靠!一号引擎熄火了!Number one is out.其他的要用掉更多的燃料 Other engines are burning more fuel.拉起来!Gotta feather it.- 他叫什么名字?- Whats his name?- 我不知道- I dont know.技师Engineer?去操舵处看下发动机状况Can you come up to the cockpit and feather the engine?- 怎么了?- Whats going on, guys?- 副驾驶用无线电呼叫基地- Co-pilot to radio. Send to base.- 哪个引
26、擎?- Which one?- 左边的- The left.右边的需要更多燃料We need more on the right.全靠右边的了!Thats all we got on the right.右边需要更多!We need more on the right!全靠右边的了!Thats all we got on the right.玛德!Damn it!左边两个都熄火了!Left engines are both gone.全力向右,菲尔!Thats everything on the right, Phil.好Okay.嘿,菲尔Hey, Phil?嗯?Yeah?看这样子是不是。Is
27、 this a.恐怕要坠机了Prepare to crash.腰部炮手!Waist gunner!放救生箱!Get the rations box.把枪都扔了!Tie the guns down.谁负责救生艇?Whos on the raft?格拉斯曼!Glassman!发呼救信号Send mayday.大家都各就各位了吗Is everyone in position?有没有人负责救生艇!Anyone on the rafts?我负责!I got it!紧急情况!紧急情况!紧急情况!Mayday, mayday, mayday!这里是青蜂侠号!我们正在坠落过程中!This isgreen ho
28、rnet.We are going down.紧急情况!紧急情况!紧急情况!Mayday, mayday, mayday!好吧Okay.大家听天由命吧 Everybody brace.简直了!Brace!丰功伟绩!In an astounding performance,来自美国俄亥俄州的黑人运动员杰西欧文斯negro American Jesse Owens from Ohio state接连获得米,米has won four gold medals in the meter, the meter跳远和*米接力四块金牌! the long jump and the meter relay.接
29、下来要进行的是米比赛Next up, the , meter世界纪录保持者唐拉什率领的美国队中 with Americas record-breaking don lash leading the American team.有一位超新星:路易赞贝里尼Along with newcomer Louie zamperini.费尔蒂!Fertig!选手们渐渐形成三个集团 And already,three sections of runners have formed美国队的唐拉什和芬兰队的萨尔米,哈克特为第一集团with Americas don lash and the Finnish sal
30、minen and hckert ahead of the pack.芬兰被称作“长跑之乡” ,中长跑是他们的传统项目The Finns always the favorite in this long-haul event.第二集团是美国队的路易赞贝里尼 In the second group is Americas Louie zamperini.芬兰队的哈克特,雷霆和萨尔米 The Finns, hckert,lehtinen and salminen have set the pace继续当领头羊且势头不减and they are not letting up.赞贝里尼在后面紧追不舍
31、And zamperini is fading, too,dropping further back.现在进入第八圈And into the th lap萨尔米率领的芬兰队依旧领先全场its the Finns still in the lead,with salminen in first place.加油,路易Come on, Louie.加油,路易Come on, Louie.比赛进入最后一圈And we start the last lap.芬兰队仍保持着领先优势The Finns seem to be in control.唐拉什看来很难为美国队带回金牌了It doesnt look
32、 like don lash is gonna bring home the medal for the usa.场上形势出现了一些变化 There seems to be some movement back in the pack.是的!是赞贝里尼!他超越了挪威队的罗夫汉森 Yes, thats zamperini overtaking Norways Rolf Hansen.他开启了“副油箱模式”!He seems to have some gas in reserve.他就像战斗机那样风驰电掣!He really is making up some time.冠亚军应该是哈克特和雷霆了
33、Hckert and lehtinen will be one and two.但是让我们来关注赞贝里尼的表现! But look at that zamperini!他逼近了唐拉什! Hes got don lash in his sights.童鞋们!看来第一个到达终点的美国人不会是伟大的唐拉什了!The great don lash is not gonna be the first American, folks.而是高中男孩赞贝里尼! Its high school kid zamperini他很有希望打破一项世界纪录! pushing past the record-breaker
34、s on this field!这是我从未见过的奇迹!前无古人的神迹!I have not seen that!I have not seen that!同志们,在此之前米最后一圈的世界最好成绩是秒!That final lap, folks,the record for that was . seconds.赞贝里尼刚才只用了秒! Zamperini just did it in seconds.这项纪录毫无疑问将保持相当长一段时间! That record is going to hold for a while,let me tell you.好了,菲尔,没事了,伙计All right,
