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1、 第一册(写上每个单词的中文意思,加粗字一定要会写)accent accept accord active actual advice altitude apartment army blanket block brave burst bury calm camp canal cheat command communicate concern continue crazy criminal cruelty culture cycle dam dare degree destroy detail determine direction dirt disaster eastern editor e

2、ducated electricity entirely equal familiar fare fear fee final flat fresh gas gold golden government habit honour identity ignore include injure insist international journal judge law leader league lightning list loose invader Midwestern modern native nature northwestern organize peaceful percent p

3、eriod persuade petrol phrase point polite position power prepare present president principle prison proper purpose quake quality question rapid reason recognize record republic request rescue retell reward right role rubber ruin rule sentence series shake share shelter shock sincerely situation smel

4、ly southeastern speech stage standard steam steel stubborn subway suffer teenager terror thunder topic transport trust upset usage useless violence vocabulary willing vote 第二册(写上每个单词的中文意思,加粗字一定要会写)ability actor admit advantage advertise affect afterwards analytical ancient apart apply arise artifici

5、al attention attractive besides birth brain calculate competitor choice clap classical coach common compete consider contain create cultural design disadvantage disagree doubt dynasty effect endanger enemy evidence extra witness fierce folk foolish form furniture heat honest host insect instrument i

6、ntelligence interview jewel loosely magical material mathematical medal musician network notebook opinion perform personally physical poster powerful pretend prince programmer promise protect recently reception relate remain remove replace reputation reserve reunite revolution roll sail secretly ser

7、vice silver simple slave sort species spoil state stick stomach stone style suggest supporter survive teammate technology thick totally treasure trial truly type universal unkind unknown wander wild wonder wooden zone第三册(写上每个单词的中文意思,加粗字一定要会写)account admire agricultural amount ancestor announcer apol

8、ogise appearance arrival astronomy atmosphere avoid award balance bay benefit bet booth border bow broad carbon character charity cheer Christian combine contest continent cooperation couple curiosity custom daily dawn debt decade depend dessert development diet digestion director disappointed disso

9、lve distance downtown drown eastward energetic European exclaim exhaust exist extremely fake feast figure float force fool forgive forward frost gain flow gather generally glare global gradually gravity gulf handsome ought harbour harmful humor incredible indeedindependence item jealous lead limited

10、 loneliness lovely mammal manner mass method national nightfall novel abvious official origin permit oxygen packet passage patience pearl permission pilot planet plenty poet port possibility presence prevent protective publishing rag raw religious research rid rude sadness satisfy scene scream serva

11、nt settle shoulder sigh silly simply slightly slim social solar system solid spread stare starve strength surface surround tale telescope terrify tiny tour trick weep weightlessly willingness wipe within第四册(写上每个单词的中文意思,加粗字一定要会写)achieve admission adult advance agreement amuse approach argue article a

12、stonish avoid bacteria behave boil bottom brand campaign certain charge charming chemical chest chew circulate cloth combination comedy communication condition confuse connection considerate content creature cruel curious darken deliver determination devote difficulty direct enjoyment entertain expl

13、ain equip exchange excitement expand experiment express facial failure fantasy fertile fortunate freedom frown general gesture grain homeless hunger imaginary inspire institute introduce involve jungle kindness landmine learned level likely local major marine medical minority misunderstand modest mo

14、untainous mouthful mysterious nest nutrition observe organic output outstanding overcome particular personality pest posture poverty profit punish rate reduce represent respect satisfied sense settle similar slide snowstorm souvenir specialist spoken strain stranger strike struggle supply suitable s

15、ummary sunburn super threaten throughout touch tramp translator unspoken variety various vast verbal volunteer warning welfare whatever whisper worthwhile 第五册(写上每个单词的中文意思,加粗字一定要会写)engine characteristic theory infect scientific examine conclude analyse repeat defeat attend expose deadly care outbreak

16、 control absorb severe valuable clue blame immediately handle addition link announce certainty instruct virus construction contribute creative co-operative positive strict movement backward complete privately spin brightness enthusiastic cautious reject view logical unite kingdom consist divide puzz

17、le debate clarity relation educational legal convenience roughly industrial historical attraction collection construct influence project arrange wedding fold sightseeing available site delight tower royal occasion uniform splendid statue communism original thrill unfair smart suggestion tense consis

18、tent error vehicle carriage bathroom private location settlement impression constant remind previous tablet expertise capsule opening lack ache mask hover bend press swift swiftly master sight flash switch optimistic pessimistic opportunity length enormous imitate extraordinary assist agency skip re

19、quire lemonade herb occupation reporter assignment profession photograph colleague eager concentrate course acquire meanwhile trade recorder case accuse deliberately bribe deny crime normal seldom edition department task accurate employ polish note chief approve senior hint aid illness injury bleed

20、ankle choke blood burn essential organ layer poison ray treatment liquid radiation mildly iron heal tissue electric swell blister watery nerve damage jewellery squeeze wound bandage infection symptom label wrist damp throat present ceremony bravery pressure ambulance authentic essay absolute abstrac

