How to motivate students in English teaching英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、How to motivate students in English teaching1. IntroductionWith the coming of the new century, the technology and economy will have their fast and stable development. During such a special time, English-the international language may become more and more important. Now that English has such a great

2、effect at home and abroad, we should try our best to study it well. However, in the fact, most of students could not pay their attention to the English study, and whats worse, they have no interest in English, because in their minds, English is boring and difficult. About this situation, in my opini

3、on, one of the reasons is the teachers teaching method is monotonous, so the lesson can not get the students attention. But as we all know that English does have so important position in the world, therefore, for the English learners or lovers, learn English well will become a necessary question tha

4、t cannot be neglected. This paper provides with some skills to that who have the difficulties in English, and then helps them to learn it easily. I hope these methods could be put into effect and get the practical function.2. To Arouse Students Interest in EnglishIt is well known that , in the proce

5、ss of learning, “Interest is the best teacher”. Most of students are unwilling to study English and believe that English is very boring and difficult for them to learn, the most probable and key reason is that they have lost their interest in English study. Therefore , as a good English teacher, the

6、 first thing is to motivate students interest of learning. From the past to the present, majority of teachers who are successful in teaching. There is no doubt that their lessons can attract the students and the students would like to listen to their lessons happily, So, to motivate students desire

7、to learn English, we should do as follows:2.1 Introduce Students to Think Actively There is an old saying: “Learning is derived from thinking, thinking is derived from doubt.” Once you have the doubts, you can get the conflict of the reality and reorganizations, then to arouse the students violent d

8、esire to study, and make a further progress to light the fire of thinking and consideration. The better way is to integrate with the textbook, to make some useful questions, and let the students mind full of doubts to fall into the new lesson. In this way, not only can arouse the interest of the stu

9、dents, but also can inspire the thinking of students, then to make a full development of the students learning activity. The teacher can order students to read the text quickly with their own questions, and have a competition for questions. At last, the teacher can give the remaining content success

10、fully. 2.2 Generate the Context, Prompt the Students Curiosity and Train the Students AbilityTo generate the context of questions, inspire the desire to search is a most important way to cultivate the students ability of learning. Teaching is a kind of art, the charming of art is passion. Passion is

11、 good for the communication of teacher and students. Teachers should be good at using communication of passion , to create the context , then to arouse their interest and curiosity. Interest is the best teacher, it can induce students to learn to thinking, make students think actively and are good a

12、t thinking. As regards to the specific lesson, the teacher could divide students into several groups, each student has different character in the play, meanwhile, teacher also could use some kinds of objects and some sentences that are related to the text to express the central idea of the text, the

13、n to make a connection between text knowledge and realistic life. Give some proper comments according to the performance of the students, to reach the purpose of urging students to have the ability of mastering their knowledge. 2.3 Use some Games ,Songs and Other Amusements to Motivate the Students

14、Need of Learning Games and songs both are the popular activities of the students. About these items, they always show their strong interest, without boring and tiredness. If teachers connect the content of learning in the process of teaching English, carry out the method of playing during the study,

15、 and studying during the play, put the behavior of learning knowledge into the amusement, then the students will not feel bored, So the teacher should be good at thinking and observing, to face all the students and then let the students get the realization in the researching, get the discovery in th

16、e realization, and then get the discovery in the creation. I think it is a very effective way for the students to learn actively.2.4 Make Some Contests, and Then Make the Students Get the Interest of StudyMost situations are that almost all the students have the willing to get the progress, especial

17、ly under the condition that the competition of the market economy, the consciousness to rivalry becomes more and more violent. I think to put the rivalry to the English teaching will be a good and effective form. Do some contests, such as: reciting, writing, and making a speech and so on. The one th

18、at is the highest or higher or high mark will get some little presents as rewards. The students are willing to participate, to be the number one, and to study while an appropriate contest in the class. With this method, the teacher can call for all the students interests of learning.2.5 Make Some Di

19、aloguesGenerally speaking, students are tired of the boring content of the text. In order to urge them to understand the text or passage well, the teacher can let the students make some dialogues on the spot according to the text or passage. In this way, the students can get the central points of th

20、e whole text or the important passage. No matter how old the students are, as long as he or she is a student, he or she usually wants to have a funny class. Making a dialogue also can arouse students to join into the class happily and also the students are easy to concentrate themselves on the whole

21、 teaching.3. Help Students to Set up Their Confidence, and Make a Clear Concept of the Aim of StudyTo learn English, you must have a clear and exact aim, so that you can have the strong motivation of study. As long as the students get the clear and specific consciousness of the reason why they shoul

22、d learn English well, the students can transfer from the passive to the active, from the blindness to the self-awareness. Some expert pointed out that every normal person has the potential of learning the language well. Now it is a transient thing that they have failed in English. I think one of the

23、 reasons is that they have not mastered the method to learn English effectively, and also lack of the advantage of language and self-confidence is not enough. So it is an essential thing to inspire the self-esteem and self-help of the students and then ask them to exert and master the exact method t

24、hen to insist on it. Once students clarify their purposes, they can create the strong motivation of study, then to develop their best potential English.4. Respect Students, Give More Encouragement, and Generate the Democratic AtmosphereIt is testified by the practice that only in the free and relaxi