35、 Phil.Okay, buddy.上去,三,二,一On three.Two. Three.好了Okay.没事的,包扎好All right, here we go.格拉斯曼没活下来Glassman didnt make it.卡普也死了Cup didnt make it.别想这些了,麦克Dont think about it, Mac.我们都会死的Were gonna die.不,我们不会的,麦克 No, were not, Mac.他们不知道我们在哪They dont know where we are.他们会找到我们的 Theyll find us.他们怎么找得到? Theyll neve
36、r see us.能不能让这家伙闭嘴? Tell him to shut up.- 闭嘴,麦克- Shut up, Mac.- 我们要死在这了 - Were gonna die out here.行了,麦克,能别说了吗? Come on, Mac, shut up.嘿,麦克,巧克力 Hey, Mac, chocolate.早晚各吃一片 One square at night,one square in the morning.听到没?All right?麦克Mac?这个,一天只能喝几小口,知道吗? Two or three sips a day, yeah?我们得靠这个活着 We gotta
37、make it last.阿赞。Zamp?- 阿赞?- Zamp?- 在,我在- Yeah, yeah?我在呢,菲尔Yeah, Phil?幸亏有你,吾肾欣慰 Im glad its you.彼此彼此Yeah, Im glad its me, too.什么玩意儿? What was that?麦克,麦克!快!Mac! Mac! Mac, come on!快放信号!麦克!快放!Get the dye, Mac. Get the dye.- 嘿!- Hey!- 嘿!- Hey!嘿!Hey!我们在这儿!Down here!嘿!Hey!快回来!Turn around!尼玛德!You son of a b
38、itch!快回来!Turn around!你做了什么?麦克What did you do, Mac?- 这无关紧要- It doesnt matter.- 无关紧要?- It doesnt matter?这无关紧要?!It doesnt matter?好一个“无关紧要”!It doesnt matter.第三天 卧槽Jesus!抓住它!麦克!抓住!Get it, Mac! Get it.这玩意我可不敢吃 I dont think I can do it.没办法 We gotta try.不吃也得吃We had to try.要我说You know what?如果是鱼的话没这么恶心Maybe t
39、he fish wont be so picky.我搞到一条I got one. Yeah.干得好!菲尔!Attaboy, Phil!来来来,我来Here, here, here.过来,麦克Come here, Mac.来啊Come on.祝你胃口好Buon appetito.好吃吗?Good?据说日本鬼子爱吃生鱼片This is how the Japanese eat fish.生的Raw.要我做菜的话,必定得先煮熟If you ask me, its not food until you cook it.加几片柠檬Little lemon,几片大蒜little garlic.等我们回去后
40、,到我家来When we get home, come around my house.让我妈做给你们吃Mama will cook for ya.你有没有看过生活杂志上You remember that story inlife magazine那篇关于埃迪里肯巴克的文章?about Eddie rickenbacker?他和他的船员在太平洋上没有燃料了 Him and his crew ran out of fuel over the pacific.他们在救生艇上呆了天 They were drifting in rafts for days.天Twenty-four days.他们活下
41、来了,是吗?They made it, right?是的Yeah.他们中很多人后来都疯了Most of them lost their minds.但他们都活下来了But they made it.咱们得持续交谈We gotta keep talking.不能让脑子无意识Gotta keep our minds sharp.我告诉你一样值得期待的东西Hey, Ill tell you what else youre gonna love.我妈做的面团 Mamas gnocchi.- 意大利特产- Italians.- 我妈她- Nobody.厨艺天下第一Nobody a-make-a gnoc
42、chi like her.那面团如同So light.云一般飘逸Like clouds.首先,她灵巧地揉面粉 First, she makes the dough out of very fine flour.揉得跟飘柔般顺滑 So fine, its like talcum powder.然后就是鸡蛋了,要至少一打鸡蛋 Then she uses lots of eggs, like, maybe .接着就开始像打雷那样打蛋,麦克,啪嗒啪嗒!啪嗒啪嗒! And then she beats them up, Mac.超强搅拌Beats them up.最后,浇在面团上And she driz
43、zles them over.第天 我水尽山穷Thou me on黑夜中求索the night is dark我远漂他乡and I am far from home问路在何方lead thou me on你觉得天上的星星是上帝创造的吗?菲尔 Do you think God made the stars, Phil?是的吧Yes, I do.你有没有发现这儿给了我们很大的启示 So you think theres some kind of a grand plan?为什么其他人都死了,我们却活下来了?Why did we live and the others didnt?为什么我们现在会在
44、这?Why are we here now?这个启示就是Heres the plan.我们必须竭尽所能的活下去 You go on living the best you can.在沿途中你应该找点乐趣 You try to have some fun along the way.然后有一天结束了这种生活 Then one day its over.当你醒来 Youll wake up看见一个天使坐在床边 and theres an angel sitting at the edge of your bed.天使说:Angel says,“你好”okay,“你现在可以向我提请求,随便什么荒唐的都行”