21、t accustomed addicted addictive adolescent adventure aggressive aim alcohol anger anxiety appliance appropriate ash ashamed aspect attempt automatic avenue average await balloon basic bath belief bore branch brass brimful bunch cancel catastrophe chemist cigarette civilization consequence construct

22、contemporary controversial convey courage darkness data decrease destruction disagreement district diverse dread effort electrical emotion emphasis ending endless environmental erupt evaluate eventually excite exhibition existence famine fantastic female fitness flesh flu fluid focus fountain fuel g

23、lance graph greenhouse guarantee gum heading heaven homosexual hurricane illegal immune impress impressionism impressive individual inject judgement load lung male manage mansion measurement mental microwave needle novelist nowadays nuclear nursery panic pattern peak per perfect permanent persuasion

24、 potential precious predict pregnant production quantity quit range rhyme realistic recite relaxation religion renewable ridiculous salt salty scholar sculpture sex sexual shadow sorrow spectacular speculation state steady stress sunlight swallow sweat symbol tease thread tip title transform tremble

25、 typhoon underline unfortunate translate unique warmth weaken widespread translation unfortunately高中英语词缀与派生词解说(一) 前缀篇1、ab:ab=away, 离absent缺席absence absorb吸收(sorb=to suck in吸入)absorbableabuse滥用abusive absoluteabsolutely abstract2、ad、at、at:ad=to,到、向adapt 使适应(apt=to join连)adaptation、adaptive adult 已成年的

26、 (ult=grown up)adulthood adhere依附、坚持、粘附 admire钦佩、赞美(mir=to wonder惊奇)admiration、admirableappear出现(pear=to come来)appearance、apparentattend注意(tend=to stretch伸)attention、attentive3、be:be=about周围 be=to make使 become before behind beneath beside beyond below because behave4、com、con:com=altogether完全 com=tog

27、ether一起 com=with commit 送交、提交(mit=to send)commitment、committee compose构成(pos=to put,放在一起就是构成啦)composite、compositionconcentrate集中(centr=centre中心)concentration contain容纳、包含cooperate合作(per=to work)cooperation、cooperative communicatecommunication competecompetitor combinecombinationconnect连接connection c

28、onstructconstruction concern涉及 command命令 common 共同的 contest争论 continent大陆condition 条件、环境 confuse 搞乱 content内容 conclude 推断、结论communism 共产主义 conform一致、符合5、de:de=down下 de=away de=completely完全 decrease减少 degrade使降低 depend依赖 deduce推论 devote献身 declare宣布declaration、declarative defend防护 detect察觉、侦察 defer推迟

29、demand要求 define定义 depart离开 design设计、计划 detail细节 defeat击败6、dis:dis=apart开 dis=to undo取消、无 dis=to remove去掉 disrupt分裂(rupt=to break破) distract分散(tract=to draw牵引)distraction、distractive discover发现(cover=掩盖)discovery disadvantage不利、不利条件(advantage) dishonour耻辱(honour=名誉) disorder混乱、杂乱(order=秩序) dissolvedi

30、sagree disagreement disappear消失 distrust怀疑 disregard漠视、不理 discourage使泄气、使失去信心(courage=勇气) disappoint使失望disunite使分裂 displease 使不高兴 disburden解除的负担(burden负担)7、en:en=to put into使置于 en=to make使endanger使遭到危险、危及endangerment enforce实施、执行(force效力) encourage使有勇气、鼓励 endamage 使损坏 ensure保证、使安全 enable使能够 enlarge扩

31、大 enrich使富裕、丰富8、ex、e:ex=out、out of 外 ex=former前的 exit退出/离开(it=to go) exceed超过(ceed=to go) express表达 export出口exhaust耗尽、抽空(haust=to draw抽) eject喷射、驱逐(ject=to throw扔) elect选举(lect=to choose) emit发出(mit=to send) erupt爆发(rupt=to burst爆裂)extend伸展(tend=to stretch) expect期望(spect=to look out,去掉了s)extra额外的 e

32、xclaim呼喊 exist存在(ist=to stand)existence explain解释 extreme尽头的、极端的extremely emote表现感情emotion excite刺激、使兴奋 expand发展、张开、详述 exchange交换、调换、交易 exhibit展览exhibition ex-president前总统 ex-soldier退伍军人 ex-wife前妻 ex-member前成员9、for:for=away离forget忘记 forgive原谅 forbid禁止(bid=命令) 10、fore:fore=front前 fore=beforehand事先 fo

33、refoot前脚 foreword序言 forementioned上述的(mentioned提到的)forefather祖先 forehead前额 forecast预测(cast估计) foresee预知、预见 foretell预言11、in、im: not不 in入 inactive不活跃的、懒散的 incorrect不正确 independent独立(dependent依赖)injustice非正义 insensible 无感觉的insensibility immortal不朽的、永存的incapable无能力的 immoral不道德的 informal非正式的、日常使用的innocent

