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1、人教版新目标八年级(下)第1单元第1课时学案Unit 1Will people have robots?Section A (1a2c) 【学习目标】1、学习并掌握以下单词或短语:will; wont (=will not); robot(s); everything; paper (不可数); fewer (few的比较级); tree(s)2、学习并掌握“一般将来时态的概念、构成和用法”。【重点难点】1、教学重点:学习并掌握“一般将来时态的概念、构成和用法”。2、教学难点:学会运用一般将来时态,谈论将来要发生的事情。【新知预习】根据所给汉语提示完成单词。1. A _ (机器人) can h

2、elp people do the housework.2. _ (每件东西) is ready now.3. I need two big pieces of _ (纸).4. There will be _ (更少的) cars in 100 years.5. _ (污染) makes fish die (死亡) in the river. 6. There are more and more _ (树木) in our country.【课堂探究】一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。一般将来时的肯定式为“助动词will + 动词原形”,否定

3、式为“will + not”,其疑问式是“把will置于主语前”。Will没有人称和数的变化。常与表示将来的时间状语tomorrow, next week, in the future, in five years等连用。will在名词或代词后常缩略为ll,will not 常缩略为 wont。请体验:1. He _ _ (come) over to our school next week. (动词填空)2. He _ _ (come) over to our school next week. (把第1题变成否定句)3. _ he _ over to our school next wee

4、k? (把第1题变为一般疑问句)4. _ _ he come over to our school? (根据第1题划线部分提问)【达标练习】一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。1.Cities _ _ (be) very clean in the future.2. We _ _ (study) at home on computers in 100 years.3. There _ _ (be) only one country in the world in 100 years.4. Because there is less _ (pollute), our hometown

5、becomes more and more beautiful.5. I can do it with _ (few) people and _ (little) money. 6. There will be _ (many) cars than before. 二、按括号内要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. There will be more free time next term. (变为否定句)There _ _ more free time next term.2. People will live to be 200 years old. (变为一般疑问句)_ people _ t

6、o be 200 years old?3. She will come to see me in a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ will she come to see you? 4. He will play soccer this weekend. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ this weekend?5. I disagree with you. (变为同义句) I _ _ with you.三、根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。1、人们在家里将拥有机器人。People _ _ in their homes.2、人们将不再用钱,一切东西将免费。People _ _

7、 money. Everything _ _ free.3、人们将会活到200岁。People _ _ to be 200 years old.4、100年后将会有更少的污染。There will be _ _ in 100years.【学后反思】_八年级(下)第1单元第2课时学案Unit 1Will people have robots?Section A (3a4) 平邑县兴蒙学校 杜现臣【学习目标】1、学习并掌握以下单词或短语:shell=she will; build v. 建造building n. 建筑物2、学习并掌握“一般将来时态的用法”。 1) 行为动词的一般将来时“主语 +

8、will + 动词原形 + 将来时间” 2)“There be 结构”的一般将来时“There will + be + 主语 + 将来时间”【重点难点】1、教学重点:学习并掌握“一般将来时态的概念、构成和用法”。2、教学难点:学会运用一般将来时态,谈论将来要发生的事情。【新知预习】用build的适当形式填空。1. My family _(build) a big and nice house last year.2. The workers _ _ (build) a tall apartment now. 3. I think there will be more tall _(build)

9、 in the city of tomorrow.【课堂探究】我们学习过一般现在时态(表示经常性或习惯性的动作)、一般过去时态(表示在过去某个时间发生的动作),本单元我们又学习一般将来时(表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态)。对于这三种时态的构成和用法,你能正确比较吗? 先“动词填空”,再“翻译成汉语”,最后“判断时态”。1. Five years ago, Tom _ (be) in primary school. He_ (play) soccer.翻译:_ 时态:_2. Today, Tom _ (be) in high school. He _ (play) basketball

