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1、Longman welcome to English 1A-4A 单词句子闯关大赛1A 重点单词 I. 中译英1. 爸爸 2. 笔袋 3. 嘴巴 4. 棕色 5. 哥哥 6. 橡皮 7. 朋友 8. 机器人 9. 黑色 10.书写11. 晚上 12. 白色 13.紫色 14. 橘色 15. 下午 16. 早上 17. 教师节 18. 学生 II. 根据首字母填空。1. Is he your f_? -No, he is my brother. 2. My m_ is a housewife. She works at home.3. I have lots of t_. Come to my

2、home and play with me!4. Can I borrow(借) your pencil s_? I want to sharpen my pencil.5. Look, Mary and Sally are twins. Sally is the little s_. 6. -What is your n_? Im John.7. People eat with their m_, see with their e_ and listen with their e_.8. Dont eat too much! Youll be f_.9. Tom is 2cm t_ than

3、 Peter. He is 160cm. 10. I want to w_a letter to my pen pal(笔友).1B 重点单词I. 中译英1. 兔子2. 仓鼠3. 橱柜4. 动物 5. 教师节6. 大象7. 睡觉8. 踢足球 9. 连衣裙10. 短裙11. 长裤 12. 乌龟 13. 衬衫 14. 骑自行车 15. (单脚)跳 16. 牛仔裤 17. 企鹅 18. 十五 _II. 根据首字母填空。1. “Carrot” is a kind of plant. “Panda” is a kind of a_. 2. Can you count to t_? - Of course

4、, 1 2 3 4 20. Good job!3. Nine plus ten is e_.- No, its nineteen.4. T_ is between twelve and f_.5. It lives in the south pole. Its black and white. Its a cute p_!6. We should r_ on the road.7. 2016 is the year of the M_.8. Where are my s_? My feet are cold.III 根据提示回答句子。1.- _- There are five hippos.2

5、. Where are the plates? (在橱柜里面)_3. _ No, they arent. They are on the chair.4. What are these? (狮子)_2A重点单词I. 中译英1. 操场 2. 爬树 3. 害怕 4. 男警察 5. 家庭主妇 6. 在草地上走 7. 女服务员 8. 制造噪音9. 乘坐迷你巴士 10. 火车 11.医生 12. 摘花 13. 游泳池 14. 网球场 15. 厕所_II 根据提示回答句子。1. -How do you come to school? (回答:走路去)2 -_? - I live in Wuhan. 3.

6、-_-My English teacher is Mr. Lee.4._? /_?-He is a waiter.5-_? -I work in a fire station.III 找出至少6个单词csmalLzdaycoliaoskfeoaponuhdrowsitwiouaprgrasSmpilwowieaegdn2B 重点单词I. 中译英1. 奶酪 2. 甜的 3. 巧克力糖 4. 整理客厅 5. 洗脸刷牙 6. 写作业7. 吃早餐 8. 扫地9. 去滑冰10. 铺床 11.摆桌子 12.洗澡13.洗碗 14. 洗碗 15. 去骑车 16.篮球 17. 羽毛球 18. 网球_II. 根据

7、首字母填空。1. Do not w_ the flowers too much. They will die(枯萎,死去)2. Tomorrow is the weekend. So today is S_.3. S_ is the first day of a week.4. W_ is the day after Tuesday, 5. Hamburger is my f_ food.6. The room isnt clean. Please t_ it.7. I have to finish my h_, then I can play computer games.8. I ofte

8、n help my mom w_ the dishes on the weekend.9. W_ do you do on Monday? I often play basketball,10. I g_up at 7:00a.mIII 根据提示或要求回答句子。1. ?-No, he doesnt like fish2. ?-Yes, there is some butter. .3. _?/_?-Its seven oclock.4. Whats in the cupboard? (一些盘子和刀叉)5. -How do you help at home? -I sweep the floor