34、无罪的、天真的 include包括(clude=to shut关) induce引诱(duc=to lead) inhabit居住于inject注射、注入(to throw抛射) inspect检查(spect=to look) invade入侵 import输入importation、importable immigrate从外国移来immigrationinsist坚持 insert插入 infect传染 impel推进、推动 infer推论impress印、给人印象 involve包缠、使卷入 income收入 inside里面12、inter:between在之间 mutual互相 i

35、nterest关心、利益、兴趣interesting interrupt中断(rupt=to break)interruptioninternational国际的(nation国家)internationalism、internationlizeinterpret解释、翻译interchange交换 interview会见、会谈 interconnect使互相联系interact互相作用interaction 13、mis:bad坏 wrongly错误地 misfortune不幸(fortune运气) mistreat虐待(treat对待) mistake误解(take理解) misuse误用

36、、滥用14、non:not不 absence of无 nonstop不停的、直达的 nonsmoker不抽烟者 nonhuman非人类的 nonsense胡说(sense道理) nonviolence非暴力 15、ob:toward向 against对着 obey服从(ey=to listen) oblige以誓言、契约等束缚,迫使(lig=to bind束缚)occur出现(cur=to run, ob变成oc) obtain获得(tain=to hold) object反对(ject=to throw扔) offend冒犯(fend=to strike打击,ob变成of)oppose反对(

37、pos=to put,ob变成op)16、out:out出 to surpass超过 outdoor户外的 outstanding杰出的 outside outcome结果 outline大纲、轮廓 outdo超过 outnumber在数量上超过 outfight战胜、击败 17、over: too太、过分 above在之上 overactive过于活跃的 overdo把做得过头 overfull太满的 overhead在头顶上 overfreight超载 overflow溢出、泛滥(flow流)overcome战胜、征服 overturn打翻、颠覆 17、per:through通过 thor

38、oughly彻底地 permit允许(mit=to send) permission perfect 尽善尽美、完美(fect=to make or do做) persist坚持(sist=to stand) persuade说服persuasionperform 表演、执行、完成任务 permanent 永久的18、pre:before先、前、在之前prejudge过早判断(judge判断) prepay预付 precede先于、比领先(ced=to go)predict预言(dict=to say) prefer更喜欢(fer=to carry) prejudice偏见(judice=ju

39、dgement判断) prepare预备(pare=to make ready)preside统辖、做会议主席(sid=to sit) president总统pretend假装、自称(tend=to stretch伸展) prevent预防、阻止(vent=to come) present礼物、现在、出席的presence pressure压、强制19、pro:forward前、向前proceed进行(ceed=to go or move) produce生产(duc=to lead or bring引带)product、production、productiveprogress前进(gres

40、s=to go)progression、progressivepromote促进(mot=to move)promotion protect保护(tect=to cover)propose提议、建议(pos=to put)proposal提出、求婚 provide预备、提供prospect展望、盼望(spect=to look) project发射、规划 promise允诺、答应20、re:back回 again再 repel击退(pel=to drive) recede退出 reduce使降级、减少reductionregress回归(gress=to go) reject丢掉、抛弃(jec

41、t=to throw) reward报酬、奖金 relieve减轻、解除(live=to raise举高)relief repay偿还 recover恢复 reborn再生的 reappear再出现 remove移动 recognize认出 record记录、报告 request请求 rescue营救 retell重讲remain保持 replace代替 reputation reserve保存 reunite再结合 revolution 革命research 研究 represent表现、回忆、象征 respect尊重 remind 提醒 reporter记者21、sub、suf、sug、s

42、up:under下面subject使服从(ject=to throw) suffer遭受、经历(fer=to bear) suggest提议(gest=to bring) support支撑(port=to carry) subway地下铁路sudden突然的(den=to go) suddenly suspect怀疑(spect=to look)suspicion、suspicious22、trans:across超过、over过transfer转移、传递(fer=to bear) translate翻译(lat=to carry) transmit传送(mit=to send)tradit

43、on传统(dit=to give) transform运输 transplant移植23、un:not不、lack of无unable不会的、无能力的 unconscious不知道的(conscious自觉的) unknown未知的unwilling不愿意的(willing愿意的) unreasonably不讲道理地(reasonably合情合理地)unemployment失业(employment就业) unreal不真实的 unlike不相同的 unkind不和善的 unknown不知道的 unspoken unfortunate不幸的(二) 后缀篇1、able:能被的、可被的adjustable可调节的 exchangeable可交换的 movable可移动的 credible 可信的 adaptable可适应的 terrible可怕的 visible可见的 comfortable舒适的2、al:的、像的、有性质的national民族的 industrial工业的 mental内心的 oral口述的 arrival到达culture文化的 personal个人的 logical逻辑的 formal形式上的 musical音乐的physical物理学的 real真实的 royal王室的 social社会的 mater


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