10、.翻译:_ 时态:_3. In five years, Tom _ (be) in college. He _ (play) tennis.翻译:_ 时态:_【达标练习】一、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空,每空一词。1.Sally _ (have) a toy cat when she was young.2.Today, Sally _ (have) a lovely dog. 3.In ten years, Sally _ _ (have) a lovely baby.4. There _ (be) lots of big trees here ten years ago.5. There

11、 _ (be) a new factory here at the moment.6. There _ _ (be) a new beautiful park here in ten years.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。1. There will be more tall _ (build) in the city of tomorrow.2. There will be _ (few) cars and _ (many) buses in the future. 3. I think there will be _ (little) pollution and _ (m

12、uch) free time in 100 years.4. Sally _ (be) a doctor in five years.5. She _ (can) play tennis when she was in primary school.三、按括号中所给的要求完成句子。1. There will be a new subject next term. (变为一般疑问句,并作出肯答和否答)_ there _ a new subject next term? Yes, there _. / No, there _. 2. Sally will play tennis in ten ye

13、ars. (变为否定句) Sally _ _ tennis in ten years.3. Jim will be a pianist when he grows up. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ when he grows up?4. Lucy will have a baby in three years. (对划线部分提问) _ _ will she have a baby?5. I am visiting the Great Lakes for vacation. (变为同义句)I _ _ the Great Lakes for vacation.【学后反思】_八年级(下

14、)第1单元第3课时学案Unit 1Will people have robots?Section B (1a2c) 平邑县兴蒙学校 杜现臣【学习目标】1、学习并掌握以下单词或短语:(an) astronaut n 宇航员;rocket (s) n. 火箭;space n.(不可数) 太空;空间;space station太空站;(the) moon n.月球(the sun 太阳/the earth 地球)fly v.飞行flies(三单)flying (现在分词)flew (过去式)take v.乘坐;花费;带takes(三单)taking(现分)took(过去式)2、学习并掌握一般将来时态

15、的用法。【重点难点】1、教学重点:学习并掌握本课单词或短语。2、教学难点:学会运用一般将来时态,谈论将来要发生的事情。【新知预习】1、一名宇航员_ _ 2、火箭_ 3、太空站 _ _ 4、月球_ 5、飞行_ 6、take (过去式)_ 【课堂探究】我们学习过一般现在时态(表示经常性或习惯性的动作)、一般过去时态(表示在过去某个时间发生的动作)和一般将来时(表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态)。对于这三种时态的构成和用法,你能正确理解和使用吗?1. I _ (live) in an old house when I was young and I _ (walk) to school.2.

16、 Today, I _ (live) in an apoartment. I _ (take) the bus to school.3. I _ _ (be) an astronaut when I grow up. I _ _ (fly) rockets to the moon. I _ _ (live) on a space station. 【达标练习】一、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,每空一词。1.I _ (live) in a far mountain countryside ten years ago.2. I _ (live) in a busy town now.3. I _

17、 (live) in a big beautiful city in 10 years.4. My father _ (walk) to school 20 years ago.5. I often _ (ride) my bike to school now. 6 I _ (take) the train to go to the university in 5 years.二、根据句意和所给首字母完成单词。1. I will be an a_ like Yang Liwei when I grow up.2. The room is too crowded. There is no s_

18、for you.3. Astronauts work on s_ stations.4. The m_ goes around the earth. The moon travels round the sun.5. Fish can swim in the sea and a bird can f_ in the sky.6. How time f_! The term will be over soon.7. It t_ him half an hour to do homework last night.三、单项选择。1. The earth is a lot bigger than _

19、 moon. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. _ astronaut often works on a space station. A. A B. An C. The D. / 3. I _ rackets to the moon in the future. A. fly B. flies C. flew D. will fly 4.She _ the train to work last week. A. take B. takes C. took D. will take5. He is a computer programmer. And I _ an astron