25、ng situation, the potential creativity of the people can de developed fully. Therefore to motivate students in the English teaching, the teacher should be close to students, respect students, and understand students, put the passion into the students passion, try the utmost effort to communicate wit

26、h the students passion,and do the utmost effort to communicate with the students passion, and try the teachers best to generate a free and democratic environment of the class. Meanwhile the teacher let the students remaining the best state of study under the condition that the students are in the re

27、laxing, pleasure and harmonious context. In order to make students have a good state of study, the teacher should give the students less condemnation and more encouragement in this way, the students can concentrate on activities of learning creation. In the English teaching, the teacher should comme

28、nt students exactly from the point of view of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, confirm the students progress with the conception of development, encourage students to go on working hard sincerely, and say some cheerful words. And meanwhile the teacher can let some students whose mark is no

29、t too high and not too low to do some moderate levels of difficulty of dialogues, to answer some moderate levels of difficulty of questions, or do some moderate difficulty of exercises on the blackboard, then the teacher gives some timely . And additionally, the teacher can write several encouraging

30、 sentences on the students book of homework. If done as this, it could encourage students to make progress step by step, and also can set up their confidence to learn English well.5. Tell Some Skills about Reciting English WordsTo the majority of the students, one of the difficulties is to recite th

31、e English words, they cannot remember the meaning of the word, and so they will lose heart to learn English. If the teacher taught some skills to make students remember the words easily, they will set up their confidence to study English. For example, the teacher can tell students use the phonetic m

32、emory method. I think it is a useful and effective way to master the words, or to remember two words together, which have opposite meaning or to create some specific contexts to explain the words, also the teacher can use the specific objects. As long as the students know the words, they will spend

33、much time on studying it. The more time they spend, the more interest they will have. And as a result, to study English will become a good habit of them; finally they could make a big progress in English learning.6. Other Ways to Attract Students to Study EnglishLet students read some English storie

34、s, see some classic English movies, or collect some old English sayings; all these can help students to have the interest in English searching. Another, to know some culture about English development also has its function. The students can read some English jokes, not only can adjust their mood but

35、also can learn something from it. And the teacher also can let students keep the English diary and get into the habit of it. All the ways that have been mentioned above, in my opinion, are the good ways to motivate students to study English, further to like the English. In a word, if the teacher use

36、s kinds of good methods, and makes the class more active, gives the students more encouragement and confirmation instead of criticism and press ion, and respect the students personality, then the students would have more confidence and interest to learn English because interest is the key to the suc

37、cess and the best teacher.7. Try to make a good relationship between teacher and studentsThe students mark has been affected by many elements, surely including the relationship between teacher and students. To some extent, the student like the teacher or not really has something to do with their Eng

38、lish grade. If the student hated their English teacher, he or she certainly lost his or her interesting to study the subject. So it is sure to have the result of getting the low English mark. The longer the time past, the worse the result will be if remaining such condition. On the contrary, if the

39、students liked the English teacher, although the students are not interested in English, he or she will like learning English gradually, because the students like the teacher, this point can cultivate their interesting to the English.Besides, anxiety is one of the most serious problems among student

40、s; it can deprive of students interest in learning English and influent their performances. As we know, speaking in the public without additional training is the most horrible experience that makes the students anxious. Even though they are quite good at drilling or giving prepared speeches, anxiety

41、 really influences students performance, and then cause them to have difficulties in discriminating sounds and structures, or in figuring out them to answer the question that they might know the answers, they are anxious and nervous, then they would reply nothing, and they just feel embarrassed and

42、frustrated. Therefore, setting up a good relationship between teachers and students is the best way to arouse students interest in class. “Take it easy, Take your time, dont be afraid of making any mistakes, Have another try”and so on, such sentences can encourage students and can give them confiden

43、ce. In such cases students will feel real progress, get the sense of satisfaction and at last inspire the stronger desire for English learning.As the old saying goes, “close to the teachers then love learning”. The students interests are related to their teacher. If they admire a teacher, they would

44、 fancy the lesson, and then have the interest in learning English. In the teaching, “love” is very important; it is the key to success. Therefore, we should love our students heart and soul.待添加的隐藏文字内容38. ConclusionAs all of us know the importance about English study,Thus we should try our best to le

45、arn it well. The above methods are mainly about those students who are not interested in English. It is believed that the most essential thing to learn English well is to cultivate the students interest and activity, to let students learn English actively but not passively, because learning English

46、actively is the best way to improve the English ability and English level and also can effect the perfect result. Motivation is the one hand. On the other hand, just as what we have referred. Here I want to point this onethe relationship between teacher and students. No doubt that the good relations

47、hip can help students to study English well, oppositely the bad relationship will create the side effect, so this point should not be ignored. Maybe there are also many ways to motivate students in English teaching that we did not mentioned above, but I hope what I have written will really give some

48、 useful information to the English teacher or English learner. In a word, do your utmost to study English well, as long as you pay attention to it and cherish it, and then you will get the good harvest because it is your fruit of hard working.Reference 1龚春燕,林允舒,扬勇. 魏书生教育艺术 .漓江出版社, 1989年.2高红梅. 发挥学生主体

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