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1、必修4单词与短语 Module 1【单词】1. brick n. 2. concrete n.3. mudn.4. alternativeadj.5. crimen.6. predictionn.7. riskyadj.8. resourcen.(usu.pl)9. materialn.10. relyv.11. solaradj.12. urbanadj.13. loadv.14. arrestv.15. criminaln.16. firev.17. limitn.(usu.pl)18. outdoorsadv19. onlineadv.20. catalogn.21. commandn.

2、22. recreationn.23. chargen.24. powerv.25. flickv.26. switchn. ;v.27. surgeryn.28. outpatientn.29. clinicn.30. disabilityn.31. attachv.32. spaceportn.33. optimisticadj.34. dishwashern.35. definitelyadv.36. eventuallyadv.37. colonyn.38. predictv.39. shapev.40. padn.41. doormatn.【短语】1. run out2. for s

3、ure3. rely on4. get rid of5. free of charge6. use up7. look out8. for a start9. on the way out10. arrest sb for sth11. loadwith12. place an order with sb for sth13. carry out14. attach A to B15. in space16. be optimistic about17. be pessimistic about18. in progress19. at birth必修4单词与短语Module 2【单词】1.

4、trolleybusn.2. wiren.3. suburbanadj.4. displayv.5. cabn.6. permitn. 7. receiptn8. faren.9. air-conditionedadj.10. limitv.11. destinationn.12. impressiveadj.13. routen.14. providev.15. convenientadj.16. pedalv17. singlen.18. returnn.19. explorev.20. roadworkn.(usu.pl)21. blowv.22. hornn.23. reactv.24

5、. solutionn.25. moodn26. congestionn.27. registrationn.【短语】1. be connected to2. be/get stuck in3. in no time4. get around5. be under construction6. switch off7. keep cool8. no way9. matchwith10. be worth doing11. drive sb mad12. suffer from13. whats more14. by means of15. the rush hour16. even thoug

6、h必修4单词与短语Module 3【单词】1. communicationn.2. communicatev.3. unconsciousadj.;4. varyv.5. formaladj.6. aggressiveadj. 7. traditionallyadv.8. weaponn.9. gesturen.10. threatening adj.11. dealn.12. involvev.13. slightlyadv.14. foreheadn.15. bowv.16. informaladj.17. youthn.18. palmn.19. spreadv.20. slapv.21

7、. consciousadj.22. anklen.23. eyebrown.24. lipn.25. wristn.26. bendv.27. hugv.28. starev.29. wipev.30. religionn.31. hostn.32. toastn.33. sipn.34. blankadj.35. panicv.36. rudeadj37. invitationn.38. requestn.39. favorn.40. liveadj.41. performance.n.42. performern.43. classicaladj.44. applausen.45. ju

8、dgment n.46. prolongv.47. equalityn.48. handclapn.49. socialadj.50. infectiousadj.51. funeraln.【短语】1. on guard2. make a deal 3. hold up4. give away5. lift up6. up and down7. by accident8. say hello to9. switch on10. communicate sth with sb11. be/get involved in12. be conscious of13. stare at14. intr

9、oduce A to B15. in the distance16. think of17. more than18. propose/drink/make a toast to19. ask a favor of sb20. on earth21. in competition with必修4单词与短语Module 4【单词】1. biologyn.2. botanyn.3. geneticsn.4. zoologyn.5. stapleadj.6. producern.7. leadingadj.8. figuren.9. educatev.10. nicknamen.11. agricu

10、lturen.12. breedingn.13. speciesn 14. yieldn.15. originaladj.16. publishv.17. sterileadj.18. breakthroughn.19. supportv.20. productionn.21. convertv.22. cash cropn.23. exportv.24. hybridn. 25. agriculturaladj. 26. replacev.27. quantityn.28. qualityn.29. best-sellern.30. diagnosev.31. victimn.32. bri

11、lliantadj.33. careern.34. briefadj.35. partlyadv.36. physicaladj.37. graduatev.38. personaladj.39. relativityn.40. rocketn.41. millenniumn.42. gunpowdern.43. explodev.44. escapev.45. arrown.46. straightadj.47. clearv.【短语】1. bring up2. as a result of3. be known for4. earn ones living5. come to power6

12、. bring in7. be converted to8. cash crop9. transforminto10. by accident11. be at war with12. be at peace with13. be attached to14. in the direction of 必修4单词与短语Module 5【单词】1. caven.2. peakn.3. plainn.4. plateaun.5. shoren.6. slopen.7. valleyn.8. woodn.(usu.pl)9. flatadj.10. surroundv.11. colleaguen.

13、12. downstreamadv.13. goodsn.14. tradev.15. templen.16. dockn.17. hillyadj.18. raftn.19. narrowv.20. detourn.21. legendn.22. deckn.23. distantadj.24. exploitv.25. cruisen.26. cabinn.27. forbidv.28. loungen.29. mountainousadj.30. immenseadj.31. fertileadj. 32. remoteadj.33. steepadj.34. variedadj.35.

14、 spotn.36. viewn.37. pinn.38. naturallyadv.39. torchn.【短语】1. at the edge of2. at least3. be heavy with4. rip off5. get a kick out of6. be surrounded by7. have four days off8. be allowed to do9. be required to do10. That sounds fine.必修4单词与短语Module 6【单词】1. monstern.2. attackv.3. footprintn.4. hairyadj

15、.5. frighteningadj.6. creaturen7. greyadj.8. clawn.9. existv.10. sharpadj.11. nailn.12. journaln.13. sightingn.14. mysteriousadj.15. claimv.16. surfacen.17. hornn.18. divev.19. calmadj.20. skepticaladj.21. unlikelyadj.22. volcanicadj.23. coverv.)24. adaptv.25. disappearv.26. extinctadj.27. evolvev.2

16、8. fierceadj.29. destructionn.30. generousadj.;31. unpredictableadj.32. emperorn.33. roben.34. reputationn.35. bordern.36. positiveadj.37. indicatev. 38. identityn.39. mythn.40. fortunen.【短语】1. die out2. throw light on 3. come straight to the point4. due to5. stick to6. go close to7. get a clear look at8. claim to have done9. dive into10. be unlikely to do11. in places12. no longer13. adapt to14. grow out of15. be related to


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