20、aut. A. am B. was C. will be6. We _ to a new big apartment next year. A. move B. are going to move C. moved【学后反思】_八年级(下)第1单元第4课时学案Unit 1Will people have robots?Section B (3a4)平邑县兴蒙学校 杜现臣【学习目标】1、学习并掌握以下单词或短语:fall v. 落下;跌倒;fell (过去式);fall in love with 爱上;alone adv.单独地;pet n.宠物;parrot n.鹦鹉;probably adv

21、.或许;go skating 去滑冰;suit n. 一套衣服;able adj.能 be able to (=can) do sth.有能力做某事;dress v.穿衣;casually adv.随意地;even adv. 甚至;which pron. 哪个;哪几个 the World Cup 世界杯2、学习并掌握一般将来时态的用法。【重点难点】1、教学重点:学习并掌握本课单词或短语。2、教学难点:学会运用一般将来时态,谈论将来要发生的事情。【新知预习】一、根据括号里的要求写出下列单词的其相应形式。1. fall (过去式) _ 2. probable (副词) _ 3. casual (副

22、词) _ 4. pet (复数) _5. dress (第三人称单数) _ 6.can (同义短语)_二、英汉互译。1、爱上_ _ _ _ 2. 去滑冰_ _3. 有能力做某事_ _ _ 4. 世界杯_ _ _【课堂探究】be able to和can 都表示“能够做某事”,属于同义,但是它们也有不同之处:1)can没有人称和数的变化;be able to有人称和数的变化。2)can只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态的变化;be able to有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时等多种时态的变化。1. I can play the guitar.(改为同义句) I _ _ _ play the

23、guitar.2. She can do it alone.(改为同义句)She _ _ _ do it alone.3.I could swim when I was 8.(改为同义句)I _ _ _ swim when I was 8.4. She _ _ (be) able to fly rackets to the moon when she grows up. (动词填空)【达标练习】一、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ _ (buy) a new apartment next year.2. She _ _ (be) an artist when she grows u

24、p. 3. They _ _ (take) the train to Harbin tomorrow.4. She _ _ (be) a reporter in 10 years.5. There _ _ (be) a tall building near here next year.6. Kate _ _ (have) many different pets in10 years.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1David came to China last year and _ (fall) in love with it. 2.Lin Wei _ (write) a long let

25、ter last night.3. The boy is old enough _ (dress) himself.4. The woman bought two nice _ (dress).5. I am a _ (casual) man. I like to dress _ (casual).6. I will go _ (skate) and swimming every day in ten years.7. This is a _ (probable) result. Brazil will _ (probable) win the World Cup.8. I _ (can) p

26、lay the guitar when I was eight.9. She _ (be) able to fly rackets to the moon one day.10. I _ (be) able to swim at the age of five. 三、根据括号中的要求完成句子。 1. It _ (rain) tomorrow. I wont visit Mount Meng if it _ (rain) . (动词填空)2. The weather will be sunny next week. (提问) _ _ the weather be next week?3. Joe

27、 is a quiet and serious boy. He likes to stay at home a_.(首字母填空) 【学后反思】_八年级(下)第1单元第5课时学案Unit 1Will people have robots?Self Check 平邑县兴蒙学校 杜现臣【学习目标】学习并掌握以下单词或短语:myself pron. (反身代词) 我自己 interview n.面试predict v. prediction n. 预言;预测 came (come过去式) come true(希望等)实现;达到sound n.声音 company n.公司 thought v. (th

28、ink过去式)【重点难点】1、教学重点:学习并掌握本课单词或短语。2、教学难点:学会运用一般将来时态,谈论将来要发生的事情。【新知预习】1.The interviewer will interview me for my job _ (面试). 2. I enjoyed _ (我自己) on the party last night.3. It is difficult to _ (预测) the future.4. There were many famous _ (预测) in the history.5. I hope my good dream will _ _ (实现) one da