9、. (换主语为your sister)_57-.What does John do on Mondays?(回答:骑车)_3A重点单词I. 中译英星期一-日。_一月-十二月_四季:_1. 皮夹2. 送礼物3. 季节4. 柔软的5. 去公园6. 戴围巾7.赏烟花 8. 粗糙的9. 吃月饼10. 得红包 11. 第五 12. 第四 13. 第二 14. 第三 15. 第二十 16.第二十九 17. 第十二 18. 第三十一 19. 在沙滩上走20. 温暖 21. 多云22. 吃火锅23. 照相机24. 扶手椅25. 光滑的 26.垫子_III 根据提示或要求回答句子。1. -_?/_? -Its

10、cold and windy in winter2. _? -We eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.3. -When is the school picnic? (回答:9月2日)_;4. -_-The canyons are thirty-nine dollars.5. (翻译: 你喜欢在海滩边做什么?)_?-I like collecting shells. 3B重点单词I. 中译英 (动词用过去式)1. 图书馆 2. 生病3. 渴 4. 夹克衫5. 烧水6. 捡垃圾7. 骑自行车8. 野餐 9. 见朋友10.去远足11. 弹钢琴12. 吃点心

11、13. 体重 14. 跳水 15. 累 16. 去电影院 17. 看电影 18. 身高_II 根据提示或要求回答句子。1. - Where is the art room, please?(回答:在二楼右边) _2. -Was reading fun? (作肯定回答) _3. -_? -Yes ,she cooked the lunch.4. -_? -Yes, they were helpful.5. -_? - We ate dim sum last week. 6. -How tall were you last year? (回答:125cm)_7. -_? -Im 27 kg. 4A

12、重点单词I. 中译英 (动词用过去式)II 根据提示或要求回答句子。89. -What do you like doing in your spare time? -I like swimming, reading and listening to music.90. -Lets play table tennis this weekend.91. -I dont like playing table tennis either.92. -Do you ever tidy your room? -Yes, I usually tidy my room.93. -Does she ever su

13、rf the Net?- No, she never surf the Net.94. -Was there any cola when you were young, Grandma? -Yes, there was.95. -Were there any comics when you were young, Grandpa?-No, there werent.96. -How was life 500 years ago?97. -What did people wear? -Most people wore cotton clothes. Some people wore silk c

14、lothes.98. -How did people travel?Most people walked or rode horses. Rich people travelled by sedan chair.Some people travelled by boat.99. -The horse, the camel and the giraffe are tall. -The camel is taller than the horse. -The giraffe is the tallest.100. -The panda, the hippo and the elephant are

15、 heavy. -The hippo is heavier than the panda. -The elephant is the tallest.101. -The horse has a long neck -The camel has a longer neck than the horse. -The giraffe has the longest neck.102. -We visited some interesting places. -The villages were more interesting than the temples. -The islands were

16、the most interesting.301.readreading 阅读 302.paintpainting 图画 303.dancedancing 跳舞 304.roller skate-roller skating滚轴溜冰305.jogjogging跑步 306.swimswimming 游泳 307.playplaying chess 下跳棋 308.listenlistening to music 听音乐 309.spare time休闲时间 310.look after your pets 照顾宠物 311.go to bed early 早睡 312.tidy your ro

17、om 打扫房间 out 吃光 314.get up late 起床晚了 the Net 网上冲浪 316.cola 可乐 food 快餐 318.chewing gum口香糖 ics 漫画书 320.clock 钟 321.air cons 空调322 .mobile phones 移动电话323.cotton clothes 棉质衣物 clothes 丝质衣物325. horse 马326. sedan chair 轿子327.silver and gold 银合金328. paper money纸币329. village

18、 村庄330. town 小镇331. camel 骆驼332.giraffe 长颈鹿 owl一只猫头鹰334. peacock 孔雀 eagle 一只鹰336. heavy 重的,沉的337.panda 熊猫338. hippo 河马 elephant 一只大象340.rabbit 兔子341.rat 小老鼠342. mouse 老鼠 343.village 村庄 344.island 岛屿 345.crocodile 鳄鱼 346.snake 蛇347.tiger 老虎 348.a camel trip 一次骆驼之旅 349.a boat trip 一次行船之旅350.a helicopter trip一次直升机之旅351.river 河352.waterfall 瀑布353.cave 山洞


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