29、y. 6. There was no _ (声音) in movies before 1929.7. I _(本以为) she would come to my party. 8. My father has a large computer _ (公司).【课堂探究】反身代词的构成和用法 第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myself我自己yourself 你自己himself他自己herself她自己itself它自己复数ourselves 我们自己yourselves你们自己themselves他/她/它自己1、单数self以结尾,复数以selves结尾(变f为v 加- es)。待添加的隐藏文

30、字内容22、第一、第二人称是“形物 + self / selves”构成: myself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves第三人称是“宾格 + self / selves”构成:himself, herself, itself 3、“by + oneself” 独自地;单独地 用于修饰动词,oneself的具体形式要与主语一致。1) I can do it by _(我自己). (= I can do it alone.) 2) She learned Unit 1 by _ (她自己). (= She taught herself Unit 1.) 4、常用于

31、enjoy, look after, help, teach之后作宾语。如:3) They enjoyed _ (他们自己) in the party.(=had a good time / had fun)4) We can look after _ (我们自己). 5) Help _ (你自己) to some duck. 随便吃些鸭肉!【达标练习】 一、单项选择。1. She works _ a newspaper _ a reporter. A. as; as B. for; for C. as; for D. for; as2. She looks very _ after a lo

32、ng walk. A. tired B. tiring C. tire D. sadly3. The lady always _ a suit. A. puts on B. dresses C. wears D. in4. The kid can _ himself when he was five years. A. put on B. dress C. wear D. in5. My uncle often _ a plane to Beijing to work. A. drives B. rides C. flies D. takes 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。1.

33、 The _ (interview) will interview me for my job _ (interview).2. I can do it by _ (I).3. The boy is old enough dress _(he).4. They enjoyed _ (them) in the party.5. It is difficult to _ (prediction) the future. The _ (predict) will come true.6. I _ (think) she would come to my party. I am wrong. 三、根据

34、句意和首字母完成单词1. A s_ station is a place to live in space.2. C_ will be used to study at home by kids.3. R_ will be in every homes to help do the housework. 4. Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese a_. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. _ (predict) the future can be difficult. 2. Eating too much _ (be) bad for your health.3.

35、The Yellow River is one of the _ (long) rivers in China. 4. The company is one of the largest _ (company) in the world.5. Computers are _ (use) by most people in the world now.【学后反思】_八年级(下)第1单元第6课时学案Unit 1 Do you think you will have your own robots?平邑县兴蒙学校 杜现臣【学习目标】学习并掌握以下单词或短语:strategy n.策略;fiction

36、 n.小说;(un)pleasant adj.使人(不)愉快的;scientist n.科学家(science n.科学);in the future 将来;hundreds of 大量;already adv.已经;made (make) v.让;factory n.工厂;simple adj.简易的;such adj.这样的;bored adj.厌烦的;everywhere adv.到处;human(s)人类;huge adj.巨大的;shape n.外形;earthquake n.地震;snake n.蛇;(im)possible adj.(不)可能的;electric adj.电的;t

37、oothbrush n.牙刷;seem v.好像;housework n.家务;rating n.等级【重点难点】1、教学重点:学习并掌握本课单词或短语。2、教学难点:学会运用一般将来时态,谈论将来要发生的事情。【新知预习】1.She will be a famous _ (科学家) when she grows up.2. There are _ _ (数百名的) students in our school. 3. He has a big _(工厂).4. There are many _ (蛇) in the zoo.5. It _ (好像)that he knows the news. 6. They always _ (使;让) the classroom clean. 【课堂探究】探究1 bored adj.“厌烦的”,与人有关,描述人;boring adj.“令人厌倦的”,与事物有关,描述事物。试用boring或bored填空。1) The job is _. I get _. 这项工作是令人讨厌的。我很厌倦 2) The _ job makes me be _.3) She is a _ woman. 她是一个无聊的女人。探究2 “hundreds of + 名词复数”表示不确切的数目,意为“数以百计的;成百上千的”,其前还可以用som


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